Meeting Cho Family?

Our Moments (Kyula Couple)




Ahra sat beside her little bother. Kyuhyun kept busy playing with his PSP, didn’t care about Ahra who was looking at him.
While Ahra kept trying to get her brother attention, but it seemed useless. Cause everyone knew that no one could disturb
Kyuhyun when he’s busy with his wife, PSP.

“Yaa Kyunnie…”



Kyuhyun sighed heavily and then he turned off his PSP. Ahra smiled happily cause finally Kyuhyun pay attention at her.

“What do you want noona? Can’t you see that I was busy?”

“Ne.. ne.. you were busy with your wife. Ok leave that behind! Tell me the truth..” Ahra took something from his pocket,
while Kyuhyun just looking at his sister with a curious face. He wonder what would Ahra show him, seemed like it was something important.

“Who’s this girl? Is she your girlfriend?” Ahra showed Kyuhyun’s phone right infront of Kyuhyun’s face.
Kyuhyun’s eyes grew bigger when he saw Bella picture.

“Yaa noona, that’s my phone!” Kyuhyun said with a panic tone as he was trying to get his phone back from Ahra’s hand.

“Not so fast, Captain Cho! Tell me who she is!” Asked Ahra to him.

Kyuhyun looked at Ahra. He felt hesitate, should he tell her or not. But then he sighed and took a seat beside Ahra.

“Ok, I’ll tell you everything about her. But could you please give my phone back to me?” Asked Kyuhyun as he looked at his sister,
who was smiling happily cause she could force her brother to tell her about that girl.

Ahra gave the phone back to him. “Now tell me!”

“… Her name is Choi Haneul, but I usually call her Bella, that’s her western name. She used to live in USA.
And… she’s my yeojachingu.” Explained Kyuhyun.

“OMO!!! I knew it! I also though that you already had a girlfriend. How could you didn’t tell me, huh? Nappeun dongsaeng!” Ahra hit Kyuhyun’s arm softly.

“Mianhe… it just…”

“Kekeke… you’re shy right?”

Ahra laughed loudly when she saw her brother’s face blushing. She swear that was the first time for her to see her brother blushing like that.
And that was because of the girl.

“Haah, I feel relief.”

“Wae?” Kyuhyun asked with a curious tone.

“Because that means you’re normal. Hahaha… I thought you only love your PSP.” Ahra said jokingly.

“Aish noona!”

“How long have you guys dating?”

“Hmmm…” Kyuhyun seemed thinking for awhile. “Ah.. it’s been 4 months”

“Wooah, and I know now? Ciih how could you..” Ahra pouted.

Ahra took Kyuhyun’s phone and looked at Bella picture again. Kyuhyun looked at her curiously.

“She seemed so much younger than you. Like a high school girl.” Ahra said as she gave the phone back to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun just laughed. “That’s because she’s a high school girl, noona.”








(Bella’s POV)

“Mwoya??!! Sirheo!”

“Jebal…” Kyuhyun oppa says as he’s showing me his puppy eyes. Gosh, he knows exactly how to make me melt.
But this time I should hold myself!

“My family aren’t scary you know..” Add him again.

I just look at Kyuhyun oppa without saying anything. Actually Kyuhyun oppa came to my house just because he wants to ask me to meet his family.
Ok, maybe there’s nothing wrong with that and that’s not a big deal. But for me it is a BIG DEAL! Im nervous to death if I have to meet his family.
How about if they don’t like me??


“Naega sirheo!”

“Jebal… for me?”

I sigh heavily. “Oppa… im scared. How about if they don’t like me? I mean, look at me! Im just a high school girl, not even pretty.
And the important thing is I’m 7 years younger than you. That’s gonna be weird..” I say to him as im bowing my head.

“Hey, look at me!” Kyuhyun oppa lift my head to face him.

“Who says that you aren’t pretty?? And what’s wrong with 7 years younger than me? Leeteuk hyung and Sora also have 7 years difference.
So, there’s nothing wrong with that, ara!” He kisses my forehead.

