meeting your destiny


         minwoo and yura headed to airport. after they arrived in airport, minwoo lead her to the pirate jet which own by his nuna. they entered the jet, and they saw everyone waiting for them. youngmi yelled to minwoo " yah! what taking you so long ? everyone is waiting for you!" minwoo point his hand to yura and said " it not me, it is her who getting excited." yura smiled and said " annyeonghaeseyo oh yura im-nida ^^". youngmi hugged yura and said " annyeong yura sshi. you can call me youngmi unnie, ok?" yura nodded and smiled. minwoo said " ok i will introduced them. this is dongwan, hyesung you can also call him pilkyo." hyesung yelled to minwoo " yah you special stupid." yura giggled and minwoo said " and maknae choonjae and sunho." they waved their hand to yura and yura smiled back to them. youngmi said " ok done with the introduce, yura sshi you can sit with minwoo ok?" yura smiled and said " deh!" . yura take window sit and minwoo sit after her. they trip start.all of them welcomed yura warmly. minwoo said " babe i am so sleepy." snuggling to yura shoulder. youngmi shake her head and said " yah! lee minwoo don't be so childish. " yura laughed and patted minwoo head and let minwoo sleep on her shoulder. After a while the jet is taking off. minwoo still sleeping, yura shakes minwoo body so hard but minwoo is awaken.  dongwan said that "" believe me ! he is such a sleepyhead. just kiss him and he would wake up." dongwan giggle. yura try and kiss minwoo cheek, but minwoo didn't wake up. dongwan said " not the cheek, but the lips." yura kissed minwoo lips. and minwoo automatically awake. dongwan said " see i told you!".minwoo was confused by the whole situation but when minwoo saw his favorite cousin, he get up from his seat and hugged dongwan. minwoo said " wannie! i miss you". dongwan said " i miss you too. want a kiss?" minwoo nodded and dongwan kissed minwoo lips. yura  surprise to see it , dongwan saw it and said " don get surprised coz we always have this kind of skinship. it just that minwoo like people kissing him when he is kid even now he still like it." yura nodded and minwoo hugged yura and kissed yura cheek. dongwan quickly left the scene. now only yura and minwoo there. minwoo said " let go to our house. i want to go swimming". yura smiled and nodded . they head to their the house. it was so big. the house  in front of the beach, but a little bit far from the other. it was so beautiful. when they entered the house they greet by a row of maid. the living room is full of antique furniture. the whole is full of music stuff and musical instrument. there is even a studio room and dance practice room. youngmi said that " yura ssi do you mind sharing room with minwoo?" minwoo interrupt " it is ok for her. since both of us always sleep with each other. my house only have one room so we decided to sleep with each other." yura slapped minwoo hand and wince " oppa!" minwoo turned to yura and said " wah! it not like we never sleep with each other." youngmi said " or you can sleep with me? i don't mind!" minwoo stand in front of yura and said " no! she must sleep with me." minwoo turned to yura " sleep with me." with his puppy eye. of course yura can't stand it for long. yura nodded. minwoo turned back to youngmi and stuck his tongue out. minwoo said " can we go to our room now?" youngmi nodded and headed to her room ( A\N: the house was build for minwoo and his cousin. they often go there, so the room arrangement is already made.) minwoo and yura headed to their room. they put their things, and change.  YURA POV for the first time since i live with minwoo oppa, i never see him shirtless. maybe once. ONLY ONCE. as i thought, minwoo oppa is handsome and look good in everything, there are no way that god even give a good body. but, when i see him with his shorts shirtless. his body is so y, it has six pack, tanned. it was so y. he was so perfect to me. i smiled without knowing. minwoo poked my hand and said " what wrong with you ? are you daydreaming?". i am surprised with minwoo oppa question. i shook my head. minwoo said " you won't go out with me?". i forgot. i said " wait a min! i will go and change ok". i came back and go out with him. we walked a long the beach. the weather is so good. the not really strong wind blew toward us. the wind blew, and my hair and his hair got messy. it make him look even more handsome. we sat down on the sand and i put my head on his shoulder. he entwined our hand hand. this is the best moment ever. i wish this moment will last forever. i said " oppa~ saranghae". he smiled and pecked my lips. he said " i love you too".  i smiled. he suddenly said " yura~ah! can i ask you something ?". i nodded and he turn to face me face to face. he still entwined our hand and said "  if you need to chose one thing. can you just give up everything for me ?". i said " oppa~ what wrong? something happened?". he shakes his head and said " nothing happened. just tell me your honest answer ok. i would accept everything ok." i said " oppa! i would give up everything for you. ok. you might think i am too easy but i loved you more than anything. i love you more than i can say. you mean everything for me." he kissed me and said " thank you. so much. you are not easy ok. to me, you are everything that i need. you are perfect to me in every single angle. and of course, my answer is just like you. i would give up everything for you. since you are all i need for my life". i smiled and kissed him back. we hugged with each other. and then someone screamed. it was youngmi unnie. she said " you two! stop being love bird. we are waiting for you guys. let go and play at the pool." he got up and helped me to get up. and we went to play in the pool. we played together for a while. i get up from the water and walked to oppa. i said " oppa ! i am little bit cold. so i will get out first ok." he said " are you cold ? let get out. i will find something  to warm you up ok." we get out together and he go to find something to warm me up. how sweet he is. i sat down on the couch that have in front of the pool. then youngmi unnie come to sit with me. she said " are you cold?". i nodded and she said " yura sshi. do you love minwoo?" i said " of course. i love him so much." she said " i never see minwoo are in love with anyone this much. after his first love, he never believe that there is love. thank you for making him smile again. it been a while since i saw him like this." then minwoo approach us that make youngmi unnie stop speaking. minwoo oppa said " here! your favorite drink americano." i take it and it look like it already pretty late. time sure fly. minwoo said " let go back to our room. it is already late. nuna i am going to go now" then we head back to our room.we cleansed ourself up and went to bed.                             END OF POV  

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shhhinhwaCJ #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha! You said Minwoo look like a playboy. I really love it when authors wrote some notes in their ffs.
Chapter 6: Hey,, I find your story is cute n like a simple sweet love story (tho it's from an arranged marriage XD).. :))
Tho got some typo here n there or like "wah" you mean "why" right? kk but I still get it..
Keep writing n updating~ kk Thanks~^^