Hongdae date

meeting your destiny

thank you so much for reading this stories. even if it is a few people read but still i would like to thank to all the people who read ^^ 

hope that you would enjoy it +_+

            HONGDAE DATE 

minwoo showed up in a black tshirt with a black trouser and with black snapback. minwoo went to the dressing room and saw yura was picking out her outfit. minwoo said " hey! done yet?" while leaning to the door of the dressing room. yura waved her hand to minwoo and said " it just i can't pick out a outfit." minwoo think for a while and said " since i am wearing black right now, you can just wear white tshirt with black short and wear this black snapback of mine". yura picked it up and scanning minwoo body. he is look even more younger with this outfit. it feel like he is a high school kid. and then she spotted something which she knows the best. yura said " are you wearing my snapback?". minwoo nodded while taking his snapback for her and said " yeah~ it look great on me right? now ppaili~ since we are going to meet my friend ok!" yura shocked and said " yah ! oppa you should told me earlier i will not waste my time taking out my outfit." minwoo smiled while patting her hand and then said  " now you call me oppa ^.^ now ppaili." minwoo closed the door and went to wear his shoes. after wearing his shoes, he look to yura shoe. there is so many shoes. not only yura but also minwoo ( A\N: since i am planning to make this couple as a fashionista couple.) Minwoo said " wow this girl have a lot of great thing,i want it." then he picked out a shoes for her and that moment yura come out and come to her shoe. he picked up the shoes that he chose and give it to yura. minwoo said " this will look good on you". yura take it and wear it and siad " thanks." she went over to the mirror to see herself. minwoo followed her and look at her himself on the mirror " we look great." yura smiled and said " now we are ready to go out. let's go"
after getting out of the house they headed down to the parking lot. minwoo asked " you bring your car?" yura nodded. minwoo asked again" want to ride in my car or your car?" yura said " just do what you want to do." then minwoo headed to his range rover and clicked it open. after both of them getting into the car, they headed out to hongdae. while driving minwoo said " yura~ah" yura surprised by the way minwoo call her " mwiyae ? what is with the name?" minwoo said " yura~ah." yura hitted minwoo hand " oppa! don't call me that. you are too cheesy." minwoo said " yah. we are meeting my friend, you need to acted my future wife ok. " yura said " still, at least call me something better than that. " minwoo sighed and said " then what should i call you?" yura shaked her head " i don't know. call me whatever what you want. ok let just drop the subject." 
after 15 min totally silence ride they arrived at hongdae. minwoo parked his car and come out. then both of them hit the road. at that moment minwoo saw his friend eric. minwoo then hugged yura's waist which make yura so pissed off. yura pushed minwoo but due to minwoo strength she can't get out from his hand. " yah! who said you can touch me?" yura asked with a angry voice. minwoo look at yura direction and said " my friend are there. so can you just behave like we are couple at least?" then minwoo turn to his friend direction. minwoo waved his hand and said " hey~ man long time to see ". eric hug minwoo and said " yeah long time no see. i thought that you still single but it look like you got someone. hehehe". minwoo laughed and said " right, this is my girlfriend oh yura. babe say hello to my friend eric. " yura thought to herself " who give right to him to call me babe? this jerk...." yura said " annyeonghaeseyo~ oh yura im-nida. nice to meet you." eric smiled at yura and said " let go i already make a reservation." minwoo finally released yura and go to put his hand on eric waist. as return eric put his hand to minwoo shoulder. yura is being left alone now. 
eric asked minwoo " yah~ how can you get someone so pretty? yah don't tell me that she is underaged? " minwoo hited eric  head lightly and said " yah she is  already 26 this year." eric touched his head and said "she look like it though."
 after spending the whole day together, they grow close. now they are just like a best friend. they have a lot of common. they headed home and sleep. they first day being together is ended by peace......

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shhhinhwaCJ #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha! You said Minwoo look like a playboy. I really love it when authors wrote some notes in their ffs.
Chapter 6: Hey,, I find your story is cute n like a simple sweet love story (tho it's from an arranged marriage XD).. :))
Tho got some typo here n there or like "wah" you mean "why" right? kk but I still get it..
Keep writing n updating~ kk Thanks~^^