Taking His Time

Yo yo yo man (as Luhan likes to say) I'm going to be bringing up some of the otp's (kaisoo, baekyeol) pasts regarding their past in general and/or the stabbing of the mystery boy in chapter 4, this chapter! I just mention the film "Harry Potter" here. Enjoy. 

"Party at my house today. I'm taking you this time hyung ㅋㅋㅋ." Sehun had told everyone in the group about the small get together he had planned the whole week. It wasn't like anyone wasn't going to go, but he had to make sure to tell everyone over and over again. He told Luhan that it was a sleepover, and that he had to come. Of course, how could anyone reject the baby of the group? It was the only thing that came out of Sehun's mouth the whole school day. Luhan told him that he was never one for sleepovers as his parents never let him, but Sehun assured his new favourite hyung that he would be attending parties and sleepovers every week. Fantastic

Sehun was laying on his bed, staring down at his phone, unable to stay still. He was texting his hyungs, reminding all of them that he would not think twice about beheading anyone who doesn't come to his sleepover that night. His phone was going off, buzzing every minute as the texts drowned in. He 'eeped' when a certain text arrived, a ringtone that came along with it. 

"Who's that?" Tao stood on his knees from the floor, setting down the men's magazines that Sehun stored under his bed, "Huh? Huh who is it?" He knew Sehun's phone only buzzed when texting, but a constant cute ringtone kept playing over and over. 

Sehun turned away from his best friend, and hid the phone over his face, typing away. Tao reached over and tried to playfully grab the phone away from Sehun. 

"Yah! Leave me alone," cried Sehun as Tao tickled him now. 

He escaped Tao's grasp, and ran to down to his kitchen. He propped up a seat a high stool, and asked the cook to make him a sandwich. After a few seconds, Tao came walking down the stairs, smirking, with his hands in his pockets. He sat beside Sehun and poked him again. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sehun leaned away from Tao who came closer, smirking more at him, "S-stop. You're really ugly." 

Tao hit his arm playfully, and rest his chin on Sehun's shoulder, reaching over to touch his phone screen. "It's that new boy, huh?" 

Sehun slowly nodded in response and sighed. "Do I make it too obvious?" 

"No, not at all." Tao said sarcastically. He stood up and grabbed the sandwich from the cook and came back, mocking Sehun. "WHY WERE YOU IN HIS APARTMENT? BUT I ALREADY TOOK HIM HOME, I TOOK CARE OF HIM." 

Sehun hit back, and shoved Tao. "Shut up." 

"I guess you finally moved on from the one-night stand relationships you have like every week." 

Sehun ignored Tao, waiting for Luhan's reply. 

"What are you like- boyfriend material now?" Tao continued to , hugging him from behind, peering into their conversation. 

The now irritating cute ringtone stopped, but the buzzing continued on. Tao watched his best friend bite his lip, staring down at his phone as he waited for Luhan's reply. He has never seen Sehun like this before. Getting caught up over texts, non-stop talking about this sleepover he's been planning, though he plans sleepovers regularly. He knew Sehun somewhat had interest in the older boy, and he wasn't too happy about it. Judging from the way Sehun treated his other relationships (that never lasted a week), he didn't deserve Luhan who clearly had feelings for both Kim Minseok and his best friend. He still hasn't found his soft spot for the new kid. He's caused problems for their group, and he was not impressed. 

Sehun huffed, and set his phone down, allowing the non-stop buzzing to continue on. Tao stole a bite from Sehun's sandwich, and grabbed the phone. Sehun stared off in space, and ate his sandwich. 

"Oh, who's Jung Jihoon?" 

"Soccer kid in Luhan's team. Apparently he's a jerk." 

Tao continued to read their texts, holding back his laugh whenever Sehun sent heart emojis. In the middle of replying to the other boys, the ringtone blasted, and Sehun dove at Tao. 

"Woah woah, CHILL!" Sehun grabbed the phone from Tao, and was smiling down at his phone again, "Holy- you need to calm down. What did he say?" 

