Face Paint Part number after two

I've Always Hated You (Discontinued)

“Kyuhyun, you need to come over some time.”

The brunette only hums in response.

“Seriously, Kyuhyun,” Siwon picks up his sandwich, before setting it down quickly. “We could watch Veggie Tales together.”

“I hate vegetables,” Kyuhyun grunts.

Siwon’s eyebrows dance across his face, “Yes, but these are talking vegetables.”

Kyuhyun crosses his arms, “That’s ridiculous.”

“It’s true, though,” Siwon beams.

“Fine,” Kyuhyun glances downward at his barely touched bought lunch, slightly curious about the talking vegetables. “Does today work for you?”

Siwon shrugs, “Maybe. I’ll have to ask mommy.”

Kyuhyun glances at a table across the entire cafeteria, his fingers unknowingly gripping the ketchup packet in his hands. Sungmin was sitting at that table as usual, but now, there was a new member- that darned Sungjae. Kyuhyun couldn’t watch Sungmin make new friends. It brought an uneasiness to his stomach and boil to his blood.

He figured it was because one more friend for Sungmin meant one less friend for himself. Not that Kyuhyun really tried to make friends, he just settled on blaming all his incapibliblites on the black haired boy. Because really, he couldn’t be nice to everyone.

“Hey Kyuhyun, can you hand me a napkin?”

Kyuhyun turns around to face the dispencer on the table just behind him.

“Please?” Siwon begs.

Kyuhyun knocks the napkins to the ground, before turning back around to glare at Siwon, “No. Get it yourself.”

In Kyuhyun’s mind, Sungmin was a good kid. The brunette never saw the boy do anything wrong, unless of course, he decided to make the latter get himself in trouble. As much as Kyuhyun hated to admit it, he envied Sungmin’s perfections.

The boy was good at everything; making friends, keeping friends, math class. Compare him to Kyuhyun and you’ll see a shiny, proud coin standing beside a lopsided, rusty, disgusting piece of metal no one ever dares to touch.

Sungmin was also extremely likeable.

Kyuhyun watches the black haired boy as he speaks animatedly with his friends, his eyes sparkling slightly.

Maybe it was his smile, his happy vibe that caught all the students’ attention. Or possibly it was the way he was kind to everyone (beside Kyuhyun, of course) and always seen as a good guy. It also could be how he doesn’t delay to help anyone in need (beside Kyuhyun).

Kyuhyun watches with a scowl as Sungjae laughs at something Sungmin says and puts an arm around the latter’s shoulder. Hyukjae reaches over the table to pat Sungmin’s shoulder with a smile. Donghae grabs one of Sungmin’s chips and in return, Sungmin steals a handful of Donghae’s skittles.

Kyuhyun’s grip on the ketchup packet tightens and the condiment practically blows up in his face.

Siwon breaks out into a howling laughter, pointing a finger at Kyuhyun’s sauce decorated face, “Jeez, you really can’t stop thinking about him, can you?”

Kyuhyun frowns, “I want to crush his face.”

“I think you’re jealous,” Siwon says, leaning across the table with an amused grin playing on his features.

“And I think you’re stupid. So what we don’t agree on pointless stuff.” Kyuhyun crosses his arms.

“You should talk to him,” Siwon beams.


“Tell him you’re bleeding and he’ll help you right away,” Siwon smiles slyly as he slides back into his chair.

Kyuhyun stares at Siwon. Doubts ran through his head like rain on a stormy day. He needed to come up with a better plan than Siwon’s because the kid’s idea was just too…stupid. And let’s face it, Kyuhyun knew how to form circumstances in a matter of seconds as reliable as calling 911. His plans always rolled out according to how he mapped them and it was just one of the things Kyuhyun was proud of himself for.

Throwing the empty packet down, Kyuhyun stands up abruptly, staring off in the distance.

“Go to him,” Siwon whispers as he pulls Kyuhyun’s ‘holy’ shoe out from underneath the table and sets it on the wooden surface. He the laces gently as he smiles at Kyuhyun, “I’ll pray for you.”

Kyuhyun frowns. He needs a new friend. Someone who functions like a normal human being would be nice. Someone like Sungmin.

Unevenly walking away from his lunch table, Kyuhyun smiles slightly. He knew what to ask Santa for Christmas now. However, he hoped that Sungmin would become his friend without Santa’s magical powers. That would make Kyuhyun the happiest kid alive.

