Dont Worry... Cause Im Not Going Anywhere

Our Moments (Kyula Couple)

(Bella’s POV)


Just hearing that word can make me feel afraid and also sad. But now, that “THING” is really happening…

Yeah, it’s the worst thing that I’ve ever had for the rest of my life. What else could go worst when you knew that your parents is gonna get divorce?!

What do you feel when you’re in my position??

…Hurt isn’t it???

That’s what I feel right now..


I don’t get it, what do they have to get divorce??! Why??

Don’t they think about my feelings?? DON’T THEY???

When my parents told me about that, I feel like my life was over and crushed…






“Are you mad honey?” Asked my mom softly as she’s stoking my hair.

I don’t answer her question, instead I just laying on my bed pretending like im sleeping. Right now, I really don’t want to see or talk to my parents. Im mad at them, im very disappointing of them.

“Please don’t be like this honey! I know it’s really hard for you, and im sorry for doing this. But it’s our decision Bella. It’s the best for us..” Said my mom again with a sad tone.

Hearing what just my mother said to me making me feel more upset. I really want to cry out loud and hug my mom. But I just keep it for myself…

Finally, my mom go out from my room. Maybe she had given up to make me speak to her.

I can’t take it anymore! Right after my mom go out from my room, I burst to cry. I immediately close my mouth with both of my hands, cause I don’t want my mom to hear it..






"Yaa dongsaeng, What’s wrong? You look sad.” Said Sungmin oppa to me.

Ne, right now im at Super Junior’s dorm. They make a little party for the success of their new album and also for their manager’s birthday.

Everyone looks happy and really enjoy this little party…

…everyone… except me…

“Gwenchana oppa.” I give him my best smile just to make him sure that im ok. I just don’t to ruin their perfect day with my problem. So, I decided just to keep it for myself.

“Jinjja?” Asked Sungmin oppa again as he looks at me with his concern face.

“Ne, nan gwenchana. I just kinda miss Chullie oppa… huh.. nan neomu geuriwo.” I lie to Sungmin oppa. Well, actually im not lie. I actually kinda miss Heechul oppa. Because im really close to him.

“Oh… ne, I miss him too. It’s been a month since he had gone to the army, but it feels like forever.” Said Sungmin oppa with his aegyo face.

I just laugh when I see his pouting face, he’s so cute and funny…

Kyuhyun oppa sits next to me on the sofa. Hi brings my favourite cake, Tiramisu on his hand.

“For you…”

“Gomawo oppa.” I said as im smiling to him.

“What are you guys talking about? It seems so interesting.”

“We’re talking about Chullie oppa. I really miss him.” I said to Kyuhyun oppa.

He puts his hand around my shoulder and bring my body closer to him. I can even smell his perfume. It’s so nice…

“Aigoo Jinjja! You want to make me jealous??” Asked Sungmin oppa to us

“Kekeke… wae hyung? Are you jealous? Don’t worry, you’re still the one for me.” Said Kyuhyun oppa while his laughing.

“Omo.. jinjja??!” Asked SungMin oppa while he shows us his aegyo face.

I laugh when I see their act… So weird but also cute at the same time.

(Bella’s POV End)






Bella was looking at the view outside the window. But suddenly, she felt something warm and soft touched her hand. She turned her head immediately.

…It was Kyuhyun. He kept holding Bella’s hand while he’s driving.

“Gomawo oppa.” Thanked Bella before she go out from KyuHyun’s car. But Kyuhyun immediately held her hand. Bella looking at Kyuhyun.

“Gwenchana?” Asked him with his soft voice.

“Ne..” Answered Bella as she smiled to Kyuhyun.

“Wae?” Asked Bella again.

“Aniya, it just like there’s something happen to you. You seem so quite and sad…” Explained Kyuhyun.

Bella touched Kyuhyun’s hands softly and then she smiled to his boyfriend, Kyuhyun. She wanted to make Kyuhyun sure that she’s totally fine.