"He's coming tonight, but he has to do a project with that Jung Jihoon kid." Sehun was all smiles, chewing his sandwich happily. 

"What do you even see in him?" Tao whispered, playing games on his own phone now. Sehun was about to leap on him, but he stopped and frowned. 
He never really thought about it. The first time I saw him, sure, I found him cute. And then after that, I just started feeling the need to constantly be around him. He argued himself that he's always like that to his hyungs. Boyfriend material? No way. He has never been in a serious relationship, and he was not looking for one. He was sure of that. 

But Luhan is right there...its almost like he is waiting to be loved, by me. 


Kyungsoo scanned the cook book that Jongin's mom had left lying on the kitchen counter. The recipes seemed easy enough, and he took out his phone to capture the recipe for the kimchi spaghetti. In the middle of focusing the camera, two fingers blocked the view and a faded peace sign came into view. 

He looked up from his phone and squinted at the sight of his annoying best friend, cutely posing in front of him. "Yah." He flicked Jongin's hand away and continued to focus on the recipe. 

"Ooh are you gonna cook that for me?" Jongin hopped to Kyungsoo's side, and began to read the contents out loud. 

"Hmm...I have to try making it, to see if it's good," he flipped the pages, and continued to take pictures. 

Jongin stared. His hyung, his favourite hyung, was like one of those rare stones that stood out in a pile of others. Kyungsoo was an intimidating person, and those who met him for the first time either tried to stay or away or just waited until he approached them. Jongin, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. When he first met Kyungsoo, they clicked almost right away, and they became friends in an instant. They stuck together in middle school, and were still inseparable now that they were attending high school. Jongin was the one person who wasn't afraid of Kyungsoo, and he liked him, a lot. 

He shook his head and stopped staring, walking over his hyung and resting his head on the narrow shoulders that he's grown used to. Kyungsoo's phone buzzed in the middle of taking pictures of the recipes, and Kris' name appeared. He glanced over at Jongin who's eyes grew wide. Turning off the phone, he faced the younger and placed his small hands on his shoulders, softly massaging him. 

"You okay?" Kyungsoo watched in pity as his best friend's eyebrows furrowed in discomfort. 

"It's never gonna be okay hyung. What happened...in my own room..." 

"I know. But, we can't do anything to change it, you know that. Just don't think about it anymore, got it?" Kyungsoo shook Jongin's shoulders, and he smiled weakly at his hyung. 

Kyungsoo was right. They couldn't do anything about it. The boy was stabbed- almost killed in his own house, and they didn't even know who he was. They couldn't even leave an apology without Kris dragging them out of the hospital room. 

Kris. All of it was his fault, but he made sure that their whole group felt somewhat guilty, so he wouldn't be facing the consequences alone. Jongin hated Kris. He hated him for what he had done to the innocent boy. He hated him for making him feel guilty, even though he had nothing to do with stabbing the boy. When he saw the bloody body, unconsciously laying still, he couldn't think. Everything out, and he zoned out in the room, focusing on the mess that had been splattered on his walls, floors and bed sheets. He could still imagine the blood and the terrible sight of possible death, and he could still feel the pain he felt while watching. 

"Come." Kyungsoo pulled Jongin up to his feet, turned around away from him, and dragged his hands behind him up the long flight of stairs into the bathroom. 

Kyungsoo began to strip off his clothes, a shocking sight that Jongin has never seen, and he was blushing as he did. Jongin's forehead wrinkled, his eyebrows raising. 

"Kyungsooyah...what are you doing?" he asked, slightly turning away towards the outside of the bathroom. 

"Oh, stop acting like you haven't seen any of this before." Kyungsoo pulled down his boxers fully down, and Jongin almost chocked. He pulled Jongin from the door, and into the shower with him.

