Crayon Crisis

I've Always Hated You (Discontinued)

WARNING: This was typed on an Iphone so indenting this was not an option. I apologize for the inconvience to all you formatting perfectionists out there.

Sungmin stares at the colorful masterpiece before him in utter glee. Red, blue, yellow and green crayon scribbles swirled together to create a mass of imaginative color. Sungmin proudly holds up his drawing and beams at it. However, his wide smile falters after a moment and he tilts his head to the side in an attempt to reexamine the piece of artwork. Something was missing.
Glancing around the room, Sungmin finds himself staring at a brunette drawing with a white crayon clutched in his fist. Sungmin's eyes narrow. He needed that white crayon.
Hopping down from his tiny chair, he turns only momentarily to push it in, before stalking off to the brunette's table.
"Have you read the bible?" The other boy sitting at the brunette's table asks the white crayon kid.
The boy mutters a small no before continuing to scribble on the white page.
Both of them were unaware of Sungmin's presence, "Me neither, but my mommy's told me so much about it. She says it's a great book and I'll love it when I'm a big boy and able to read it myself."
The brunette only hums in response as he continues to draw on his white paper with his white crayon.
"What's the point of that?" Sungmin asks the boy, his patience wearing thin.
"Hey Sungmin!" The other boy Sungmin now recognizes as Siwon beams. The kid was extremely outgoing and didn't fail to introduce himself to everyone in the class on the first day; which was only last week.
Sungmin returns the smile and waves shyly at Siwon, "Hi."
It wasn't that Siwon made Sungmin uncomfortable, it was just that the black haired boy preferred to listen to the naturally communicative other than speak up and accidently say something stupid. He glances at the smiling boy and sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets. Maybe he was just naturally uncomfortable around other kids his age.
"So what brings you here, Sungmin?" Siwon beams and Sungmin imagines that with a smile like that, he'll become a very handsome man when he grows up.
"I'd like to borrow that white crayon." He points to the brunette's fist and then adds, "please?"
Without looking up from his paper, the brunette shakes his head, "No."
Sungmin's eyebrows shoot up. Who was this kid? His mommy and daddy obviously didn't teach him much about manners and sharing. His eyes narrow in disgust towards the brunette. The boy seemed like such a brat in only a matter of seconds. Sungmin smiles slightly. His parents would be so mad if they found out he internally called the boy a brat.
"Come on Kyuhyun, why won't you share with Sungminnie? He's never done anything to you." Siwon tries to reason.
The brunette, now labeled as Kyuhyun in Sungmin's mind, glances a the black haired boy before turning back to Siwon. "I don't help bunnies," he says coldly.
Sungmin's eyes narrow further, "I'm not a bunny!"
Kyuhyun ignores his comment and goes on, "My daddy hunts bunnies in the wild. He also told me that i should never feed a bunny because they'll always come back for more."
Sungmin's tiny fists clench, "I'm not asking you for food."
Kyuhyun turns to him with a childish smirk, "He also told me that bunnies aren't smart enough to see through metaphors or implications."
Sungmin's eyebrows furrow. He had no idea what a metaphor or implication was. This Kyuhyun kid seemed like he was taught lots of things at home.
Upon seeing Sungmin's expression, Kyuhyun giggles in an attempt in sounding maniacal, "you know what else my daddy told me?"
Sungmin crossed his arms. "What?" He huffs.
Kyuhyun jumps down from his chair and walks over to Sungmin, his face nearly inches from the other's.
"Kyuhyunnie..." Siwon butts in, his eyebrows drawn up in worry.
Kyuhyun ignores him and tries to appear intimidating towards Sungmin, "He told me that the cute bunnies taste amazing with his special rabbit sauce."
Arms still crossed and unaware of Kyuhyun's implication of him being cute, Sungmin laughs. He beams at Kyuhyun, "are you trying to scare me?"
Kyuhyun's eyebrows shoot up as he steps away from Sungmin, "You're not scared?"
Sungmin shakes his head.
Kyuhyun pouts before smiling crookedly at him, showing off his sharp teeth, "how about now?"
"No," Sungmin frowns. "Your teeth are just crooked, they'll get fixed later."
Siwon and Kyuhyun both gape at the short black haired boy. Sungmin smiles before snatching the white crayon and running off to his table.
"Get back here!" Kyuhyun shouts whining.
Upon spotting Kyuhyun approaching his table, Sungmin darts inbetween the gaps of tables, weaving his way around the other students. Some ignored the two completely, most of them girls and choosing to continue drawing. Others, however, were staring at them as if they were crazy. And Sungmin decided that crazy was just one of the negative words he could use to describe Kyuhyun.
"Sungmin give it back!"
"Never!" Sungmin childishly cackles.
Expecting a response after a few paces, Sungmin turns around to find Kyuhyun standing before the teacher, ms Shin.
"Kyuhyun, what have you done now?" Ms. Shin asks.
"Sungmin wanted to use my crayon but i didn't want to share, so he stole it," Kyuhyun whines, shooting angry looks at Sungmin.
