Face Paint Part 1

I've Always Hated You (Discontinued)

Well I hope you all are enjoying today as much as my brother who just threw a frisbee at the grill on the back porch of my house and I am back to update. However, this chapter is only a part of a mini story because I haven't written the next part yet.... But don't worry people of Earth, I'll most likely update tomorrow because I have absolutely no life outside of my new phone and slightly crappy laptop. 

This thrilling chapter was written on my laptop and yet, the formatting is still messed up. And because I am tired from cleaning my kitchen and I'm just too dang lazy, the format will stay this way with its messed up ideas of its own. 

So without further a doo doo (sorry gotta refrence nigahiga to all you who watch his videos!), I give you Face Paint Part 1.

Oh. And this also isn't proofread. Hehe...


Second grade was just about as productive as kindergarten and first grade because the last thing Sungmin wanted two days before Halloween was bright pink paint in his hair. Because of this incident, as far as he saw it, Sungmin's year and rest of his life was practically ruined.

“Because Halloween is coming up, the whole school is pitching in to help create a special party for the day,” Ms. Song beams at the small children sitting at desks before her.

“So,” she continues, “we were asked to paint banners and make jack-o-lantern stencils!”

The class breaks out into cheers.

Sungmin sat near the back with his hands folded on the wooden surface of his desk. Halloween was in two days and he had no intentions to participate in any nonsense that could inflict trouble onto his perfect costume. The costume was Sungmin’s greatest yet and he couldn’t wait to show it off at school. He smiles with his small teeth showing his pure, utter happiness.

This Halloween was going to be Sungmin’s best, he was sure of it.

Kyuhyun, however, had different plans. Biting his lip with anticipation, he smiles almost creepily with narrowed eyes. The boy didn’t believe in nonsensical holidays that were specifically made for joyful, silly children. This year, he planned to bring other people’s holiday down in a whirl-winding spiral. Kyuhyun was going put the trick in ‘Trick or Treat.’ And he knew exactly who his first victim would be.

The brunette turns around and gazes all the way across the classroom at the beaming bunny boy.

“I need two volunteers to get the paint from the art room,” Ms. Song pulls out piece of paper presumably to write a note.

Small hands shoot up into the air, causing Ms. Song to chuckle. Her eyes scan over the classroom of heads before coming to a quick decision.

“How about Hyukjae and Kyuhyun,” she holds out a pass for them.

Kyuhyun clambers out of his seat and dashes up to the front to retrieve the note.

Hyukjae, however, glances at his friend, Donghae with a disappointed look, before reluctantly following Kyuhyun out the doorway.

As soon as they leave the room, Ms. Song’s eyes land on Sungmin. “Sungmin and Donghae? Can you two bring the orange banner back there up to the front? I’m getting old and that banner is heavy.”

The class giggles.

Hyoyeon, a girl with slick dyed blonde hair raises her hand, “You’re not old, Ms. Song! You danced for us last week, remember?”

Ms. Song nods in remembrance, “Hmm… I guess I did. I can dance more tomorrow, if you like.”

Hyoyeon beams and the class breaks out into a chorus of ‘yeah's.

While the class discusses the plan for the next hour, Sungmin follows Donghae to the back of the room. The brown-haired, fish like boy grabs one corner of the loosely folded banner.

He watches as Sungmin does the same on the other end, “So is Kyuhyun still bothering you?”

“Yes,” Sungmin peeks at the boy from behind his bangs, “can’t you tell?”

“Honestly,” Donghae drags the banner off the table and heads towards Ms. Song, “not really, no.”

 Sungmin’s eyebrows raise as he scrambles off after the boy, who was already pulling the banner up to the front of the classroom, “Donghae, wait!”

Donghae slows down.

“Have you not seen that brat? He’s always trying to make me get mad so I’ll get in trouble.”

Donghae frowns, “If you want, you can sit at my table today at lunch.”

Sungmin smiles, “Really? Thanks Donghae, I hope we can be friends.”

“Slow down,” Donghae giggles. “We barely know each other.”

Sungmin frowns. They had been going to the same school for three years now, and unfortunately, that was true.

“And you’ll have to get past Hyukjae, anyways. He’s really strange and protective when it comes to me making new friends.” Donghae smiles goofily.

Sungmin smiles, “He’s only doing that because he’s a good friend.”

Donghae raises a brow, “How do you know?”

“I’m good at noticing things like that,” Sungmin walks past Donghae and drags the banner with him. “I like watching people. They interest me.”

Donghae giggles, “All people?”

Sungmin frowns as he remembers Kyuhyun, “Most people. And don’t worry, Donghae. Someday I’ll get rid of him. I’ll break his face so hard he’ll think a house dropped on his head.”

Donghae laughs as he follows Sungmin to hand the banner to Ms. Song. The woman smiles and tells them to sit back down in their seats.

Donghae pats Sungmin’s shoulder as they return to their chairs, “I like you, Sungmin. You’ve got lots of potential and courage. I can tell you’re going to be a great man when you grow up.”

Sungmin beams. Even though he didn’t know what potential was, he still liked the compliment. He pulls out his chair, “And you’ve got a way with words, Donghae. You will defenitetly make many friends and work very well in the business world.”

Donghae pulls a small book from his pocket, “It’s all in the dictionary, but thanks Sungmin.”

“I will punch you!” Hyukjae’s high pitched voice cuts through the air and brings silence to the room.