Approaching Sungmin’s table, Kyuhyun fixes his hair a little, running his small fingers through the smooth strands of his brown hair. He smiles as the space between him and Sungmin decreases. He stops just before their table and sits down next to Sungmin.

“Hey,” he beams.

“What are you doing here, Kyuhyun?” Sungmin spits.

Kyuhyun suddenly grows angry. He frowns, “You hate me, don’t you?”

Sungmin nods, “Yeah. We established this a few years ago, remember?”

Realizing Sungmin was right, Kyuhyun freezes for a second.

“So..” Sungmin asks expectantly. “Are you going to explain why you’re here?”

Recovering a little, Kyuhyun stands up and fakes a smile, “I wanted to tell you I hope you have a great day.”

Sungmin flinches in surprise as Kyuhyun grabs his hand and rubs his knuckles against the brunette’s ketchup covered cheek. His eyebrows rise in confusion. He never understood what Kyuhyun’s problem was.

Falling dramatically to the floor, Kyuhyun shakes and breaks out into a chorus of desperate wails. Hiding his face with his hands, he turns slightly to yell, “Help! Someone! Sungmin punched me!”

Peeking through his fingers, Kyuhyun mentally smiles when he sees teachers running towards them. Closing his eyes, he forces real tears out of his eyes and hiccups between fake sobs. Hands grab his wrists and pull him up from the ground, an uproar of commotion surrounding Kyuhyun like pollution.

“Kyuhyun honey, take your hands off of your face,” one woman instructs, trying to pry the brunette’s small hands away from his fear-stricken face.

After several minutes of shouting and struggling, Kyuhyun’s hands are at his sides and his eyes are cast downward, artificial tears sliding down his cheeks.

“Is this blood?” One teacher asks.

“Yes,” Kyuhyun hiccups. “I have a terrible disease that causes my blood to appear this way.”

The teacher gasps, “Oh dear.”

Another teacher turns to Sungmin, “Did you actually punch him?”

Kyuhyun glances at Sungmin. His mouth is hung open wide enough to fit a rabbit and a half inside, his eyes practically frozen with disbelief and shock, and his hands shaking like he just saw a ghost.

At least, that’s how Kyuhyun saw it. Sungmin’s state and issue wasn’t quite as drastic as Kyuhyun believed it to be, but he was beyond shocked.

He never knew Kyuhyun was such a good actor. It almost made him believe that he actually did punch the kid. He stares at his ‘bloody’ hand, “I…I…”

“Listen Sungmin,” the teacher speaks up. “I want you to apologize to Kyuhyun, take him to the bathroom and help him clean up, okay? This better not happen again or you’re going to get punished, got it?”

Sungmin nods and reluctantly obeys as he’s dragged from his seat and sent out the cafeteria doors with Kyuhyun to his right. The brunette was still crying, creating an awkward atmosphere around the two. The shorter wasn’t sure if he should help Kyuhyun cheer up or just stay silent. To be honest, he had absolutely no clue what just happened and confusion clouded his brain.

His feet lead him down the halls on autopilot. Upon hearing the word bathroom, his brain immediately mapped out a route and let his pink sneakered feet guide him to the desired destination.

Finding himself before a wooden door, Sungmin reaches out to open it for him and Kyuhyun. The two walk over to the sinks. Sungmin grabs a paper towel and wets it, unaware of Kyuhyun checking to see if any of the stalls were occupied by bending down and peering under the gaps.

Kyuhyun’s sobs die down to silence as he stands patiently next to Sungmin. The black haired boy turns to Kyuhyun, drops the wet paper towel, and practically screams when he see’s the other’s expression.

Kyuhyun is smiling. It looks extremely unnatural due to the dried water streaks and ketchup stains blotching his face. Saying it looked creepy would be an understatement.

Before Sungmin can speak, Kyuhyun’s smile grows wider, “Wow.”

Sungmin studies Kyuhyun’s face as he waits for Kyuhyun to continue.

“You’re very sensitive to emotion. Is there a problem occurring in your life?” Kyuhyun asks, taking a step closer to Sungmin.

Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, Sungmin steps back, “A problem..? Um, no.”

“You’re lying,” Kyuhyun takes three steps forward as Sungmin takes three back.

Sungmin avoids his gaze, “I’m not.”

“Sungmin,” Kyuhyun changes the subject, stepping forward five paces this time, “do you know how to act like the people on stage for plays and musicals?”

“No,” Sungmin crashes into a wall behind him, a lump rising in his throat.

“But you want to know, right?” Kyuhyun smiles with an eerie edge.

