Chapter IV

Love, Argentina...

Back in Marseille, and having passed the hard trance to formally ask the hand of the young Gros, Yongguk was discharged from the army for not confirm his citizenship.
He dedicated himself to continue his interrupted studies in mathematics with Professor Clotet, who was a wise eccentric, in love the numbers and combinations thereof. Yongguk was amused with his distractions and gluttony. Invariably poured the soup on his suit or filled his chest with egg, already exhibiting, other colorful stains like decorations. The teacher ignored, or pretended to ignore the basic rules of etiquette but above an equation or a complex algebra operation, frowned, half opened his mouth and moved the pen gently, as if it was about to eat the best portion of an imaginary cake.
Catherine had given his son a regular amount of money from the sale of her jewels, and with that it might stay until obtaining an engineering degree.
After spent the harshest winter days, some evenings teacher and studentwith their heads saturated with equations, went for a walk and invariably ended in the harbor watching the big boats make their maneuvers.
Monsieur Clotet was a friend of the captain of a huge passenger ship and frequently invited him to come aboard. During these visits, Yongguk toured every inch of the ship. The cabins were sumptuous and comfortable, the shiny cover and the France flag waving proudly in the mast, near large fireplaces.
Captain Fayole was very friendly and had interesting travel stories.
Yongguk asked with curiosity about America and listened intently accurate answers and picturesque details that gave the captain.
-Those are fascinating places, no doubt. Everything is half done. American ports are, as here, full of faces from remote places, but those have hope. In the United States there are more progress. I think things in that country are more organized, but they became independent before and had more time, of course. As I have been told, in Argentina, the country that is further south, for some years governs a very controversial and strong character man, who tries to straighten things despite the internal struggles. This gentleman is called Domingo Faustino Sarmiento and is trying to unify the country, fighting with regional warlords who do not want to be commanded; seems that these people still do not understand what it means to a nation. But the stubborn Sarmiento is winning the battle and extends throughout the territory an educational campaign that is much needed. Immigrants arrive with their own languages, customs and have to integrate them. In America there are still many indigenous people who have not been assimilated to civilization. Some areas are dangerous because of this.
Yongguk listened fascinated. After the last visit to the ship, as he left on a boat expertly guided by two experienced sailors who used the oars as if they were extensions of his arms and slid rapidly amid the thousand boats that blocked the narrow street leading, between two rows of ships, from the harbor entrance to the Orleans dock; decided to share these stories with his beloved Himchan.
When he came to the house of the Gros, Himchan was waiting for him in the garden. It was hot and the boy's body was dressed in a dark blue trousers adjusted boots and a loosely white gauze shirt  revealing half of his shoulders.
Standing next to a stone bench, both enjoyed the delicious temperature of one of those beautiful days, last smiles of the year, soon to become sad and cold.
In trees, deceived by the hot sun, the birds were singing, and on the bright sand trails bordering the flower beds two blackbirds yellow beak disputed, whistling, bread crumbs that Seohyun was thrown from the dining room window.
Yongguk showed calm but looked sad. With his black overcoat buttoned looked taller than he actually was. Himchan was shyly narrowed against him, restless and yet resolved, holding his gaze to infuse courage. Each time he kissed those lips, Yongguk felt his heart bursting.
-Himchan my dear, we need to talk. There is an idea prowling me from towards several days and I do not dare to say it aloud. I am afraid you'll think I'm an adventurer or a madman.
-Let's sit here. They did not see you coming, we can talk in peace. What is your idea, dear?
-First I want to tell you that I have visited several times captain's Fayole ship. He's a friend of Monsieur Clotet, very friendly and polite.
-A ship?- interrupted him, excited, -have you seen their cabins? How I wish to board a ship! Yongguk, you're mean. Why you didn't take me?
-You like it, right?
-Of course! Sometimes I dream that we got on a large passenger ship and we travel around the world together.
He looked intently and smilingly said: -That's the idea.
Himchans face brightened. -We're gonna know America?
-More precisely, Argentina. It is the home of General San Martin.
-An American general?
-Yes, I'll tell you that story. According to Captain Fayole, Argentina is a country with hope. Here, beloved of my soul, what future do we have? I am a former soldier who knows a little math. The rent my mother gave me will end, and how can I keep you? My cute husband may not continue wearing that pretty clothes and will be sad next to me.
-Silly! You know I adore you and a couple of shirts more or less will not change that. I love the idea of travel and see other countries and cultures. Also, Argentina ...! sounds cute, as a hopeful exclamation.
Himchan has incorporated and turning on itself, facing the sky, exclaimed: -Argentina! My Yongguk and I. Argentina! We'll go to you, wait for us with open arms, please.

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