Battle 1. 1/2

Night Rising *ON HIATUS*

Kaylajo's P.O.V


I was driving my motorcycle instead of being in the vans with the others, I just needed sometime to release all the stress I've been going through during the past couple of days. Just recently my boyfriend broke up with me. Well I broke up with him, he has been telling his friends that he broke up with me. Pfft Loser.

I was stopping when I saw a red light turn on, thats when I sensed it. I turn my head and look around but there was nothing.

"I sware I sen-" I stop mid sentence when I see it, there were 4 level 3's on top of a tall office building.

"." I mutter, I pull out my cell and text Henry.


Hen, there are 4 lvl 3 demons

im going after it, tell the others.


Got it.


I look up to see they decided to seperate, the red light turned green. I quickly drive after it full speed, I was dodging cars following the demon, it seems that he is leading me somewhere. I was lucky that I had changed before I came out or I would have been caught by the police.

I was then lead to an abandonned factory, I got off my motorcylce and ran inside. It was quiet when I entered but I could sense the demon, I heard some chains move behind me on my left, then on my right.

"Stop playing games! Show me your ugly face!" I shouted.

"You don't have to be mean." a disformed voice echoed through out the factory.

"Im telling the truth-" I didn't finish what I was saying when the demon sprang out at me.

My wings ripped to slots in the back of my jackets as they came out, I fly up into the air to dodge the attack, but I was too slow. The demon had cut my arm with dark matter.

"Damn it!" I hiss, my arm was very slowly fading  away.

I grab the cross that is on my rosary and rip it off with out destroying the chain, the second I the cross was detached from the necklace it changed into a sword. I fly at him with such speed that I was only seen as a blur to him, I cut his left arm off. A ear bleeding scream came out of the demon mouth.

"YOU !"

I was about to go in for a another attack when something pierced through my shoulder; the demon had shot a spear of dark matter and got sholder blade. I breath heavily as I yank it out of my shoulder. Like my arm, it started fading very slowly.

"I summon the Heaven's guardian, BOOL YONG!"

I summond a huge fire dragon that had guarded the gates for centries now. It then attacked the demon.

"I got you now." I whispered.

When the dragon vanished, I saw nothing left of the demon. . . .Or so I thought. A sharp pain hit my side, I fell to my knees. I looked up to see the demon laughing, this caused my blood to boil. My wings started to change, they started to glow a fiery color and they heated up to the temperature of fire.

I was in the air within seconds, my mark was now glowing a bright red. I lunged at him and then he did a spinning kick. I blocked him with my sword but was sent flying into the wall. I then kicked off the wall giving me more speed and did a spinning air kick, my foot connected with its face. He went flying backwards and slammed into the wall.

I threw my sword into the air, it then changed into a gun. I pointed it towards the demon's head, he started begging for mercy and that he has children.

"Demon's can't have children."

I was about to shoot him in the head when I saw Him. I couldn't belive what I was seeing.


"Hello My little Angel, did you miss oppa?"

I was about to say something, when he pulled out a gun and shot the demon.

"I missed you alot and I want you back. I don't care if your the enemy, I still love you."

"Yunho . . . .Your an-"

"Im a fallen Angel, Kaylajo-ah."

"If you had stayed an Angel then we could be together! Why did you become one of them!" I felt tears sting my eyes, I was still in love with him.

I then heard a bang and felt something pierce my heart, Yunho had shot me. I looked at him, he wasn't Yunho anymore. It was a fallen Angel disguised as Yunho. A girl was smirking evily at me and was laughing.

"You fell for my trick you stupid Angel." she then disapeared.

I felt my heart was slowly stopping.


bu-bump bu-bump   bu-bump      bu-bump.

Henry-ah, Yunho-ah why did I fall for you two?

____To be continued_____________________________________________

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HinataSnow #1
@suju1375 Really??!!! I like him too but I like Isane~! ^_^ She's soo tall and nice~!!<br />
Oops, Sorry for late reply!! :P<br />
@kidamazone Yay!!! Finally someone like Uryu!!! If you ask me, ppl judge him to little!! >,><br />
@All On the side note, I LOVE ULQUIORRA!!!!!!!! *clears throat* I have to stop spamming so much!! >,<
ChristalSJ #2
D: Yunho died.. D:<br />
Aww!! Thank god Kaylajo is alive!!<br />
Hwaiting, Kaylajo!
kidamazone #3
OMG the song fit so well~...<br />
It's so heartbreaking... "I'll love you for infinity even if you hold another man's child inside you in the future." -sighhhh-<br />
I'm glad Kaylajo's fine though. ;w;<br />
On a sidenote, I LOVE HISAGI TOO. <333 My ultimate Bleach bias is Uryu Ishida though. LOL <3
thats relief Kaylajo awake<br />
but she cant see Yunho :/
cherryblossom- #5
Ah! Amazing! That is the only word to describe this story so far. :D
suju1375 #6
@ HinataSnow<br />
OMG! I LOVE BLEACH SO MUCH!! Hisagi is my favorite bleach character.
HinataSnow #7
OMGEE!!!!!!!<br />
I realised that what Henry played was Bleach's soundtrack!!!!<br />
*clears throat*<br />
Okay, spam done =_='''
ChristalSJ #8
NOO! Kaylajo! Dont die!! D:!!!<br />
Nonononono!!<br />
I am sure she would be safe.. Gahh!! >:(<br />
Stupid vile creatures!! <br />
whaaaa noooo kaylaaaajooooo T.T<br />
please don't die >-<
kidamazone #10
UMMMMM OMG?!<br />
Bwohhhh I LOVE THIS!<br />
<br />
I swear, I had a bright smile when I saw this was updated! <3