“I should go now, it’s kinda late. Once again, Thanks a lot oppa. And drive safely ok!”

“Ne.” Answered Kyuhyun and then he kissed Bella’s forehead softly. It made Bella felt so much calm and also save.







“Baek Jiyoung.” Called the teacher.


“Cho Soyeon.”


“Choi Jinri.”


“Choi Haneul.”


“Choi Haneul??”


“Is Choi Haneul here?” Asked the teacher.

Everyone in the class turned their gaze to Bella, who was still daydreaming while looking at the window.

“CHOI HANEUL!!” Said the teacher loudly, she seemed really angry with Bella (Haneul).

“Ne, songsangnim.” Bella said in surprise, she almost jumped from her seat.

“This place isn’t a place for DAYDREAMING, Choi Haneul.” Said the teacher with a sharp tone.

“Ne, mianhe.” Bella bowed her head.






Bella was about to entered her room when she heard her parents were shouting to each other. Bella walked to her parents’s room. She could see through the crack in the door, that her parents were fighting and also shouting to each other.

Tears started to fall from her eyes, when she saw that.

“Can’t you guys stop??!!” Screamed Bella in her heart.

Bella closed the door harsly. She hoped that her parents would notice her present, so the would stop fighting. But it seemed useless, cause her parents were too busy to shouting to each other.

“Why everything became like this?? Wae???!” Cried Bella as she looked at her family’s picture.

“Don’t you guys notice that im here and feel hurt because of you guys???”

Bella took her phone in her pocket. She searched for a number. Right now, she really wanted to hear that person’s voice. She really missed that voice, eventhough they just met yesterday.


She stared at that name for a while.

“Should I call him? He might be busy. But… I really want to hear his voice.”

Bella made her decision. She pressed the green button on her cellphone.

“Yoboseyo.” Said Kyuhyun.

“Kyu oppa, I want to…”

“Mianhe Bella-ya, can we talk later? Im kinda busy.” Said Kyuhyun.


Before Bella could say something, Kyuhyun already hang up the phone.

Bella just stared at her phone with a teary eyes.

“Oppa, I want to hear your voice…”

“Im sad now, You know what? My parents… they decided to get divorce…”

“They didn’t even ask for my opinion. They don’t even think about how would I feel if they get divorce. They don’t… they don’t love me anymore.” Sobbed Bella.

She kept talking as if Kyuhyun heard that.

“I need you oppa…”






(Kyuhyun’s POV)

I feel bad for Bella. I was really busy at that night, that’s why I hang up the phone. And now, I really want to meet her.

Luckily, I don’t have any schedule today. Well, except for tonight, It SUKIRA time :D

“Where are you going, Kyu?” Asked Donghae hyung.

“I want to pick up Bella in her school.” I reply shortly before I go out from the dorm.



It’s already late. School was over like 20 minutes ago. And almost all of the students already went home. But I still don’t see Bella come out from the gate.


Ok, I think I should go find her! It’s been 30 minutes since the school was over. And Bella still don’t come out from the school.

I walked to the school’s garden to find Bella. But I immediately stop when I see….

Bella is HUGGING with a guy, right in front of my face!

Without waiting for anylonger, I immediately walk away from that place.

MAD???? OF COURSE I AM. Why wouldn’t i?

I saw my girlfriend was HUGGING with another guy!

(Kyuhyun’s POV End)






“Gomawo Myungsoo oppa for listening to my problem. I feel a little bit relief now, because I could share it to you.” Bella thanked Myungsoo.

Myungsoo just smiled as he Bella’s hair softly.

Bella told Myungsoo about her problem. Bella and Myungsoo were friends and also neighbor, so they’re close to each other. And beside, Myungsoo was her sunbae in the school.

“Kajja! Let me take you home.” Said Myungsoo as he pulled Bella’s hand.






“Aissh… why don’t you answer it oppa?” Bella mumbled.

She already called Kyuhyun so many times, but he didn’t pick up his phone. Not even ONCE!

