
Be With Me (EDITING)

Your POV:

I woke up and found myself laying very close next to Baekhyun.  At first, I was shocked, but then I looked at his gentle sleeping face and smiled.  My smile soon disappeared, though, realizing that this was wrong.  Baekhyun had a girlfriend, yet here I was sleeping next to him.  I shook away the thought and then got out of the bed and went into the living room.  I checked the time and it was only 8:21 am.  Everything was all quiet, so I guessed that everyone was still asleep.  Should I cook?  It would be the least I could do since they let me sleep over...

While I was searching through their cabinets for ingredients, someone asked, "What are you doing?"

I jumped and hit my head.  When I turned around, I found EXO's manager standing there.  I greeted and bowed to him while holding the spot on my head where I had hit it.  He asked me once again, this time more sternly and slightly irritated. 

"I-I was just going to cook breakfast for you all," I explained in a soft voice.

"You should ask first before searching through people's stuff."

"I'm sorry.  I jus-"

"I think you should leave, now."

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded and walked out of the kitchen to grab my phone and bag, but as I was getting my stuff, Jongdae came into the room.  He looked at me, confused. 

"Oh, good morning," I greeted him.

"Why are you getting your things?" he asked. 

I glanced over to his manager, who was staring at me.  I grew nervous and tried to make something up, but then Jongdae wasn't taking any of it.  He turned to look at his manager. 

"Hyung, why are you telling Areum to leave?  She wasn't doing anything bad," he said.

"Ah, it's okay, Jongdae.  I was planning to leave soon anyway," I butted in, not wanting an argument to start. 

"I heard what I heard...  You weren't doing anything wrong."  He looked at me.

"I know, but-"

"It's okay, Areum.  You don't need to deny it."  He smiled.

"I'm going out," his manager said and left the room without saying anything else.

Jongdae reached out for my bag and set it back down on the couch.  He still had a smile on his face as he put his hand on my back and lead me to the kitchen.  My heart kind of fluttered at his actions, and made me feel safe and warm inside. 

"So, what are we cooking today?" he asked.  

We talked and finally decided what we should cook, then began moving around the kitchen.  It was quite fun cooking with Jongdae.  He always cracked jokes and was very entertaining to talk to.  I was happy that I got to know him better, and I grew to love his personality and company. 

Chanyeol came to join us and helped finish making breakfast.  Then he and Jongdae went to wake the other members while I set the table.  After I was done, I made my way back to Baekhyun's room. 

When I got there, Baekhyun was still sleeping.  I silently sat down on the side of his bed and poked his cheeks.  He swatted my hands away and turned to his side so that his back was facing me. 

"Baek," I called him. 

He didn't give me an answer. 

"Baekhyun," I called again. 

Still nothing. 

"Byun Baekhyun!" I called out a little louder. 

He groaned this time and pulled the blanket over his head. 

"You're stubborn," I mumbled and got up. 

I gently tugged at the blanket and pulled it off his body.  Then I jumped onto his bed with my knees and leaned over so I could poke his cheeks again. 

"Wake up," I said. 

"Why?" he whined.  "I'm so tired..." 

"Who told you to go to sleep so late?" 

"Go away, mother." 

"Fine, if you don't want breakfast then you can sleep all day." 

He sat up so fast that he made me fall off of his bed and hit my head again.  I groaned in pain and held the spot where it hurt.  Baekhyun crawled off his bed and sat next to me, trying to examine my head.  He gently pulled my hands away so that he could feel for himself. 

"Did you hit your head that hard to have two bumps?" he asked. 

"It's your fault," I replied with a pout.  I didn't want to say anything about earlier in the morning, so I left it at that. 

"I'm sorry.  Let's go get you some ice." 

Baekhyun smiled and got up.  Then he held his hand out for me to take and left his room. 

Back in the living room and dining room, everyone was already eating.  I was going to sit with Jongdae and the rest of them until Baekhyun continued to tug me over to their freezer.  He pulled out a small ice pack and set it on my head.  Then he brought my hand up and placed it on top of it. 

"Hopefully the swelling will go down soon," he said and walked over to the dining table. 

I followed and we both sat down to eat. 

"What happened?" Minseok asked, looking at the ice pack.  The other members looked up from their food to look as well. 

"Baekhyun made me fall and hit my head," I told them. 

"Hey, in my defense, I didn't think that I would knock you over," Baekhyun explained trying to sound innocent. 

None of the members were having it, though.  Most of them started scolding him, making me laugh. 

Once we were all finished, it was almost 11 o'clock.  All of the boys were packing their items and getting ready to go practice for their concert that was coming up.  I changed back into my clothes, which were still kind of damp, and sat in the living room. 

"Did you want me to drop you off?" Baekhyun asked as he pulled on a hoodie. 

