The Heavens Shadow, Lee KyuMin

Night Rising *ON HIATUS*

Username – HinataSnow


Profile Link –


~Your Character~

Name – Lee KyuMin


Nicknames –Mikki


Birthday – 01/04/1994


Age – 17


Gender - Female


Birthplace – Seoul


Hometown – Seoul


Ethnicity - Pure Korean


Appearance –


Name of Ulzzang – Lee Yeon Ju


Height – 165cm


Weight – 43kg


Personality –

She's the dark, shy and mysterious type. When she meets new people, she gives them a cold shoulder but once you get to know her, she warms up to you. She's expressionless and never smiles at anything. Some people say she has some type os expression disorder but that's how she is. She was born that Way (kekeke). She ABSOLUTELY hates losing and is really competitive. She rather be in a corner alone then be around crowded areas.

The only person she truly trusts is her brother. And if she gives her ultimate trust in you, she will smile everytime she sees you. She hates liars and her veins on her hand will move slowly when she's angry. When she's extremely angry or irritated, she will bite on her bottom lip to sustain the anger. That sometimes makes her lip bleed. She suffers depression at times so she is rarely happy or in a good mood.

But the good thing about her is that she hates seeing other people suffer, regardless if it's her enemy. She will risk her life for a complete stranger then seeing someone get hurt. But the bad thing is that she is never truly satisfied with herself. When people compliment on her, she will think of a different meaning and get moody. SHe's constantly training herself to be better then her brother.


Likes –

Soya Bean milk




High Places

Mint chocolate



Dislikes –

Being Called weak

Being injured







People hurting her loved ones


Hobbies –


Training to be stronger and on her taekwondo.

Wandering around anywhere to take her mind of things

Making puppets 


Habits –

She has the habit of moving her fingers as though she has strings attached to them when she's bored.

She will scream her head off at people who tells her to quite playing with her puppets.

Flying around town to escape everything that is bothering her.

She can spend hours just staring onto one object!


Trivia –

Blood type: O

Fave food: Kimchi

Fave snack: Mint Chocolate

Fave drink: Soya bean Milk (It's her total addiction!)

She's a really good dancer because her brother taught her how to dance. 



Parents / Siblings – (Name / Age / Then Short Description About Them ie. What they do, where they are, and are they alive.)

Lee Taemin/18/Tall and thin. Lots Aegyo. Brown hair and eyes and pale skin. Loves to dance and sing. Kyumin and Taemin stay in the same apartment and Taemin makes a living by working part-time in a Taekwondo school and at a cafe. He's the highest black belter. He's constantly scouted by SM but he refused the offer because SM does not want to recruit Kyumin because of her 'cold feeling'.

No Parents.


Relationship to Parents / Siblings – (On good terms? Bad Terms? Awkward Terms?)

Lee Taemin and Kyumin both love to dance. They usually have dance battler in their living room after a heavy lunch to burn of the fats. Taemin and Kyumin love each other dearly because they are the only family. Kyumin will always smile around Taemin and they have no secrets to hide from one another. In fact, the moment Kyumin found out she had a tattoo without knowing, she told Taemin straight away. Every Friday night is ghost night, and they watch horror movies together.


Backstory – There's nothing much to say. Taemin and Kyumin was sent to the orphanage when they were 2 and 1 year old. All their life they spent in the orphanage.


Whats your job? – Works in a Library and Taekwondo school


Any Rivals? – None


Best Friends –

Lee SungJong: He's a childhood friend at the orphanage and Kyumin and him has been best friends. Mainly because Sungjong punched the bully that was bothering Kyumin. After Kyumin, Taemin and Sungjong moved out from the orphanage, Taemin and Kyumin moved to an apartment while Sungjong moved to a basement apartment, one level down from Kyumin's apartment, so they often see each other.

~Special Power~

  What element– Shadow Puppetry.