Sungmin frowns, "But he called me a bunny!"
Ms. Shin sighs, "I think you two both need a timeout. Kyuhyun, you need to learn how to share and be polite, while you, Sungmin, need to know that stealing solves nothing."
Sungmin frowns and bows his head.
"Three minutes in the corner without speaking to each other, okay? Eunhyuk and Donghae will be watching you two, so I'll be reported of any bad behavior, got it?" Ms. Shin glances at the two boys before pointing to two chairs in the corner facing the wall and stalking off.
Kyuhyun grunts, mumbling gibberish to himself. When he walks past Sungmin, he makes sure to roughly bump shoulders with him before grabbing the shameful boy's hand and dragging him off to the corner.
Sitting down in the hard chair, Sungmin stares at his hands in his lap. A small tear runs down his chubby cheeks and lands on his fingers. Sungmin hated getting in trouble. Scolding only scared him, so he made a note to never get involved with Kyuhyun again to avoid trouble.
Kyuhyun glances over his shoulder several times at eunhyuk and Donghae. Following his gaze, Sungmin watches as they chat happily, not paying any mind to Sungmin and Kyuhyun. Sungmin wished he was over there with them and not sitting here with this brat.
"Psst," Kyuhyun hisses, "bunny!"
Sungmin turns to Kyuhyun with narrowed eyes and tear stained cheeks. "What?" He whispers cautiously.
"From now on, we're enemies, got it?" Kyuhyun smiles goofily.
Sungmin only shrugs. He didn't know what an enemy was, but as long as he wasn't agreeing to become Kyuhyun's friend, he was fine with whatever.
"Cool. I officially hate you now." Kyuhyun extends his hand outward.
Sungmin's eyebrows raise momentarily before he realizes that his parents aren't there to hear his conversation with this boy. He shakes Kyuhyun's hand, "Well I hate you more."
Kyuhyun laughs and ruffles Sungmin's hair, "Oh Bunny, please, that's not possible."
"Why not?" Sungmin frowns and attempts to fix his hair when Kyuhyun pulls his hand away.
Kyuhyun casually crosses his arms, and turns to face the wall, "Because I've followed you home every day since the first day of school just to confirm that I do hate you a lot."
Sungmin's eyes grow wide, but before he can say anything, the teacher pipes up. "I can hear you talking, Kyuhyun."
Kyuhyun glances at Sungmin before turning to to the teacher, "it wasn't me, it was Sungmin."
Sungmin's eyes narrow, "No it wasn't!"
"Both of you be quiet and stare at the wall!" Ms. Shin shouts from the other side of the room.
Sungmin and Kyuhyun exchange irritated glances. Kyuhyun drags a finger across his neck. Sungmin raises a brow and returns the action, much to Kyuhyun's surprise.
"You're so stupid Lee Sungmin, but I know I couldn't have made a better enemy," Kyuhyun smiles crookedly, but genuinely before patting Sungmin's head and turning towards the wall.
A bad feeling rose in Sungmin, and unfortunately, he welcomed the thought the feeling was giving off with open arms. A shudder ran through him as the thought echoed through his head: he could get used to getting in trouble with Kyuhyun and he knew that becoming his enemy was a good idea. Kyuhyun was annoying, but definitely a lot more intelligent than Sungmin and he was sure he could learn a lot from the other.
Absorbed in his thoughts, Sungmin fails to notice Kyuhyun turning to smile at him, just about the same thoughts running through his head.
A few moments later, both Kyuhyun and Sungmin turn to face each other at the same time. Kyuhyun raises his hand to ruffle Sungmin's hair, but the latter stops him and ruffles the brunette's hair instead, beaming goofily at Kyuhyun's grumpy expression.
At story time, Kyuhyun stole Sungmin's special spot on the reading circle.
Being the stubborn child he was, Sungmin sat on his knees behind Kyuhyun and peeked over the taller's shoulder in an attempt to get a better view of the teacher.
The others stared at them because it really was a strange sight; the goofily smirking brunette shifting his positions to block the frustrated, huffing boy behind him from seeing the picture book. Kyuhyun's smile grew wider when Sungmin grabbed onto his shoulders and began to push him out of the way, earning more stares from the others. Neither of the two noticed the skeptical looks from the other children.
That day, Sungmin followed Kyuhyun home to confirm that he hated the brunette. And he concluded that yes, in fact, he truly hated Kyuhyun. A lot.

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Chapter 10: good luck and fighting! : )
nAJOnHyun #2
Chapter 10: Goodluckkkk you can do this :') wow i shld start something like this too but not now kekeke fighting!
fiftypercentdead #3
Okay thanks! I'm signing off now...
venzsuju #4
Chapter 10: GoodLuck! :)
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 10: Hey. Fighting u can do it. :)
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 9: thx for updating but frankly i am kinda what kyu feeling towards minnie is real or just playing? And when will they stop fighting and start cuddling?
Chapter 9: seriously this is the most interesting love-hate relationship I've read
Chapter 9: This is just weird and cute at the same time. Messed up relationship ㅋㅋㅋ