Bath Time (XiuminXLuhan)

King's Cup Scenarios and One-Shots

“Caring about others, running the risk of feeling and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness.” –Harold Kushner


Xiumin tottered through the halls as he made his way towards the open restroom door.  The death race for the bathroom had finally cooled down, after everyone, but the eldest, got to shower after a long day.

Previously, Xiumin, who had been practicing choreography, hurt his ankle in an attempt at a turn, leaving him in pain for the remainder of the evening. Even walking was difficult. But, being the clean freak he was, he couldn’t relax until he removed all the sweat and grime from his body.

When he finally got to the door, he frowned at the standing waterfall before him. He sighed, thinking it was his only choice as he staggered towards the shower.

Before he had a chance to turn it on, a hand gripped his, and, before he knew it, the weight was relinquished from his ankle, and his entire body. His arms reacted naturally as they hugged the neck of the person holding him.

“Luhan?!” He quickly exclaimed. “What are you doing?”

“I’m helping you… duh!” He stuck his tongue out jokingly. “I asked the neighbors if we could borrow their bathtub while they’re out. It’s all set for you.”

Luhan smiled like a dog believing he did a good job. And, before Xiumin could protest, Luhan had carried him out of their dorm into the adjacent one.

“You don’t have to do this.” Xiumin said when they arrived in their neighbor’s bathroom.

“Too late!” Luhan cheered, placing Xiumin down for a moment as he tested the already drawn water. “Perfect.” He smiled to himself before turning to Xiumin. “Alright, time to get you all set.”

Luhan walked towards Xiumin, ing his blouse.

“Stop!” Xiumin shrieked. “This is embarrassing. This isn’t even our home.”

Luhan grinned. “Don’t worry. The neighbors are out for dinner. We’ll finish quickly. Now hurry up and let me help you.”

Luhan tried to undress Xiumin once more, but Xiumin could only pout causing Luhan to feel guilty and stop his motions.

“Well, I can’t leave you here on your own.” Luhan pouted in return. “You’re hurt. I just want to make sure you’re alright.”

Xiumin looked down for a moment then back to Luhan. “I know. I’m just… embarrassed is all.”  He blushed madly, making Luhan chuckle from his cute expression.

Luhan patted his head before rubbing his forehead against the shorter one’s. “I know. I’m just so worried about you. I promise you have nothing to be embarrassed about.” Luhan smiled sweetly, giving Xiumin confidence.

“How about I stand right here,” Luhan point to where he was standing, which was inches from Xiumin, “and I’ll turn around when you underdress? When you’re ready to go into the bath, hold on to my shoulders and we’ll walk over to the bath together. That way, you don’t have to worry about me looking at you, and I can be happy knowing you’re safe. Deal?”

Xiumin though for a moment, but agreed knowing Luhan wasn’t going to leave his side for a second until his foot was healed.

“Alright.” Xiumin said as Luhan turned around and he began to undress.

Luhan bit his lip trying to convince himself that it was wrong to peak at Xiumin after they made a deal but he wanted to so badly. Xiumin was too cute, and being vulnerable made him even cuter.

Before Luhan could think of anything to hands pushed against Luhan’s shoulders for balance.

“Ready?” Luhan asked.

“Ready!” Xiumin agreed as the slowly walked towards the bath.

“Now be careful getting in it’s slippery.” Luhan nagged like a grandmother.

But Xiumin simply nodded listening to everything Luhan said.

“May I turn towards you now?” Luhan asked after the water splash around a bit in the tub.

“Ummmm…” Xiumin was unsure. “You can’t look though.”

Luhan chuckled. “Where do I look then if I can’t look at you?”

“I don’t know. Just… Just look at my face.”

Luhan sighed but agreed.

Luhan looked at Xiumin’s face as he fidgeted in the tub, trying to scrub the areas of his body.

“Ouch!” He winced as he kneeled forward to clean his ankle.

Luhan’s face fell when he saw Xiumin in pain. “Let me do it!” Luhan grabbed the luffa from Xiumin.

“Hey! You promised.” Xiumin cried.

Luhan laughter. “Sorry, how about I promise to only long at your face and you ankle… deal?”

Xiumin pressed his lips together, but his ankle hurt a lot and the good soak was helping. “Deal.” Xiumin agreed as Luhan began to lightly clean his wound.

“Wow! You really hurt yourself.” Luhan’s fingertips lightly tracing the purpling bump forming on his ankle.

“That tickles.” Xiumin commented.

Luhan smiled. “At least it doesn’t hurt.”

Xiumin returned the smile, nodding his head.

As Luhan cleaned Xiumin’s ankle and foot, he slowly cleaned higher and higher cleaning Xuimin’s calf and other ankle and foot.

“You said you’d only clean my ankle.” Xiumin pointed out.

“I just want you to relax I can take care of this.” Luhan explained, standing up from his spot.

“Just relax and leave everything to me. You don’t have to worry about anything or feel embarrassed. I just want you to be happy and get better soon.”

Luhan was kneeling next to Xiumin’s face looking deeply into his eyes. “Is that ok?”

Xiumin bit his lip but nodded.

Luhan chuckled. “Don’t do that! You look too cute! It makes me want to take care of you more and give you lots of love and kisses.”

Xiumin quickly looked away blushing. Luhan grabbed Xiumin’s face making the beet red boy look at him.

“Please don’t turn away from me?” Luhan pleaded. “To me, you are the most important person and I would do anything for you.”

Luhan lightly pressed his lips against Xiumin’s forehead. Before Xiumin could react or say anything about the action Luhan was already working on Xiumin’s other foot. Xiumin did as he was told and closed his eyes and relaxed as Luhan helped him feel better.

When the bath was done, the water was drained and Luhan had wrapped Xiumin in a towel, carrying carefully to a seating area, where he helped Xiumin charged into his clean clothes.

“Well, I guess this is the end of our adventure.” Luhan sighed.

Xiumin laughed. “Thank you Luhan. You’re the best.”

Luhan smiled in return.

“And since you did so well, I think you deserve a reward.” Xiumin said.

Luhan just smiled at the boy. “I don’t need anything. I just need you. You have to be healthy and happy ok?”

“Ok… but I still have something for Luhan. Now close your eyes.”

Luhan eyed Xiumin carefully but did as he was told. Moments later he felt a light pair of lips press against his. Before he got a chance to kiss back Xiumin had already pulled away, staggering to get back up to head towards the dorm.

“That’s it!” Luhan laughed. “I guess I have to do something ever better next time.” He winked, hugging Xiumin with a twirl before carrying back to the dorm where they shared another kiss or two.

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Hey Guys! I'm accepting some requests... maybe about 5! So please send some in!


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that_asiandork #1
Chapter 18: Are you taking requests??!!!!
that_asiandork #2
Chapter 16: Aww, thank you for writing this! I loved it, thank you for fulfilling my "daddy Zico" needs.
Can I request a SHINee's Key x OC Jaeji?
Key is an amateur fashion designer and he runs into Jaeji, a business student. Um, I dont have much of a plot, haha!
Do whatever comes to mind with this I guess. They can meet cuz work and fall in love, or outside and then end up working together. I'm seriously fine with anything.
If you really do need something more specific, I'll think more lol
Third person please? I dont really like first person or "you". Heheh, sorry.
Alex27948 #4
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Hi :) Request!
OC name: Bang Hana
Partner: Bang Yongguk (BAP)
Storyline: when your brother Yongguk arrives from the army and makes you a surprise at the University.
'You' POV
Thank you, and I'm looking forward to it :D