She is able to move and command shadows with her mind. When she wants to move the shadows faster, she uses both her hands or legs. She moves her body as though she's dancing in battle (LOL). She can also control people by manipulating their shadows and can solidify her shadows so that they can pierce and injure her enemies. She also has her own shadow puppets but she only use them when dealing with a powerful enemy so her puppets are her last and ONLY resort. She has only two puppets, Named Mother and Father.


Wings– Their feathery and looks quite tattered and old. Their pitch black and often shed feathers but they grow back instantly.



Kyumin found the marking on the middle of her forehead when she was bathing.  Surprised and scared, she ran to tell Taemin (she was wearing a towel around her of course) and showed him the tattoo. Taemin fell down from his chair when saw it and after three whole minutes of examining it, the tattoo suddenly shrinked smaller and it turned to a small star.

Taemin dismissed it and said it was just a mistake and that she shouldn't worry about it. Kyumin didn't believe him for the first time and went back to change. She examined the tattoo at the mirror when she had a split vision of God telling her about the Angels. Kyumin took it in slowly and agreed to be an angel. But what made her worry was whether to tell Taemin. She decided to keep it a secret for his safety. She soon found out that the tattoo will dissapear when a mortal is around.


Power- She wears two bracelet with a one star charm on each wrist. When she wants to use her strings, the stars split and reside to her fingernails and the bracelet chain will be the strings. She also wears cross studs on her ear where she hides her two puppets. She summon her puppets by saying their names and they will take their form in front of her.


~And Lastly. . .Love Life~

Partner / Lover – Lee SungJong (infinite)

Just in case he's not available, Kim Jaejoong or Kim Junsu


How They Act Around You –He acts warm and friendly towards Kyumin and when she's down, he will hug her. He greets her by kissing on her forehead as a sign of friendship and a sign that he likes her. He knows whether she's either happy or sad and will not tolerate anyone hurting her.


What is their Angel gift or power- He is able to bend electricity around him and uses a bow to shoot lightning to his enemies. His wings are pale yellow and looks new and young. His last resort power is transforming his bow into a sword and he is able to charge the sword with electricity. That also makes him extremely agile and fast.



Ex-Lovers – Nil

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HinataSnow #1
@suju1375 Really??!!! I like him too but I like Isane~! ^_^ She's soo tall and nice~!!<br />
Oops, Sorry for late reply!! :P<br />
@kidamazone Yay!!! Finally someone like Uryu!!! If you ask me, ppl judge him to little!! >,><br />
@All On the side note, I LOVE ULQUIORRA!!!!!!!! *clears throat* I have to stop spamming so much!! >,<
ChristalSJ #2
D: Yunho died.. D:<br />
Aww!! Thank god Kaylajo is alive!!<br />
Hwaiting, Kaylajo!
kidamazone #3
OMG the song fit so well~...<br />
It's so heartbreaking... "I'll love you for infinity even if you hold another man's child inside you in the future." -sighhhh-<br />
I'm glad Kaylajo's fine though. ;w;<br />
On a sidenote, I LOVE HISAGI TOO. <333 My ultimate Bleach bias is Uryu Ishida though. LOL <3
thats relief Kaylajo awake<br />
but she cant see Yunho :/
cherryblossom- #5
Ah! Amazing! That is the only word to describe this story so far. :D
suju1375 #6
@ HinataSnow<br />
OMG! I LOVE BLEACH SO MUCH!! Hisagi is my favorite bleach character.
HinataSnow #7
OMGEE!!!!!!!<br />
I realised that what Henry played was Bleach's soundtrack!!!!<br />
*clears throat*<br />
Okay, spam done =_='''
ChristalSJ #8
NOO! Kaylajo! Dont die!! D:!!!<br />
Nonononono!!<br />
I am sure she would be safe.. Gahh!! >:(<br />
Stupid vile creatures!! <br />
whaaaa noooo kaylaaaajooooo T.T<br />
please don't die >-<
kidamazone #10
UMMMMM OMG?!<br />
Bwohhhh I LOVE THIS!<br />
<br />
I swear, I had a bright smile when I saw this was updated! <3