I See You (SuhoxYou)

King's Cup Scenarios and One-Shots

“Alright! Attention! Attention!” The Student Body President tried to call everyone to order but couldn’t. He let out a loud sigh as he slammed his notebook onto the table.

“Can I help with anything, Suho?” A small voice asked, as you tried to comfort your leader.

“No,” he sighed, “I just need everyone to pay attention.”

You could only nod, upset that you couldn’t make any difference for him. Soon the meeting had ended and everyone went their own ways. As you left the school, you saw Suho walking home on his own. You jogged over to him.

“Today’s meeting went well.” You smiled at him. “We got a lot done.”

Suho’s face frowned, “we didn’t get everything I wanted done.”

“That’s ok.” You encouraged, “There’s always next meeting.”

“Yeah! So I can be ignored some more.” Your face frowned at his remark.

The more you tried to encourage him, the more he rejected your words. So instead, you walked by his side silently. It wasn’t long until you heard another voice call out.

“Suho! Wait up!” You heard from behind, as you both stopped.

“Hey Kris!” Suho waved. “How are things?”

Kris smirked, “Great. Guess who’s the new basketball captain this year?” He stood up taller than normal happy with success.

“I’m gunna guess Luhan.” Suho joked.

“Nah! He’s too busy with soccer. It’s me!” Kris smiled brightly, ignoring your presence completely.

Suho chuckled. “I know.”

“So how did your first meeting go, Mr. President.” Kris joked.

Suho frowned, “It wasn’t as easy as I hoped.”

Kris laughed. “It was the first day. Who cares? Anyways, we’re all going out to celebrate. You coming?”

Before Suho could answer, Kris already marked his answer down as a ‘yes’ and disappeared from your sight.

You sighed, as you stood there alone. This was normal. You were always ignored. No one every listened to you. They always forgot you. And so you walked home on you own hoping Suho had a fun time with his friends.


The next meeting took as long to start as the first, but it was managed better than the first time.

“So who’s going to take care of notifying the janitors that the vending machines aren’t working properly?” Suho asked the student council.

“I can do it.” You offered in a quiet, but no one heard.

“So who wants to do it? Do I have to pick someone at random?” Suho asked.

Again you offered, “I can do.” But again, you were ignored.

“Alright, then Chen will do it.” Suho appointed.

“Aw man….” Chen whined but took up the responsibility.

You bit your lip as the meeting continued with no one noticing your presence.

Again, when the meeting adjourned, you saw Suho walking home on his own and you walked over to join him.

“Today went much better.” You smiled at him. “I told you, you would be a great leader.”

Suho chuckled, “I don’t know about that. But I tried. It just seems like everyone ignores all the words coming out of my mouth and no one seems to understand.”

“I understand.” You mumbled to him, but he continued his rant.

“It’s like they don’t even care about the words coming out of my mouth. All I want to do is make the school a better place.”

“I know that’s why you’ll be a great leader.” You tried to add, but he ignored it.

“I just want to be a good leader people can look up too.”

“But I look up to you.” You frowned as you realized none of your words were getting through to him.

“I just wish someone could understand.”

You let out a sigh and bit your lip. You knew you couldn’t argue with him. You wanted him to know you felt the same, but he seemed to ignore you, like everyone else did.

“Well at least you listen.” Suho sighed before ruffling your hair and walked away.

You watched him walk away. You couldn’t tell if you were happy about it or sad. He acknowledged you were there, but he didn’t listen to you.


The next day of a meeting, the same thing happened. As you talked to him on his way home, Kris came up to him once more claiming there was a party for winning their latest game and that he had to go. Disheartened that Suho didn’t bother to bring you into the conversation, you just walked away. You knew he wouldn’t even notice, no one ever bothered with you.

So as you sat home alone, doing you work and listen to a song, you heard a knock on the door. When you opened it you saw Suho standing there with a questionable expression.

Before you had a chance to say anything he blurted out, “I’M SORRY!”

You weren’t sure what you were more shocked by his apology or how loud he had been when he said it.

“What?” You looked at him oddly.

“I’m sorry.” He said more quietly. “I didn’t realize I had been ignoring you the way I had been. Kris pointed it out as you left earlier today. I didn’t mean to.” He frowned.

“It’s ok.” You smiled at him, “You didn’t mean to.”

“It’s not ok.” Suho stared at you intently. “I did to you what everyone else does to me. And I hate the feeling of being ignored. I know better than anyone else and I did that to you. I should have known better and I took advantages of you because you noticed me when no one else did. You always listened, you always paid attention, you were always there for me.” Suho looked down at his feet before continuing, “You were always there even when no one else noticed me and I should have done the same for you. I’m sorry.”

You smiled at him. “It’s ok.” You promised, “I know you were just stressed. I forgive you.”

Suho let out a loud breathe as his shoulders relaxed a bit. “I promise I won’t do it ever again to you. “

You laughed at him. “As long as you notice me I don’t need anything else.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t think I can agree to that.” Suho gripped your hand. “Cause, you see…” He suddenly began to blush, “There’s kinda this party I’m supposed to go to… but I don’t wanna… not by myself… and I don’t want to go with anyone else…” He paused as he looked you in the eye, “but you.” He looked away quickly as he said. “And maybe, you’d like to go out with me…” He added in a mumble.

You blushed, “I don’t know if I’m dressed to go to a party.”

Suho smiled, “I think you look beautiful just the way you are.”

You smiled at him as he pulled you hand closer to him and pulled you into his body before wrapping his arms around you. “I’m not dressed for a party either, maybe we could just stay like this instead. What do you say?”

You giggled into his chest. “I’d like that.”

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Hey Guys! I'm accepting some requests... maybe about 5! So please send some in!


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that_asiandork #1
Chapter 18: Are you taking requests??!!!!
that_asiandork #2
Chapter 16: Aww, thank you for writing this! I loved it, thank you for fulfilling my "daddy Zico" needs.
Can I request a SHINee's Key x OC Jaeji?
Key is an amateur fashion designer and he runs into Jaeji, a business student. Um, I dont have much of a plot, haha!
Do whatever comes to mind with this I guess. They can meet cuz work and fall in love, or outside and then end up working together. I'm seriously fine with anything.
If you really do need something more specific, I'll think more lol
Third person please? I dont really like first person or "you". Heheh, sorry.
Alex27948 #4
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Hi :) Request!
OC name: Bang Hana
Partner: Bang Yongguk (BAP)
Storyline: when your brother Yongguk arrives from the army and makes you a surprise at the University.
'You' POV
Thank you, and I'm looking forward to it :D