My Character.

Night Rising *ON HIATUS*


Username – kaylajo1375


~Your Character~

Name – Park Kaylajo


Nicknames – Kay, JoJo, Tootsie


Birthday – (dd/mm/yy) 5/7/1991


Age – (International Age Please!) 20


Birthplace – Seoul, Korea


Hometown – Seoul


Ethnicity - Korean American


Appearance – (3+ ulzzang links)


Name of Ulzzang – Jung Jin


Height – 5'7 ft


Weight – 135 lbs


Personality – Kaylajo is very fun person to be with, she can also be very quiet but only when she is concitraiting. She loves to make people smile and laugh, she will do random little dances when she is very happy. She loves tootsie pops and will all ways have a stash with her where ever she goes. She can be shy but only around alot of people, she will get fidgety and will stay in one spot away from others. She is very protective of her friends and family, she will get very agressive and will not hesitate to put them in a hospital.


Likes – (5+)




-Tootsie pops






Dislikes – (5+)








Hobbies – (3+)

-Driving around Seoul on her motorcycle






Habits – (3+)

-When angery, something around her will burst into flames(not living things but spiders she will toast to perfection)

-Zoneing out whle thinking

-Bitting bottom lip when she is shy


Trivia – (5+)

-Can play the violin

-Is a photogripher

-Does gymnastics

-Has a motorcycle

-Always has a tootsie pop in


Casual – (5+ links)


Parents / Siblings – (Name / Age / Then Short Description About Them ie. What they do, where they are, and are they alive.)

Mother: Maiden name: Lilly Camber / 48 / Has dark brown hair, Blue eyes, ivoryish skin. Is very gental and kind, always has a smile on her face, Loves to bake, do gymnastics, Gardening. She died in a tragic car crash.

Father: Shin Park / 51 /  Has black hair, gray eyes, pale skin. Is a very funny man, love to eat sweets, he loves doing martial arts, always has a joke in his head to tell. He died in a tragic car accident.

Older Brother: Jae Park / 25 / Has black hair, dark blue eyes(when the sun hits his eyes perfectly, they look like saphire dimonds) has ivoryish tanish skin, loves to dance and joke around, he works as a detective in Seoul.


Relationship to Parents / Siblings – (On good terms? Bad Terms? Awkward Terms?)

Kaylajo and Jae are on good terms, they all ways talk and have dinner together. Jae is very protective of Kaylajo, she is his only sister and is the only one who was there for him. They are very close, if Kayaljo gets hurt in a accident, the second the accident happens Jae can sense something is wrong, the same with Kaylajo.


Backstory –


Whats your job? – Works as a photogropher


Any Rivals? – (Tell me how and this is optional but why are they your rival.)


Best Friends – Hangeng: He is like another older brother to Kaylajo.

Amber: is like her sister and they work together at the photogriphy shop.

Donghae and Eunhyuk: they been friends since they live next door to each other.

~Special Power~

  What element–Fire


Wings– Her wings are giant, they are pure white with glowing red tips, the feathers can also glow a fiery red and become as hot as fire.



Kaylajo was looking for her button up shirt to cover her tank top with, she found on her vanity mirror. When she looked in the mirror she saw the marking and was shocked. Then she found her self in heaven, God had summond her and told what the Devil was planning to do, he then told her there are 6 more girls and 7 boys to be found. She then found her self back in her room and the mark on her shoulder was gone.



Power- Kaylajo is able to contol fire to do anything and is able to summon a fire dragon. She has a rosary neclace with red beeds, when she pulls the cross off, it becomes a sword or a gun. The gun has a chain that is attached to her belt and the bullets are made with light and silver.




~And Lastly. . .Love Life~

Partner / Lover – Henry Lau


How They Act Around You – He is very shy sometimes, but is always talking to Kaylajo. He will give her either cherry or chocolate tootsie pops or both.


What is their Angel gift or power- Henry's  wings are silver, his gift is with sound, music, razer blades. When he is in battle he can sommon any creature from heaven, he can control stuff with his mind. His most powerfull gift is when he uses hi violin strings, they are very sharp and can cut through anything, any song he plays on the violin will cause the strings to move and attack his enimie.



Ex-Lovers – Yunho

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HinataSnow #1
@suju1375 Really??!!! I like him too but I like Isane~! ^_^ She's soo tall and nice~!!<br />
Oops, Sorry for late reply!! :P<br />
@kidamazone Yay!!! Finally someone like Uryu!!! If you ask me, ppl judge him to little!! >,><br />
@All On the side note, I LOVE ULQUIORRA!!!!!!!! *clears throat* I have to stop spamming so much!! >,<
ChristalSJ #2
D: Yunho died.. D:<br />
Aww!! Thank god Kaylajo is alive!!<br />
Hwaiting, Kaylajo!
kidamazone #3
OMG the song fit so well~...<br />
It's so heartbreaking... "I'll love you for infinity even if you hold another man's child inside you in the future." -sighhhh-<br />
I'm glad Kaylajo's fine though. ;w;<br />
On a sidenote, I LOVE HISAGI TOO. <333 My ultimate Bleach bias is Uryu Ishida though. LOL <3
thats relief Kaylajo awake<br />
but she cant see Yunho :/
cherryblossom- #5
Ah! Amazing! That is the only word to describe this story so far. :D
suju1375 #6
@ HinataSnow<br />
OMG! I LOVE BLEACH SO MUCH!! Hisagi is my favorite bleach character.
HinataSnow #7
OMGEE!!!!!!!<br />
I realised that what Henry played was Bleach's soundtrack!!!!<br />
*clears throat*<br />
Okay, spam done =_='''
ChristalSJ #8
NOO! Kaylajo! Dont die!! D:!!!<br />
Nonononono!!<br />
I am sure she would be safe.. Gahh!! >:(<br />
Stupid vile creatures!! <br />
whaaaa noooo kaylaaaajooooo T.T<br />
please don't die >-<
kidamazone #10
UMMMMM OMG?!<br />
Bwohhhh I LOVE THIS!<br />
<br />
I swear, I had a bright smile when I saw this was updated! <3