Chapter 12

The Talking Book

“Is he stupid or what? What is wrong with him?” Jin thought as she showered, the warm droplets of water massaging her sore shoulders.

“I’m not stupid, ok?” She suddenly heard Jongin voice and screamed but luckily no one was there to hear her. “What the hell?” She shouted and grabbed her towel. “Get out!” She shouted when she saw Jongin sitting on a chair.

“Come on. I’ve seen you like this before.” He rolled his eyes while Jin gasped.

“So? You haven’t seen me changing!” She shouted and he laughed.

“That means I’ll see you now.” He looked up and gave her a cute eye smile.

“Kim Jongin!”




“Baekhyun! Is he mad or what? Sleeping with him? No!” She ran towards Baekhyun who was waiting in the pedestrian road for her.

“Actually, he isn’t mad. You’ll sleep with him.” He grinned but she gasped loudly, making the other students turn their heads to look at her.

“But… Baekhyun… I thought you were my best friend.” She acted like she was about to cry as she stomped her feet on the ground.

“Jin-ah, are you sure you’re fine?” He blinked and she stopped.

“I’m fine. I’m just mad at him for what he did earlier but I’m fine with it.” She rubbed the back of her head. That was a sign that she was lying, but Baekhyun didn’t pay attention to it.

“Alright then… Go call him to join us. We’re going at the mall.” He smiled and patted her head, turning around to walk towards the group of students and Donghae.

She walked towards their RV as she looked at the ground and rubbed her temples. Her head was hurting and she felt hot. Even though it was autumn, it was hot as summer days, so why would she get sick? Was it because of the shower?

She looked up and opened the door of the RV, spotting Jongin looking at the floor.

“Jongin.” She called and used all her force to look normal. “Come join us.” She smiled at him and he nodded happily, walking towards her and exiting the building. “I’ll be behind you. I need to get something.” She told him and he nodded and walked ahead. As soon as the door closed, she fell on her knees and hid her face in her hands. She filled a glass with water and walked towards her bag to get a medicine. Suddenly, she saw something shining on Jongin’s bag. It was probably the book, but why would it shine now? It only shined in the night because of the words that were being written in it about the whole day. Suddenly she remembered what Jongin said about the fourth chapter, so she didn’t touch the book. She made sure that Jongin’s bag was closed in every part so the lights wouldn’t be noticed, and she hid it behind her bag. She gulped down the medicine and left the RV.


“To the mall we go!” Donghae cheered together with the other students. After half an hour they were at the closest mall near the beach and they wandered around to buy the things they liked. Baekhyun tried to keep Seohyun away from Jongin and Jin, and Donghae helped a lot by calling her to stay with him and help him with some stuff.

“Baekhyun, come with me.” Jin grinned but he told her to go with Jongin and her smile faded away. Was he avoiding her or?

“I’m helping you. Don’t think anything else other than that.” He then smiled at her and she felt relieved. For a moment she almost got a heart attack. She didn’t want Baekhyun to avoid her, she did nothing wrong to lose her friend.


“Dope.” She read the cap and chuckled. “Jongin-ah!” She called him and asked him to take a picture of her with it.

“This would look better on you.” He said after he noticed a Comme Des down beanie. He put it on her head, when suddenly he felt how hot her skin was. She was sweating too. “Jin?” He asked but she looked at him like she didn’t know what he was talking about.

“What’s wrong?”

“You’re hot and sweating.” He touched her forehead with the back of his hand.

“Oh, maybe it’s because I was running some minutes ago and-”

“Jin!” He shouted her name, startling her. “Did you do anything? Read the book or?”

“The only thing I did was stay near you and you kissing my face.” She gave him a blank look then turned around to look for more stuff. “I’m not stupid to read your book. I saw it shining earlier when I drank a medicine and I hid your bag behind mine so no one would notice it.”

“Then why are you like this? Is it because I kissed you or-” He was more than worried but what she said next worried him more.

