The first date

meeting your destiny


they went to a coffee shop and order cup of coffee. as they sat down and   begin their talk. minwoo begin talking " are you really interested in this marriage?" Yura answered back " i am totally not interest in this marriage . i agreed to this marriage coz i need to treat this marriage for something that i want." minwoo said " good then coz i need to married for 2 year to have the  CEO position of my company. so let me make it my point. let have a contract marriage. are you ok with it?" yura answered back " ok i will give it you tomorrow. let just act like a marriage couple in front of our parent ok?" yura answer back " it would be great then." suddenly there was a call for yura. yura take out the phone and saw that it was minwoo mother. yura is a lttle bit shocked but still she picked up the phone. yura to mouthed to minwoo " your mom". minwoo shocked to hear that it was his  mother so he become silent and listen to the conversation. yura said " annyeonghaeseyo. omonim. i didn't expect you to call me." minwoo mother answer back " hello dear. it is that your parent and we decided to make decision. we want you to move in to minwoo house since you are going to stay after you married. what do you think about it dear?" of course yura is shocked to know that now she has to moved in with her pretending husband. of course yura can't denied that matter since minwoo parent and her parent already make a decision. yura said " it is great. since i need to know a lot about him. it would be great." now she is even lying to herself. minwoo mother laughing that can be heard though through phone and said " so when are you going to  move in? what about tomorrow. since the faster, the better it would be." yura blured out " y.y.yes i will." minwoo mother said " haha it would be great then. so bye dear. wish to see you next time ok. bye." then the line is ended. yura slammed her phone to table and cup her face in frustration. minwoo asked"yah! what happened?" yura explain the whole thing, now even minwoo is frustrate right now. minwoo suddenly speak" hey! won't you give me at least your phone number ? and also what should i call you?". yura right now is so pissed off " c'mon! you should give it to me first. don't you know how to be a gentleman". minwoo tsked and got his phone out from his pocket. they exchange their phone number. and minwoo saved yura name on his phone as " wifey yura~<3" while yura saved minwoo as " jerk". minwoo see it and said "yah ! how can you saved your husband name as a jerk. i even saved your name as 'wifey yura'!". minwoo let yura see it the contact page. yura is super pissed off right now and yelled " you are too much. i am going". minwoo is so happy that he can make yura pissed off. yura get out of the coffee shop and minwoo followed. minwoo yelled " don't come too early! i need to sleep wifey~" yura just continued walking to her car and left.  tomorrow  7:30 am in the morning, yura arrived  in front minwoo apartment. It was on 22th floor. yura ringed the bell, but no one answered it. she ringed again, sill no one answered it. this time she pressed the bell longer this time. and she can hear footstep coming to the front door. when the door opened, it was greet by a white fluffy puppy and a sleepyhead. minwoo has just wake up. minwoo yelled " yah didn't i tell you not to come early? i need to sleep." yura said " it not like you don't know that i will come. i did informed you. now can you just let me in?" minwoo opened the door wider to yura in. yura said " 15 minute more my stuff will arrive. where will i sleep?" minwoo said ' of course. in my bedroom since this apartment have only one bedroom. but don't need to worry, my bedroom is large. also the dressing room is also big. on the left side will be for me, and the right side will be yours." yura nodded and head to the dressing room to put her clothe. minwoo directed the way. when yura arrived in the dressing room on minwoo side she saw so many clothes. there are long stack of caps and a lot of stuff. yura asked minwoo " are you interested in fashion?" minwoo nodded and said " my clothes are really precious to me. don't you ever ruined it."  yura giggle and said " i am really interested in fashion like you. i like street fashion. what kind of fashion do you like?" minwoo surprised by yura answer and pulled his hand out " me too i like street fashion too. we finally have something in common". minwoo and yura smiled at each other. minwoo said " you are really pretty when you are smiling. keep smiling, it was great to see". yura blused. yura thought to herself " he is handsome too but i not going to said it." as yura continued to unpack her suitcase she let out  a big amount of clothes. minwoo sat down and see something that he like so much. minwoo and yura finally have peace time together. they got better with talking about fashion. minwoo point to  the stack of caps and said " can i borrowed it something?" yura nodded and said " ok. but you need to let borrow sometime too. " minwoo said " of course. but by the way how old are you?" yura answer " i am 26 this year. how old are you then?" minwoo said " you look like you are only 20! my age? wanna guess mine?" yura think and said " you don't look really old. maybe you are 20 or 25 year old. don't tell me that i am nuna." minwoo laughed out loud and said " no you are not nuna! do i look that young? look like everyone will know my age. i am 35 year old this year. " yura said " yah! lee minwoo i am not a babo. you are not 35, you liar." minwoo get up and get his identify card. he showed it her and yura gulped. yura left open and shake her head " no way! you look so young. are you human or vampire or a alien like do minjoon?" minwoo laughed and said " i am human. i wish that i will become an alien like do minjoon? i want to teleport too. since i am older than you, you! call me oppa!"  yura shake her head and said " nope. no way i am calling you oppa coz you look so younger than me." minwoo pouted and said " but i am oppa!" he sent his puppy eye. yura faceplam herself when she saw minwoo's cuteness. yura said " now you even acted cute how can i called you oppa?' minwoo pouted and said " just try!" yura try " minwoo oppa~" minwoo laughed and patted yura head " kyeowo! let get ready. let eat out. just dressed casual ok, since we are going hongdae univ. anyway (A\N: hongdae univ. is a district. around there, there are so much good food, there are also student live. in summarize a district where there are full of youthful person."

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shhhinhwaCJ #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha! You said Minwoo look like a playboy. I really love it when authors wrote some notes in their ffs.
Chapter 6: Hey,, I find your story is cute n like a simple sweet love story (tho it's from an arranged marriage XD).. :))
Tho got some typo here n there or like "wah" you mean "why" right? kk but I still get it..
Keep writing n updating~ kk Thanks~^^