Chapter 10

The Talking Book

“Jongin started dating Seohyun!” Jin shouted and Baekhyun blurts it out. She felt like the world fell apart and she didn’t have any energy left in her body. Her legs gave up on her and she fell on the sand, thanking God that she was behind a big tree so Donghae or the other students didn’t see her. She hated when she received unwanted attention, even though she wanted it from Jongin.

“What…?” She managed to whisper those words. “How?” She looked up at him with tears filling her shocked eyes, shattering Baekhyun’s heart to peaces.

“I went inside the RV to ask him to join us just like you wanted and… they were lying on their bed and she was hugging him and I heard her asking him to date and confessing to him and he accepted…” He gulped as he fell on his knees and embraced her, giving her his warmth to make her feel better and show her that he will always be by her side just as he promised long ago.

She hugged him back and just as she felt like crying, she saw Jongin and Seohyun walking towards them. She gasped and hid her face deep inside Baekhyun’s collarbones, fearing that they would see her in the state she was. Baekhyun quickly wiped a tear that fell unconsciously and kissed her eyes and cheekbones. That was the only way to calm her down when she’s angry or sad, even when she can’t control her happiness. Jongin noticed that he kissed her and furrowed his eyebrows but Seohyun held his hand and they intertwined their fingers.

“Hey, guys!” Seohyun called happily and ran towards them, waving her hands in mid-air.

“Yo!” Jin stretched her legs and did a V-sign, grinning happily at Seohyun and acting like she was aware of Jongin’s presence in front of them. Baekhyun got up and suddenly Jongin looked at Jin wide-eyed.

“Why are your eyes red?” He asked worried but Jin rolled her eyes.

“Been doing’ drugs. Why?” She replied almost immediately as she slowly looked at Jongin and raised an eyebrow.

“That’s why you kissed her?” He asked Baekhyun and the latter shot him a glare, stabbing him a million times already.

“You don’t need to know why.” Baekhyun replied through gritted teeth.

“I need to know because I have responsibility over her. We’re living together and-”

“Since when did you start talking Jongin? Did your mouth finally work after years of being shut? Instead of talking about these useless things when you finally open your mouth, you should talk about things with meaning. Are you finally adapting to the human world now? Hurting people and blurting out nonsense words like humans do? Where did all those wise words go? Are you finally a human now Jongin?” Baekhyun tried to control his temper but he couldn’t so he decided to tell everything in front of his face. He accepted he was harsh but he didn’t care. Jongin was stupid with every single meaning of that word.

Jongin looked at the sand and his feet sinking in it. Seohyun watched in shock at the both of them, Baekhyun glaring at Jongin and Jongin looking with furrowed eyebrows at the sand.

“If it’s because I love Seo-” He fell on his knees, placing a hand over his chest and he started breathing heavily, almost not breathing at all. He looked up at Baekhyun who quickly helped him up, threw his arm around his own neck and shouted at the girls to not follow him. Jin grabbed Seohyun’s wrist to stop her from following them but she managed to run after them. Jin tried to control her aching heart but it was too much for her. She looked at the beach behind her and ran towards it, throwing herself inside of its depths and forgetting about her life.


“Jongin are you ok?” Baekhyun helped Jongin sit in his bed and sighed. The latter drank a whole bottle of water before telling Baekhyun that he was definitely better.

“Time flies so fast, eh?” Jongin grinned at Baekhyun, tried to hide his hurt.

“Oh, of course it does. But you had enough time even though it was limited, and now you’re losing it because of your stupid decisions. You were created by Mother Nature, Kim Jongin. I thought you were smart like most of the aliens and stuff in movies!”

“I guess I’m different.” Jongin’s laugh made a noticeable contrast with the tear that fell from his right eye.


“I don’t know what I did wrong. I accepted a confession and tried to chase another path, why did I lose a week of living? Now I can’t enjoy three months fully!”

“You really want to know why?”


“Because another’s mind is playing with you while your own mind is playing with someone’s heart. Get it?”

“I’m not hurting anyone! There are only two people I know except you, and Seohyun confessed to me and I accepted! While Jin is…” He stopped and looked at the floor.

“She’s what?” Baekhyun smirked.

“She’s giving me a place to live, reading my book, cooking for me, helping me with studies and teaching me things I didn’t know.”

“Do you think she’s doing that out of the sudden? For a stranger?” Baekhyun asked as Jongin blinked and his heart started to feel better.

“I don’t know. Maybe,”

“Jin would never do that to a stranger. You have an important place in her heart and mind but you don’t know how to appreciate it!”

“I don’t understand why you’re highlighting me and helping me with everything that has to do with Jin when you’re the one who needs help to get her! I have no intentions to use her so I can live! You know that if she reads the end of the 4th chapter she’ll die with me! If she doesn’t then she’ll be fine and I’ll die!”

“How can you be so stupid?!” Baekhyun shouted at him, trying to hold himself for punching Jongin. “How can I try to steal her heart when it belongs to you? How can you be so stupid to believe that she’s going to let you die by reading the 4th chapter or by doing nothing? She’s sacrificing everything so that you don’t leave! She holds your hand every time she sees that you don’t feel ok so that she can help you feel better! She thought that she could help you with her love and care, also because she is the only one that can read your book. Now she thinks that she has no meaning to you and she blames herself for not being able to save you!”

