(Currently Titleless)

I've Always Hated You (Discontinued)

Well this took me long enough, but I finally have another chapter that I currently don't have a title for. Titles trouble me so much..it's so hard to be me... Just kidding. Anyway, I'm sorry I put this off for so long, school started a few weeks ago and it has been pretty hectic..and you know..BTS's new album came out recently and I've been up late just listening to it. Of course, then Mamacita came out as well. But hey, Sungmin got one more line than usual!! It's so unfair though, he deserves more parts, but they never give him more than two lines.. 

Man, today was really cold...I think fall is finally here! Thank goodness because it's been way too hot for way too long. But I barely felt it until now because I've only been awake for about four hours today and I feel like total , but hey, what can you do..



                Leaning against one of the school’s brick walls, Sungmin’s hateful eyes follow the active students as they participate in a lame game of basketball. He always hated basketball. Something about it just made his skin crawl with irritation. It could be the concept of the game; Sungmin liked competition, but basketball didn’t have enough action. He preferred football, because more injuries resulted from it.  

                Or maybe it’s because the game is Kyuhyun’s favorite sport.

                Sungmin hates himself for thinking that Kyuhyun is very good at basketball. He just had to remind himself that it was the truth, that probably most people thought that, and he was fine. Praising Kyuhyun mentally for his athletic skills was beyond the last item on his to do list, along with even talking to the other, so if at all possible, he’d prefer drowning those thoughts out.

                A sudden pain in the side of his head knocks him back to reality and he irritatedly glances in the direction of where he assumed the object came from. Kangin stands there sheepishly, on his way over to Sungmin to apologize.

                “Sungmin!” He shouts from the court and begins to run over to the boy.

                However, a certain brunette steps out in his way and pushes him aside, running past him to retrieve the ball. Kangin stumbles before muttering a quick sorry to Sungmin and sending him a sympathetic face.

                When Kyuhyun wanted something, he got it. So when he spotted a possible moment to talk to Sungmin he sent a killer glare to all the kids and dashed off. The kids in his grade kind of feared him. All except Eunhyuk and Donghae, who had been drifting apart as the years had slid by. They knew Kyuhyun couldn’t really hurt anyone, so they ended up just rolling their eyes and ignoring his idiocy.

                Upon seeing Kyuhyun approaching him, Sungmin’s frown deepens. He didn’t feel like talking to Kyuhyun, but he also didn’t want to move because he was slightly comfortable, so mentally, he was in a tough situation.    


“Oh look,” Sungmin cuts the younger off, “It’s the sweat monster. I swear, if you keep that up, in no time you’ll be slipping over your own perspiration.”

“Sungmin, I’m sorry,” Kyuhyun pleads, forgetting the basketball.

Sungmin laughs mockingly, “You think you’re sorry now. Wait until I finally get to play football again in gym tomorrow and you’ll have to have to limp to class afterwards.”

Kyuhyun scrunches his nose up in disgust, “That sounded wrong.” His sister had exposed him to all sorts of stuff, so unfortunately, he knew about all the things his mother tried to prevent him from learning about. But lately, his mother didn't bother with him. She was drifting away from the family and always stuck in her own world.

Sungmin frowns and rolls his eyes.

“But really Sungmin, when will you forgive me?” Kyuhyun asks, his eyebrows drawn up in slight worry.


“I just want to be friends,” Kyuhyun fiddles with his fingers.

“That’s not what you told me the first day we met.”

Kyuhyun sighs, “But that was so long ago.”

“Enemies,” Sungmin glances off in the distance.


“It’s all we’ll ever be, okay? We can’t get along, and we never will.” Sungmin glares at Kyuhyun.

“So…What would you say if I told you I…kinda liked you…?”

Sungmin is temporarily thrown off, “What?”

“Do I need to spell it out for you?” Kyuhyun frowns, “I have a crush on you.”

Sungmin’s heart rate speeds up, but he ignores it and raises an eyebrow, “Well, that’s weird.”

Kyuhyun leans up against the wall next to Sungmin, making sure their shoulders brush in the process, “If it were anyone else, I’d have a hard time admitting it, but there’s something about you that just brings everything out of me. Sometimes including my lunch because I throw up just thinking about how great you are. It’s just…you…make me sick.”

