meeting your destiny


                 Give me a heart to break

  after they returned back from they trip, they are different. they are even  more lovey dovey. only yura smile can make minwoo happy. only minwoo face can fulfill yura's day.

  one day, Yura father called her to meet with him. yura went to his office  as informed.  yura see her father and said " annyeonghaeseyo! apoji."  her father answer with a flat tone " sit down, i got something to talk to you." yura sat down and her father asked " how was your realationship with your future husband?" yura smiled and said " everything is going well apojii. no need to worries, since he love me. he take a really good care of me". yura"s father said " it would be bad then." yura asked her dad " what"s wrong? don't you want me to be bond with him?". yura's dad said with a straight voice " leave him, right now. that is i want to talk to you today". yura said to her dad " apoji! you are kidding me right?". yura dad look right into yura's eye and said " i said leave him. the arranged marriage is over. his family withdraw their money from our project. our company is suffering right now. Because of his's family". yura can't utter a word for a long time. of course it is supposed to be an arranged marriage why did she falling in love? she know that today might comes. yura said after a long time " but it was his family. not him.  not lee minwoo that i love." yura father yelled at her and said " don't you understand this little thing? i arranged the marriage only to get our project done. why it is so hard to leave him? it not like you are asking to give up evrything." yura yelled back to her dad " he is my everything. leaving him is just like give up my whole life. how can you use your own daughter for your own advantage?". yura dad slapped yura face and said " leave him or i will kill him. you know that i don't have to lay my finger to kill him, right?". yura begin teared up and said " how can  you do this?". yura dad smirked and said " scared now? i give you one day to break up with him. if not, you know what will happened right?". yura get out from dad office and went into her car. she totally break down right now. she was thinking that how can it happened to her. she don't want to leave minwoo, but if she don't leave him he will dead. like her first crush (A/N: forgot to mention, her first crush die  under her dad hand coz she don't leave him). so yura decided to leave minwoo, coz she don't want to see minwoo dead b'coz of her.

  after 15 minute, she arrived at minwoo's house where she always want to be in. she stepped into the house and was welcomed with the bright smile minwoo. minwoo came to hug her and kiss her.after her pulled out, minwoo asked " where have you been? i didn't see you when i back from work? where did you go?" yura lied " i went to shopping with friend.". after then minwoo pulled her to the dinning table and showed the food that he has been preparing. minwoo said " ta-da! surprised". yura shocked as she never imagined minwoo to do that. not this time, that she going to leave him tomorrow. her tear fall down not because only she is touched but about the fact that she going to leave minwoo tomorrow. minwoo pulled her into his embrace and patted her head. minwoo said " don't cry~" . minwoo pulled out the embrace and kiss yura again passionately. after beautiful 3 minute, they both pulled out minwoo said " now my princess, let eat the food." yura smiled and proceeded to the table. they talked, and eat. after they finishing the food, they do the dishes together.  after that they went to sleep. minwoo was doing some work when yura went into the bedroom. yura tucked herself into the warm blanket but can't seem to fall asleep. yura called minwoo " oppa~". minwoo turned to her and said " hhmm?" yura said " oppa~ can you sleep with me? i can't fall asleep." minwoo stopped working and went to bed. minwoo climbed onto the bed and pulled yura into his embrace. yura nuzzle to  minwoo chest and said " oppa~ i like staying in your embrace. you are so warm."minwoo smiled and said " always welcome. my embrace is only belong to you". Then minwoo kissed yura forehead and yura drifted to sleep knowing that tomorrow will be the most painful day of her life.

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shhhinhwaCJ #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha! You said Minwoo look like a playboy. I really love it when authors wrote some notes in their ffs.
Chapter 6: Hey,, I find your story is cute n like a simple sweet love story (tho it's from an arranged marriage XD).. :))
Tho got some typo here n there or like "wah" you mean "why" right? kk but I still get it..
Keep writing n updating~ kk Thanks~^^