Chapter 3

The Hidden Woods

"I think Moon is cool, Youngmin." Byungjoo happily said as he, Youngmin, and Hansol were walking back to the cabin. Youngmin watched as he skipped by his side. A big smile imprinted on his lips that couldn't help but make the older boy chuckle. "Don't forget what I told you about humans though." He stated. Byungjoo nodded numerous times, "I know. I won't forget." After that short little conversation, the younger boy headed back to his best friend's side. Youngmin could hear the two boys conversing as he walked all by himself.


Kwangmin greeted the three boys as they entered through the doors. As if it was instincts, Youngmin immediately headed over to the side of his younger brother. The boy smiled at his presence. The twins were close. Growing up together, they did everything with one another. Even through dark times, they were there for each other. Helping each other out in all circumstances. They were each other's support. Both not being able to live without the other. After all, they were each other's only family.


"What do you guys want for dinner?" Being the eldest, Youngmin was in charge of taking care of everyone. Which includes making the food. "Can I try making the food today?" Hansol's eyes glistened, showing excitement. Youngmin and Kwangmin stared at the boy with a slightly worried expression. "Can you do it?" Kwangmin titled his head at him. "I'm not that much younger! I can do it! Watch!" Hansol exclaimed. He closed his eyes shut. Focusing on the task, using all he had learned in the past. With a snap of his fingers food appeared on the table. It worked, but not necessarily what he wanted.


Everyone stared at what was now sitting on top of the table. A bowl of ramen. Hansol stared at it in disbelief. He was disappointed in himself. "You made ramen, Hansol! I'm so proud of you!" Youngmin smiled, patting the upset boy on the back. Congratulating him. "But it's so little." He pouted. "Just practice more. I know you'll be able to do it." Kwangmin reassured. The words of his older companions and teachers comforted Hansol, making him feel a lot better. Him and Byungjoo weren't able to do as much things with their powers as Youngmin and Kwangmin could. They could do small things, like make an object appear. Whereas Youngmin and Kwangmin are able to make multiple objects appear at once. The twins were more experience, while the two were still learning. But don't make that seem like they're weak. Being Wizards, they were powerful and could pretty well protect themselves from dangers that may come their way.


"I'll just make the food, ok?" Youngmin smiled. After everyone was in agreement. The boy closed his eyes, and snapped his fingers. The table now filled with delicious food that everyone can enjoy.



Not long after she walked through the portal and entered into their world, Moon was already greeted by a familiar face. "Hi!" the cheerful boy said. His purple hair seemed to glow in the sunlight as he walked up to her. "Hello." Moon smiled. Byungjoo started walking away. Feeling that she was supposed to follow after, that was what she did. As they entered into the cabin, the first person Moon saw was one of the twins. "Hi Kwangmin." She waved at the tall boy. Not even giving her a glance, he walked away with no answer. Treating it as if she wasn't even there. Seeing one twin, meant the other wasn't far away. And that was the case. "Hello Youngmin." The older twin nodded at the girl. He didn't answer her, but at least he did something.


"Why don't the twins seem to like me?" Moon asked the two boys. They were currently sitting outside. The smells and sounds of nature surrounded them. "Cause you're a human." Hansol stated as he glanced over to Byungjoo. "We're not even supposed to have any interactions with humans." Byungjoo continued as he made an apple appear in his hand. Moon stared at him in fascination as he ate the apple he just made appear before remembering there was a conversation going on.


"What about me then? Why are you talking to me?" she asked in curiosity. "Kwangmin doesn't support it. He doesn't want you here. Youngmin is ok with it as long as you don't cause any problems." Byungjoo explained. Moon nodded in understanding. She had more questions to ask them. But she feared it would annoy them.


"Want one?" Byungjoo asked. Moon watched as the boy made another apple appear in his hand. "Thank you." she replied. As she received the fruit, she stared at it. It was such a pretty colour and it looked delicious. A sense of curiosity hit her. Wondering if it would taste different from the ones she was used to consuming at home. She took a bite and could hear the sound of the apple's crunch echo in her ear. It tasted similar to what they would call it, the human apple.


After finishing the apple, Moon took out her phone to see if anyone had been looking for her. As she scrolled through her messages, Byungjoo and Hansol noticed what she was holding. Their eyes widened at the electronic that was in her hands. "What's that?" Hansol asked. "My cell phone." Moon replied. She locked her phone and set it down so she could focus on the two guys sitting in front of her. "What's... a cell phone?" Byungjoo questioned. He stared at it with confusion. "Um, a device in which you can communicate with people." Her answer seemed to really surprise them. They both exchanged glances before staring back at her. "That is what humans use to communicate? Can I see it?" Byungjoo's eyes glistened in curiosity. Moon was a bit surprise they didn't know what a cell phone was. But at the same time, did she really expect Wizards to use cell phones?