Jongin’s head started spinning as he tried to find a meaning behind what Baekhyun said.

“So she knows?”

“Since a long time ago!”

“She knows I saved her from dying?”

“She does!”

“She knows I’m not human.”

“Jongin!” Baekhyun shouted at the one who was looking on the ground.

“She needs to stay out of this!” He stood up when suddenly Baekhyun punched him.

“ you.” He breathed in and out as he looked at the taller. “If you really didn’t want to put her in this, then you would’ve stopped her from reading the damned words and not reading them with her. You should’ve taken the book and left before she read those two words. Why? Why can’t you for once listen and follow what she says? Just for once try to see into her heart and turn those emotions into words so that your deaf ears might listen to them because of a miracle. Put your brain at work you !”


He left the RV and Jongin followed him, still trying to find a way for a good future for him and Jin, but then he remembered about Seohyun and decided he should keep it up for a bit so he can test Jin’s feelings, then he would personally explain everything to Jin.

While he followed Baekhyun he saw a figure floating in the sea and he thought it was Jin’s dead body.

“Baekhyun! Oh God Jin has fainted! Help me get her ou-” He shouted but Baekhyun hit the back of his head.

“How many times have I hit you today with words and hands, yet you still are dumb.” He shook his head. “That’s her way of cleaning her hurt soul. The past and things that keep haunting her mind, like nightmares or bad memories, or hurt feelings.” He patted Jongin’s back. “It’s too early to say “she’s weird” because eventually you’ll know more. But, as a defense, if we talk about you then you are weirder.” He ran towards the water and joined her.

“Having a good floating time?” He grinned as he looked at the sky with eyes half shut because of the strong Sun.

“I love you so much!” She shouted on top of her lungs and hugged Baekhyun, almost drowning together in the salty water. “I’m gonna repay everything sooner or later, Byun Baekhyun! Maybe I was living in a world full of fantasies and hopes. Somewhere trapped between reality and dreams. Just because I can read his book and know his past doesn’t mean that I can read his mind and know his heart! But if fantasy doesn’t need me, then reality does! You need me and I need you, so we’ll stay together forever! Right? You won’t leave me… right?” She hid under the water so she could mix her tears with the salty sea but Baekhyun knows her for a long time and he studied her perfectly.

“Don’t hide your tears, Jin. Don’t hide anything from me. I’m going to make something wrong now, but don’t stop me.”

“I won’t.” She grinned at him as he leaned forward and pecked her lips just a tiny bit so that the both of them wouldn’t regret it sooner or later. “Thank you for loving me, Baekhyun.”

The people around them started clapping together with Seohyun that was “cheering” for them with Donghae by her side. Jongin watched the two of them swimming far away from the other groups of students as a scene played in his mind…


One day Jongin was staring at Jin preparing some milkshake, suddenly a scene played in his mind and he saw Jin choking on the milkshake she was drinking. He shook his head thinking that it was a weird imagination but some minutes later it did happen right in front of his eyes.


The next time it happened again, was when he saved her from the car accident. He felt like something bad was going to happen and when the scene of her screaming his name inside the car played on his mind, he waited a bit before teleporting in front of the car.


Jongin tried to support his body’s weight on his knees that were giving up on him, and he fell backwards, surprising everyone when he disappeared from sight.

“Where did Jongin go?”

“He was right in front of our eyes!”

“Did he disappear?”

“What the hell did my eyes just see?”



He started feeling cold as his teeth were chattering and he stared at the ceiling, the scene replaying in his mind.


“Are you ok? Why did you teleport here? What happened?” Jin ran towards him when she saw him lying on her bed.


“I saw myself… disappearing.” He whispered.

“Jongin?” She asked, shocked that he told her something like that when he was keeping it a secret, and scared by what he said.

“I saw myself lying on the ground and disappearing. I’m leaving soon, Jin.” He smiled at her, a broken and tired smile from his lips that no longer had color. “I’m dying soon…”

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so, if you haven't realized yet some parts of this story were inspired by You Who Came From The Stars hehe xD Forgive me for not updating more >< Busy summer~ㅎㅎ


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Chapter 13: Hmmmm things are getting interesting! Fighting for the chapter
exoexo2 #2
Chapter 12: I love this story ... it's beautiful <3
1Inspirit1 #4
This story is so good!!
1Inspirit1 #5
This story is so good!!
aLiaLovella #6
Chapter 11: haha,this chapter is so interesting to begin with! Also,I anm relieve that the relationship between Kai and Jin is okay.I also hope Baekhyun is okay though coz he may have some feelings for Jin.Hope it end well.

Keep writing! Will wait for your update,Hwaiting!
Love ya<3
aLiaLovella #7
Chapter 10: I have finally finish your story. It has a great plot and potential but I'm a bit blur by it timeline, coz suddenly it was already two months. Also, everyone accept Jongin for who he was even when they discovered the truth about it. I think you can make this story more complex and add a bit of twist? I think you can write what happen to Jongin 400 years ago,what happen to him thatmake him trapped in the book.

Sorry for my long comment and sorry if this sound rude to you. Hope to read the next chapter. Hwaiting!
aLiaLovella #8
haha,before I read your story, I want to say that your trailer is amazing as well as your poster.

Okay, I'll start reading now,wait for my long comment,haha.
Chapter 9: Wth JongIn?!
I should probably cutting both of your head off, SeoHyun and JongIn =.=