The Heavens Memories, Yoon Jinri

Night Rising *ON HIATUS*


Username – zenlovers

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~Your Character~

Name – Yoon Jinri


Nicknames –Jinjin


Birthday – (11/10/93)


Age – 18



Birthplace – Tokyo, Japan


Hometown – Incheon, Seoul


Ethnicity -Half Korea, & Half Japanese


Appearance –


Height – 167 cm


Weight – 67 kg


Personality –She is a predictable girl, who has bad temper, grumpy, easy pissed, irritated but sometimes she can be sweet, caring,  kind person depends on her mood, she often noisy,  like to make people laugh. can stand mad at her friend and family for long time. often seeing as a loner


Likes –

  • manga

  • anime

  • music

  • animal

  • sweet food like chocolate etc

Dislikes – 

  • rain

  • math

  • dust

  • spider

  • annoying people who like to teasing her

Hobbies – 

  • listening to music

  • playing with her dog, Huihui

  • like to spending time in her own room

  • reading manga

  • watching anime

  • daydreaming        

  • sleeping  

Habits – 

  • when she mad, she being silence all day

  • when she happy, she gonna trying to control her bad temper

  • when she sad, she gonna disguise herself to a shadow who doesnt anyone notice she was there

  • when she fallen in love, she use her poker face in front of him

  • always listening to her i-pod everytime


Trivia – 

  • her favorite colours is orange, black, white, blue, & red

  • she have a dog, breed Chow chow name Huihui

  • she alergic to dust


Casual –

hang out





Parents / Siblings – 

Father: Yoon Taehun, hair is dark brown, and have a little mustache under his nose, and have a brown eyes his skin are Moderately brown skin. 50 years old, humble, calm, sometimes like to nagging, & likes to cookin

Mother: Yoon Juna, short black hair with dark black eyes and  medium tone  45 years old, noisy, clumsy, like to making fun of her own children, & like to do chores

Older Brother: Yoon Haru, his hair is grey with light hazel eyes and moderately brown skin. 22 years old, grumpy, funny, wise, loyal, and down to earth person.

Relationship to Parents / Siblings:  since she always stuck with her own brother, they are so close, and sometimes people thinking they were a couple but seeing Jinri spoiled action around him people will know he is own brother.


Backstory – she always mocing along with her parents after her parents trying to open some business in Seoul, she stay in there, but after that her parents must move back to Japan coz his grandparents want her son and his wife to taking care his restaurant so she stay in Korea with his brother who his jo is painter.


she a part time worker on book store


Any Rivals? – nope


Best Friends – 

f(x) Lune and SHINee Taemin: they meet when tehy children, in kindergarden. Luna who was first to make friend with her, coz she know Jinri is a type who open up first

~Special Power~

  What element–  Ability to erase or enhance the memories of another.


Wings– her wings is small, with silver colours who can glowing in the dark


she found it when she was tie her hair up and she saw that mark on her left shoulder. after that see realize she doesnt in her apartement room but heavens, she shock but after she met with God, she finally knew what her job in earth is.

Power-  she have some rod, when people touch her rod, that people gonna attacked by a eletric shock and fainted but when she touch in it doesnt harm her.

before she attack

after she trying to attack someone or something


~And Lastly. . .Love Life~

Partner / Lover – 

Infinite Kim Sunggyu

How They Act Around You –

first they act distance towards her, coz she seems a girl who like living in her own world types. but after they knew she act like that coz she doesnt know to open up with a new person, they became close.

What is their Angel gift or power- 

Ability to erase or enhance the memories of another.

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HinataSnow #1
@suju1375 Really??!!! I like him too but I like Isane~! ^_^ She's soo tall and nice~!!<br />
Oops, Sorry for late reply!! :P<br />
@kidamazone Yay!!! Finally someone like Uryu!!! If you ask me, ppl judge him to little!! >,><br />
@All On the side note, I LOVE ULQUIORRA!!!!!!!! *clears throat* I have to stop spamming so much!! >,<
ChristalSJ #2
D: Yunho died.. D:<br />
Aww!! Thank god Kaylajo is alive!!<br />
Hwaiting, Kaylajo!
kidamazone #3
OMG the song fit so well~...<br />
It's so heartbreaking... "I'll love you for infinity even if you hold another man's child inside you in the future." -sighhhh-<br />
I'm glad Kaylajo's fine though. ;w;<br />
On a sidenote, I LOVE HISAGI TOO. <333 My ultimate Bleach bias is Uryu Ishida though. LOL <3
thats relief Kaylajo awake<br />
but she cant see Yunho :/
cherryblossom- #5
Ah! Amazing! That is the only word to describe this story so far. :D
suju1375 #6
@ HinataSnow<br />
OMG! I LOVE BLEACH SO MUCH!! Hisagi is my favorite bleach character.
HinataSnow #7
OMGEE!!!!!!!<br />
I realised that what Henry played was Bleach's soundtrack!!!!<br />
*clears throat*<br />
Okay, spam done =_='''
ChristalSJ #8
NOO! Kaylajo! Dont die!! D:!!!<br />
Nonononono!!<br />
I am sure she would be safe.. Gahh!! >:(<br />
Stupid vile creatures!! <br />
whaaaa noooo kaylaaaajooooo T.T<br />
please don't die >-<
kidamazone #10
UMMMMM OMG?!<br />
Bwohhhh I LOVE THIS!<br />
<br />
I swear, I had a bright smile when I saw this was updated! <3