Sungmin frowns at Kyuhyun, “One, that’s disgusting and that sounded like something from some stupid romance novel or a really badly written fan fiction. Two, I suggest you change your mind about that because I can’t return your feelings.”

“Fine,” Kyuhyun steps away from the wall and picks up the basketball, “but I’m still waiting for your forgiveness. I won’t give up.”

Sungmin rolls his eyes and spits, “Just get lost, kid.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Once Kyuhyun is out of earshot, Sungmin turns to leave, muttering to himself. He shoves his hands in his pockets, ignoring his still heavily beating heart, “Cho Kyuhyun, prepare to have every bone in your entire, useless body broken. Mess with my feelings and I’ll personally make your life a living hell. Anything to keep me from falling for you.”

He stopped walking for a second and mentally slapped himself. Hell was a word Kyuhyun had taught him. Grabbing a spare pencil from his pocket, he cracks in half on his forehead and s the pieces at the ground before dashing through the doors and off to homeroom.


“You know what my brother told me the other day?”

“What?” Sungmin asks, scribbling answers on his math paper.

Sungjae pulls a piece of paper from his folder, “He said that you aren’t a true man until you’ve cracked a watermelon with your forehead.”

Sungmin raises an eyebrow, “How old is your brother?”

Sungjae shrugs, “I dunno, but he’s older than me. He’s really strange, too. I never understood his ways of doing things.”

“So why do you trust him on this?”

“I don’t.”

Sungmin finishes the last problem on his classwork and frowns, “Then why did you bring it up?”

Sungjae shrugs again, “I thought it was interesting.”

“I guess that’s a word for it,” Sungmin considers.

“I can crack a pencil on my forehead,” Sungjae beams.

“So can I.”

“That means that we’re on our way to becoming the watermelon crush masters,” Sungjae laughs.


“Are you even listening to me?” Sungjae frowns.

Sungmin taps his pencil on his mathbook, “Kind of… I’m working on math, so..”

“Are you sure it’s just math you’re thinking about?”

“Why do you ask?” Sungmin sideways glances at the other boy.

Sungjae smirks, “You’ve been working on the same problem for the past twenty minutes.”

Staring at his paper, Sungmin realizes he’s right.

“It’s Kyuhyun, isn’t it?” Sungjae pokes Sungmin’s arm repeatedly.

Sungmin hides his face in his hands, “No it’s not.”

“Yes it is,” Sungjae teases, “I know it is.”

“Hey guys do you know the answer to number seven?” Donghae walks up to the two, a small frown etching his features.

“Hey Donghae,” Sungjae smiles, “Sungmin’s got a crush.”

Donghae’s eyes grow wide, “Really? Who?”

“I do not have a crush,” Sungmin growls.

“Then why did it take you so long to finish that problem?” Sungjae tests.

“I…I have ADHD,” Sungmin frowns.

Donghae throws his book down in front of Sungmin and pouts, “I didn’t come over here for gossip, I want to get an answer.”

“Fourteen,” Sungmin briefly scans the problem and hands it back to Donghae.

“Thanks,” Donghae beams toothlessly. He’s about to turn away when he notices Hyukjae sitting with Kyuhyun and Hyoyeon, so instead, he takes a seat next to Sungmin. “I think I’ll just sit here for now…”

Hyukjae meets Donghae’s gaze and the two briefly glare at each other before returning to their work. Sungmin glances between the two. A shiver runs down his spine as he is reminded of him and Kyuhyun. He never knew that this would split Hyukjae and Donghae’s friendship in two.

His stomach clenches. Somehow, over the years him and Kyuhyun had done the impossible. They separated the inseparatible. And that gave him an awful feeling.






The black haired boy frowns and replies with a low hiss, not even bothering to turn around and face the kid behind him, “No.”

“I have a question.”

“Me too,” Sungmin spits, “Do you ever shut up?”

The brunette’s angered response is shown by ing a book at Sungmin’s neck and kicking the back of his shin. It had only been a day, but Kyuhyun had seemed to have gotten over the whole ‘crush’ thing. Everything was pretty much back to normal, but Sungmin couldn’t say he liked normal. However, abnormal wasn’t too great either.

 Picking the book up off the floor, Sungmin opens it to the first few pages and rips them down the middle. He tosses the book back to Kyuhyun and turns back around with a small huff.

“This is a school book!” Kyuhyun whispers with irritation.

“Too bad,” Sungmin retorts, “It’s about time you learn how to pay for something with money.”