They shared the hot shower and they stood close together in the enclosed cube shaped stall. Jongin, for a moment just stood there, still trying to comprehend what was going on with his hyung. He grabbed the shampoo bottle away from Kyungsoo's hand and turned away from him, and began to rub his hair with the bubbly shampoo. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the smaller boy's pale skin grow red, as the hot water hit him. Kyungsoo moved over and let Jongin rinse his hair. 

"This is so weird hyung," said Jongin under the water, his lips splattering water as he spoke. 

Kyungsoo was busy scrubbing his skin with the bar of soap before he turned to the younger to hand him the bar, "You know I always do this when I'm stressing out about anything. Just shower, it fixes everything." 

"What are you saying baboyah..." Jongin flicked the running water at Kyungsoo's face who ended up fighting back. 

"It wasn't just you that was affected by what happened, if you remember. I mean, I was the one who physically had to help him." Kyungsoo stood aside and let Jongin hog the water. 

"Mmm yeah, this does actually help," he turned and pulled Kyungsoo under the shower head with him, his arms wrapped around his head securely, "I don't want to remember that night Kyungsoo. It's...too scarring." 

"Well, we can't do anything about it," replied Kyungsoo, being as vague as he always was. 

"I know, I know. Well, we could do something." Kyungsoo escaped the arms of Jongin and looked up at him questioningly.

"We don't have to hang out with Kris anymore. He's the real problem, hyung. If it weren't for him, we would've never had to see a boy almost die in front of us!" Jongin burst. "Hyung, we should stay away from Kris. You agree with me right?" 

Kyungsoo sighed, and leaned over to turn off the shower. The hot water died, and what was left in the small space were their two steamy bodies at each end of the cubicle. He grabbed the towels that hung outside the curtain, and threw one over his best friend. Kyungsoo hopped out of the shower, leaving Jongin inside.

"Hyung..." Jongin called out to Kyungsoo who was standing over the sink, and looking at himself in the mirror. 

"We can't do that...we can't just leave the group. Especially not with everything that's happened this past month." 

"Why not?" Jongin walked out of the shower and faced Kyungsoo who was still turned to the mirror. "Kris doesn't own us. We never even asked to be part of his ed up group."

"Jongin," Kyungsoo turned to face the younger in seriousness, "We'll just have to get over it. Leaving the group isn't our choice to make. What happened, happened. And all we can really do is just forget about it." 


Luhan lay on his couch with a pillow underneath his chin. Sehun was texting him about the sleepover he planned the week before. He was honestly not up for it. Just seeing a vodka bottle made him want to puke, but of course there would be alcohol at the sleepover. 

"What time are you gonna come hyung? It's so boring here with Tao, you should come early ㅋㅋ."

"I wish I could hunnie, but I have to meet with Jung Jihoon first >.<"

"Jung Jihoon...who is he?" 

Luhan laughed at the text. He could imagine Sehun fussing over his phone. "He's in my soccer team. He's a jerk." 

The doorbell rang twice, and he stood up from his spot and left his phone there, buzzing right when he set it down. 

"Delivery for...Xi Luhan?" The pizza delivery guy handed him the box of pizza and drinks and had to physically help bring it inside when Luhan almost dropped the box. 

He thanked him and before closing the door, it was stopped from the other side. Luhan opened it again, and the tall Jung Jihoon stood there, staring down at the pizza guy who cautiously ran- walked away. He watched Jihoon gaze at the pizza guy until he made it to the end of the hall. Jihoon turned back to Luhan and made his way in through the door, shoving him aside.

"Um, yeah. Come on in." Luhan rolled his eyes and shut the door behind them. "Uh-" 

"Can we just get this over with?" Jihoon walked right in to the living room with his shoes still on. He dropped his bag on the floor and sat on the dining table. 

"Can you at least take off your dirty shoes?" Luhan crossed his arms and walked over to his refrigerator to get some water. "And how did you even get here? I never told you my address..." 

He turned to Jihoon who was walking back from the front door, now shoe-less, and taking off his jacket. He looked right at Luhan and sat back down at the table. 

"I searched it up on the internet. Why do you ask so many questions?" 

