Chapter 3

The Taste Of Loneliness [Discontinued]

Chapter 3

Cassie’s POV

I placed the final luggage into the back seat of Seungho’s car as I dusted by hands off, heaving out a big sigh.

I looked over my shoulder to see Seunghoon whining to Seungho, probably about leaving him home alone again. I guess I felt kind of sorry for Seunghoon, since he’s always the one getting left behind….

My mind got distracted when a black cat appeared near my leg, purring away. Most people would probably kick the cat once they saw it was black, believing in the bad luck thing. But not me, I love cats, whatever color or size it was.

I bent down, the cat, as a pair of black shoes appeared in front of me.

I looked up to see who it, only revealing Seungho smiling down at me.

I got up, trying not to smile “What” I asked

“I knew I should of gotten a cat for you birthday” Seungho clicked his fingers together, giving out an annoyed look on his face.

I laughed at him, not shaking my head and getting into the car. Seungho followed, as he sat down in the driver’s seat, starting the engine.

“So, what was Seunghoon whining about now” I asked, a bit curious.

“Oh, he just wanted to come along, but I said he couldn’t because there was enough people” Seungho chuckled as he drove off.

“Then why are you coming then” I tried to save Seunghoon’s back as I still felt sorry for him.

“Because I’m the tour guide babo” Seungho smiled upon saying the word “Babo”.

I just rolled my eyes and stared out the window, looking over the ocean view, the sun making it shine like a thousand candles being lit all at once. I smiled as I reminiscenced about the times when me, Seungho and Seunghoon use to always visit the beach, eating ice cream.

Before I knew it, the car had halted to a stop, parking in front of YG Entertainment. I looked over to Seungho, only to see that he had disappeared. Man, how long was I daydreaming.

I got out from the car, only to see Seungho carrying my luggage into the main office. I decided to run after him, not wanting to be lost.

As I was running, I looked up at the sky. It had turned a dark blue color. It seemed like it was going to rain… Or most likely, Thunder…

I shivered at the thought of it and almost ran into Seungho.

“Mianhae” I apologized helping him with some of my luggage.

“Why did you take so long coming out of the car” Seungho questioned me as we approached the reception, where we were greeted by a girl with blonde hair.

“Sorry, I didn’t know we arrived” I whispered, as the receptionist explained where we were supposed to go.

“Are you seriously blind” Seungho murmured as he kept smiling and nodding to what the receptionists told him.

“Why don’t you just drop it Oppa” I pleaded, wanting to actually listen to what the women had just told us.

Seungho had just smirked and started walking towards the main hall; where the tour guides were suppose to go.  I rolled my eyes at my brother’s foolishness and made my way towards where I was directed to go…


(Cassie’s outfit)

Chohee’s POV

I parked my car near the building as I ejected my seatbelt and steeped out, inhaling the sweet smell of nature. I smiled to myself as I headed towards YG as I opened my handbag to reveal 5 small packets of Haribo.

I grinned to myself as I took one packet out and started to open it, taking one out and dissolving it in my mouth.

Meanwhile I was doing that, I wasn’t aware of a big wasp heading towards me. My eyes bulged out of my sockets as I immediately dropped the packet of Haribo and started to leg it towards YG.

By the time I was inside the building, the wasp was miles away from me… Thankfully.

I regained myself, and started to talk to the receptionist about where to go. She guided me along a long hallway where I had to turn several directions until I got there.

When I opened the door, a girl with short brown hair was sitting at the far end of the room, humming to herself quietly.

I approached her, wanting to get to know her better.

“Hi, my name’s Chohee” I started, extending out my hand for her to shake.

She smiled back to me, phew, at least she was friendly “Hey, the name’s Cassie” She shook my hand in return.

“So, are you excited or nervous” I began, not wanting it to seem awkward.

“Hm, little bit of both, but I’m use to it since Seungho Oppa puts pressure on me to do well” Cassie said casually.

I nearly choked on my own spit when I heard the leader of MBLAQ’s name “U-um, excuse me, did you say Seungho… THE Seungho from MBLAQ” I questioned her, making sure I wasn’t going crazy.

“Yep, He’s my older brother” Cassie said proudly.

“Wow…” I didn’t know what to say… I was literally stuck for words…

“H-Hi” A timid voice located somewhere behind me spoke and I looked back to see a person with short black hair and gangster like clothes.

(Chohee's Outfit) 

(The one on the left)


J-Star’s POV

“H-Hi” I spoke, as both of the girls looked at me, obviously puzzled of whether I was a boy or girl.

“Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Chohee and over there is Cassie” The girl who I presume was Chohee smiled at me and a girl with short brown hair nodded at me.

“Oh, my names Sangjae” I bowed 90 degrees. Chohee and Cassie looked at each other and started to laugh.

Oh no, was it something I did… What if they don’t like me… What would I do then…

I started panicking, not knowing what to do next “Relax, you don’t have to be that formal with us. We are all friends’ right” Cassie spoke, after she finished laughing.

“N-ne” I replied, relived that I didn’t do anything wrong.

“By the way, are you a girl or boy” Cassie bursts out.