Before Kyuhyun can say anything back the teacher claps her hands and smiles, “And now it’s time for our annual spelling bee.”

The class erupts in irritated groans and the teacher just smiles, grabbing a list of words from her desk. She sits on a stool in the front of the class. A few minutes go by as she lists the rules and Sungmin feels himself nodding off slightly. Lately he had been pretty tired and well, review rules to a test they’ve been taking for the past few years.

School had also been particularly boring because despite the fact that Sungmin was now able to play football, the teacher refused to allow them to do so and therefore, things grew dull. The days seemed to just drag on and on, so honestly, he couldn’t wait until seventh grade next year. There, he would finally get a chance to be less babied in class and gain some freedom. Also, he was finding himself hoping all his classes will be Kyuhyun-less, so he can focus only on his studies. The only thing in the way of that are the next few months that he needs to continue spending in this God-awful school.

“At this time, you can all sit on your desks and we’ll start from the back and work our way to the front,” the teacher announces, her voice breaking through Sungmin’s thoughts.

Kyuhyun stands up, pushes Sungmin off his chair and sits on his desk, placing his muddy shoes on Sungmin’s chair. He folds his hands and smiles at the glaring black haired boy, “Hey shorty.”

Sungmin fakes a laugh, “You pathetic child. How’s your day going?”

Kyuhyun raises and eyebrow. He wasn’t really sure what Sungmin was doing, “Fine…”

“Fantastic,” Sungmin says through clenched teeth, “Now get your feet off my chair.”

Kyuhyun tilts his head to the side, “My feet?”

“God…” Sungmin growls and points to Kyuhyun’s light up sneakers, “Your shoes.”

Kyuhyun hangs his head when he sees a familiar boy skip up to their desks, “Cool! Can I have them?”

Sungmin laughs genuinely this time.

The brunette glances at Sungmin with a ‘help me’ face before turning to the boy, “No, Siwon.”

“He would be disappointed, Kyuhyun.” Siwon frowns before spitting, “Hand them over.”

“How old are you Siwon, really?” Kyuhyun pulls his feet away from Siwon’s reach.

“Eleven years and…ten months,” Siwon beams.

Kyuhyun just stares at the boy with a blank expression. Siwon had to be the dumbest person in the whole grade, probably the entire school and his stupidity was really getting on Kyuhyun’s nerves. Why Sungmin hadn’t beat Siwon up because of it was beyond him.

Glancing at the black haired boy, Kyuhyun suddenly understands why. The wide smile and mocking look adorning Sungmin’s perfect face said it all. He found the whole situation beyond amusing. The brunette glares at him temporarily. If that’s how he wanted to play…then fine.

“Gosh darn it, Kyuhyun, just give me your shoes!” Siwon crosses his arms.

“No, that’s ridiculous,” Kyuhyun spits.

“Give them to me or we’ll never be friends again!” Siwon glares.

Kyuhyun’s eyebrows rise. Whenever Siwon said something like that, he meant it and Kyuhyun wasn’t sure he wanted to lose a friend. That would mean that he’d have one less friend than Sungmin and he couldn’t afford that. Yet again, handing his shoes over would be slightly embarrassing.

Sungmin’s head was tilted to the left and his arms were crossed, a soft smile dancing across his lips. Siwon on the other hand, looked like he was about to explode.

Sighing, Kyuhyun slips his shoes off and hands them to Siwon, who beams before dashing off to his chair. As soon as Siwon’s out of sight, Sungmin bursts out laughing pointing at Kyuhyun with a small finger.

Kyuhyun frowns, “Thanks a lot idiot.”

“I’m always pleased to do service with you, Mr. Cho.” Sungmin shakes Kyuhyun’s hand, gripping it tightly, making a small gasp escape the brunette’s lips.

Pulling his hand away, Kyuhyun ignores the rush of heat and electricity running up his arm, “I’ll keep that in mind…”

Sungmin smiles, “Good.”

“Now you owe me twenty bucks,” Kyuhyun says, watching as the fake smile on Sungmin’s face drops instantly.

“What for?”

“For my shoes, genius. This is the second time this has happened because of you and now you need to pay up, because those were my favorite pair.” Kyuhyun crosses his arms.

