Taking His Time

Luhan awoke, feeling light headed. He found himself in the same position he fell asleep in, caved in Minseok's toned arms that lifelessly wrapped around him. He didn't want to move. He didn't want to wake him from his sleep. He felt safe in Minseok's arms, buried in his chest, the warmth of their bodies, tattooed against their skin. 

The clock read 10:00 a.m. They've been asleep for a few hours, and school had already begun an hour ago. He looked up to see Minseok's angelic face, still, and pale. His breathing matched the rhythm of the ticking clock, fast but silent. His rosy cheeks matched the inner folds of his chapped lips. So plump, and so perfect. He is perfect.

Luhan reached his hand over, and moved the stray pieces of his golden brown hair away from his face. He brushed the back of his fingers along the side of his temple, trickles of sweat that followed. Luhan hesitated, before he brought his hand over to Minseok's lips, outlining the shape of his jaw before he did. He allowed his fingertips only to brush along the right corner of his mouth, to the bottom of his lips, where he lay his finger still, feeling the hot breath that escaped his mouth, mask it. He hesitated, before moving his hands down to Minseok's that rested on his stomach. He held it with both hands and brought it to his lips, planting a soft kiss in the space that his lips fit perfectly, in between the two knuckles. 

"Thank you, Kim Minseok." 


"How are you feeling?" Luhan set down the juice he was pouring into a cup, and saw Minseok by the door, smiling brightly. 

"Better." Luhan grabbed the crutches he set beside him, and walked over to Minseok who rushed over before he could walk further.

"No, no, you need to rest. You can't be walking around, tripping everywhere again," said Minseok who helped Luhan sit down at the table. 

"How am I supposed to get better if I don't try?" He smiled, filling Minseok's plate with egg and bacon.

"You cooked all of this?" Minseok dug into the food, impressed. 

Luhan watched him lovingly, as a wife would to her husband. Minseok looked up from the plate and gave Luhan a thumbs up. 

"Well, I got a little help from the maid who came in today, but still, I did most." Luhan glanced over at the old woman who giggled at his words, as she cleaned around the big apartment. 

Luhan took a sip of juice and splat some on himself, distracted from watching Minseok's every bite. 

"Crap." Luhan set down the cup and reached over to grab tissue, but Minseok had stuffed a cloth underneath his mouth before he could, drying up the spilt juice. Luhan blushed slightly, as Minseok continued to pat the cloth around his mouth, smiling. He looked down to see that Minseok was using the same handkerchief he had given him when they first met. Surprised that Minseok still had it, he was speechless, but he allowed him to wipe the cloth on his mouth.

"I cleaned it last night, here," he folded it and placed it beside Luhan, but he slid it across the table, back towards Minseok who raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's yours now." Minseok looked up from the pink handkerchief, into Luhan's eyes. The two made eye contact and hesitated before releasing.

"Thanks," Minseok smiled, and put the handkerchief back into his pocket. He continued to stuff his mouth with egg, shoving it down with toast. Luhan giggled and murmured something softly.

"What was that?" Minseok asked, his mouth full of food. Luhan continued to giggle.

"I said, baozi. It's a Chinese word for bun. Your face is stuffed. It's cute." Minseok playfully punched Luhan's arm, and he gulped down his glass of juice. 

"Baozi? Is that my nickname now?

Luhan nodded, reached over, and ruffled his hand through his baozi's hair who smiled his perfect smile. 

"So, what are we going to do today?" Luhan asked, sitting on the high chairs, leaning against the island that separated them, as he watched Minseok clean the dishes. 

"We're going to stay here, and you're going to rest." Minseok replied. 

"Wow, sounds like so much fun." Luhan said sarcastically. Minseok flicked his hand at Luhan, spraying water at his face.

"It will be fun, because tomorrow, you'll be able to go back to school," Minseok dried his hands and walked over to help Luhan stand up on his crutches, walking over to the couch. 

