Chapter 06

The Talking Book

“Jin?” Jongin called from the kitchen but no one replied. “Jin-ah?” He looked at the lunch he had prepared for the both of them. He let out a sigh and walked towards her room’s door.

The past few days, Jin had been weird around Jongin. She would stay locked in her room and probably read. That made Jongin worried and he kept blaming himself for giving her the book.

“What if she…?” Wide-eyed he looked at the door and shook his head. “Probably not. I don’t even know what chapter she’s reading.” He knocked on the door but no one opened it. He slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door. “Jin?” He asked when he saw her lying on her bed. “Is she sleeping?” He asked again, even though he knew no one was hearing him.

 He smiled as he slowly walked towards her and kneeled down. He moved her hair away from her face so he could see her. When he looked down he saw the notebook she keeps with herself and tried to take it. As soon as he touched it, Jin woke up and grabbed the notebook.

“Jongin.” She whispered as she looked at his face that was dangerously close to her.

“What’s wrong with you?” He crossed his arms and glared at her.

“W-why? D-did I do something wro-wrong?” She stuttered and tried to move away from him.

“Jin-ah, you’re weird lately. Always taking notes and keeping an eye on everything. Even an A+ student doesn’t do that!” He complained and Jin blinked.

“I’m an A+ student.”

“Oh…” He looked at the ground and then back at her eyes, startling Jin a little bit.

“Wait. Are you worried about me?” She grinned and pinched his cheeks. “Jonginnie is worried about me! You’re so cute, you idiot. The professor asked me to help her with some stuff so I’m just checking some books and documents for her.” She said matter-of-factly and patted his shoulder. “I’m fine, Jongin.”

“I thought you were feeling sick or maybe you were reading the book and I was afraid.” He looked at her then bit his lower lip, trying not to hit himself.

“Why are you afraid?”

“Nothing.” He stormed out of the room and Jin chuckled. She grabbed her phone and dialed someone’s phone number.


“Hey! Are you free tonight?” Jin asked and the person on the other line laughed and accepted her offer.



“Where are you going?” Jongin asked Jin when she saw her dressed up nicely.

“I’ll go out for dinner with Baekhyun.” She smiled at him and wore her sneakers. “But first I’ll eat the food you prepared.”

Jongin was pretty shocked when she said Baekhyun’s name. He was used to her saying that she was going to hang out with her friends and ask him if he wanted to join her, but this time she didn’t. He started asking himself if she was getting sick of Jongin, until she said she was going to eat what he prepared first even though she was going to eat with Baekhyun. A smile found its way on his lips, brightening his face.

“So?” He was standing beside her while she was sitting on a chair and eating his food.

“This is so good!” She said while munching the chicken. Jongin laughed and shook his head. He felt… happy.



“I’ll be going now! I’ll come back early, so then we can go out if you want.” She shouted before closing the main door and running outside to meet Baekhyun in time.

“What is this urgent thing we need to talk about?” He asked as he smiled at her as soon as they arrived at the restaurant.

“It’s about Jongin. But, Baekhyun… You know I trust you, right?”

“I trust you more.” He nodded and Jin grinned.


“J O N G I N. They fit perfectly with the five dashes in the book every time the name of the main character is written. Even the surname Kim!” Jin pointed at the dashes on the book and Baekhyun looked at her then back at the book. She told him how they met and everything that happened while they started living together and she explained what the book was about.

“So you’re trying to say that?”

“Yes. Now I know.”

“And what are you planning to do now that you know? Are you scared? Will you leave him like the others? Jin, it’s been a month already and you know everything. You’re completely different from the other people on the book.”

“I’ll stay by his side. Even if I don’t want to, I will. He has dreams and a mission in his life that he has to complete. I don’t want him to disappear again. And this is his last chance! If he doesn’t make it then he’ll die!” She sighed and looked at him. “I’m scared something might happen to him, Baekhyun.”

“I agree with you, but do you really know what that means?”

“What are you trying to say?”

“His mission is to find the girl he loves, so that he can live for her. The first time, the girl thought he was playing with her and he didn’t have a chance at all. The second time the girl committed suicide on the last day. The third time he met five guys who helped him and believed him. Most of all, they thought of him as a brother. Now, it’s completely different. He decided he doesn’t want to think about finding a girl or spend his last months on searching for her. He came on Earth with a new mission for himself. To enjoy life. But, he met you! His last chance! Even though he had no intentions on using you, he gave you the book because he wants you to enjoy it and be the first and last person who reads it all. And him having a dream of publishing a book, I think he wants to publish this book with no name. I know from a legend that if he makes it alive, the book with no name will have the owner’s name imprinted on the first page as its title. But if the girl reads the last chapter or the last page beforehand, then she will die and he will die too. So, you’re telling me you want to help him but you need to find him a girl, but you don’t know something really important.”

Jin blinked as she heard Baekhyun explaining her about Jongin and the book. She didn’t know he could be so smart and work hard on something until it’s completely finished.

“The only person who can read the book… Is you.”

“What?” Jin shouted and the people at the restaurant looked at her and she bowed her head, telling them she was sorry for disturbing the peace.

“I can’t read the book. No one can read the book beside the person who was first able to see the words “Help me.”.”

“Baekhyun…? How do you…?”

“While you were busy taking notes and reading the book, I was busy hearing Jongin explaining to his awesomely awesome hyung, who is me, about his life. I didn’t know he believed me so much. And I’m glad about that.”

Jin had no words. She just looked at her untouched food and bit her lower lip.

