Just My Luck

Lucky, maybe ?

I’ve been with her for almost 1 years right now. When i start a relationship with her, many of my friends againts it. Based on my previous relationships, all girls just chase me and be with me for my money. I thought she was different but no she’s not. She’s just the same. But this is not a story about me and her. This is a story about me and Krystal. My number one idol. And how she can change my life. This is my story.

“Kyaaaaa... Krystall... Soojungggieeee.. Kyaaaaaa” I squealing, screaming and fangirling over Krystal Jung when she come out on stage and start dancing and singing on their number-one-right-now-hits Red Light. Tonight i am drowning over a flood of human in F(X) first world tour. A wave of perwinkle lighter is everywhere never stop to amaze me. And ofcourse she is the one who amaze me a lot. I can feel i am drooling over her abs goshh she’s so perfect in every way.

“Bzzz..bzzz” I take my phone from my jeans pocket and i take a look at it. Ewrgh, it’s Suzy. What does she want right now? A new phone? A laptop? A face cream? She only search and text me everytime she wants me to buy her something.  As always. And yeah i was hella right.

From  : Suzy

“Amber honey, where are you? Can you send me some money? I want to buy some acne cream please =( I have this annoying pimple all over my face”

Yeah like i care. I am not your personal atm you know. I curse in my thought.

From Amber :

“Yeah later when i have money”

I won’t let this brats ruin my day. I have Krystal Jung here on the stage right in front of me. Okay Amber breath wooosaahh.. 1...2...wooosaaahhh.. No Suzy today Amber no Suzy just Krystal. Focus Anber.. focus and control yourself.. And suddenly i feel a spotlight on me. And i hear everyone around me start looking and screaming at me. What the hell did just happen mother of god. Is there something in my face ? Or am i suddenly or something ? Why these people act like this. And one of that people pointing the big screen beside the stage. I can see.. me.. What the heck. For a moment i was mesmerized and a second later i hear Krystal soft voice “You, come over here. I guess you are the lucky one tonight please come up stage and i will give you a , boy” She emphasized the few last word in a seductive tone which is making me umm horn.. umm no i mean making me nervous.

And like a magic i already on stage sitting on cozy small sofa. I know that everytime F(X) hold a showcase one of F(X)’s  member will give a for one lucky fanboy but i’m just suprised on this showcase it’s the maknae who give a and she will dancing on.. holy mother sweet of god she will dancing on my lap.. i think i’m gonna faint when it happen.



It's bad isn't it :( I'm sorry I will try my best on next chappie ;)

Is Amber gonna faint ? What do you think guys ? Should I make Soojung as a bad seductive girl or make her as "Soojung in real world" icy, shy and a little bit bossy ?

Comment, comment, comment :D

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mikait0 #1
Chapter 7: I hope this gets an update, really miss this :(
kitkatoreo #2
Chapter 7: Can you update this story again author nim
Junno_Jung #3
Chapter 7: Can't wait for Sull's plan. KEEP UPDATING AUTHORSSI ^^
xmarcaxiu #4
Chapter 7: choi jinri what are u planning huh...loll
Go krystal goo!! Get your Amberr hahha
Chapter 6: really nice story
and so funny to know it will be Krystal who's start to stalk Amber XD
can't wait for more and have more Kryber sweet moment ^^
NeZuMiLiU #7
Chapter 5: Am... You have to break up with suzy now! N.O.W!!!! Be with krys... :3
fvukvodka #8
Chapter 4: Naughty krys
NeZuMiLiU #9
Chapter 3: WOW ... Kekekekeke :9 update soon author-shi!