"They don't put house addresses online..." Luhan walked over with two glasses in his hands and a pitcher of water in the other. 

Jihoon stood up and grabbed the pitcher. "Before you drop it," he hissed under his breath.

"What did you say?" Luhan didn't take his seat. He squinted his eyes down at Jihoon who was picking at his sleeves.

"Nothing, Jesus- just stop talking." Jihoon scratched his head.

Luhan sat down in the seat beside him, and they both quietly stared at the pizza and drinks laid out in front of them. He peered over at Jihoon who was staring off into space. Sighing, he opened the box, placed a plate and cup in front of the boy, and then sat back. Jihoon stared at Luhan while he was fixing the table. 

"Well?" Luhan eyed the pizza, and then Jihoon who was staring at him, "Are you just gonna let the pizza get cold?" 

Jihoon rolled his eyes and sat up. He grabbed a slice and began to eat. He looked over at Luhan cautiously, forcing down the cheesy pizza one after the other. He wondered why Luhan was still tolerating him. He's done everything he could to get him to hate him, but here they were. How does he tolerate me?

"Are you just gonna watch me eat?" Jihoon asked while chewing, avoiding eye contact with Luhan who's arms was still crossed. 

Luhan bit his lip and eyed the pizza. He was honestly starving, and the grumbles in his stomach made it too obvious. He shot a look at Jihoon was already on his third piece, just silently eating. Luhan reached over for a slice and walked over to the couch. 

"Hunnie, I'll be there for the sleepover, but I have to work on the project right now." He replied, glancing over at Jihoon was still in his spot, his head turning as he inspected the surrounding.

Sighing, he walked over and sat down beside him again. "Can we start the project now?" 

He watched Jihoon flush the pizza down with water as he nodded. They continued on the afternoon, quietly avoiding each other and giving small grunts here and there. They finished half of the first project and managed to get through three hours without killing each other. Soon after, Jihoon got up and walked away from the computer. Luhan grumpily followed after him and opened the door before him. 

"I'm-" he paused, "Thanks, I guess...for having me." Jihoon walked out the door with his head down. 

"Yeah, sure-oh when do we finish the rest?" Luhan called out to Jihoon who was halfway down the hall. 

Jihoon hesitated before answering. Right. There was another project to do. He decided that the last place he'd bring Luhan was to his house or else his family would be all over him. "I'll just text you." He said quickly before running down to the end of the hall that drew in closer to him as he reached the elevator. He ran in and grasped the metal bar the surrounded the large elevator. It was all too familiar.


"How do you manage to study at this time?" Chanyeol questioned Baekhyun who was at his desk, redoing his biology notes, "Actually- how do you manage to study at all?" 

Baekhyun put down his pencil and squeezed Chanyeol's right cheek. "You really think I want to do this? I'm used to it, studying. I mean, you know my dad." He pursed his lips together, and then grinned down at him. 

It was half past one and Baekhyun refused to go bed without last minute studying for his biology 30 AP final test on Monday. Chanyeol, on the other hand, didn't want to sleep before him. It was supposed to be a sleepover, but usually it turned out to be study dates like usual. It was in fact, a Saturday, but Baekhyun was staying up late to study, instead of spending time with his best friend. 

He pitied Chanyeol sometimes. He never felt annoyed or tired from watching Baekhyun devote to his studies more than his friendships. And again, he was choosing his studies over puppy-dog-eyed Chanyeol whom he knew was bored to death, but acted like he was enjoying every minute of Baekhyun writing notes. 

Chanyeol talked no more, and instead, pulled up a chair beside him and rested his head on his folded arms that leaned against the table, and he watched Baekhyun's head turn towards him constantly, his pen scribbling against stacks of papers. 

"Hyung," whispered Chanyeol from his spot. 

Baekhyun poked his side, and Chanyeol jerked up, defending his hip. "I told you not to call me that." 

"But all of our younger friends call you that, why can't I? We're months apart." Chanyeol pouted. 

"No, I just- no." He shook his head smiling, continuing to write his notes. 