“I can’t do that,” Sungmin says, “I don’t have any money. My family is sort of…poor because my widowed mom works full time, while trying to keep my brother and I well educated and provided with essential stuff for living, so…”

“Wait,” Kyuhyun raises an eyebrow, “What about your dad?”

“He divorced my mom and then later killed himself,” Sungmin looks away, tears forming in his eyes.

Kyuhyun’s face drops and his heart clenches. He hops down from his chair and reaches out to give Sungmin a hug, but the shorter boy glares at him and steps aside to climb up on his desk and face away from him. Letting out a short sigh, Kyuhyun returns to his desk.

The teacher started the spelling bee and the students dropped out like birds hit by rocks. The words were way beyond their sixth grade class level and it started to make all of them a little nervous.

“Hyukjae,” the teacher says, startling the boy, “Please spell out the word ‘triumphant.’”

Hyukjae stares off in the distance, his eyes darting around rapidly, “Triumphant, um..t..r-y-u-m-f-a-n-t…triumphant…?”

The teacher frowns and sends Hyukjae a sympathetic smile, “I’m sorry that’s incorrect.”

From somewhere in the back, Donghae snickers.

"Sungjae, can you spell the word 'watermelon' for me?"

Sungjae laughs, "No, sorry."

The teacher's eyebrows rise, "Excuse me?"

"I can't spell watermelon," Sungjae beams.

"..And you're not even going to try?" The teacher asks.

"Nah," Sungjae shakes his head, "I think I lost a few brain cells trying to smash one, so now I don't know how to spell it."

The class laughs at the teacher's confused expression. She nods slowly, "Okay, moving on..."

It’s about ten minutes later when Sungmin is finally up for his word. He was pretty confident about the spelling bee, because he started reading at a higher level than the other kids at sometime in third grade. He and Kyuhyun were the only ones left sitting on their desks, so Sungmin was far from worried.

“Sungmin, please spell the word ‘elephant.’”

Sungmin laughs. He was pretty sure everyone in the grade knew how to spell that, but he smirked anyway, “Elephant..e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t, elephant.”

The teacher smiles, “That’s correct.”

Jumping from his desk, Sungmin smirks at Kyuhyun, who in response just rolls his eyes. “You seem to have a lot of confidence, huh Kyunhyun?” He comments.

Kyuhyun laughs, “Everyone know how to spell elephant in this grade. This school may be bad at enforcing literature and vocabulary, but spelling elephant is just common sense.”

Sungmin raises and eyebrow at the boy, “Whatever you say, William Shakespear.”

“Okay,” the teacher frowns, “Kyuhyun your word is ‘atmosphere.’”

Kyuhyun nods, “A-t-m-o-s-p-h-e-r-e.”

“That’s correct.”

Sungmin growls and crosses his arms, turning the teacher.



“Good,” the teacher nods, “Kyuhyun, abruptly.”


“Sungmin, technology.”

“You’re giving us all the easy words,” Sungmin frowns.

“These are all that’s left on the list,” the teacher replies, “Now just spell it, please.”


“Kyuhyun, stimulant.”





Kyuhyun sighs, “B-e-t-w-e-e-n.”


“What is this?” Sungmin frowns, “Do you think I’m stupid? You’re giving Kyuhyun all the hard words!”

The teacher glares at the black haired boy and he shoves his hands in his pockets.

Sungmin rolls his eyes, “T-w-o.”


Kyuhyun glances at Sungmin, “S-t-u-p-i-d.”


Sungmin his head to the side, wanting play a little with the rules of this contest, “Can you use that in a sentence.”

The teacher frowns at him, “The insolent student wouldn’t spell out their word in the spelling bee.”

“What’s the definition?” Sungmin asks, fully aware of what the word meant.

Kyuhyun stares at the shorter boy skeptically. What exactly was he doing?

The teacher checks her watch, “It’s basically just another word for disrespectful.” She was getting extremely impatient with this and she just wanted it to end as soon as possible. However, she did find it amusing that she was basically making the two kids spell out their liking towards each other.

“Insolent,” Sungmin smirks as he glances at the brunette giving him a weird look. “C-h-o K-y-u-h-y-u-n.”

Kyuhyun’s eyes widen as he hops down from his chair, “Hey! You can’t do that!”

Sungmin smirks, “But I just did.”

The teacher laughs, “Okay, Kyuhyun your word is ‘brats.’”

“Sungmin, why can’t you forgive me? You know how sorry I am.” Kyuhyun frowns, completely ignoring the woman at the front of the room.

