Chapter 2

The Taste Of Loneliness [Discontinued]

Chapter 2

As Chohee got up from her bed, she looked at her surroundings, realizing that she was still in her bed. She gave out a soft groan as she stood up, heading her way into the bathroom, preparing herself for another day of hard work.

After, prepping herself, she made her way towards the kitchen, but as she was passing, she saw a white envelope lying near the door. She furrowed her eyebrows and approached the white object picking it up while reading aloud “Audition results”.

Her heart was beating faster than ever as she opened the letter, inch by inch and uncovering a white piece of paper, still warm.

Chohee started to flip the piece of paper open as she closed her eyes, worried about what the results might turn out to be.

She slowly poked one eye open. Then the other.

In big black words it stated “Congratulations, you have made it through the auditions and will now be in the group Enchantment. Please make your way to YG Entertainment’s main office block with your belongings and we will give you more information there”

Her eyes were wide opened, absorbing the information in, when suddenly she gave out a big yelp and started to do cartwheels around the house.

Immediately, she rushed to her room, franticly packing her stuff, making sure she had the right things.

“Finally” Chohee spoke out loud. “This will be the day that is going to change my life…”

J-Star screamed her lungs out as she threw the paper in the air, dancing around in little circles, whooping.

“Aish, why are you so loud in the morning” Eunhae came into the kitchen, still wiping her eyes whilst giving out a long yawn.

“GUESS WHAT!!” J-star screamed in Eunhae’s face… Literally…

“I’m guessing that you took a special medicine and now you have very big mood swings” Eunhae guessed, half hoping that was correct, seeing her sister going madder day by day.

“Pshh, no!” She waved her hands in the air while picking up the piece of paper. “Here, look at this”

She eagerly pushed the piece of paper into Eunhae’s face whilst having a big grin on her face. Eunhae started to skim read it, her eyes widening as she read the last statement.

“Omo! You actually got in!” Eunhae exclaimed as she held her younger sister’s shoulders, shaking them both, along with J-star.

“Hell yeah! I can’t belie-…. Hey wait! What did you mean by you actually got in” J-star put quotation marks above her head on the words you actually got in.

“Never mind what I said, the letter says you need to be at YG’s main office book” She guided her sister up the stairs. “Hurry up and pack your stuff”

“Oh right!” J-star said as she ran up the stairs taking out a big suitcase whilst gathering her belongings and forcefully stuffing it in.



Cheon Eun skim read the white piece of paper, not believing what she had just read. She kept in a loud squeal, making sure she didn’t wake up her brother, since he still doesn’t know about her audition.

She quickly made her way up the stairs and gently placed the paper on her desk, making sure she didn’t lose this, as she would need proof of entering the main office block.

She took out a small, yet big bag (If that makes sense xD) and gently folded her clothing’s, inserting them one by one, making sure she had bought her best clothes and left her least favorite ones at home.

After, she zipped her bag up, she placed it under her bed, and not forgetting her iPod, as this was her valuable possession. She then peeked out her bedroom door, seeing if Kikwang was anywhere insight. She gave out a loud sigh as she was going to make her way to the living room when she bumped into someone.

“Aigoo, watch where you’re going Cheon Eun” Kikwang chuckled as he ruffled his sister’s hair, getting it out of place.

Well, at least he’s in a better mood today, Cheon Eun thought.

“O-Oppa” Cheon Eun stuttered

“Hmm” Kikwang mumbled half asleep

“Well I-I- Um...” Cheon Eun just couldn’t speak, as her breath got caught up and nothing came out of her.

“Well if you’ve got nothing to say, I need to get my shoes, I think it’s in your room” He then headed towards Cheon Eun’s room not looking back.

Cheon Eun just sighed and felt like giving up on telling her brother… Maybe she can keep this a secret until she’s like 25 or something. Cheon Eun giggled at this thought.

Suddenly, she remembered that she left the paper on her desk. She cursed under her breath and ran towards her room, only finding Kikwang there, frozen, reading the white piece of paper.

“U-uh, I can explain” Cheon Eun immediately shot her hands into the air.

Kikwang didn’t show any sign or madness, nor did he say anything.

Just then, the door bell rang, signaling that the 5 members of Beast were at the door.

“I’m going to go get the door” Kikwang murmured and passed Cheon Eun without even giving one glance at her.

Cheon Eun just sighed and grabbed her bag, placing her iPod and letter inside, and headed for the door, not saying goodbye or hello to the boys and walked to the office block…



“Yah, Eunhee, come downstairs you dinosaur” Taecyeon shouted from the living room.

“What is it now?!” Eunhee screamed back, groggily walking into the living room whilst rubbing her eyelids, half asleep.

Tacyeon just gave a big grin at his younger sister, pulling her into a hug.

Immediately, as an act of self defense, she hammered her brothers back trying to get out from his bear hug.

“What’s wrong with you?! Are you on your male period or something?!” Eunhee half joked, not knowing what was going to be in store for her.

