Hey there...

I've Always Hated You (Discontinued)

To be honest, I thought I'd never have to update a message about something like this, but I just felt the need to inform you all about it. Lately, my brother and dad have been extremely (in my opinion) harsh about my listening or dancing to kpop. They'd come in the room and groan over the music, make fun of it, or just shut it off without my permission. I could go on about all the annoying things they've done, but that's not the point of me writing this.

So, just the other day, my English teacher assigned a project where we have make a positive change in our lives for thirty days. Like random acts of kindness, setting a cell phone aside, or not using lights to conserve energy. My dad and my bro had said a while back that there was no way I could go a week without kpop, so with that in mind, I came up with a challenge. For thirty days, I'd be kpop free. 

No music, pictures or gif sending, posters, bracelets, YouTube videos or fanfiction. I said I wouldn't write fanfiction or read it. 

Sure it is tough (I technically started yesterday), but I just really want to prove to my dad that I'm not 'always doing things that have to do with kpop.' 

I apologize for this... I know I was hoping to update this weekend, but that clearly worked out well and I'm not even going to make excuses about it. 

I guess just expect an update a few days after a month from now and wish me luck!



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Chapter 10: good luck and fighting! : )
nAJOnHyun #2
Chapter 10: Goodluckkkk you can do this :') wow i shld start something like this too but not now kekeke fighting!
fiftypercentdead #3
Okay thanks! I'm signing off now...
venzsuju #4
Chapter 10: GoodLuck! :)
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 10: Hey. Fighting u can do it. :)
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 9: thx for updating but frankly i am kinda confused...is what kyu feeling towards minnie is real or just playing? And when will they stop fighting and start cuddling?
Chapter 9: seriously this is the most interesting love-hate relationship I've read
Chapter 9: This is just weird and cute at the same time. Messed up relationship ㅋㅋㅋ