Chapter 6 : I Love You

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Chapter 6: I Love You.




"Oh you came." Jaejoong's greeting was the same whenever his best-friend came to see him. He would always call him and make him cancel whatever he has just to listen to him, comfort him or advice him. "Come in." He added, and Yoochun did as told.

They went to Jaejoong's bedroom and sat there, not saying a word as Jaejoong bit his fingernails and moving his right leg up and down fast out of nervousness, and his best-friend watching him worriedly, until the latter broke the silence. "What happened?" But he got no response so he put his hand on top of his friend's knee in order to calm him down, and then repeated his question. "What happened, Jaejoong hyung?"

"I guess..." Jaejoong finally lifted his eyes to look at his best friend, and moved his hand from his mouth to reach his own knee. "I guess I'm going crazy." He said, bitterness heard in his voice. 

"And when were you even sane?" Yoochun joked, but then he realized that his silly jokes are of no help, so he decided to be more serious, for once. "Why are you saying this? What happened exactly?" He asked.

"I-I had that dream again... why do I keep having such dreams? Why?"

"Which dream? What are you talking about?" Yoochun had an idea about what was that dream about, but he wasn't sure though. 

"That one... the kiss one. I dreamt that he kissed me yesterday... again." He explained. This wasn't the first time it happens to him. Jaejoong's lips are so sensitive, so whenever Yunho would come and kiss him, he would wake up. He had never shown that he was awake since he thought that he was dreaming. Everytime Yunho would take advantage of his sleep and kiss him, Jaejoong decides to enjoy the moment instead of making any move, listen to his heart's crazy beating afterwards, and call his friend the next day to tell him about his weird dream and sleepless night, and try to find a solution, which they never did.

"I guess you're really gone crazy or maybe... maybe it isn't a dream.." Yoochun told his friend, getting suspicious. 

"What do you mean? Perhaps...?" Jaejoong has already guessed what his best-friend meant, his hopes already getting high, and the fear of them being  crushing down getting bigger. "I Don't think so..." he added when he remembered what Yunho said the previous day. "He-he probably hates me, not the other way round. " His voice cracked. 

"Why would he?" Yoochun asked in confusion. "Jaejoong-ah, what are you talking about?" He asked as he took his best-friend's hand in his, and pulled him closer to him.

"He hates gays. He shouldn't know about my uality. He will hate me for sure!" Jaejoong's tears started flooding out his eyes, rolling down his pinky cheeks.

Yoochun wraped him in a hug and made him sit on his lap as he patted his back to calm him down. "Don't cry. The way he said it was a little weird. I guess he only said it to hide

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jaan30 #1
Chapter 9: LOL Yoochun omg stop it! He had to know they'd at least be making out hahaha that brat. xD
Chapter 9: hahahahaha....Yoochun SAW something he shouldn't seen..:D
Mawiii #3
Chapter 9: what a great oshdksduiguzkjsq ! i am so speechless ! I LAUGHED MORE THAN I SHOULD TO THE URANUS PART !
It's no more a planet for me now . Thank you .
Oh my god, this is so perfect !
Yoochun part T T ! He might be enjoying the view, lucky him .
Chapter 9: Haha Yiochun you troll. Great update and totally unexpected. Very creative and endearing. Loved the quirkiness. Have a wonderful holiday season. Until next time, let all be well with you
meechan35 #5
Chapter 9: That was one awkward moment with Yoochun witnessing Yunjae intimate moment. Ha ha ha.
Mawiii #6
Chapter 3: Make it as long as you want . we have no problem reading your magic spells.
This is so cute, i love chap 3.
jaan30 #8
Chapter 8: LOL Yoochun is such a brat! But I guess it worked so... ;D took them long enough! Thanks for the update^^
jenny_june #9
Chapter 8: Can you continue....
akiramia #10
Chapter 8: Hahaha... chunked such a genius cassanova...fighting