“Take a look at this” Taecyeon placed the white sheet of paper directly into Eunhee’s face.

She then took the paper and started to read it, her facial expression lightening up sentence after sentence.

“Isn’t that great Eunhee?! You can finally fulfill your dream of becoming a-“Taecyeon was interrupted by a big smack on his head done by Eunhee.

“Aish” Taecyeon grabbed his head in pain “What was that for!”

“Don’t ever read my letters ever again” Eunhee tried to act mad but couldn’t contain her excitement in as it was coming out.

She broke out in a big grin and hugged her brother. Taecyeon just smiled at his little sister and hugged her back.

Eunhee then broke the hug and has a serious expression on her face “Please can you come with me Taecyeon Oppa” Eunhee pleaded, giving her huge puppy dog eyes.

Taecyeon just laughed “Of course I’ll come with you Eunhee, what are big brothers for?”

Eunhee just squealed and grabbed her brothers hand “C’mon, you got to help me on what I should pack”

The 2 siblings ran to the stairs and headed into Eunhee’s bedroom….



As Seungho and Seunghoon read the letter out loud, Cassie cracked a smile, but maintained her cool, trying not to show it in front of her brothers.

When Seungho finished reading the last the last sentence, Cassie got tackled by a hug from Seunghoon who was immensely proud of his younger sister.

“Congrats Cassie you made it!” Seunghoon screeched loud in Casssie’s ear.

“Aigoo, you’re so loud Seunghoon! It’s Cassie who made it through, not you. Sheesh” Seungho grumbled uncovering his hands from his ears.

“Yeah, but I’m so excited for her Hyung, we got another famous figure in the family now” Obviously Seunghoon was very proud of his sister.

“Yep, now it’s only you to go Seunghoon” Cassie cracked a joke, making Seungho laugh along with her.

“Hey! Actually, I want to have a normal life… We all can’t be pop stars you know” Seunghoon blew a raspberry out at the end.

The 3 siblings ended up laughing their asses off. But something was bothering Cassie… And Seungho noticed this…

He nudged Cassie a bit “What’s wrong” Seungho had a sincere expression on, knowing what she was going through.

“Well… What if the other girls don’t like me…?”

Seungho gave a worried look but it quickly disappeared, wanting to reassure his little sister about it “I’m sure they will… I mean, who wouldn’t like this cute” Seungho pinched Cassie’s cheeks, making it red in the process.

Cassie gave a smile “Thanks Oppa”

“You’re welcome my little dongsaeng. Well, shouldn’t we get packing?”

Cassie was confused “What do you mean we”

“Well since it’s a collaboration between J Tunes Camp and YG, they picked MBLAQ and Big Bang to be the tour guides” Seungho gave a big grin at this.

Cassie just rolled her eyes but laughed a little.

“Yah, so that means I’ll be home alone AGAIN??” Seunghoon looked away from the TV and now was facing the direction of his 2 older and younger siblings.

“Yep” Cassie smiled

“No fair!!” Seunghoon groaned

“Well it’s your fault, you chose to be a university student instead of being a pop star” Seungho said in a sing song voice, obviously it irritated his brother.

Seunghoon gave up and preceded upstairs grumbling words…

Cassie and Seungho just laughed quietly, and stood up, getting ready to go to the main block of YG…

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favoriteboy #1
newhere! goingtoread forfdslk
xoxmarshaxox #2
When I say you update I was on the edge of the seat! :(
HAHA I'll check the story out!
Awhh.. this chapter is nice.. every events.. lol :D Joon and CheonEun.. and Cassie, don't be jealous!! lol :D Mir, G.O, Chohee and Eunhee... :D so funny..
Ooooh me and Joonie^^
xoxmarshaxox #5
JAJAJAJAJAJAJ~ Love mblaq <3
I thought it was pretty cute how they ran after each other ;) G.O and Mir I mean xD LOL And eunhee is hilarious! XD
xoxmarshaxox #6
amazing update, I love EUN!!! HAHAH >.> how dare she embarrass me like that in front of everyone?! >.< I seem like the most shy person within the group too O_O <br />
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AMAZING UPDATE! Thanks for taking your time with this and of course I want to say update soon but honestly... if each update will be as good as this... I'll wait for a month for each update! XD Not too months... I just wouldn't be able to bare it >.><br />
awh.. I really love this story so far.. :D<br />
Eun was so fun.. lol :P and her toy spider toy? lol maybe taec should give her something that she likes.. ;)<br />
And Kikwang.. :(<br />
and that stupid producer..-__- Enchantment fighting!!!^^<br />
AmethystCat #8
Keke I LOVED this chap!!!The girls' relationship with each other are just too funny for words!!Oooh la la I see romance popping up everywhere!!Can't wait for the update~
Hahaha cute^^ Awkward Eun couple <3
haaha Chohee likes ma bro bro XD<br />
Eun's gonna go into action!!<br />
and ahaha "are you a boy or girl?" soo rude XP<br />
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love this, cant waitt :)