Act Six: I Got You (Krisyeol Finale)

Love Drama

"! How can you not even memorize such a simple sentence like that?!" Suho threw the scriptbook towards Chanyeol's head. "You're just wasting our time here, stupid!"

Seeing that, Kris scolded Suhowith anger. "Don't be so rude! Chanyeol is just practicing and he has no experience with acting. We have to help him, not call him names!"

Suho glared at the older in disastisfaction, knowing that the older were mad at him. "Oh, are you mad seeing me nag this brat?!" Suho pointed his finger at Chanyeol.

The whole club was now gossiping and talking among themselves.

"Calm down, what in the world is going on?" Krystal asked the vice chairman. 

"You don't have even a right to scold him because you're the one who started it!" Kris retorted back.

With that, Suho turned and left, storming out the door and slamming it behind him.

"Wait! Suho! Our training hasn't finished yet!" Krystal yelled. "Argh! What's going on?! We only have ten days to go, Kris!" Krystal grabbed Kris' t-shirt collar and began shaking the vice chairman. 

Kris glared at her coldly. "What do I care?! He the one who started it and got pissed over his own actions!"

Chanyeol, who simply stood at the sid ein silence, watched them, rendering speechless.



'Ugh...why is this happening to me? Now Suho-hyung definitely hates me!'

"Brave princesses don't shook their head off," a familiar voice suddenly spoke from the entrance.

"K-Kris-sunbae!" Chanyeol exclaimed when he turned and saw the vice chairman. "I thought, maybe I don't really suits the princess role"

Kris eyed him, raising an eyebrow. "But why? Is it because Suho proposely started a fight with you? Or is it because I love you?" Kris asked, making the younger's head hang lower.

"That day, you asked me... what would I do if you  said my name during the bet and not Suho-hyung's..."

Kris looked at the younger in anticipation. "Chanyeol..."

This time, it was Chanyeol's turn to look at Kris face.

"That time, I surely would confess to you. I would tell you how much I love you"

The older was going to smile, but the urge faded when the younger continued his sentence. "But it's too late now. The situation isn't the same and you chose Suho-hyung, although now you say the one you love is me." Chanyeol stood there and swallowed, trying to hold back the tears from falling from his beautiful, warm chocolate brown eyes. "Suho's my best friend. We can't be together and do this to him."

The older, who had fallen silent, spoke up again. "You're rejecting me because you lost the bet?" he asked, but the response was silence. "Okay, I got it now". Kris stood up and turned to walk away, not before saying. "I am going to explain this all to Suho"


"W-wait! Kris-sunbae! Don't do that! It'll make Suho-hyung feel even worse!" Chanyeol tried to block the elder, but suprisingly, received a loving hug from Kris. The same as that day.

"Then, why do you choose to hurt my feelings? Why is it so easy for you let go of me?"'s actually not as easy as I thought it would be.'

Little did they didn't know, Suho was watching them from behind with gritted teeth. "How could you, Chanyeol."

Meanwhile, Kris continued to trap Chanyeol in his embrace, refusing to let go.

Today, my wish came true...I should be happy with this all but...I can't.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this. Suho-hyung is my childhood friend and my best friend. I know that love doesn't involve friendship. You're right when you said that, but from the bottom of my heart, friendship is as important as love. I can't ignore Suho-hyung's feelings, just the same as I can't ignore your love towards me".

Kris looked at the younger in disbelief as he broke the hug. Chanyeol was surprised a bit by the sudden act. He looked into the older face.

"Looks like I'm the one who lost the bet" Kris spoke gently and quietly, sweeping away the younger's precious tears.


Suho POV

What the heck? Don't pretend to be good! I clenched my fist. "Damn it! I won't let you to take the spotlight! Don't forget, I am the main character!"

End Of POV



And the D-day had finally arrived.

"Haha! Over here!"

"Where's my seat?"

"this is so exciting!"

"My seat is next to you?"

