
Something More Than Best Friends
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< Kibummie don’t wait for me after school, I am walking Sekyung home :D >

Key stared at this text on his phone hidden under his desk and felt like crying right then and there. But of course he couldn’t, the Almighty Key did not cry in public. He quickly shoved his phone back in the pocket of his pants and ignored the text, wishing that class would hurry up and end so he could go home.


Don’t cry! Don’t cry! Dammit…

He bit his lip and quickly began looking around to try and find something to distract him. Oh look, a window! There is a squirrel in a tree and it’s raining!...I have to walk home in the rain. Alone.

“Teacher, may I be excused? I don’t feel well,” Key said, standing up and looking at the teacher pleadingly.

“Kim-ssi, there’s only twenty minutes of class left, are you sure you can’t hold out?” The teacher asked. Key shook his head and the teacher sighed but excused him anyway. Key quickly grabbed his bag and raced out the door and down the hall to the nearest exit (AN- remember kiddies: walk, do not run, to the nearest exist.) Ignoring the fact that he was getting wet, Key walked home with tears streaming down his face. It wasn’t a long walk, but sure enough he was soaking wet by time he opened his front door and stepped inside the house. He walked up the stairs to his room, where there was a note taped to his door from his mother informing him that she would be home late. As always.

He threw his bag on his desk and stripped himself of the wet clothing, digging out some clean, dry clothes from his dresser. He flopped down on his bed and buried his face in his pillow, wishing that life wasn’t so cruel.

Jonghyun sat in class, nervously bouncing his leg up and down. Onew was sitting next to him, smirking slightly at his friend’s anxiety. Jonghyun was staring intently at the clock, counting down the last minute before the bell rang so he could run and meet Sekyung at her class. Onew sniggered, he didn’t see what was so nerve wracking about walking home a girl.


Jonghyun jumped from his seat and bolted out the door before anyone had started collecting their books. Onew rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, walking lazily out of class. He contemplated what to do for the next few hours. Join 2min on their movie date (even though Minho swears it’s not a date) or hang out with Key.

Obviously he chose Key.

When he reached his friends house he barged in without knocking; they all did that to each other. Up the stairs and down the hall, Onew pushed open Key’s door and walked in. Key was laying in bed, curled up and hugging a pillow. Onew heard a few sniffles and frowned.

“Key,” He said, walking over to his friend and sitting on the edge of the bed.

“What?” Key mumbled.

“Why are you crying?”


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Chapter 17: this is the first non JooMi story I've read and, guess what? I liked it. I was moving, the characters were endearing with all their flaws, always trying to make it through their teens. I just felt bad that Jonghyun needed Key to be beaten to the pulp to realise his feeling was indeed love. But I guess tjat's what happen most of the time when you're dating someone. When do you really know what you feel is love? How is it supposed to make you feel and all. So I thought you raised interesting questions with this story.
Chapter 6: I went awwwwe!^^ But I felt so bad before! these last 2 chapters were very hard! My poor heart!
Chapter 5: wow! th1t chapter IS heartbreaking. I'm on the train reading this and it's hard to hold in my tears so I won't look like a moron!:(
I hate Jonghyun... I hope he'll suffer as hell!!and I totally support Key's fit of anger after he read Sekyung's letter. Who the hell does she think she is to pretend knowing what he feels?! Grrrr...:(
DarknessHatesLove #4
Chapter 9: I knew Sekyung's nice act was too good to be true! Oh the back fat line is priceless! And totally something a diva like Key would say!
Waaaaah! I love it, but there's no sequel, whyyy? :'(
funabisenu #7
I hold hands and kiss my friends. ARE THEY NOT MY BEST FRIENDS?! ;_;
sama-oppa #8
AAAAAAAAAAH I finally found, this is the first fanfiction I read on AFF
I LOVE it! ^ ^
chocolove123 #9
rereading for the nth time. <3
AHHH!!!!! <3 dis story.....Diva Key is the best!!! XD<br />
I was a bit angry abt the ending but tnx alot for making a sequel!!! :)