"Why?" Chanyeol whispered, sitting up from his position, "Are you maybe saving a name for me to call you, that goes along the lines of...hmm....boyfriend? Baby? Babe?" Chanyeol teased, leaning in, and hugging Baekhyun's waist. 

Baekhyun grew hot, and he didn't move from his position. He kept writing, and he let Chanyeol rest his chin on his shoulder while hugging his side. "What makes you think I want to call you that?"

"want you to. I mean- I would like to, if we get there." Chanyeol whispered into his ear, leaving a trail of goosebumps along the back of his spine. 

Baekhyun turned his head slightly to face the boy to nag again, careful not to get too close to Chanyeol's face, but was surprisingly met with his lips that dove into his once he fully turned. Their lips were perfectly rested in place, and Chanyeol leaned in to press them together. Baekhyun's wide eyes began to close as Chanyeol let go of his waist to run his hand through his messy hair. Their lips were quietly locked, so perfectly intact like it was meant to be there. Baekhyun's heart raced as Chanyeol brought his hand down across his back. Chanyeol broke the kiss, but they both froze in their positions, their lips just inches away. The hot breath that escaped both of their mouths hit each other's, and Chanyeol smiled as the scent of coffee that still lingered in Baekhyun's mouth. He brought his head down and pecked Baekhyun's chin. Their first kiss. It really was magical. It wasn't the most amazing thing Baekhyun felt, in fact, it was rather expected. It came naturally. It was perfect. Chanyeol wanted to lean in and kiss Baekhyun more, but he didn't want to push it. He had already surprised him without being bullied, which is what Baekhyun would usually do. 

"Was that okay...hyung?" 

Baekhyun bit his lip, "Yeah, it was okay." He nodded, "But you still can't call me that."


Luhan's driver drove him to Sehun's place that afternoon, right after Jung Jihoon had left. He was thankful that they didn't kill each other in the three hours that they spent together. He shook his head at the thought of Jihoon. 

"Where are you hyung? Sehun has texted Luhan over ten times now, worried that he might bail. 

"On my way hunnie." Luhan shut off his phone and stuffed it in his bag, he felt it buzz right away, but he left it in there. 

Luhan was beginning to feel more and more confused as the days passed. Although he kept denying it, he knew he liked Sehun as much as he liked Minseok, but he also knew that he couldn't like both of them at the same time. He wanted time to himself, which he hasn't been getting too often, to think things through. Sehun? Minseok? Luhan squeezed his eyes shut and massaged his temples as he realized that both of them would be in Sehun's house that night. Perfect

The car began to pull up in front of a large, suburban mansion, and Luhan sat to turn on his phone. It began to buzz like crazy, and a whole bunch of texts from Sehun were being notified one after the other. He sighed as he got off the car, and took a deep breath before ringing the bell of the the tall, fancy door. 

The door was opened by Tao who smirked as Luhan cautiously let himself in. "Sehun almost cried."

"Wait- what?" Luhan's eyes widened after hearing Tao. 

"I'm kidding, but seriously why didn't you just reply his texts? You know Sehun well enough now," said Tao, pulling Luhan through the tall foyer, towards the open staircase that led to the basement. 

"I turned off my phone, but I just wanted to save my battery." Luhan felt guilty for lying to Tao, but felt more embarrassed because he probably knew that he was just trying to avoid Sehun overall. 

"Mm, right." Tao led him down the spiral staircase, and they were met Kris and Lay who were going up the stairs.

The two boys high-fived Tao as they passed by him, but Kris just gave him a look and kept running up. Lay high-fived Luhan, and smiled at him. "Sehun's been looking for you. So was Minseok hyung." Luhan nodded slowly, and ran down to the end of the staircase where he tripped over his foot and was thankfully grabbed before he landed face first on the hardwood. 

"Luhan...you really need to watch yourself." Minseok giggled, standing Luhan straight up on his feet. 

"Thanks." Luhan replied, hiding his face from Minseok. 

