Chapter 5

The Taste Of Loneliness [Discontinued]

Chapter 5

Jinyoung led the 5 girls into the main hall, still fuming about what happened earlier with the mix up. “Is she okay” J-star whispered to Chohee. “Don’t worry Sangjae, I’m sure that she’ll calm down” Chohee gave a small smile “I hope”.

“Okay girls, here’s the main hall” The 5 girls entered the room as the ambience was much livelier. “OK!! Let’s get this party started!! Woo Hoo!!” Eunhee shouted, screaming at the top of her lungs… That was until she bumped into someone. “Yah! Watch it you big-“She stopped her sentence half way when she realized who she was speaking to. Right in front of her was the members of MBLAQ.

Everyone’s mouth was wide open except for Cassie’s. She casually walked up to Seungho and hugged him. “Long time no see bro” Cassie poked Seungho’s stomach and giggled. “I just saw you this morning though” Seungho gave a little pout when Cassie poked his “Six packs”.

Cassie turned back to the members of Enchantment and smiled “I’ll guess I’ll have to introduce you to them. Well, let’s start fro-“

“No need Unnie!! Everybody knows who THE MBLAQ is” Eunhee quirked up. “I was just trying to be kind” Cassie remarked back.

“MBLAQ Iminida” They roared back.

“We’ll be your tour guide for today. All of us would you to your dorms and if you have any questi-“

 “Hyung!! You’re being so BORING!! Why not cut to the chase already!!” Mir interrupted G.O Half way.

“Yah!! You maknae, come back here!!” G.O chased Mir as they ran around the room. “I wanna join!” Eunhee screamed as she joined the cat and mouse chase.

“C’mon guys, calm down” Chohee shouted as she ran after the trio.

“Annyeong Lee Cheon Eun, I’ve read your profile and let me tell you, you’re quite intriguing” Lee Joon kissed the back of Cheon Eun’s hand as a slight blush crept on her face.

Eunhee saw the romantic moment that the pair was having and stopped in front of them for a brief a moment. “You do know that she’s the younger sister of THE Lee Kikwang don’t you” She spoke and continued on with the chase, almost knocking Chohee over in the process.

“Hey!! You nearly tripped me up” Chohee said, nearly out of breath. “It’s Unnie to you Chohee-ah” Eunhee spoke back.

“Well yeah? I’m more like the Unnie here instead of you” She came with a comeback.

“Aish, these kids” Cheon Eun giggled. She looked back at Lee Joon, only to be faced with his deep stare. “U-Um, anything wrong” Cheon Eun spoke, feeling rather uncomfortable. “So you’re the famous Lee Kikwang’s sister eh?” Joon asked. “N-Ne” Cheon Eun nodded. “Good to know… Well you want to sit down? You have quite a group there. Now I know how Seungho Hyung must feel looking after us all” Joon smiled as he took Cheon Eun’s hand and led her to a chair.

Throughout the whole manic scene, J-star was just looking out, staring into space. That was until Thunder came. “Annyeong” He smiled at J-star. “Annyeong” J-star replied as she bowed a perfect 90 degrees. “Thunder Iminda” He held out his hand for J-star to shake. “Kang Sanjae, Main Rapper, Lead vocalist and Maknae of the group” She replied whilst shaking his hand.

Thunder looked quite stunned when he heard that she was the maknae. “I know, I know, I don’t act like the maknae” She quietly spoke, not wanting Thunder to think badly of her. “Aniyo aniyo, it’s not that, you just act mature for your age. Kind of like me” He gave his eye smile. “I think we’ll be good friends in the future” Thunder gave J-star a hug which made her go tomato red.

 Cassie was watching the scene nearby, obviously jealous of the scene she had just witnessed. *I’m sure that they’re just friends* Cassie told herself whilst calming down. *Besides, he wouldn’t fall for her… She’s only the maknae… Right?* Cassie questioned herself…

“Ok, Ok, enough!” Jinyoung’s voiced echoed across the grand hall, making everyone freeze. “Now that I have your attention, MBLAQ will now drive you to your dorms. Make sure you follow MBLAQ’s rules because I’ll be gone for a while” She spoke as she headed off.

“Off to the dorms!!” Mir and Eun Hee cried in unison as they led everyone out the main building and into the van…


Hola!! Sorry for not updating for a long time... Exams and all that T_T I promise that I'll update more often :)

Thank you guys for waiting for me :P

Oh, and could you guys PM Me me the room you want for your dorm :)

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favoriteboy #1
newhere! goingtoread forfdslk
xoxmarshaxox #2
When I say you update I was on the edge of the seat! :(
HAHA I'll check the story out!
Awhh.. this chapter is nice.. every events.. lol :D Joon and CheonEun.. and Cassie, don't be jealous!! lol :D Mir, G.O, Chohee and Eunhee... :D so funny..
Ooooh me and Joonie^^
xoxmarshaxox #5
JAJAJAJAJAJAJ~ Love mblaq <3
I thought it was pretty cute how they ran after each other ;) G.O and Mir I mean xD LOL And eunhee is hilarious! XD
xoxmarshaxox #6
amazing update, I love EUN!!! HAHAH >.> how dare she embarrass me like that in front of everyone?! >.< I seem like the most shy person within the group too O_O <br />
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AMAZING UPDATE! Thanks for taking your time with this and of course I want to say update soon but honestly... if each update will be as good as this... I'll wait for a month for each update! XD Not too months... I just wouldn't be able to bare it >.><br />
awh.. I really love this story so far.. :D<br />
Eun was so fun.. lol :P and her toy spider toy? lol maybe taec should give her something that she likes.. ;)<br />
And Kikwang.. :(<br />
and that stupid producer..-__- Enchantment fighting!!!^^<br />
AmethystCat #8
Keke I LOVED this chap!!!The girls' relationship with each other are just too funny for words!!Oooh la la I see romance popping up everywhere!!Can't wait for the update~
Hahaha cute^^ Awkward Eun couple <3
haaha Chohee likes ma bro bro XD<br />
Eun's gonna go into action!!<br />
and ahaha "are you a boy or girl?" soo rude XP<br />
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love this, cant waitt :)