This situation made Bella more upset. She really needed Kyuhyun right now, but he didn’t even pick up his phone.

“Should I go to their dorm? Or… maybe I just go and meet him at SUKIRA..” Thought Bella.








“What are you doing here? Im busy..” Said Kyuhyun coldy as he stared at Bella with his sharp eyes.

Bella froze for a while when she heard what Kyuhyun said to her.

“What’s wrong oppa? You seem don’t happy to see me.” Said Bella with a weak tone.

Kyuhyun sighed. “You already knew it, but why do you still here?” Asked him again.

Bella bite her lips, tried to hold her tears. She didn’t know why were Kyuhyun being like that.

Not long after that, Leeteuk came from inside the dorm.

“Annyeong Bella.” Said him happily as he smiled to her.

Kyuhyun just walked away and entered his room, not to forget to slammed the door. His action made Leeteuk and also Bella felt confused.

“I think I better go now. Kyuhyun oppa is in the bad mood today. I don’t want to bother him.” Said Bella with a weak tone. She tried so hard not to cry infront of Leeteuk.

“Oh ne, do you need a ride? You look kinda pale Bella. Are you sick” Asked Leeteuk with a concern tone as he looked at Bella.

“Aniiya oppa. Nan gwenchana. I just feel a little bit dizzy, but it’s ok, I still can go home by myself.” Said Bella before she walked out from the dorm, leaving Leeteuk who was still standing infront of the door while looking at her with a worry stared.






(Bella’s POV)




“REALLY??? OK, WATCH ME!” Answered my dad.

“OMMA APPA CAN’T YOU GUYS STOP THIS??” I shout to them as tears starts to fall from my eyes.

It’s so hard for me to handle it. No one understand how I feel. Not my parents… and not even Kyuhyun..

Suddenly, my father pulls my hand “Kajja, let’s go out from this hell.” Said him.

“But…” Before I can continue my word, dad already pull me hardly. Seriously, it really hurt!

“Don’t go Bella! Please stay here with me.” Begged my mom as she pulls my other hand.


They still keep pulling my hands, not caring that my hand is really hurt when they're doing this. And also, my head starts to ache.

That’s it! I can’t take it anymore…

“STOP!!” I scream at them, making they surprise, because I never shout at them before.

“Im not going anywhere with you…” I said as im trying to hold my pain. I walk away from them. But before I can go far, my head starts to ache even more.

And then… Everything turns to black…

(Bella’s POV End)





“So, you mad at her just because of that?” Asked Sungmin with a disbelief face to Kyuhyun.

“Of course im mad, hyung! Don’t you mad if you see your girlfriend was hugging with another guy?” Asked Kyuhyun.

“Well, at least you have to ask her first about that. Who knows maybe that guy is her friend or cousin.”

Kyuhyun just silent and kept playing with his laptop.

Sungmin sighed to saw his brother behaviour. “I don’t think Bella is cheating on you. She’s a nice girl and really innoncent.”

“Think about it ok! I don’t want you to regret everything. Just think how Bella was so patient to you and she’s also really caring. She’s really your type.” Said Sungmin and then he walked away, leaving Kyuhyun who was still playing with his laptop.

Aish… why do I feel bad now?? Huh… I guess Sungmin hyung was right. I shouldn’t jugde her before I hear her explanation. Said Kyuhyun in his heart.






“Don’t you cold?” Asked Myungsoo to Bella.

Right now, they were sitting on the bench at the hospital’s park.

Bella shook her head as the response. Myungsoo wrapped Bella’s body with a blanket. He laid Bella’s head on his shoulder.

“Much better?” He asked her.

“Ne, Gomawo oppa.” Said Bella with a weak tone.

They stayed silence for a while, they seemed busy with their own mind.




Bella immediatey looked at Myungsoo. She couldn’t believe about what she just heard. And for her to be more surprised…

Myungsoo KISSED her…

…right on her LIPS

“Oppa…” Bella said in a disbelief tone.