“Beside, Ahra noona really wants to meet you. And if I can’t bring you to her. Huh… maybe I have to say goodbye to this world.” Kyuhyun oppa making a sad voice and he also acts sad. I laugh to see him like that. It’s super cute >.<


I take a deep breath and nod my head. “Ne. When will I meet them?”

“Kekeke… that’s my girl.”

(Bella’s POV End)








“Ahjumma ottohke??” Bella asked with a panic tone to her ahjumma, Jung Hara.

“Bella-ya, don’t be afraid like this. You suppose to be happy, right?” Hara her niece’s hair. Bella laid her head on Hara’s lap.
She closed her eyes.

“But, I’m nervous ahjumma. How about if they don’t like me? What should I do if that happen?” Bella asked. She was still closing her eyes.

“I think they’ll like you. Trust me!”

“Hmm… I hope so.”



“Please tell me what to do when I meet them. I mean…this is my first time. I don’t know what I should do when I’m there.
So please tell me ahjumma!” Bella cupped both of her hands while she was showing her aunt, her puppy eyes.

“Aigoo…of course I’ll tell you. You don’t have to show me that puppy eyes. I really can’t resist that.” Hara messed Bella’s hair.








Bella looked at Kyuhyun with a nervous stare. Kyuhyun just smiled at her and he held her hand to make her feel comfortable.

“It’s ok.” He whispered to her ear.

“My family aren’t bitting.” He said jokingly. Bella laughed a little when Kyuhyun said that to her. Kyuhyun felt happy to see her smile.
He knew exactly that Bella was really nervous, that’s why he tried to make her comfortable and also calm.

He tightened his grib on Bella. “Kajja!” He smiled to her.








(Kyuhyun’s POV)

Bella’s hand is really cold. I know that she must be really nervous because of this meeting. That’s why I keep telling her that everyting is gonna be fine.
Beside, my noona and eomma are nice person, and also they seem to like Bella when they saw her picture. Noona even already had a nick name for her,
it’s Blue Queen. Yeah, I told her that Bella loves Blue a lot and almost all of her things are blue.

Bella and I entered my house. “Eomma… Noona…”

“Omo Kyuhyun-ah, finally you’re here.” My mom hugs me.

“Annyeong Bella-ya!”

“A… annyeong, Bella imnida.” Bella introduces herself as she’s bowing.

“Aigoo neomu kyeopta.” Ahra noona hugs her.

“Ne, you’re right Ahra-ya! Uri Kyuhyun is really lucky to have a girlfriend like her.” My mom says, making Bella blushing.

Ne, my mom is right! I’m so lucky to have her as my girlfriend.

“Come on, let’s have a lunch now!” My mom says with a smile on her face.

“Kajja kajja!” Noona pulls Bella’s hand. Noona seems so happy to meet her. Yeah, I understand why. That’s because she always wants a little sister.
So does my mom, she also really wants a daughter.

“Appa eodiseo?” I ask because I’m not seeing my father.

“He’s in Tokyo now. There’s a meeting there, that’s why he can’t join us. But he said hi to you.” Eomma says.

We begin the conversation between us. Slowly but sure, Bella becomes more comfortable now. She looks really enjoy when talking to
my mother and my sister. And like I guess before, My eomma and noona like her. That’s a good news!

(Kyuhyun’s POV End)







“So, you used to live in USA?”

“Ne, ahjumma.”

“Wow, your English must be good then. So, you can teach Kyuhyun. His English is poor.” Kyuhyun’s mom looked at his son with a smile on her face.


They all laughed when they saw Kyuhyun pouted. He looked like a little kid when he was doing that. Ahra walked out from the living room and then,
she came back with an album photo on her hand. She took a seat next to Bella.

“Look at this! Doesn’t he look cute?” Ahra showed Kyuhyun’s photo to Bella. It’s his childhood photo. Bella couldn’t help but smile
when she saw Kyuhyun’s photo when he was a kid. There was only a one word for those photos… CUTE!

“Ya noona, don’t show it to her. It’s embarrassing you know.” Kyuhyun said.

“Gwenchana Kyunnie, you looked cute. Super cute.” Ahra said as she smiled widely.








