Chapter 1

The Taste Of Loneliness [Discontinued]

Chapter 1

Cassie’s POV

I closed the door as I entered my house, knowing that I did all I could for the auditions.  I looked in the living room hoping to find Seungho and Seunghoon there, sitting on the couch and pigging out like usual. But I didn’t…

I checked the kitchen and then opened the bathroom door slowly… But none of them were there… That would only leave one place…

 I raced up the stairs and pushed open Seungho and Seunghoon’s Oppa bedroom door revealing both of them on the floor, staring intently at each other.

I sighed, knowing that both of them were having a staring contest like usual, deciding who was going to wash the dishes after lunch by playing this game. Even though both of them were older than me, I loved the way they acted so childish for their age.

As I was about to sit down next to them, I saw something orange stained on the carpet… And it was wet as well… I screamed knowing that they spilled orange juice on the carpet.

Both of them immediately looked at me, breaking the game.

“Yah, Cassie, what happened” Seungho immediately cooed me into his arms whilst Seunghoon just looked at me worryingly.

“Y-You” I stuttered

“Yeah, C’mon spill it, Palli (Hurry)”

“You spilled orange juice on the carpet!!”

I know people might think it’s weird to be angry over a spillage, but for me, I have to have everything perfect. It’s like yin and yang for me.

Seungho and Seunghoon just looked at me like I was crazy.

A moment of awkwardness bloomed into the atmosphere

“So, I heard that you auditioned for the new girl group Enchantment” Seunghoon said, changing the subject.

“Oh yeah, I did” I smiled, just thinking about it.

“Won’t that mean you’re going to be our collaboration group since we’ll both be in the same company” Seungho asked as he did his question face.

“I guess” I thought for a moment, thinking about doing an act with MBLAQ... If I got in, then it would mean the world to me... But I would have to wait for tomorrow to get my results... Doing an act with my brother... With MBLAQ... With Thunder... I blushed at the thought of that.

Seunghoon started to laugh to himself quietly, knowing that I had a crush on Thunder. I gave him my famous “Death glare” signalling him to shut up. He immediately did, whilst Seungho Oppa just looked at the both of us with a confused face...


J-Star’s POV

I happily strolled down the street entering the local cafe shop, as I went up to the counter and said my hellos to my big sister Eunhae. Usually, I wouldn’t be happy but todays an exception.

“Hi Eunhae Unnie” I happily gave her a big hug over the counter, hurting my stomach but I didn’t care.

“Woah, you’re in a happy mood” She tried to get out of my death grip and I happily obliged.

“Sure, I am why wouldn’t I be Unnie”

She just looked at me like I was on crack or something and laughed.

“Yah! What’s so funny, let me in on the joke at least” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“You’re so bi-polar little sis. Come on let’s sit down” She led me towards a squared table and we both sat down, me facing the outside window and Eunhae facing the counter.

“So, how was your day” Eunhae asked me, oblivious to why I was so happy.

“Well I went out to buy something to eat, I went to the park and I also auditioned for the new girl group Enchantment” I said the last thing really fast.

Eunhae did a double take on me, nearly dropping open.

“Omo!! Why didn’t you tell me?”

Now she’s the one who’s bi-polar.

“I wanted it to be a surprise Unnie” I gave her my puppy dog eyes, as I knew it worked on her all the time.

She sighed “Well, do mom and dad know about this”

“Yeah, I phoned them first thing in the morning” I tried to replay the memory.

“Aigoo, so you tell Umma and Appa but you don’t tell your only sibling” Now this time she gave me her puppy dog eyes.

“Ah Unnie, I wanted it to be a surprise”

“But you know what happened last time” She gave me a worried look.

I started to think of what had happened last time when I auditioned for YG Entertainment. I didn’t make it through and I became very depressed and didn’t go to school, but luckily, thanks to the support of my friends and family, I auditioned again.

“Don’t worry Unnie, I promise this time I’ll make it and I’ll make you Umma and Appa happy” I gave her a smile, giving her reassurance, even though inside I was a little bit worried as well.