“I…sure…?” Sungmin isn’t sure what to say. His anger instinct hasn’t kicked in, resulting in him to becoming a confused mess.

“I can teach you,” Kyuhyun whispers. “As a friend.”

The word 'friend' sent alarms ringing in Sungmin’s head. Cho Kyuhyun was certainly not his friend. Kyuhyun and himself were strictly enemies, despite what happened earlier or what others said. The only reason he offered Kyuhyun to be his friend was because he didn’t expect him to actually try to eat the rusty tack.

To say the least, Kyuhyun confused Sungmin. He always went off and on about wanting to be enemies or friends and it was beginning to get on Sungmin’s nerves. This whole ‘friend’ idea started in September, when Sungmin picked up the crayons of Kyuhyun’s spilled crayon box.

“Stop,” Sungmin hisses.

“What?” Kyuhyun raises a brow.

“You did all of that, hoping that when I was shocked I would agree to be your friend!”

Kyuhyun sighs.

“Kyuhyun, you’ve always hated me and I’ve always hated you, it’s just how it works, okay?! We’ll never become friends because you don’t deserve to have a friend at all!” Sungmin explodes.

Looking away, Kyuhyun realizes Sungmin is right, “I can teach you how to fake cry as an enemy.”

Sungmin glances at him, considering his offer, “Okay…”

“Hey,” Kyuhyun smiles, “what if we made up a secret enemies handshake?”

Sungmin smiles slightly, “That could be cool.”

The two think for a moment before Kyuhyun speaks up, “How about it’s a normal handshake, but afterwards, we count to three in English before slapping each other and who ever slaps the hardest gets to walk away first.”

Sungmin shrugs, “That could work.”

The two boys test out Kyuhyun’s idea beginning with a rough handshake.

“One,” Kyuhyun frowns at the tight grip of Sungmin’s handshake.

“Two,” Sungmin smiles and squeezes Kyuhyun’s hand tighter.

“Three,” Kyuhyun breathes.

The sound of Sungmin’s hand whacking Kyuhyun’s cheek echoes throughout the empty, vast bathroom. When Sungmin pulls his hand back, he smiles at the red mark forming on Kyuhyun’s pale skin.

The tingling of his skin mixes with pain of the impact and Kyuhyun doubles over, clutching his cheek with his hands, “Jesus Christ!”

A stall doorway opens and out walks a beaming Siwon, holding Kyuhyun’s shoe protectively in his arms like a baby, “Yes it is him. And he’s always watching you.”

Kyuhyun’s eyes widen. He was positive the bathroom was completely empty when he checked earlier. So how on Earth did Siwon get in there?

Sungmin cringes. Siwon’s words were kinda creeping him out, “Hey S-Siwon…”

“Later friends,” Siwon smiles before walking off.

Turning to Kyuhyun, Sungmin laughs awkwardly, “I think you should stop saying that.”

“What?” Kyuhyun asks. “Jesus Christ?”

The door to the bathroom opens and Siwon’s head pops in, “He’s still watching…”

After a few seconds of silence, the door closes.

Kyuhyun glances at Sungmin, “I see your point.”

Sungmin turns to the closed door, "Isn't God the one who's apparently always watching everyone?"

Kyuhyun shrugs, "I dunno, but try telling Siwon that. It's impossible because there's no changing his mind."

“I'm not surpised,” Sungmin chuckles. “Anyway, I’m out. See you later and don’t you dare speak to me again today. You won’t, right?”

Kyuhyun shakes his head, rubbing his cheek slightly, “Of course not…enemy.”

“Okay bye Kyuhyenemy!” Sungmin darts out the door.

Once the boy is gone, Kyuhyun chuckles, “Ah, the powers of acting.”

No more speaking to Sungmin for the rest of the day?


We’ll see about that.


I found this chapter to be extremely lame and I PROMISE that the next chapter will be better because that's when the title comes in to play.   ;)

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Chapter 10: good luck and fighting! : )
nAJOnHyun #2
Chapter 10: Goodluckkkk you can do this :') wow i shld start something like this too but not now kekeke fighting!
fiftypercentdead #3
Okay thanks! I'm signing off now...
venzsuju #4
Chapter 10: GoodLuck! :)
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 10: Hey. Fighting u can do it. :)
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 9: thx for updating but frankly i am kinda confused...is what kyu feeling towards minnie is real or just playing? And when will they stop fighting and start cuddling?
Chapter 9: seriously this is the most interesting love-hate relationship I've read
Chapter 9: This is just weird and cute at the same time. Messed up relationship ㅋㅋㅋ