Chapter 4: High Hopes.

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Chapter 4: High Hopes.




Have you ever saw someone feeling grateful toward the person who almost hit him with a car? Yunho was. 

The car accident that he almost got in reminded him of what happened few years ago, and made him think about looking for his beloved one where he used to meet him before, and where he met him for the first time.

He started shouting Jaejoong's name while running and bumping into people, making his friend worry for him and think that he became crazy, but he couldn't care less. 

He arrived to that old area that he usually feared, but that day, even though it was already dark he didn't even blink an eye, give it a second thought or give up. His longing for Jaejoong and his fear of losing him were way greater than his panic and his fright of being in danger or getting hurt.

He hung around each and every alley he could notice in the dark, and when he was about to give up, a high pitched scream that he could recognize anywhere sent shivers through his spine, and assaulted his brain with different scenarios and scary ideas.

He forced his shaky weak knees to carry him and ran toward the source of the voice, to be followed by Changmin. After two or three allies, they found themselves in front of two delinquents pushing a shaky screaming mess against the wall, one of them holding a knife and pressing it against Jaejoong's jawline,  while the other was trying to undress him.

Yunho clunched his fists at the sigh of the horrible scene in front of him. "Don't worry Jaejoong I'm here." He shouted as he threw a fist at the shorter's face, taking him off guard and making him drop the knife he was holding,  while Changmin freed Jaejoong's from the other boy's grasp. The two delinquents were drunk so it was kinda easy to deal with them.

"It's ok Yunho-yah. You're gonna kill him if you continue beating him up this way." Said Changmin as he dragged his furious friend away from the unconscious beaten up guy and toward Jaejoong. At the sigh of the sobbing teenager, Yunho's fists finally losened, his hands hesitantly reached Jaejoong's face to wipe his tears, and then wrapped him in a bone crushing hug, afraid to lose him again if he losen his grasp.

"W-where have you be-en? I thou-ought I lost-t you forev-ver." Yunho asked, not able to stop his tears anymore. In response,  all what Jaejoong could do is to mumble incomprehensible words, still under shock.

They stayed hugging and sobbing this way for about ten minutes until they calmed down, while Changmin watched them happily, proud that he could help his friend and bring the smile back to his face.

Once home, Yunho offered to help Jaejoong take a warm relaxing bath, and then carried him to bed since he was deadly tired that he couldn't even walk properly. It took jaejoong less than three minutes to fall asleep. Eventhough Yunho had barelly got any sleep during this whole week, he couldn't leave the teenager alone, and fought the sleep and the tiredness to stay beside him the whole night, contemplaiting his beautiful features, that even the black circles around his eyes and the scratches all over his face couldn't hide his beauty.




"So you were here?" Changmin said as he sat beside an absent-minded Yunho, but he got no response. "Earth to Yunho, earth to Yunho." He repeated as he waved his hand in front of the called man's face, interrupting this way his train of memories. 

"Ah Changmin-ah. I was about to look for you, this party is so annoying!" Yunho told his friend as he lowered his sigh, avoiding to look at his crush enjoying his time with all those ladies around him.

"Annoying or... uncomfortable? You still love him

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jaan30 #1
Chapter 9: LOL Yoochun omg stop it! He had to know they'd at least be making out hahaha that brat. xD
Chapter 9: hahahahaha....Yoochun SAW something he shouldn't seen..:D
Mawiii #3
Chapter 9: what a great oshdksduiguzkjsq ! i am so speechless ! I LAUGHED MORE THAN I SHOULD TO THE URANUS PART !
It's no more a planet for me now . Thank you .
Oh my god, this is so perfect !
Yoochun part T T ! He might be enjoying the view, lucky him .
Chapter 9: Haha Yiochun you troll. Great update and totally unexpected. Very creative and endearing. Loved the quirkiness. Have a wonderful holiday season. Until next time, let all be well with you
meechan35 #5
Chapter 9: That was one awkward moment with Yoochun witnessing Yunjae intimate moment. Ha ha ha.
Mawiii #6
Chapter 3: Make it as long as you want . we have no problem reading your magic spells.
This is so cute, i love chap 3.
jaan30 #8
Chapter 8: LOL Yoochun is such a brat! But I guess it worked so... ;D took them long enough! Thanks for the update^^
jenny_june #9
Chapter 8: Can you continue....
akiramia #10
Chapter 8: Hahaha... chunked such a genius cassanova...fighting