Teaser 1

Night Rising *ON HIATUS*

New's Brodcast

"There has been another murder here in Seoul. This time it was a 16 year old girl, they're still trying to identify who she is but her face was taken off. We pray that the police will be able to capture this sick man and lock him up for good,"


'Another attack?' I said in my mind.

'What's going on around here?!' I then quickly left the coffee shop and stood out side waiting for the cars to stop so I could walk across, but nobody stopped. I started thinking about the two violent murders that had happened recently.

"It must be demons that are killing people." I whispered to myself. I remembered what God had told ,e about a week ago. I just shook my head and looked back at the road; a cold wind blew and I hugged my arms.

"I knew I should've worn my sweater!"



No cars were coming and there were a bunch of people starting to walk across. I was about to take a step when something that felt like tingle, ran up her spine. I looked to the side to see a tractor trailer truck coming, but something was hitching a ride.

A demon; it was a low class demon but those little ankle biters can cause a lot of damege. I noticed that it was trying to do some-

'OH NO!' SI thought.

The demon had then ripped a giant slash of the back tires of the trailer, the truck started to twist and turn out of control. Everybody fled from the road but a little boy had fallen and was now stranded in the middle of the road.

"CHIN HO!!!" A women screamed out of fear.

The trailer part of the truck had broke off of the truck, the truck stopped but the trailer part was hurtling towards the kid and at any second he would be dead. I lunged forward as the trailer reached us, I picked the child in my arms and my wings appeared, I spread them out as the trailer hit.

(something like this)


After the impact I flew up into the air. My wings were unharmed but my legs had some pieces of metal in them. I quickly put the child down and flew off. I was going to head towards my house but I had lost too much blood and then I passed out.


Yunmi's P.O.V


I was out in the hospital's garden when I saw a large bird in the sky, I noticed it was slowing down. It then started to fall towards the garden and as it got closer, I noticed it wasn't a bird, but an Angel.

"An Angel just like me!" I thought.

She was going to be hurt badly if I don't catch her! I saw the giant water fountian and looked back at the falling Angel. Luckily nobody was around, so I raised my hand up towards the water.

'Follow my command and save the Angel that is falling!' I said in my head.

Water shot out of the fountain and towards the girl, then quickly formed into a bed and the Angel fell into it. I commanded the water to put her down on the ground. I rushed over to her and I noticed that her wings were huge. They had to be the same length as her body or longer.


They were a glowing white with red tips on each feather. While I was looking at her wings, her mark had caught my attention.


God had told me that the first Angel had fire flowers on her arm, along with black tribal markings, and her marking is the exact description God had told me. I noticed a foul smell, I look down to see....Blood! Her legs are bleeding! I  turned her quickly but gently so she was on her stomach. The back of her legs had little pieces of metal in them.

I quickly got to work, I pulled the pieces of metal out quickly but carefully. I used water to clean the deep cuts, then I used the holy water from the church I go to and controlled it to cover both of her legs. The holy water started to glow and the cuts were disappearing.

When I finished, her wings had disappeared and so did her mark. She to her back and opened her eyes.


Her eyes were a piercing stormy blue.


Her eyes widened. She started to get up and was about to start running when I stopped her.

"WAIT! You're an Angel just like me!! I've been trying to find you!"

She stopped and looked at me.

"What is your name?" I ask.

"Park Kaylajo, I am the Angel of The Dragon's Fire." She bowed.

"I'm Lee Yunmi, I am the Angel of The Blessed Water." I replied and bowed in return.


There's one teaser! Just to let you know you can apply two times, one as a girl and one as a boy! Just letting some of you know ^^

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HinataSnow #1
@suju1375 Really??!!! I like him too but I like Isane~! ^_^ She's soo tall and nice~!!<br />
Oops, Sorry for late reply!! :P<br />
@kidamazone Yay!!! Finally someone like Uryu!!! If you ask me, ppl judge him to little!! >,><br />
@All On the side note, I LOVE ULQUIORRA!!!!!!!! *clears throat* I have to stop spamming so much!! >,<
ChristalSJ #2
D: Yunho died.. D:<br />
Aww!! Thank god Kaylajo is alive!!<br />
Hwaiting, Kaylajo!
kidamazone #3
OMG the song fit so well~...<br />
It's so heartbreaking... "I'll love you for infinity even if you hold another man's child inside you in the future." -sighhhh-<br />
I'm glad Kaylajo's fine though. ;w;<br />
On a sidenote, I LOVE HISAGI TOO. <333 My ultimate Bleach bias is Uryu Ishida though. LOL <3
thats relief Kaylajo awake<br />
but she cant see Yunho :/
cherryblossom- #5
Ah! Amazing! That is the only word to describe this story so far. :D
suju1375 #6
@ HinataSnow<br />
OMG! I LOVE BLEACH SO MUCH!! Hisagi is my favorite bleach character.
HinataSnow #7
OMGEE!!!!!!!<br />
I realised that what Henry played was Bleach's soundtrack!!!!<br />
*clears throat*<br />
Okay, spam done =_='''
ChristalSJ #8
NOO! Kaylajo! Dont die!! D:!!!<br />
Nonononono!!<br />
I am sure she would be safe.. Gahh!! >:(<br />
Stupid vile creatures!! <br />
whaaaa noooo kaylaaaajooooo T.T<br />
please don't die >-<
kidamazone #10
UMMMMM OMG?!<br />
Bwohhhh I LOVE THIS!<br />
<br />
I swear, I had a bright smile when I saw this was updated! <3