They were still on awkward terms ever since Luhan refused to tell Minseok about what happened that night after Tao's party. Luhan thought hard about it, and came to the conclusion of just telling the group of boys about the blackmailer. It was the right thing to do anyways. He planned on confessing once the group was gathered. It was either, they would accept it and move on, or just plainly kick him out of the group. At this point, Luhan didn't know which was worse. 


The boys were sprawled everywhere in the large basement. It was similar to their room in the north wing at school, except there were numerous doors that led to big rooms. The boys were all playing, just like regular teenagers their ages would. They were completely different people at school. The "bad boy" image did not exist in the group when it was just them all together. Something Luhan did not understand.

 Kyungsoo tippy-toed and threw his arms over Luhan. He smiled widely and pulled him over to the rest of the boys that were now gathered in front of the television where the whole floor was covered in comforters and pillows. The boys warmly greeted him, and Sehun's face became bright at the sight of Luhan. He jumped up on his feet and hugged the older boy, pushing away Kyungsoo's arm. 

"Oh- hey hunnie," murmured Luhan from Sehun's chest. 

"I thought you weren't gonna end up coming!" He let go of Luhan, and pulled his bag off of his shoulder and threw it on the couch. 

"I turned off my ph- never mind. I wouldn't lie to you." Luhan have a weak smile, and Sehun pulled him down beside Joonmyeon who was busy on his phone. 

"I'll just help Kris and Lay hyung upstairs." Sehun ran off and Luhan was left there with the rest of the boys that were occupied with themselves. 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol were busy with their mouths, kissing on the furthest couch away from the rest of the boys. Kyungsoo and Jongin were playing on an iPad, Joonmyeon on his phone, and Minseok immersed in organizing a messy bookshelf across from them. They were all in their pyjamas, the image of a bunch of elementary pre-schoolers unable to escape Luhan's mind. He and Minseok met eyes, and both looked away shyly. 

"Hey Joonmyeon." Luhan squeezed his thigh as he turned to face the boy. 

"Hey," replied Joonmyeon weakly, putting away his phone. 

"Is everything alright?" Luhan asked Joonmyeon who immediately had a smile on his face. 

"Yeah, it's just that Jongdae couldn't make it because of...personal reasons." 

Luhan nodded and smiled back, but he knew something else was up. "So, what's the special occasion anyways? This sleepover seems to be a big deal to hunnie," He attempted to change the topic, but he noticed Joonmyeon hold back his laugh as he tried. 

"Nothing," Joonmyeon began to whisper as footsteps began to thud down the stairs behind them, "Sehun just exaggerates everything. He just wanted everyone to come because his parents are away for the weekend..." 

Luhan nodded as he spoke, but couldn't help notice Minseok who was just staring off in space by them bookshelf. He had the hood of his onesie on, and was his cheeks in. He was staring at an old painting hung on the far wall, and his eyes traveled across the painting and down...across and down. His tongue now slid across his bottom lip and he it in, pursing his lips together. Those plump, peach lips...

"Luhan." Joonmyeon's eyebrows were raised, and he looked at Minseok and back at Luhan. 

"Yeah I was listening, I was just-" 

"Suuuure you were. How's the view?" Joonmyeon teased, still looking at Minseok and back at Luhan. 

They playfully hit each other and Joonmyeon burst into laughter as Luhan grew redder. Luhan jumped on him, and the attention was now on them. Kyungsoo and Jongin decided to help attack Joonmyeon along with Luhan. They piled on top of each other, and tickled Joonmyeon who was unable to escape the boys' grasps. Luhan caught Minseok peering over at them, smiling slightly but keeping to himself.

Things has to be resolved tonight. Luhan couldn't bear to see the group of boys draw further apart from each other just because of him. Sehun and Minseok were in between him. Kris hated him, but the rest of the boys were fine. He was the one drawing the line in between their friendships, and he was one causing turmoil and conflict within the group. The blackmailer just makes everything worse. He had to tell them. He had to tell them before anything else bad happens. 


