Holiday In Japan ^___^

Our Moments (Kyula Couple)

(Bella’s POV)

“Hah, finally we’re in Japan now. And this time we’re here for HOLIDAY not for WORK.” Said Jiyoung with a cheerful tone.

Yeah, Jiyoung, Gyuri eonnie, and I are in Japan now. Since the school is off because of holiday, we decided to spend our holiday’s time in Japan. But too bad that the other Kara’s members can’t go with us because they have their own schedules. Only Gyuri eonnie can go with us.



“Omo.. the view is awesome.” Said Jiyoung while she’s looking the view outside the window.

I walk closer to her and then stand next to her. “Ne, you’re right! The view is awesome.” I said to Jiyoung.

“Girls, the food is coming.” Said Gyuri eonnie to us.

We immediately walk to the dining table and take the food.

“Yah Jiyoung-ah, eat slowly ok!” Said Gyuri eonnie to Jiyoung. Jiyoung just smiles and continue to eating like there’s no tomorrow.

“Aish jeongmal..”

I just laugh to see them. Sometimes, Jiyoung can be so much childish, and if that happens the one who will be very annoyed is Gyuri eonnie.


ureotjyo uuu sigani gamyeonseo naegejun…
aswiume geuriume naetteutgwaneun dareun…
naui mameul bomyeonseo…

My phone is ringing. I immediately walk to our room and take out my phone from my bag. Just like I thought…

…it’s Kyuhyun oppa :D

“Yoboseyo?” I answer the phone.

“Have you arrived in Japan?” Asked Kyuhyun oppa to me.

“Ne, I just arrived like an hour ago. Im in the Hotel now.” I said to him.

“OK then, I just want to make sure. I still have some works now, but when everything’s done we can meet and spend our holiday together.”Added him again.

“Ne, I’ll wait for you.”

“Hmm… I should go now. The work is calling.”Said him before he hang up the phone.

Huh jeongmal… I can’t wait to meet Kyuhyun oppa and then spend our time together. It’s gonna be perfect. Just thinking about that can make me feel so happy and also excited.

Kekeke.. you must be wondering about our conversation just now.

Yeah actually the first reason why did I choose Japan for holiday was because Kyuhyun oppa is here too! He’s been in Japan for almost a week because of his works.

So, when Jiyoung said that she wanted to Holiday in Japan I was so excited. And without thinking twice, I accepted her idea.

Kyuhyun oppa and I already made a plan…

…A PERFECT plan for our holiday, or I should say OUR SECRET DATE ^___^






Aigoo jeongmal!!!

I feel like I want to throw this laptop to the wall! But of course I won’t do that, because this laptop is new and it was a present from Siwon oppa.

I’m annoyed? Of course I AM!!

I was watching video on youtube, and without on purpose I saw Kyuhyun and Seohyun duet video when SM Town in Japan.

I hate it when Kyuhyun oppa held her hand and smiled to her.

I really hate it, until I feel like I will cry anytime soon. But I immediately hold back my tears cause I don’t want to cry just because of that.

Kyuhyun oppa is my boyfriend now. He and Seohyun are just friends. THAT’S IT! He did all those things because his management asked him to. It’s only for work.

“Huh… you have to calm your self Bella-ya..”I tried to calm my self. I take a very deep breath and then try to smile.

Suddenly, Jiyoung come to the room.

“Gwenchana?” She walks closer to me and then sits on the bed next to me.


“Have Kyuhyun oppa called you?” Asked her again.

“Ani, he’s still busy now. Maybe later..”’ I reply with a weak tone.

“Yah! Don’t be sad like this! You still have us, me and Gyuri eonnie. Kajja, go change your clothes, we’re gonna starts our beautiful holiday.” Said Jiyoung with her awesome eyes smile on her face.


(Bella’s POV End)






“Hyung, the work is done right? Can I go now?” Asked Kyuhyun as he looked at his manager, hoping that he will let him go.

“Of course not! The work is already done, but you still have some interview together with the other members.” Answered the manager, and it success made Kyuhyun’s face from bright turned to dark.

“But I have another plan hyung.” Said Kyuhyun again.

“Plan? With who? You can do your plan after the interview, arasso?!” Said the manager. Without waiting  for Kyuhyun answer, he immediately left the room.

“Aish jinjja!” Kyuhyun mumbled as he ruffled his hair.






Bella was waiting for Kyuhyun at the park. They already made a plan to meet there, before they begin their holiday together.

But it’s already late and Kyuhyun still didn’t show up. It made Bella annoyed and also worry at the same time.

“Is he alright? Where is he now?”Asked Bella to herself as she looked at her phone. But there was no miscalled or SMS from Kyuhyun.

Bella tried to call him, but unfortunately his phone was out of area or the other word, his phone was off. Bella sighed and looked at her watch again.

It’s been an hour..

And still no sigh from him..

Bella looked at the dark sky, yeah it’s already night and there were a lof of stars above the sky.

“Wae? You want to laugh at me? Keudeu… just do it!” Said Bella to the stars above the sky as she’s pouting.






(Kyuhyun’s POV)

Ah finally… everything’s done!

I look at my watch and for me to surprise, it’s already 8 pm!

Great! Now im late. Bella must be really mad at me now. Without waiting any longer I stop the taxi near me and tell the driver to drive me to the park.

I take out my phone from my pocket. I really want to call her and apologize to her. But what I see is…

… My phone is already off.

“Aish jinjja!”

“Huh… I hope she’s still waiting for me.”


There are a lot of people in this park. Good thing that I'm wearing my disguise, if I didn’t… I don’t know what’s gonna be happen to me when the fans see me.

I keep looking for Bella..

But unfortunately, I can’t find her. Maybe she’s too mad at me and decided to go back to her hotel. I take a deep breath and sigh. When im about to walk away…

“Yah, don’t you know what time is it? Don’t you have a watch?”