Kyuhyun and Hyukjae walk through the doorway, Kyuhyun holding the paints and appearing particularly satisfied. The boy beside him, however, was fuming. His lips were drawn into a deep frown, his small eyebrows turned inward and his skinny arms were folded across his chest.

Kyuhyun scoffs, “No you won’t.”

“I’m in a martial arts class, I’m warning you!” Hyukjae jumps into a stance, his eyes peering angrily at Kyuhyun.

The brunette laughs, “No you’re not.”

“Am so!” Hyukjae shouts, his high pitched voice causing many students to cover their ears. “I’m in Sungmin’s class!”

Kyuhyun’s eyebrows raise at the mention of Sungmin’s name.

All eyes turn quizzically on Sungmin.

“Sungmin does martial arts?” Kyuhyun asks what just about every person in the room was thinking. Realizing Hyukjae must be joking, Kyuhyun smiles, “Don’t make me laugh. That bunny boy? Really?”

Sungmin, who was still standing with his chair pulled out, frowns, “It’s true, you stupid idiot!”

“Okay!” Ms. Song gets up from her stool in the front of the room, “You three to the office now!”

Staring at his anger-stricken teacher, Sungmin gapes. He didn’t want to go to the pricipal’s office. He was too young to die.

“Donghae!” Ms. Song shouts.

The fish boy straightens up immediately, fear evident in his wide eyes.

“Take them to the office, okay?” Ms. Song points to the door.

“Why me-“

“Because, Donghae, just because. Now come back as soon as they’re finished.” Ms. Song watches as the four boys trudge out the door.

All the boys are silent for most of the trip to the office.

“So,” Kyuhyun starts, glancing at Sungmin, “martial arts, huh? What are you afraid of?”

Sungmin doesn’t reply as he shoves his clenched fists into his jeans pocket.

“Is it your shadow, because if so, I’m sorry to break it to you, but they’re invincible.”

Sungmin’s face goes blank. He didn’t know what invincible meant and it was really bugging him that people around him were all using big words all of a sudden. It made him feel…dumb.

“Oh wait,” Kyuhyun frowns, “you probably don’t understand. I’ll use simpler terms. You. Are. Stupid.”

Inhaling sharply, Sungmin walks faster to his destination.

Kyuhyun catches up to him and casually throws an arm around the shorter’s shoulders, “Come on, Sungmin. I was joking.”

“Oh haha,” Sungmin spits, “I bet you’re joking again now.”

“You know me too well,” Kyuhyun beams.

Sungmin frowns, “You say that like we’re friends.”

Kyuhyun pats Sungmin’s back, “Deep down, you know you wish we were.”

In response, Sungmin kicks Kyuhyun in the shin.

“Jesus Christ!” Kyuhyun hisses.


Sungmin turns to the voice, only to find a beaming Siwon standing by the water fountain with sparkling, curious eyes. Sungmin rolls his eyes.

“Here,” Kyuhyun points to Sungmin.

Siwon raises a brow, “That’s Sungmin.”

“Kyuhyun actually meant that he’s right there,” Sungmin points to Kyuhyun’s left gym shoe.

Siwon drops to his knees, “First of all..”

Sungmin doesn’t bother to hear the rest as he ruffles Kyuhyun’s hair harshly and smiles before walking into the office. Kyuhyun watches him leave with firey eyes. He would get Lee Sungmin back for this. 

“…I’d like to ask for your holy shoe.” Siwon stares at Kyuhyun’s sneaker.

“Actually…” Kyuhyun objects.

Siwon looks up at Kyuhyun with narrowed eyes, “Give it to me.”

Scared by Siwon’s sudden anger, Kyuhyun reluctantly takes his shoe off and hands it over.

Siwon smiles at Kyuhyun, “See you at lunch.”

Kyuhyun frowns and watches as Siwon runs away with his shoe. Turning towards the office, his eyes narrow. Lee Sungmin was somehow more trusted by Siwon than Kyuhyun himself was. However, Kyuhyun couldn’t blame him for it. Sungmin somehow managed to make everyone want to be his friend, whether the older was aware of it or not. It made Kyuhyun almost want to kill the kid. And it didn’t help that he told Siwon his shoe was Jesus and now he was down one shoe for the rest of the day, and probably the rest of his life.

“Kill Sungmin, kill Sungmin,” Kyuhyun mutters as he walks his way into the office, trying not to appear to be limping from the height difference between his two feet.

Donghae and Hyukjae follow Kyuhyun with confused eyes. Sungmin, Siwon and Kyuhyun were certainly strange.

Hyukjae glances at Donghae, “I can’t believe that I’m saying this, but Sungmin and Kyuhyun really could be great friends.”

Donghae nods, “And I can’t believe I’m agreeing with you on that.”

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Chapter 10: good luck and fighting! : )
nAJOnHyun #2
Chapter 10: Goodluckkkk you can do this :') wow i shld start something like this too but not now kekeke fighting!
fiftypercentdead #3
Okay thanks! I'm signing off now...
venzsuju #4
Chapter 10: GoodLuck! :)
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 10: Hey. Fighting u can do it. :)
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 9: thx for updating but frankly i am kinda confused...is what kyu feeling towards minnie is real or just playing? And when will they stop fighting and start cuddling?
Chapter 9: seriously this is the most interesting love-hate relationship I've read
Chapter 9: This is just weird and cute at the same time. Messed up relationship ㅋㅋㅋ