In the middle of watching the three hour long Harry Potter movie, Luhan was still itching whether he should tell the group about the blackmailer or not. He didn't understand a thing from the movie, especially since it was in super fast Hangul translations. Luhan was on the end of the circle on the floor beside Joonmyeon and Lay who noticed his uneasiness. 

"Do you want a shot? I'll go get you one," whispered Lay, already on his feet. 

Luhan shook his head, but Lay walked over to the table of food and liquor that Sehun and Tao were, busy eating and drinking instead of watching. He saw Lay chat with them, and in unison, the three heads turned over to Luhan who was roughly picking his nails. 

"Hey! What's going on?! This is the best part!" Baekhyun cried. 

Luhan sat up, alerted, as the lights switched on and the t.v. screen out. Sehun threw the remote controller aside and groggily crawled towards Luhan. He pulled him to the middle, but Luhan attempted to resist. "Sehun, what are you doing?" 

"We're gonna have a group discussion." Sehun sat him in the centre of the circle.

It was just like their first meeting back at school in the north wing. He was the centre of attention of the boys who were all in their own separate worlds, minding their own businesses. Sehun gathered their attention until they were all left staring at Luhan. 

"Sehun..." Luhan widened his eyes at him as he crawled away towards Tao.

"So we've never really had time to get Luhan hyung to know us, individually," Sehun started, "We just kind of...let him in our group and made him fit in. I mean, you all probably don't even know his last name." The boys all nodded as Sehun spoke, though Kris was uninterested and focused on his phone. Of course. 

"But, we were all like that. We never had...this," Chanyeol scanned the room, "We all just kind of fit in by ourselves." 

"Yeah Sehunah, why does the new kid get special treatment?" Tao scoffed, smirking at Sehun. 

Sehun threw a pillow at him as he continued to speak. "There's no special treatment here. It's just so that we all...get comfortable with him."

Luhan looked down at his palms the entire time, avoiding any eye contact with the boys. "That's nice Sehun, but-"

"No 'buts' allowed." Sehun hooked on to Lay's arm who was laughing into his hand as Sehun was attempting to be helpful. 

The room began to grow loud, questions and conversations sprouting from each end of the room. It resulted in the boys just talking amongst themselves again, but Sehun smiled lovingly from the side as Luhan had the chance to talk to everyone equally, except Kris, who couldn't be told to do anything. 

Joonmyeon squeezed beside Luhan and whispered in his ear. "Tell us who you like." 

Luhan jumped on him, and they tackled each other on the floor. From the middle of the ruckus and the noise that filled the room, someone spoke up, making the boys grow quiet. 

"Tell us what really happened that night you were hospitalized." Minseok was buried under his covers, only his head visible. 

The only words he spoke that whole night caught the attention of all of the boys in the room. Luhan was trapped. He had to tell them now. Not being able to be comfortable with the group as a whole, Minseok especially, was hard enough. Keeping something this big from them would just worsen the situation. 

Joonmyeon put his hand on Luhan's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. "Weren't you just your clumsy self?" 

Luhan forced a laugh, but at the corner of his eyes, he saw Minseok fold his arms and place it on his knees, shaking his head. He turned to Lay who was busy pouring drinks at the table by Tao and Sehun who were waiting for Luhan to speak, looking at him directly.

"There's a blackmailer that's been bothering me." It came out too fast, and too soon. Luhan didn't need to further explain it, because that pretty much explained everything. 

Slowly, one by one, the boys sat up, and looked at each other and back at Luhan. Minseok shot up, and pushed his blanket away from him. "What?" He asked worriedly. Luhan nodded and pulled out his phone and searched for the texts from the blackmailer.

"Let me see." Kris leaned over and pulled Luhan's away from him and read the texts out loud, now actually paying attention to the ruckus. 

"'You and your perfect little friends disgust me. You're all the same, and I pity you all'? Who the is this guy?" Kris scoffed. The boys huddled around him and looked at the phone screen, confused at the texts. 