I immediately turn my body. And I can see Bella is standing right behind me with a pout face. She looks so cute when she’s doing that.

“Mianhe… I got the interview, like it or not I should do that interview. And forgot to call you, beside my phone is already off. So I couldn’t call you. Jeongmal mianhe for making you wait for me.” I apologize to her.

“Ck.. I actually still mad at you. Because you made me waiting like a fool person here. Can’t you see that almost everyone in this park are couples? Huh… but unfortunately I can’t mad at you.” Said her again while her face is still pouting.

I can’t help but kiss her cheek. She seems so surprise with my action and her face starts to blushing.

“Oppa, not here! How about if the fans see that?”

“Don’t worry, no one will notice me here. Look at me! Im wearing a disguise now. Ok, let’s go now!” I said to her. And then I grab her hand and hold it while walking.

(Kyuhyun’s POV End)






They were holding hands while they were walking side by side. Their smiles were never disappeared from their faces. They looked so happy with each other.

They were walking around the town, seeing Japan nighted landscape.

“Oppa let’s go there!” Said Bella as she pulled Kyuhyun’s hand to photobox.

Bella smiled happily after she saw their photos “Neomu kyeopta.” Said her while she was still looking at those photos.

“Here.. half for me and half for you.” Said Bella again.

Tonight she felt really happy. Cause finally she could feel how is it like to have a date like the other couples. She always felt jealous when her friends told her about their date with their boyfriend.

She never felt dating like the other couples was because of Kyuhyun’s status. He’s a celebrity, it’s immposible for them to date like a normal person, and beside no one knows about their relationship. Because if people knows about them, it might effect Kyuhyun’s job.

“Hey, let’s go to the festival of lanterns.” Said Kyuhyun.

“There’s a festival of lanterns? Ne, kajja! I really want to see it.” Replied Bella with an excited tone.



Bella couldn’t hide her excitement. She kept smiling while looking at those lanterns. Kyuhyun just smiled when he saw Bella’s expression.

“Do you like it?” Asked Kyuhyun as he looked at his girlfriend, Bella.

“Ne.” Bella nodded with a smiled on her face.



“Ne?” Kyuhyun looked at Bella with a curious look.

“Gomawo for brought me here. It such a beautiful place. These lanterns are awesome.” Said Bella with a smiled on her face, making Kyuhyun also smiled because of her.

“Ne, cheonmaneyo.” Answered Kyuhyun while he put his arm around Bella’s shoulder. He brought her body closer to him, not wanting to let go of her.


They were sitting on the bench while their hands still interlocked with each other. Kyuhyun leaned his head on Bella’s shoulder.

Kyuhyun sighed heavily. Bella knew that her boyfriend must be really tired because of his works. She felt pity for him. Bella Kyuhyun’s hair softly, she hoped that Kyuhyun will be comfortable because of her action.

“Mmm… Bella?”


“Don’t think too much about me and Seohyun ok!” Said Kyuhyun.

Bella just kept silent.

“I know you must be a little bit mad and upset when you saw our duet video. It’s actually nothing, so you don’t have to worry about that! For me, Seohyun only as a sister, nothing more. If you see that we’re so close infront of camera and fans, that’s because the company asked us to.” Explained Kyuhyun to Bella.

“Hmm.. ne, arasso oppa. Don’t worry ok!”

Kyuhyun tightened his grib on Bella. He felt really grateful to have a girlfriend whose understanding and patience as Bella. Although Bella was younger than him, but Bella always can be mature. That’s what makes Kyuhyun always feel comfortable and calm when he around her.

Yea,, Kyuhyun really loved that girl…

“Neo ara, I’ve never thought before that I will have a girlfriend who is 7 years younger than me.” Said Kyuhyun with a small smile on his face.

Bella just smiled to hear that. Cause she also never thought before that she will have a boyfriend who is 7 years older than her. And don’t forget to mention that her boyfriend is The Evil Maknae From SUPER JUNIOR, Cho Kyuhyun. It’s like dream come true for her…

“Nado oppa… it feels like a dream for me.” Said Bella with a low tone.

Kyuhyun turned his head to face Bella. He came closer… and closer… until Bella could feel his breath. Their noses were touching.

Slowly, Bella closed her eyes and then….


Kyuhyun kissed her softly…

“It was our second kiss.” Said him while smiling.

Bella just smiled shyly as the response.

“You know what? Right now, this is the best holiday that I’ve ever had for this year, or maybe for the rest of my life.” Said Kyuhyun as he looked at Bella deeply with his charming smile, making Bella felt nervous.



“…..hmm… can I kiss you again?”

“Mwo??” Asked Bella with a surprised tone. Without waiting for Bella’s answer, Kyuhyun pressed his lips on hers again.. They were kissed again under the stars that shine brightly as their were holding hands.




-The End-


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Dreamgirl22 #1
Sorry if it is a stupid question but I am from Puerto Rico so I don't know what maknae means?
omo~ :DD

i like this!!
@ALL : Thanks :D
Cute ! <3
KimMiinah #5
So cute ^^ a happy birthday for our kyuhyunnie <3
@KimMiinah : Thank you :D
I'm glad that you like this story ^^
I thought this story is boring and also bad :(
I'll try my best to continue this story...
KimMiinah #7
How is the story boring? I like all the snapshots of Kyula couple. Please say you'll come back to this I always love reading every chapter you put out.
@Crystalic09 :kekeke.. Thanks for reading and comment :D
Cool and romantic \(´▿`)/
@YoonSeoMin : Well, it's actually oneshot and every chapter has a different story. But the story is still about Bella and Kyuhyun..<br />
<br />
And thanks a lot for liking this story i really appreciate that! :D