When she was about to walked away from Myungsoo, something caught her eyes. It was like someone familiar for her…

…It was KYUHYUN!

“Kyuhyun oppa.” Said Bella with a teary eyes. She was afraid if Kyuhyun saw anything and mad at her. But it looked like everything she was afraid of became… REAL.

Kyuhyun looked at her with a cold stare and he walked away from that place, ignoring Bella who was calling his name over and over again.

Bella immediately ran to Kyuhyun whie she was still calling his name…

But Kyuhyun ignored her, and not even looking at her.

Bella, who was still weak and sick, fell on the ground. Myungsoo ran to her and hugged her to make her calm.

“Ottohke oppa??!” Cried Bella. And not long after that she passed out again.







“Eonnie!!” Shouted Jiyoung loudly.

“Ya! Im not deaf yet! You don’t have to shout.” Said Gyuri with an annoying tone.

“Mianhe… eonnie, do you have Shindong’s oppa phone’s number?” Asked Jiyoung as she looked at Gyuri.

“Ne, Waeyo?”

“I need that! I need to talk to Kyuhyun oppa now.” Said Jiyoung again.

Gyuri immediately took her phone and gave Shindong’s phone number to her dongsaeng. After that, Jiyoung immediately called Shindong to ask Kyuhyun’s phone number.

“Yoboseyo..” Said that person. It’s none other than Shindong, one of Super Junior’s best dancer.

“Shindong-ssi, it’s me Jiyoung from KARA. Hmm… Sorry if im bothering you.”

“Oh Jiyoung-ssi, what’s up?” Asked Shindong.

“Do you have Kyuhyun-ssi phone number? I really need that. There’s something important I should say to him. Hmm… I actually Bella’s bestfriend.” Said Jiyoung.


“Oh, Kyuhyun’s here anyway, do you want to talk to him?” Added Shindong again.

“Jinjja? Ne, I want to.”

Shindong gave the phone to Kyuhyun.

“Nugu?” Asked Kyuhyun to Shindong.

“It’s Jiyoung from KARA, she’s Bella’s bestfriend.” Answered him.

Kyuhyun took the phone from Shindong's hand “Yoboseyo Jiyoung-ssi, it’s me Kyuhyun.” Said Kyuhyun.

“Kyuhyun-ssi… im Bella’s friend. There’s something happen to her, She’s….”

Jiyoung told everything to Kyuhyun. And after heard everything from Jiyoung, Kyuhyun felt bad… really bad. He knew that he shouldn’t mad at Bella like that. Bella really needed him, but he wasn't there for her.

“What kind of boyfriend am i?” Said Kyuhyun to himself.

Kyuhyun took his car’s key.

“Where are you going?” Asked Shindong.

“Ne, it’s already late. We have a schedule for tomorrow, so you better rest.” Added Leeteuk.

“I should go hyung. Bella is missing from the hospital. I need to find her.”

“Mworago??” Shouted almost of Super Junior’s members.

“Let us help you Kyuhyun-ah. It’s gonna be easier if all of us looking for her.” Said Siwon.

Kyuhyun nodded as the answer. And all of Super Junior’s members go out for looking at Bella.

Kyuhyun couldn’t hide his worry. He kept trying to call Bella, but it was just useless. He began to felt more guilty and bad for being so selfish to Bella.

“Bella, where are you? Im not gonna forgive myself if something bad happen to you.” Said Kyuhyun iin his heart.







(Bella’s POV)

Kyuhyun oppa… I really miss you

… I wish you were here,with me…

“Aish jinjja!” I wipe my tears harshly from my face. To be honest, I really hate myself now. I hate myself to be so weak and such a cry baby just like this.

My phone keeps ringing, but I don’t want to pick it up.

I know they must be really worry about me now. But I just need time to be alone. I really need to fresh myself from all of this crazy things.

I still feel weak and tired. I also feel so much cold, until I feel that im gonna be freeze anytime soon. Eventhough im wearing a jacket but the cold isn’t disappear.