I immediately went red, embarrassed that they didn’t know what gender I was. I swiftly saw Chohee giving Cassie the “Why did you say that for” look. She obviously knew I was embarrassed…

Hmm… I wonder if she was the leader of our group…

“Sorry for Cassie’s question. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to” Chohee reassured me.

“A-Aniyo, its ok… I’m a girl” I said. Chohee seemed really nice, almost mother-like. I wish she was the leader of Enchantment…

“Then why are you dressed as a boy” Another remark from Cassie came out.

“W-Well-“I started but was interrupted by a male’s voice.

“Excuse me, is this the room where Enchantment is going to meet” The mysterious person said.

I looked behind me, to only see Taecyeon… My eyes came out of my socket as it landed on him. I looked back to see Cassie speechless and Chohee blushing… Wait!

Chohee’s blushing?!

(J-Star's Outfit)

Eun’s POV

“Excuse me, is this the room where Enchantment is going to meet” I heard my brother say, as he poked his head through the door.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the way and entered the room, going to the center of it and putting my hands on my hips.

“Of course it is Taecyeon, Didn’t you listen to the receptionist’s direction” I said loudly as I looked around the room.

“Yah! You’re the one who nearly got lost” Taecyeon made a comeback at me but I ignored it, focusing my gaze on the 3 girls that were in the room.

Yay! So I wasn’t the last one to come. I laughed to myself and the 3 girls looked at me, all confused.

“Hellos, my names Eunhee but you guys can call me Eun” I said to them, smiling away.

All three of them introduced themselves to me. From what I concluded, Sangjae seemed a little shy but I’m sure she would bloom once she gets to know all the members, Chohee seemed like leader material and Cassie is exactly like me!

Once we finished our introductions, I looked in the direction of where Taecyeon Oppa was. I furrowed my eyebrows “Oppa, you can go now! Thanks for taking me here though” I gave him a little wave, indicating that he should go.

Taecyeon rolled his eyes but smiled anyways. “Bye Eunhee, don’t get in trouble on your first day” He said, like I was starting a new school or something.

After Taecyeon left, I focused my attention once again on Cassie, Chohee and Sangjae. However, when I looked at Chohee, she seemed to be blushing and her eyes were directly set on where Taecyeon Oppa was a minute ago.

I smirked to myself knowing that Chohee had a little crush on my big brother. I can’t wait to be cupid!!

As I was about to say something, I heard the door hinge give a little squeak as a girl with medium black hair entered the room, looking a bit sad…

(Eun's Outfit)

Astrid’s POV

I walked into the room, and as soon as I did, I got 4 pair of eyes looking straight at me… Oh great… I was late… Thanks to Kikwang Oppa…

“Hi Hi, My names Eunhee but you can call me Eun. Over there is Cassie, Chohee and Sangjae” She pointed to the individual girls who waved at me or smiled.

I nodded my head “My names Cheon Eun” I gave a small smile at them.

“That’s awesome!! I hope people wouldn’t get mixed up with use, since we nearly have the same name… Speaking of which, I wonder what our stage names are going to be” Eun spoke really fast, I barely could keep up with her and her hyperness.

I just looked at her, and kept nodding my head, not knowing what to do or say…

When I looked over at the other 3 girls, it seemed like Sangjae was going to say something, but unfortunately, she was interrupted when a women, around her 30s came into the room…

I looked over at her; she had a grey suit on along with matching trouser… She looked smart, like she was going to an interview or something.

“Ah, I see that all the members are here” She spoke.

Now I understood who she was… She was our manager…

(Astrid's Outfit)

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favoriteboy #1
newhere! goingtoread forfdslk
xoxmarshaxox #2
When I say you update I was on the edge of the seat! :(
HAHA I'll check the story out!
Awhh.. this chapter is nice.. every events.. lol :D Joon and CheonEun.. and Cassie, don't be jealous!! lol :D Mir, G.O, Chohee and Eunhee... :D so funny..
Ooooh me and Joonie^^
xoxmarshaxox #5
JAJAJAJAJAJAJ~ Love mblaq <3
I thought it was pretty cute how they ran after each other ;) G.O and Mir I mean xD LOL And eunhee is hilarious! XD
xoxmarshaxox #6
amazing update, I love EUN!!! HAHAH >.> how dare she embarrass me like that in front of everyone?! >.< I seem like the most shy person within the group too O_O <br />
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AMAZING UPDATE! Thanks for taking your time with this and of course I want to say update soon but honestly... if each update will be as good as this... I'll wait for a month for each update! XD Not too months... I just wouldn't be able to bare it >.><br />
awh.. I really love this story so far.. :D<br />
Eun was so fun.. lol :P and her toy spider toy? lol maybe taec should give her something that she likes.. ;)<br />
And Kikwang.. :(<br />
and that stupid producer..-__- Enchantment fighting!!!^^<br />
AmethystCat #8
Keke I LOVED this chap!!!The girls' relationship with each other are just too funny for words!!Oooh la la I see romance popping up everywhere!!Can't wait for the update~
Hahaha cute^^ Awkward Eun couple <3
haaha Chohee likes ma bro bro XD<br />
Eun's gonna go into action!!<br />
and ahaha "are you a boy or girl?" soo rude XP<br />
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love this, cant waitt :)