“Well if you’re sure about” She finally gave in and changed to another topic. “Well tomorrow I’m going to be going to.....” All of her words blurred out as I was only thinking about the audition. What If I didn’t do well enough and I didn’t make it... What would happen then...?

Well, tomorrow, I’m going to find out...


Eun’s POV

“TAG! Your it” I tapped my brother as I started to run around the house screaming like an idiot.

“Aish” Taecyeon cursed and started to chase me, knowing that if he didn’t, then I would probably throw a tantrum.

I ran towards the stairs, climbing it like I was climbing the tallest mountain and ran into my room, jumping on my bed and screaming “I GIVE UP!!”

Taecyeon abruptly stopped and was now catching his breath holding onto the door frame panting.

I sat on my bed upright, looking at my brother “ You know Taecyeon Oppa, I don’t know why the media is getting all hyped up about you, you’re not that athletic” I gave him a cheeky smile as I saw him coming to me. Well, more like running at me.

“Ahh!! What are you doing Taecyeon Oppa” I screamed at the top of my lungs as he lunged towards me giving me his blowfish face.

“Well since you’re being mean to your Oppa, I think you deserve a punishment, don’t you” He smiled.

I gasped “Don’t you dare” I tried to give him a glare, but it epically failed.

“Oh yes” He gave me an evil smirk and began tickling me all over.

“O-Oppa, P-Please stop!!” I begged him trying to get free from his deadly death grip.

“Only if you say sorry”

“SORRY!!” I screamed still trying to get free.

Once I said the magic word, he loosened his grip and got off of me, sitting upright on my bed.

I regained my breath and remembered why I bothered Taecyeon in the first place.

“Oh, Taecyeon Oppa”

“Hmm” He replied as he took a bottle of water from my mini fridge, and sipped some.

“Well, today I auditioned for a new girl group called Enchantment produced my YG Entertainment and J Tunes Camp” I happily said, as Taecyeon spat the water that he drunk out.

“YOU WHAT!” He shouted “Do you know how hard it takes to be idols?! You have to train night and day, 24 hours and-“He stopped midway through his sentence as he noticed me just staring at the wet patch that he left on my bed.

Taecyeon then waved his hand in front of my face; however, I was unaware of this, just staring at the wet patch.

“Yah, Eunhee, you there” He kept waving his hands in front of my face.

After a moment of silence, I jumped at Taecyeon screaming my head off, “YOU MADE A MESS ON MY BED”

“Y-Yah, Eunhee calm down”

Taecyeon tried to run from a deadly death grip, but I didn’t let him, as I jumped on his back and kept screaming my head off...

And let’s just say that after that, he had to have an ice-pack on his head for the rest of the day...


Astrid’s POV

I hopped off the couch as I heard the front door slam shut, signalling that Kikwang Oppa was home. As I went out the living room, I immediately saw Kikwang and Dongwoon right outside the kitchen, taking something from the fridge.

I laughed as Kikwang Oppa stumbled over a couple of chairs, nearly landing face first onto the cold tiles.

 “Aish, your a klutz Kikwang” I heard Dongwoon Oppa say as he took a sip of water from the ice cold bottle.

I proceeded into the kitchen, as I heard my brother mumble something under his breath; clearly, he was not in the mood for a joke.

“Oh, Hi Cheon Eun” Dongwoon waved at me as I waved back.

I don’t know whether to tell him about my audition or not, seeing that his mood wasn’t good.

“Um... Kikwang Oppa” I started, hoping that a miracle would happen and his mood would lighten up.

“Ne” He replied.

“W-Well, What if I told you that-“My sentence was cut off when Dongwoon made a loud outburst.

“Oh man! I forgot to tell Yoseob to come to the studio tomorrow for rehearsals” He face-palmed himself, whilst covering his head in his hands.

“Aishh, you idiot! Now we have to go to his house and tell him” Kikwang had now lost his temper... Aigoo, why did you have to tell him that Dongwoon Oppa...?

“S-sorry Kikwang Hyung, I just forgot... I’ve got a lot of things on my plate and-“Kikwang had cut him off.