“I need you oppa…” I said weakly as im looking at the river in front of me.

When im about to close my eyes I feel there’s someone hug me from behind. I feel so much surprise and almost scream out loud before I hear…

“Finally I found you…”

“Kyuhyun oppa…”

Ne, it was Kyuhyun oppa who is hugging me tightly from behind. There’s a worry tone inside his voice. I know that me must be worried when he knew that im missing from the hospital.”

“Don’t do this again, arasso! You don’t know how worry I am when I heard that you’re missing.” Said Kyuhyun oppa softly.

I lean my head on his chest while his hand still around my waist, hugging me from behind.

We stay at that position quite long until he apologizes to me.

“Mianhe Bella, I shouldn’t mad at you. Jeongmal mianhe…”

“Gwenchana… but you have to trust me oppa. There’s nothing going on between me and that guy. He’s my neighbor and also like a brother for me. His name is Myungsoo. I never knew that he would kiss me like that. I should be the one who say sorry.” I said to him.

“Aniya Bella… and I also feel sorry for your parents.” Added Kyuhyun again.

“You heard that?” I asked as im looking at Kyuhyun.


“Why didn’t you tell me about your problem? You know what? I feel so much useless now.” Said Kyuhyun with a sad tone.

I turn my body to face him. And then I touch his cheek softly.

“Please don’t say that oppa. You are not USELESS ok! I just didn’t want to ruin your day with my problem.”

“Promise me that from now on, you wouldn’t keep any secret from me anymore. Especially something important just like this. Arasso?” Kyuhyun oppa hold my hands as he’s looking at me softly.

“Ne, arasso. I promise to you. And don’t worry.. cause im not going anywhere..”

Kyuhyun oppa gives me his beautiful smile and then he kisses my forehead.

“It’s midnight now, and it’s getting so much cold. It will make your condition worse. We should go now.” Said Kyuhyun oppa as he pulls my hand.

“Sirheo, let’s stay here for a little bit longer oppa.” I begged him as im showing him my puppy eyes.

And it works! He sighed and then he sits again on the ground. He pulls my body closer to him, and hugs me from behind.

“Sing for me oppa!” I asked him.

“As you wish..” Said Kyuhyun oppa as he smiles to me. And then he starts to sing…

His voice can make me feel calm. I feel so much warm and save in his hug. I really don’t want this moment to be end. I hope we can stay like this forever.

“Saranghae oppa…” I mumble.

“Nado saranghae…” Reply Kyuhyun oppa as he kisses the top of my head.







So, how was the story? I know... too long for a oneshot maybe? :D

But still, i hope you'll like it and don't forget to leave a comment and also subscribe ok! :D

I did like 2 days just to make this oneshot, cause like i told you before im still new with this oneshot thing...

And also, i want to thank for all of my readers and also my subscribers who also keep supporting me.. Jeongmal gomawo chigudeul!! >___<

Ok then, see you on the next story of KYULA COUPLE :D Annyeong!!


X.O.X.O Kyula88

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Dreamgirl22 #1
Sorry if it is a stupid question but I am from Puerto Rico so I don't know what maknae means?
omo~ :DD

i like this!!
@ALL : Thanks :D
Cute ! <3
KimMiinah #5
So cute ^^ a happy birthday for our kyuhyunnie <3
@KimMiinah : Thank you :D
I'm glad that you like this story ^^
I thought this story is boring and also bad :(
I'll try my best to continue this story...
KimMiinah #7
How is the story boring? I like all the snapshots of Kyula couple. Please say you'll come back to this I always love reading every chapter you put out.
@Crystalic09 :kekeke.. Thanks for reading and comment :D
Cool and romantic \(´▿`)/
@YoonSeoMin : Well, it's actually oneshot and every chapter has a different story. But the story is still about Bella and Kyuhyun..<br />
<br />
And thanks a lot for liking this story i really appreciate that! :D