The students' noise echoed the hall. They were busy searching for their seats. Meanwhile, in the backstage, there was someone trying to remenber the lines by himself. He was Chanyeol. Or should I say 'her' instead?

"I am the princess of Enchareaden. I c-come for-"

"Don't push yourself. Try to relax a bit... Keep calm," a familiar soothing voice spoke, making Chanyeol instantly look over at the owner.

His jaw dropped a bit when he saw Kris in the royal King's costume. Wow... He looks amazing...

Kris saw the younger's cute yet innocent stare. Then he said. "Do I look weird?"

The younger shook his head frantically. "No-- uh, it's not like that! You're handsome!" Wait...what did I just say?!

Kris smiled, satisfied the younger's compliment. "Let me help you!"

Kris-sunbae...since that day, he never talked about us. All of the things are just like they never happened. Besides the performance topics, he never talks about anything private.

"Just be more confident! You can do this!" the older cheered, almost bringing the younger's heart to a heart attack!

"What are you two doing here?" came another familiar voice. It was Suho.

"Nothing! Just telling Chanyeol to get ready! Let's get to the chairwoman!" Kris quickly said as he grabbed Chanyeol's hand and began pulling him to the door.

"Wait, Kris! I have something to discuss it with you." Suho exclaimed urgently. "Just the two of  us and about both of us!"

The younger, understanding that he' should go, said. "Uhm..I am going now. I'll tell Krystal that both of you will arrrive soon!" Chanyeol ran as fast as he could, leaving the two behind.

I don't know how's their relationship was going now. Maybe the problem isn't fixed yet. But....even how and through in the future, they are perfect for each other.

"What will you do if I won't let you go?" As he turned the corner, Chanyeol heard Suho say to Kris.

Wait, Kris-sunbae wants to break it off with Suho-hyung? I know I shouldn't have eavesdropped... But is he really...?


The show had started.

It was the story of a patient prince, waiting for his true love... but the arrogant and mighty king only allowed his prince to marry with a beautiful and noble-hearted girl who sincerely loved him. So, the king prepared all challenges for the sake of measuring the other countries' princesses nobleness. But there was no girl who passed them excellently. Until a beautiful and fond princess passed them with flying colours. The king asked the princess.

"Do you really loves my son?"

There was silence

"Oh princess, do you want to marry my son and give him happiness," the king repeated. And again, no answers from the 'princess'.


And fortunately, Chanyeol managed to come to his senses. And he replied with stutters. "I will do anything for the prince."

"Anything, even if it will cost your life?" The king asked.

"I'll do anything for the prince!" Oh ! I just repeated the same dialogue!

Suho saw the nervousness in Chanyeol eyes, so he decided not to follow the script any long, but just have his own conversation with the younger. "You are such a liar! The one who you love was him!" Suho pointed his finger at the king (Kris). And as expected, the audience and the backstage staff gasped and Krystal swore she almost fainted.

Kris, who got a shock as well, mouthed to Suho as he didn't want the audiences hear them. "Oi! Suho! We are performing right now!"

Suho, reading the ips, said to the taller. "You rejected me because of 'her' right? You think I didn't know what you guys did behind me?" Chanyeol just blinked his eyes cluelessly, hearing Suho's complaints towards Kris. "You are also a coward! If you are brave enough to leave me, why didn't you do the same to be together with 'her'?!".

And once again, the hall become noisy as the audience began wondering what was going on with the story.

"What!? The king separated with the prince because of the princess?"

"Oho! What's going on actually?! Is this triangle love or what?!"

"But they are father and son right? !"

Kris (the king) no long wanted to stand up to Suho and told the shorter mal to stop. "Suho! Shut up!"

"What?! I won't!"

Chanyeol was panicking and didn't know what to do. Without his knowledge, he fainted. The audience gasped and began to worry whether the princess was acting or had actually fainted for real. Meanwhile, the two who were in fight, quickly ignored each other and helped the younger.

"God damn! Chanyeol fainted!" Kris growled under his breath.

"Audience, please stay calm!"