“Did he say anything about me?”

“He said he felt guilty for what happened and that it’s too late to pull you out of this mess. Not only because you’re now part of the book, but because he can’t too… He doesn’t want to lose you.”

“This means I’m part of the fourth chapter? I’m part of his life…” She whispered and closed her eyes.

“Together, the seven of us… We should live a beautiful life with him like he always dreamt. Baekhyun-ah, I can count on you, right?” She grinned at him and the pumped fists.

“I missed your fighting spirit! And of course you can count on me. No one besides us and the others will know. Our motto is We are One, right? Let’s keep that promise.” He smiled and Jin grinned happily.

“So, the others know already?”

“Yeah, they do.”

“Should I tell Jongin?”

“He would freak out. Let’s just wait for the right time…”



That was one of the most complicated days of Jin’s life. Yet, she was glad about everything. About the fact she has a friend named Baekhyun, about the change in life, about meeting Jongin. And most of all… She’s glad that she has feelings for him.



“Jin? Welcome home!” Jongin opened the door immediately for her to come in. He was waiting for me… “Jin?” She hugged him and Jongin was shocked by her actions, yet he was happy that she took the initiative to hug him because that was definitely what he wanted to do once she was home.

“Jongin-ah, can you trust me?”

“What do you mean?” He looked at her with worry. It felt like déjà vu.

 “Can you?”

“I trusted you since you gave me a place to live.”

“Then never leave my side. Got it?”



Chapter 3


Again, it was time for Jongin to turn back to Earth. 300 years since his existence, which meant nothing for him and everybody else. He just comes and goes, not leaving any traces of him in this big yet small world.

This time, he came on Earth trying to make friendship and not to find love. And he did find it.


“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. I was just passing by and-” Jongin tried to explain but the guy in front of him stopped him from doing so.

“It’s ok, bro. I see you’re not focused so I don’t blame you. You look like a new face. Are you new in this neighborhood?”

“Yes. My name is Kim Jongin and I just arrived here.”

“Are you looking for a house? I live three houses away from here and I share it with four other guys. You can join us if you want.” He smiled and gave him a card with his name and age.

“Taemin hyung.” He smiled and went at the nearest Samsung shop to buy a phone.






“Hello there Jongin! I’m Jonghyun!”

“Hey, I’m Onew!”

“Hi, I’m Minho.”

“Yo, Key here!”

The boys introduced themselves after Jongin. They showed him around the house and welcomed him as their new brother.


One day, Jongin decided he didn’t want to keep secrets from them. So he told them the truth. But they didn’t call him a monster, neither did they kick him out of the house. What they did; they worried.

“Jongin-ah, only three months? What can we do to help you? A perfect guy like you deserves to enjoy and live a happy life.” His brother Taemin said.



Like that, he enjoyed his three months on Earth, hoping that next time he would live the same life, or even better if he could.




“No, not again.” Jongin looked at his hands which were slowly becoming invisible. He knew that lasted only for some seconds and it would happen at any time because his end is near, yet he was scared. When he once wished this ended quickly, now he wants it to end slowly… Even better if it didn’t end at all.

Suddenly Jin entered the room and Jongin tried to find a way to hide his hands but Jin saw it and she sighed. Jongin looked at her wide-eyed as she neared him and grabbed his hands.

“Let’s go out, Jongin-ah?” She said while holding his hands which felt like she was holding the air. Nothing… She was holding nothing.

“L-let’s go.” He said.

She let go of his hands and waited for him to dress up. His hands weren’t appearing and she grew worried.

What do I do? What do I do?!  She cried in her mind.


Is she able to see my hands? That’s better because she wouldn’t feel suspicious.  He thought.


“I’m ready.” He walked outside when suddenly Jin grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him down. She smiled at him and pecked his lips. When she looked down at his hands, they appeared again and she grinned like a happy little kid.

“Let’s go?”




What do you think so far? Now Jin knows the truth but Jongin doesn't know that she knows... yet XD I hope you're liking this so far! Thanks for subscribing and reading! ♥ 

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so, if you haven't realized yet some parts of this story were inspired by You Who Came From The Stars hehe xD Forgive me for not updating more >< Busy summer~ㅎㅎ


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Chapter 13: Hmmmm things are getting interesting! Fighting for the chapter
exoexo2 #2
Chapter 12: I love this story ... it's beautiful <3
1Inspirit1 #4
This story is so good!!
1Inspirit1 #5
This story is so good!!
aLiaLovella #6
Chapter 11: haha,this chapter is so interesting to begin with! Also,I anm relieve that the relationship between Kai and Jin is okay.I also hope Baekhyun is okay though coz he may have some feelings for Jin.Hope it end well.

Keep writing! Will wait for your update,Hwaiting!
Love ya<3
aLiaLovella #7
Chapter 10: I have finally finish your story. It has a great plot and potential but I'm a bit blur by it timeline, coz suddenly it was already two months. Also, everyone accept Jongin for who he was even when they discovered the truth about it. I think you can make this story more complex and add a bit of twist? I think you can write what happen to Jongin 400 years ago,what happen to him thatmake him trapped in the book.

Sorry for my long comment and sorry if this sound rude to you. Hope to read the next chapter. Hwaiting!
aLiaLovella #8
haha,before I read your story, I want to say that your trailer is amazing as well as your poster.

Okay, I'll start reading now,wait for my long comment,haha.
Chapter 9: Wth JongIn?!
I should probably cutting both of your head off, SeoHyun and JongIn =.=