“It’s because I’m human.” She turned around with eyes filled with tears.

It worried him… Because they were different and if he did something wrong, it would hurt her and not him.

He felt hurt… Because he couldn’t promise her a future or happiness together.


He hugged her and kissed her forehead, muttering a “sorry” every second that passed. She hugged him back, hiding her face in his shoulder, inhaling his cologne. It was such a beautiful moment, quiet and lovely, before they heard some familiar voices coming towards their way.

“Surprise!” They all shouted and Jin turned around to jump in happiness.

“EXO! You’re here!” She hugged each of them, happy to see them joining their group.

“We begged your professor to come and here we are.” Chanyeol grinned and Jin laughed together with the rest.

“Bro! We missed you.” Sehun gave a side hug to Jongin who smiled at them and said the same.

“So, let’s go shopping?” Chen grinned and everyone nodded.

“First let’s go meet Baekhyun and tell him we’re here.” Lay smiled and they ran away to find Baekhyun.

“Come here.” Jongin said and placed an arm around Jin’s shoulders and held her tight against his side so she would feel warm and not lose balance.

“Thank you.” Jin smiled as she leaned her head on his shoulder. “Thank you for everything you did to me, for me.”



“Let’s go at the coffee shop and work for our essay!” Jin suggested and Jongin, Baekhyun and Seohyun rolled their eyes. “What?” Jin crossed her arms and tapped the foot on the ground.

“Ok, let’s just finish some pages of it today so we won’t leave it for the last day like the others.” Baekhyun nodded and they sat on a coffee table and started talking about the things they should write on the essay. After an hour, Donghae called everyone to say that it was time to go at the beach and sleep because tomorrow morning they would leave for another destination.


The rest of the EXO members without Baekhyun, slept outside with Jin and Jongin. The both of them entered the camp tent and lied inside a big sleeping bag.

“This doesn’t fit us if we stay this far away.” Jongin chuckled and Jin shook her head with a smile.

“Should I hug you?” She asked and Jongin nodded.

“Yeah, that would be way much better.” They turned towards each other and hugged. “Now that you’re feeling better and you have the awesome Kim Jongin by your side, you must sleep well.” He kissed her forehead and she laughed.

“You’re more than right Awesome Kim Jongin.” 


A/N: This is a short update because I've been busy lately, and I didn't want to leave you guys without an update for such a long time, so I hope you will be happy with this >< <3

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so, if you haven't realized yet some parts of this story were inspired by You Who Came From The Stars hehe xD Forgive me for not updating more >< Busy summer~ㅎㅎ


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Chapter 13: Hmmmm things are getting interesting! Fighting for the chapter
exoexo2 #2
Chapter 12: I love this story ... it's beautiful <3
1Inspirit1 #4
This story is so good!!
1Inspirit1 #5
This story is so good!!
aLiaLovella #6
Chapter 11: haha,this chapter is so interesting to begin with! Also,I anm relieve that the relationship between Kai and Jin is okay.I also hope Baekhyun is okay though coz he may have some feelings for Jin.Hope it end well.

Keep writing! Will wait for your update,Hwaiting!
Love ya<3
aLiaLovella #7
Chapter 10: I have finally finish your story. It has a great plot and potential but I'm a bit blur by it timeline, coz suddenly it was already two months. Also, everyone accept Jongin for who he was even when they discovered the truth about it. I think you can make this story more complex and add a bit of twist? I think you can write what happen to Jongin 400 years ago,what happen to him thatmake him trapped in the book.

Sorry for my long comment and sorry if this sound rude to you. Hope to read the next chapter. Hwaiting!
aLiaLovella #8
haha,before I read your story, I want to say that your trailer is amazing as well as your poster.

Okay, I'll start reading now,wait for my long comment,haha.
Chapter 9: Wth JongIn?!
I should probably cutting both of your head off, SeoHyun and JongIn =.=