"No, it's okay.  I'll walk," I replied.

"You live kind of far, though."

"It's okay.  I'll probably stop by the market on my way home anyway."

"Are you sure?"


I got up to use the bathroom and when I came out Baekhyun was waiting by the door for me. 

"What?" I asked.

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

"Yes, I am.  Oh, and I left your clothes on your bed.  Thanks for letting me wear it."  I walked passed him and went to get my bag and phone.  


Baekhyun's POV:

I kept bothering Areum about letting me drop her off at home, but she just kept rejecting me.  She had already walked all the way to our dorm yesterday, and in the rain, too, so I didn't want her to have to walk all the way back.  Finally, after a lot more tries, she gave in and allowed me to drive her. 

We said good bye to my members and hopped into my car and drove off.  Neither of us said anything for a while, until Areum decided to break the silence. 

"How much have you guys been practicing?" she asked.

"A few weeks," I replied.

"Oh.  Well, I think you guys will do great."

"Yeah I hope so.  And before I forget, do you have someone to bring you to the concert?"

"Uh... no.  My parents and brother are working."

"Hmm... well, I can have Taeyeon pick you up or my manager."

"I-I don't know..."

I could sense her uneasiness when I mentioned my manager.  Earlier, when Areum was busy talking to some of the other members, Jongdae pulled me to the side and told me about what had happened between them. 

"I'll call Taeyeon to pick you up," I told her. 

"But, I don't want to bother her." 

"She'll be coming anyway, so I don't think it'll be a big deal, but if she doesn't then I'll come or one of the guys will.  We might have to pick you up really early in the morning, though."

"I don't mind.  I'm an early bird."

"Since when?"

"Since you stopped bothering me at midnight."

We both laughed.  I remembered that I would call her at night sometimes and we would talk for a long time, or as long as we could, and wouldn't go to sleep until the morning.  When she left to America, because of the time difference, I would call her at the wrong time, but she still stayed up to talk with me anyway. 

I parked out on the curb and watched as she put her bag on her shoulder and got out of the car.  I stayed there until she was safely inside her home.  When she was inside, I sighed and drove off to my company. 

It was around 12 o'clock when I got there, so I was on time.  We stretched and then started to practice from the top once again.  I couldn't wait for our concert because we had prepared a lot for it and worked very hard.  Everything seemed so exciting and nerve wracking at the same time.




Hia!  update for you guys!  i hope you like it!! :)  and thank you sooo sooo much AnisZulkifli for upvoting this story.  I really really appreciate it!  so thank you so very much :D






Hello again!  So, in the next chapter, Areum will be backstage with EXO!  There are a whole lot more chapters, so there will be a whole lot more drama.  (I'm just kidding, I think you've been exposed to most of the beginning dramas already haha) 

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Chapter 35: omg i thought this fic was finished but not yet x|
Chapter 35: Jongdae is really sweet but Baekhyun :((((

ps: stay safe!!!
Chapter 34: omg that kiss!!!! please Baekhyun don't play with her feelings :( she already has so much drama family to get hurt by you. He should break up with Taeyeon and date Areum! they're meant for each other
Chapter 32: They should really send their mom to a psychologist because she clearly have mental issue at the moment. The accident turned her into a somewhat monster.
Chapter 31: She need to go back to school? So she did not finish college there?

I actually like Jongdae more than Baekhyun in this, he’s such a sweetheart and ultimately he’s there for her.
Chapter 30: Her problems are piling up.
Chapter 29: That line I still like you, it confused me too, I thought that they never confessed to each other. So her telling that to Baekhyun means that he did know? Or I’m just assuming things?
Chapter 25: Atleast her sister in law is still sane for not aborting her child. She just got tons of problems in her plate.
Chapter 24: I read this in one go and I was planning to comment on the last chapter but I just can’t help myself because my head is starting to ache because of the drama of being poor.
I get that they are poor but then again I thought that she had graduated from the US, then why don’t she look a job that would fit what she finished in college? I mean if you’re a graduate from the US most probably you’d get a higher paying job. It’s stupid that she went to the US to study just to get home and get a part time job as an English tutor. Going to the US I though that it is through scholarship grant or whag but then I get that they paid for it, how poor are they in the first place if they get to send her to college in US but the daily life they can’t support. They are all working.
Her brother is already married why don’t he and his wife start a life of their own? Why live still with his parents, I got flabbergasted when the mom suggested abortion, you can swallow all that and say that you’d kill your own child?
Also for a poor person to have a two car, wooooow. They could just sell those to get money.
Chapter 33: ugh I really dislike Taeyon! She's older than Baekhyun but she's acting like a jealous possessive girlfriend.. and Baekhyun is like a fool. Poor Areum :(