“Don’t get sappy on me now. Just spell your stupid word, okay?” Sungmin spits.

Kyuhyun grumbles to himself before answering, “B-r-a-t-s.”

“Okay,” the teacher gets up, “the bell’s going to ring soon, so let’s gather our stuff for lunch.”

“Wait!” Sungmin shouts, “Who won?”

The teacher smiles as she grabs her lunch and leads the rest of the students out of the room, “I don’t know, you tell me once you two get married, okay?”

Sungmin’s jaw drops as his eyes follow the woman out the door, “What the heck does that mean?”

Kyuhyun fiddles with his fingers.

Sungmin turns around to face him, “Why would she think we’d get married? That’s flipping messed up!”

Kyuhyun is greatful Sungmin doesn’t see his pink cheeks as he replies, “I-I don’t know…”

“I’m going to lunch,” Sungmin storms up to the doorway before turning back temporarily, “Are you coming?”

Shifting his gaze from his floor to an irked Sungmin, Kyuhyun’s eyebrows raise, “Yeah…” He quickly runs to catch up with the boy who was already striding towards the lunchroom.


“I hate spelling bees,” Sungmin rants, “and tests, and teachers, and…and you. I especially hate you. I’m just having one of those days where it seems like everyone is watching and judging me. They always seem to be sizing me up and testing my knowledge and pushing my buttons. And to make matters worse, I have to see you everyday. Do you know how annoyed I get just by looking at your face? Sometimes I wish my mother divorced herself and died as well so nobody would bug me to go to school everyday. Then I wouldn’t have to see you or anyone else here. And that’s the other thing. Everyone always feels bad for me when I tell them about my family issues. I’m not asking for sympathy or a hug. Especially not from you or anyone in this rotten school. Sometimes I just have to let it out, you know. And sometimes it makes me want to cry, but there’s no way I’d do that in school because I’m a strong person. Am I right? At least I think I am. It seems like everyone sees me as a little kid because of my height…..”

Kyuhyun stares at the black haired boy as he speaks endlessly. He couldn’t deny that he thought it was cute when Sungmin got mad, but he refused to aknowlege it because he had to get over his crush on the boy. Even so, he couldn’t help but drown out Sungmin’s words and stare at him with fascination.

“..hyun! Kyuhyun!”

Kyuhyun blinks, “What?”

Sungmin shakes the other boy’s shoulders, “What the heck is wrong with you? You haven’t said anything rude in the past ten minutes!”

Kyuhyun turns his expression to a blank one. He pushes Sungmin away from him and scans his eyes up and down the shorter boy with a disgusted look. He frowns, “You talk too much. It’s making my ears ring. Also, I don’t give a crap about your stupid family or what you think about the people here. They probably hate you just as much as you hate them. I know I do, at least.”

Sungmin lets out a small breath, “Good, I thought you were still caught up with you’re whole ‘crush’ thing.”

A short silence follow that statement as they continue walking.

“Hey Sungmin,” Kyuhyun glances sideways at the boy expressionlessly.

“What?” Sungmin snaps.

“Do you have plans after school today? I could use your help with something…” Kyuhyun asks, a small mischevious smile growing on his face.


Sungmin turns a corner around the brick structure of the school, walking towards the back door leading to the parking lot. Dodging a few speeding cars, he spots Kyuhyun standing by the door with a frown. He quickly runs up to him and returns the look.

“You’re late,” Kyuhyun says blandly.

“No I’m not,” Sungmin objects. “I got here just as you exited that door.”

Kyuhyun pulls back the trigger of an object in his hand, the front side of the black item aimed towards Sungmin’s head.

The black haired boy freezes and squeezes his eyes shut.

A small click follows the pullback of the trigger and water launches itself in small droplets at Sungmin’s face. Kyuhyun laughs emptily as he sprays Sungmin’s face over and over again with water from the mini spray bottle, enjoying Sungmin’s irritated look. The boy was flinching every time a fresh spray of water smacked him in the face, waiting for it to stop. But Kyuhyun refused to put the bottle down until the black haired boy’s face was dripping with water.

Sungmin wipes some of the liquid off his face with his arm before glaring at Kyuhyun, “What the heck was that for?”

Kyuhyun locks the nozzle of the bottle and tucks it into his jeans’ pocket, “That’s what happens when you’re late, bunny.”