After two hours , Chanyeol managed to wake up and when he opened his cute big-doe eyes, he saw Kris, siiting on a chair beside him.

"Oh thank god you're awake, Chanyeol! I wait for so long!" the older let out a long sigh of relief when he saw that the love of his life was alright.

"Urm...Kris-sunbae, what had happened to me? Where am I?" Chanyeol asked as he looked around the unfamiliar room.

"You fainted during the performance and I brought you to the infirmary." 

Wait... During?

"Oh my god! What about our performance? I ruined everything!" the younger shrieked in panic. The older chuckled amusedly, seeing the frantic younger, but then replied.

"Don't worry. Although the performance had to be cancelled, it's not your fault," Kris touched the younger's hand, making the younger flustered. Being uneasy, Chanyeol finally spoke out.

"Uhm...Kris-sunbae, can you let go of my hand, please?"

But to no avail, the older didn't obey and instead, tightened his hold on Chanyeol's hand.

"This is all my fault. Because of me, everyone has to get involved!" the younger looked away in guilt because what else could he do? His hand already in Kris' tightly.

"Chanyeol... When you fainted just now, do you know how worried I was. I forgot everything around me, I couldn't think of anyone but you. I carried you here as fast as I could," Kris said, once again in his soothing voice.

"W-what!!? Carried!?" the younger cheeks flushed in red.

"Don't worry too much because we actually received a lot of claps and cheers from the audiences! Chanyeol, actually I wanted to tell you later but I want to tell you right now because I feel like this is a good time. I love you, with all my heart. Will you accept me as your boyfriend?"

"No, I can't, I'm sorry. I can't do this to my best friend."

Kris suddenly smiled. "Don't, because this was also his request"




"If I don't want to break it off with you, what will you do?" Suho asked the taller. Kris just kept silent.

"You will not break it off with me 'cause you are afraid that Chanyeol would hate you, am I right?"

Once again, there was no response.

"Hmpph! Coward! It's better if we break up! If my bosom friend had no hesitation in sacrificing his love for me, then I shall do the same!"

Kris's hawk eyes widened. "W-wait! Suho. I'm still.."

"Enough! You have no choices left! You don't love me, right? Because of your cowardly sides, Chanyeol and I got into a fight! And one more thing, don't make cry 'cause if you do, I can't guarantee you'll be alive to see the next day."



"That's why if I fail to be together with you, Suho will surely kill me."

Kris' explaination made the younger touched and his eyes boiled with tears. He really was a lucky person with the best friend ever.

"I...I want to find Suho-hyung!" the younger exclaimed quickly.

"Wait! Aren't you suppose to care about your boyfriend first?" the older held the younger close to him with a pout.


"Chanyeol m ust was searching for me now..." Suho sighed, walking home as he knew, even without his care, that someone would be there for Chanyeol, his childhood friend and also... his best friend forever.


I never thought that sweet thing like this would happen'.

In this world, it is proven that there are two caring people who love me. My best friend and my special one!




A/N: Yay!! Krisyeol has a happy ending! But what about Suho? If  you want to find out why I tagged 'Suhan', please wait patiently... cause this isn't the ending...

Thanks for 30+ subs! ^_^

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Chapter 6: nice update soon...
akahashi #2
Chapter 6: Uhhh..
This is nice..
Chapter 6: e u e ohhhhhhhh!! the ship sailing happily.
Chapter 5: kasfvjkmgszxxf!!!
Chapter 5: Chanyeol I want you to do me a favor. Forget Suho. He's a . True friends don't make other friend do things that they don't truly want to do unless it's for the friends benefit, which it wasn't cause it only benefited Suho. Dude doesn't think about Chanyeol's feelings, he needs to stop being a .
Chapter 3: Ah! Krisyeol moment! He recognized him!
Chapter 2: poor heart... >n<
Chapter 2: poor heart... >n<
Chapter 1: o u o I'm interested!!!!
IreneLiMR #10
owh, poor Yeollie. Why did Suho got Kris?. Anyway, please update.....