“Well, of course we do! We’re idols aren’t we? Did you think that being idols were a piece of cake? It’s hard work!” Kikwang had now gone beetroot red.

I just looked at my brother, as memories of when we were young kept replaying in my head. He use to be so kind and nice... What had happened to him...?

“Sorry Hyung” Dongwoon whispered, not daring to look at Kikwang Oppa’s face.

Kikwang sighed as he took his coat off the table and wore it over his shirt, grabbing the keys off the counter and proceeding out the kitchen.

“Well C’mon then, what you standing there for” He looked at Dongwoon and shaked his head.

“C-coming” He rushed out the kitchen, nearly knocking me in the process “Oh S-sorry Cheon Eun” He apologised to me as he followed Kikwang, heading out the door, closing it with a big SLAM!

I just stood there worryingly, thinking of what was going to happen tomorrow when I actually do tell Kikwang about my audition...


Chohee’s POV

I slumped down on my bed as I gave a heavy sigh, releasing all the stress that had built up today. I just auditioned for the new girl group, and I was really nervous.

Usually I would have been cool and calm, but today was different. Well, I can’t change anything now because what’s done has been done.

I made my way to my desk, as I looked at the piled papers of bills. I sighed as I pushed it out of the way, accidently knocking my picture frame in the process.

I gasped as I immediately picked it up. A light crack was sustained on the inner frame.

A small tear escaped my eyes, as it dropped on the picture frame, leaving a small smear. I wiped it off as I looked at the picture; me, my mom and my dad...

I had no brothers or sisters so I was pretty lonely as a child; however, I was always bright and happy and always hardworking. I had taken a job at the early age of 13, which made me more mature than other kids.

I smiled at the memory of when me and my parents always use to joke around and play with each other. But that smiled faded when I remembered that my parents weren’t with me now, instead, they’re back in Russia.

I had left them at the age of 15 when I decided to pursue my dream of being a singer.

I gently put the picture frame back in its original place and went back to my bed, where I laid down and closed my eyes, waiting for tomorrow to come quickly.


Well, that's the first chapter... Sorry for the long wait and sorry if it's boring. It'll get interesting later on ^^

Oh, and to all the girls in Enchantment, Could I please ask if you could wall post me about 3 more love interest's (That's not in Big Bang or MBLAQ) in case the girls from F0xi3 would be competing with your already chosen love interest.

Thank you :)

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favoriteboy #1
newhere! goingtoread forfdslk
xoxmarshaxox #2
When I say you update I was on the edge of the seat! :(
HAHA I'll check the story out!
Awhh.. this chapter is nice.. every events.. lol :D Joon and CheonEun.. and Cassie, don't be jealous!! lol :D Mir, G.O, Chohee and Eunhee... :D so funny..
Ooooh me and Joonie^^
xoxmarshaxox #5
JAJAJAJAJAJAJ~ Love mblaq <3
I thought it was pretty cute how they ran after each other ;) G.O and Mir I mean xD LOL And eunhee is hilarious! XD
xoxmarshaxox #6
amazing update, I love EUN!!! HAHAH >.> how dare she embarrass me like that in front of everyone?! >.< I seem like the most shy person within the group too O_O <br />
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AMAZING UPDATE! Thanks for taking your time with this and of course I want to say update soon but honestly... if each update will be as good as this... I'll wait for a month for each update! XD Not too months... I just wouldn't be able to bare it >.><br />
awh.. I really love this story so far.. :D<br />
Eun was so fun.. lol :P and her toy spider toy? lol maybe taec should give her something that she likes.. ;)<br />
And Kikwang.. :(<br />
and that stupid producer..-__- Enchantment fighting!!!^^<br />
AmethystCat #8
Keke I LOVED this chap!!!The girls' relationship with each other are just too funny for words!!Oooh la la I see romance popping up everywhere!!Can't wait for the update~
Hahaha cute^^ Awkward Eun couple <3
haaha Chohee likes ma bro bro XD<br />
Eun's gonna go into action!!<br />
and ahaha "are you a boy or girl?" soo rude XP<br />
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love this, cant waitt :)