Sungmin raises an eyebrow and cringes slightly at the name bunny, “Okay. So what’s the thing you need help with? I have to be home by five…”

Kyuhyun nods towards the parking lot, “See that car over there?”

“Which one? There’s about fifty back here, genius.” Sungmin reasons.

Kyuhyun frowns, “None of them. I just want your shoes.”

“I’m not giving you my shoes. I need them!” Sungmin crosses his arms.

“This is the second time I have to walk home without anything but socks on my feet.”

“You had one shoe last time,” Sungmin says.

“Fine,” Kyuhyun says, “It’s the first time I have to walk home with just socks on my feet. Last time I just hopped home.”

“Who’s the bunny now?” Sungmin teases.

“Your mom,” Kyuhyun replies. “Now give me your shoes.”

“No!” Sungmin shouts, ignoring the other part of Kyuhyun’s response.

“Hang on, I’ve got an idea. How about we both wear just one shoe?”

“Why do you need my shoes? They probably won’t fit on your massive feet.” Sungmin spits.

“Hmm…true,” Kyuhyun glances around in the parking lot before walking up to some sixth grader in his fifth period class.

“What do you want?” The boy asks.

“Your shoes,” Kyuhyun responds simply.

The boy, Kangin, laughs, “Siwon took yours again?”

“Yes, now hand them over.”

“No way, I’m walking home,” Kangin turns to leave.

Kyuhyun grabs the boy by his shirt collar and slams him against the brick wall of the school, “Give them to me or I’ll tell everyone about your crush on that wimpy kid in eighth grade.”

Kangin frowns, “Fine.”

Kyuhyun steps away and smirks as Kangin takes his shoes off and hands them to Kyuhyun.

“Just give them back tomorrow, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Kyuhyun gives the boy a shoves towards the parking lot with an eyeroll, “I got it.”

Kangin gives the brunette a glare before walking off. Sungmin laughs as he approaches Kyuhyun. He sets his bag down next to Kyuhyun who was already on the ground putting the shoes on. He sits beside the brunette and smiles slightly.

“What’s so funny?” Kyuhyun asks, slipping the left sneaker on his foot.

“That’s not something you see everyday,” Sungmin says.

“I sure hope not, because then your life is kinda screwed up,” Kyuhyun fiddles with the shoelaces.

“So how did you convince him to give his shoes to you?”

Kyuhyun shrugs, “He’s always watching that Jungsoo dude in eighth grade, so I figured he liked him. I told him I’d tell everyone about his crush if he didn’t give me his shoes. It was just a lucky guess.”

“Nice,” Sungmin crawls around the brunette and squats in front of him, helping him tie the shoe he was having issues with.

“Who taught you how to tie bows that fast?” Kyuhyun asks, watching Sungmin’s quick fingers.

“My mom,” Sungmin begins to tie the other shoe. “She taught me the bunny ear method.”

“The what?” Kyuhyun raises an eyebrow.

“Here, I’ll show you.” Sungmin holds one side of the lace in his left and the other in his right. He crosses the two and pulls one through the other. “The next thing you want to do after that step is to create two bunny ears, one with each side. Then you cross those and pull one through the other.” He demonstrates quickly, pulling tightly on the string, making Kyuhyun wince.

When Sungmin’s finished, the both just sort of stare at each other.

“Are you trying to cut off the circulation in my feet?” Kyuhyun suddenly asks.

“I’d cut off your air supply if I had the chance, so you’re lucky its just your feet,” Sungmin stands up and pick up his bag. He ruffles Kyuhyun’s hair and walks off, “Later, loser.”

Kyuhyun can only stare with a small smile at Sungmin’s retreating figure.

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Chapter 10: good luck and fighting! : )
nAJOnHyun #2
Chapter 10: Goodluckkkk you can do this :') wow i shld start something like this too but not now kekeke fighting!
fiftypercentdead #3
Okay thanks! I'm signing off now...
venzsuju #4
Chapter 10: GoodLuck! :)
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 10: Hey. Fighting u can do it. :)
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 9: thx for updating but frankly i am kinda confused...is what kyu feeling towards minnie is real or just playing? And when will they stop fighting and start cuddling?
Chapter 9: seriously this is the most interesting love-hate relationship I've read
Chapter 9: This is just weird and cute at the same time. Messed up relationship ㅋㅋㅋ