"'You're just like the rest of them? Run?' Who is this kid?" Jongin piped up, rereading the texts as well. 

"I don't know. I started getting them after- after someone broke into my apartment-" 

"Woah- someone broke into your apartment? Luhan, what's going on?" Joonmyeon was just as shocked like the rest of the group that was being told all of this new information that was being released as of that moment. 

"You mean right when I left you, someone broke in? Oh god-." Sehun joined in.

"Did they hurt you? That's why I found you on the floor, isn't it? You have to report it Luhan-" Minseok also stated. 

The room was now overflowing with noise. They were reading the texts out loud, asking each other questions and asking Luhan's questions. He wanted to get up and run out. He knew this exact thing would happen. His phone was being tossed around the room, and the noise kept getting louder. 

Kris, on the other hand, was sitting in the middle of the crowded boys, frowning. 'Who could it be?' Last time he checked, they haven't done anything bad that would cause this. Sure, they were intimidating. Pretty much everyone at school was scared of them, but they never did anything to make people scared. They were just...themselves

Blackmailing? Joonmyeon prohibited him from beating people up, they were basically angels at school because of the reputations they all held. Their parties were extreme, but not the point- Kris gasped. The boys simmered down and moved away from Kris.

Joonmyeon crawled over to his best friend and waved his hand in front of his frozen face. "Wu Yifan. What's wrong?" 

Kris shook his head, his jaw still dropped down. "Could it be....?" He looked Joonmyeon in the eye, a quivering feeling spread through him. Kris tilted his head and gulped up the remains of beer in his cups, and he sighed heavily.

"This is why you wanted us to so badly come over, isn't it?" He changed the topic, and turned to Sehun who was clueless, slightly rocking back and forth from dizziness, "Because your boy toy wanted to tell us all that he has a blackmailer because of us?"

Sehun shook his head and squinted his eyes in confusion, "No...I didn't even know until now. Boy toy...what are you talking about?" 

Kris scoffed, and looked at Luhan in the eye who was also shaking his head in unison with Sehun, rolling his eyes before looked at Joonmyeon who was comforting him. Joonmyeon shook his head, and mouthed 'no.' It couldn't be. That happened almost a year ago. It was impossible that whoever it was that Kris stabbed, would come hunting them down now. Why now? He held his best friend's hand, and squeezed it tight. He shook his head and slightly smiled at Kris who was desperately holding himself up. It couldn't be. 


Finally, I updated! I'm sorry that it took so long. So this chapter was a little confusing, but to sum up the main points, Luhan and Jihoon met today, and they are still quite awkward with each other (Jihoon's just a jerk). And then, Luhan finally tells the boys the truth! Everything from the blackmail to his accident (I made the confessing part brief). I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll be coming back soon :)

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4suremel #1
Hunhan...is the best. ... :p ... >. < ♥
graceeyi #2
Chapter 11: Wohaaa my lay :////
Chapter 10: Hunhan. :3
Chapter 9: so confused, who does he really like ?
I hope it won't be like that manga : boy Z falls in love with gril x but acidentally confesses to girl y and starts liking her. Then there is a whole drama about who he truly loves. Because of a misunderstanding, Z goes and dates y. X confesses to Z, Z is happy because the girl he liked from the start loves him since the first time they saw each other but yet, he chooses to stay with y, leaving X heart broken.
X tries to move on and leaves :'(
Years after X comes back and Z falls again for her. X still loves Z but there is still y in Z life.
I want a xiuhan ending :(
Who should Minseok end up with if not luhan ? sehun can have tao.
ceisya #5
Chapter 8: Fighting luhan!
Update soon!
graceeyi #6
Chapter 7: I love the couple! Xiuhan <3 please update !! <3
ceisya #7
Chapter 7: Who is that person??? Why thet person always haunts luhan????
aini_13 #8
Chapter 6: what exactly happen ??? *i don't know* stab?? almost kill?? save in right time?? shadow again ?? ermmm confused.. update soon ^^