As they examined the device in their hands, they looked so interested and engaged into it. "What do you guys use to communicate then?" Moon asked. "Our minds." Hansol explained. Byungjoo nodded in agreement as he handed the cell phone back to her. Then there was a moment of silence before the hyper boy said something again. "There! I just told Youngmin I discovered something cool and for him to come here.." Not long after those words came out of his mouth, a cloud of white smoke popped out near where she was sitting. The tall boy was in sight after the smoke disappeared and walked up to the three sitting down.


"What is it, Byungjoo?" Youngmin asked. He seemed to have a very cool image. His hands were tucked into the pockets of his pants and he looked very handsome as the wind blew through his hair. "Look, Youngmin!" Byungjoo exclaimed. He took the device out of Moon's hand and quickly got up to show the older boy what it was. "Apparently, this is what humans use to communicate with each other." Youngmin took it in his hands. Moon watched as he examined this strange device. "What is it?" He asked Byungjoo. "It's called a cell phone." The boy seemed proud with himself that he knew. Youngmin nodded as he handed the phone back to Byungjoo. "Cool."


"Come on, it's time for class you two." Youngmin pointed out as he stared at a passing by butterfly. His eyes followed it's every movement as it batted it's wings. Moon couldn't help but noticed that the tall boy was staring at something so she turned to the direction his eyes were at. The wings of the butterfly were a light pink, outlined with some black. It looked so amazingly beautiful as it flew away.


After hearing Youngmin's words, the two younger boys got up and started heading back to the cabin. Moon obediently followed after them as they followed Youngmin. She walked alone for awhile but about half way there, Byungjoo walked along side her to keep her company. The boy walked next to her with a cute smile imprinted on his lips, making her smile as well.


Once Byungjoo and Hansol sat down in their seats, a cloud of smoke appeared in front of them to reveal Kwangmin. "Hello." he greeted. But once he noticed Moon was in there, his whole expression turned dark. "What is she doing here?" Kwangmin sneered. He was not pleased to see her. "Can't Moon stay for our lesson?" Byungjoo titled his head. He enjoyed Moon's company and didn't want her to leave.


"I'm not teaching if this human is here." His eyes declared war with Moon if she didn't leave right then and now. Feeling the fear raging inside her, Moon took a step back. Byungjoo felt a little disappointed that his new friend couldn't stay. But he understood that there are things that humans shouldn't know. And the learning of their powers was definitely one of them.


"You can stay in my room until class is over." Byungjoo turned to her, pointing to one of the doors on the right. Moon nodded and quickly headed the direction he pointed in, not wanting to upset Kwangmin anymore than she already did.


Even after she left, Kwangmin still seemed ticked off that her presence was near. Youngmin noticed how upset his little brother was, so he brought him aside. "Calm down." Kwangmin nodded, deciding to listen to what his brother told him. He let out a sigh then tried to focus on teaching the younger boys. "Ok, today we'll be working on your teleportation skills."




Moon looked out the window in Byungjoo's room when suddenly she realized that the cabin had turned silent. She put her ear to the door to see if she could hear anything. Nothing. Feeling a little curious, she slightly opened the door, wide enough that she could take a peek at the living room. No one was there. Seeing as no one was there, Moon decided to exit the room. She looked around to double check if anyone was around. But there was no one in sight. Where could they be? As she took a few steps through the living room, she heard some noise coming from one of the rooms. Wondering who it could be, she went over and knocked on the door.


"Come in." She heard the voice say from the other side of the door. Moon slowly opened the door to see that the person was Youngmin. He was sitting over a desk and he seemed to be working on something. She watched as Youngmin was making some of the papers float to get them out of the way. Once he looked up, his eyes widened, surprised that it was Moon who had entered into the room.


"Hi." Moon smiled. The older twin nodded as his greeting then focused on the task in front of him. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously as she sat herself down on a small couch that was placed at one side of the room. "Stuff." Youngmin replied. Moon nodded, deciding to not bother the boy with what he was doing. She quietly sat there, playing with her fingers and swinging her feet around. "So, where are the others?" She asked to break the silence. Youngmin looked up from his papers and stared at the girl sitting in front of him for awhile before giving her a reply. "Kwangmin took them outside. If you're bored, go play on your phone or something."


"How do you know that you could play games on your phone?" Moon titled her head. She thought that Wizards didn't use phones. How would Youngmin know about that? "I used to live in the human world." A chuckle escaped his lips after he said that. "Why do you think we would have such a hatred on humans if we've never encountered them before?"



Sorry this took so long. I was busy this whole week. But hey! Here's chapter 3.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment and subscribe~! ^^

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Chapter 5: No updates?D :
WTF, why aren't there any comments? :C
This is a good story.
Like seriously.
I usually never read stories that have OCs, well that depends if things get a little too much. :P