(Bella’s POV)

Seriously, I didn’t expect that everything will turn out like this. I was so scared before if his family couldn’t accept me.
But now i feel relief, because they’re kind to me and they seem to like me. Ahra noona even call me dongsaeng.
You don’t know how happy I am today. This is awesome!


“Ne, ahjumma.”

Ahjumma sits beside me. Now I’m in Kyuhyun’s garden, While Kyuhyun still inside the house, taking something.
Ahjumma gives me a warm smile, it makes me feel comfortable. And also… it reminds me about my mom.

“I’m happy that finally Kyuhyun found a right girl for him. It’s been a long time since he had a girlfriend. He’s too busy with his job until
he didn’t pay attention to his private life. But now you’re here… I’m so happy for both of you.”

“Gomawo ahjumma.” I thank her politely.

“I know Kyuhyun is a stubborn, too loves his PSP until he doesn’t care about anything around him, and sometimes can be so childish.
But, I hope you’ll always stay by his side. He needs you, he loves you…” Ahjumma says to me as she’s looking at me, still with a warm smile on her face.

“Ne, arasso ahjumma.”

“And… about the fans, I know that’s gonna be hard for you. But please… please don’t give up, ara! I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that you’re the one.” Ahjumma last sentence success to makes my face blushing. Ahjumma thinks that I’m “THE ONE” for him? Wow!

(Bella’s POV End)






“Aish jinjja! Why do you have to leave so earlier? I still want to talk to you. Promise me that you’ll come to this house again, ok!”
Ahra said as she looked at Bella.

“Ne, eonnie.” Bella gave her a smile.

“That’s my dongsaeng!” Ahra hugged Bella before Kyuhyun broke their hugged.

“Ya noona! Don’t be so dramatic. She’ll come again, I’ll make sure for that.”

“Ara ara…”

“Ok then, we gotta go now.” Kyuhyun said.

Bella bowed her body to Ahra and Mrs.Cho. “Gomawo for everything ahjumma, eonnie.”

“Ne, Bella-ya.” Mrs.Cho hugged her. “Don’t forget abou what I said to you just now, ok!” She whispered to Bella’s ear.

“Ne.” Bella smiled.








“What did my mother say to you?” Asked Kyuhyun while he was driving.

“That’s a secret.” Bella answered with a smile on her face.

“Ok ok… it’s up to you.”

“Your family are nice. I like them.” Bella said.

Kyuhyun smiled when he heard Bella’s statement. He looked at her quickly and her hair using his left hand,
while his right hand was holding the wheel.

“I told you right. My family are nice. They also like you. So, there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Ne. I feel relief now. Gomawo oppa…”

“No need to say that.” Kyuhyun gave her a warm smile, making Bella’s heart melted.

Bella looked at Kyuhyun who was driving the car. She smiled when she remembered about her conversation with Kyuhyun’s mom.
She felt happy. Really happy, until she couldn't even decribe it.

Ne, I promise that I’ll always stay by your side. And i’m not gonna give up just because of te fans.’ Bella made a promise to herself as she looked at Kyuhyun.

‘Because I know… I know that we are destined together..’





-The End-

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Dreamgirl22 #1
Sorry if it is a stupid question but I am from Puerto Rico so I don't know what maknae means?
omo~ :DD

i like this!!
@ALL : Thanks :D
Cute ! <3
KimMiinah #5
So cute ^^ a happy birthday for our kyuhyunnie <3
@KimMiinah : Thank you :D
I'm glad that you like this story ^^
I thought this story is boring and also bad :(
I'll try my best to continue this story...
KimMiinah #7
How is the story boring? I like all the snapshots of Kyula couple. Please say you'll come back to this I always love reading every chapter you put out.
@Crystalic09 :kekeke.. Thanks for reading and comment :D
Cool and romantic \(´▿`)/
@YoonSeoMin : Well, it's actually oneshot and every chapter has a different story. But the story is still about Bella and Kyuhyun..<br />
<br />
And thanks a lot for liking this story i really appreciate that! :D