Chapter 03

The Talking Book

“Here’s the guest room. From now on this is your room. I’m right next to you, so anytime you need something you can just knock on the wall.” Jin grinned and closed the door. With a sigh, Jongin started placing the objects on their own place. After he finished turning the guest room into his own room, he lied on the bed and smiled at the ceiling. He turned his head at the left to look at the closed window on the wall. Raindrops were knocking on it, asking for permission to enter the room.


“Where are you going?” Jin tilted her head as she gulped down the banana milk.

“I was going to go inside your room.” Jongin pointed at her room’s door and smiled at her.

Wide-eyed, she looked at her room and gasped. She immediately ran towards the door and blocked the entrance with her body.

“You shall not pass!” She shouted and Jongin burst out in laughter. He shook his head and walked towards her. He bent down to match her eyelevel and tilted his head to the right. Their faces were dangerously close and Jin was afraid he could hear her heartbeat. “W-what are you doing, Jongin?”

“Looking at you from up-close.” He smirked and turned the doorknob behind her. She almost fell behind when he pushed the door, but he caught her by the waist and she tried keeping her balance.

“So this is why you didn’t want me to see your room.” He chuckled while looking around, while Jin was blushing madly because of embarrassment.

“He was just looking at you, Jin. And I’m human… I can’t have my room tidy 24 hours a day.” She whispered to herself and Jongin turned around.

“What?” He asked but Jin moved her hands in a denying way.

“Nothing! So, you’re wearing different clothes.” She looked at the floor and Jongin laughed.

“Don’t change the topic.” He sat on her bed and smiled at the opened book. “You’re reading it.” He stated and made himself comfortable on her bed. “Let’s read it together.” He grinned and patted the space next to him. Jin glared at him and thought about kicking him out but she made up a plan.

“If I read it with you, will you help me clean my room?” She smirked, thinking that he would say ‘no’ and then he would beg to stay and in the end they would still clean the room together. But it happened completely different.

“Yes, I will.” He smiled mischievously, showing that he knew what she was expecting.

“Unbelievable!” She rolled her eyes and jumped on her bed. “Let’s start reading.”

“I’m sorry. I think you forgot something.” A guy appeared in front of a woman and smiled at her, showing his sparkling teeth. “I’m sure this book is yours.” He gave her a book and smiled at her. He knew it would be difficult for him since it was his first time, but that book, except being the place where he was trapped –from the book he went inside the wormhole– it was also the only thing that could help him escape, except his real love. He was hoping that the girl he talked to was the right one for him, so he showed her the book, even though it was empty.

“I think you got the wrong person. But I wouldn’t mind reading the book! When was it published?” The woman asked and he smiled.

“One hundred years ago, miss. It may seem old, but the stories inside are fresh.” He grinned and she accepted the book. She opened it but the book had nothing written inside.

“What is this? It’s empty!”

“Miss, this book is special. If you open it tomorrow, you will be able to r-”

“Are you playing with me?” She shouted at him, turning the boy angry.

“Do you think this is a game?” He shouted back at her and pulled the book away from her hands. “Thank you for helping.” He bowed and ran away, hoping that by leaving, his scars would disappear too.

______ was afraid to go back at the wormhole. He was afraid to stand in pure darkness, being able to live without aging, being able to live without breathing and eating. It was like a nightmare. A nightmare where he was the evil of his own self; the one who made him like this.

“Why was I born this way?” He looked at his hands as they were slowly fading. “I want to stay longer! I need to know how the world changed these 100 years I wasn’t here.” He shouted and his hands appeared again. Tears fell down his cheeks and he fell on the ground, asking the world why it needed his worthless existence.


“I’m leaving.” Jongin stood up while rubbing his temples. “I’m not feeling well, so I’ll go sleep.”

“Jongin, are you sure you’re fi-”

“Skip this chapter… It’s not that important. It just tells what he thinks of the world and things he wants to change and yada, yada.” He looked at her with soft eyes and smiled. “Thanks for caring, but I’m fine. It’s just that I haven’t been sleeping for a long, long time and I need to catch up with my sleeping hours.” He laughed and bid her a good night, leaving her alone in the room.

“You didn’t help me with my room though. Stupid. You don’t even look well.” She pouted and looked at the floor when suddenly she heard his voice again.

“Who did you just call stupid?” He was glaring at her and tapping the floor with his right feet while his arms were crossed.

“I didn’t hear you come in.” She blinked and he laughed.

“Because you were too worried about me.” He copied her voice and ruffled her hair.

“Yah! Kim Jongin! I don’t sound like that!”

“You love saying my name, don’t you?”

“Will you just stop? Yah! Jongin!”


They spent the night joking around while cleaning Jin’s room. Without them knowing, some pages of the book were glowing and Jongin felt like sentences were written in his heart and mind. Thinking about his past and future while washing the dishes, he decided what would be the best for him. For the both of them.




“I don’t want to live in the past anymore. I don’t want to dream of the future either. I want to live today. I want to remember today and love today. What the future holds… I’ll leave it in luck’s hands. I’m too tired of worrying about how long I will live and not enjoy what I am living.”





“Snow storm, please don’t erase the prints of us together.”

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so, if you haven't realized yet some parts of this story were inspired by You Who Came From The Stars hehe xD Forgive me for not updating more >< Busy summer~ㅎㅎ


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Chapter 13: Hmmmm things are getting interesting! Fighting for the chapter
exoexo2 #2
Chapter 12: I love this story ... it's beautiful <3
1Inspirit1 #4
This story is so good!!
1Inspirit1 #5
This story is so good!!
aLiaLovella #6
Chapter 11: haha,this chapter is so interesting to begin with! Also,I anm relieve that the relationship between Kai and Jin is okay.I also hope Baekhyun is okay though coz he may have some feelings for Jin.Hope it end well.

Keep writing! Will wait for your update,Hwaiting!
Love ya<3
aLiaLovella #7
Chapter 10: I have finally finish your story. It has a great plot and potential but I'm a bit blur by it timeline, coz suddenly it was already two months. Also, everyone accept Jongin for who he was even when they discovered the truth about it. I think you can make this story more complex and add a bit of twist? I think you can write what happen to Jongin 400 years ago,what happen to him thatmake him trapped in the book.

Sorry for my long comment and sorry if this sound rude to you. Hope to read the next chapter. Hwaiting!
aLiaLovella #8
haha,before I read your story, I want to say that your trailer is amazing as well as your poster.

Okay, I'll start reading now,wait for my long comment,haha.
Chapter 9: Wth JongIn?!
I should probably cutting both of your head off, SeoHyun and JongIn =.=