Luhan looked up at Minseok as he placed the pair of crutches carefully on the floor, as if it were delicate."Hey, baozi. You really didn't have to miss school for me you know-"

"Who else would take care of you? And Joonmyeon's dad knows, he says it's fine." Minseok sat beside Luhan, cross legged, hugging a throw pillow. 

"Thank you, Minseok. Really." Luhan said sincerely. Minseok pursed his lips and reached his hand out to Luhan, and squeezed his chin, giving it a light shake. 

"Okay, no sadness allowed. So, tell me about yourself." Minseok changed the subject as he noticed Luhan's eyes grow teary. He leaned in closer to him, waiting for an answer. 

"Didn't we already do self introductions back at school?"

"Mmm yeah, but knowing that you're the clumsiest person on earth isn't all that interesting. Tell me more." Luhan shot a look at Minseok and squinted his eyes before laughing along with him. 

"Well first of all, I'm not rich. All of this," Luhan lifted his arms up and waved it around the room, "This is amazing to me. I've never had a bedroom to myself before, and here I am, in a luxury apartment that's bigger than my house back in China."

"I have an older brother who's attending college, and loving parents who own a small business. I've only been in one relationship my whole life. It lasted a year with this girl named WiYin. But, we broke up because she found out I was biual." Luhan looked over to Minseok who was listening intently. 

"That's enough about me," Luhan added, "I'm boring." 

"No, you're not," Minseok replied as he sat up and fixed his position on the couch, "Well, I'm an only child. I've never dated anyone before. I live by myself, but I'm not a scholar, and you knew pretty much all of that already. 

Luhan nodded, "I've never asked about your parents." 

Minseok grew quiet and cleared his throat. He hesitated for awhile, and Luhan knew something was wrong. Before he looked up to meet eyes with Luhan, he sighed softly. "You said you wanted to go out, right? Let's go. I wanna take you somewhere."


Minseok was leaning against the car door, looking out of the mirror as the car drove forward. Luhan sat on the other end of the car, in the same positions just like they had travelled to Tao's party. The space between them was occupied by his crutches. Minseok kept quiet the whole trip, occasionally turning his head back to check up on Luhan. 

After ten minutes, Luhan received a text message from his phone. 

"How are you feeling, hyung? I wish I could be there to take care of you :( I hope Minseok hyung is also doing good, I didn't get a chance to apologize for what happened back at the hospital.."

Luhan smiled down at his phone as he read Sehun's message. It was a very Sehun thing to say. "Mm, I'm doing better. Minseok is here, caring for me. How about you text him, or call him, Sehun?"

He shut off his phone, and looked over at Minseok who's head was resting against the window, dozed off. Moments later his phone buzzed again.

"Kyungsoo hyung told me that Minseok hyung would miss today to take care of you..I felt jealous at first, but there was nothing I could do about it. I will. Thanks for understanding me hyung. <3 Now, go rest and get better!" 

Luhan chuckled as he read the text. He could almost feel as if Sehun were there beside him, talking to him. He was upfront and straight up, and would say anything he was feeling. He also still had a sense of immaturity that he would claim he didn't have, which made him admirable. From the first time they had met, to now, Luhan could tell how much Sehun cared for him, and everyone else around him. Though he complained and talked too much, he was always there.

"Luhan.." Minseok called, snapping Sehun out of Luhan's thoughts, back to reality, "We're here." 

The boys got out of the car, Minseok helping Luhan on his crutches, and walked across a prairie-like hill before coming across a field that lined up with tombstones. Luhan's eyes widened at the sight, and he looked over at Minseok, who's eyes were closed as he deeply breathed in the cool, blowing air. He started to walk down the hill, and Luhan followed. They were silent, moving their feet in unison, across the clean cut grass. They came to a stop at the very end of the field, at a small gated shed, that was outlined in golden markings. Minseok took out a key, unlocked the gate and stepped into the small monastery, pulling Luhan in slowly. 

"Meet my parents." Minseok beamed, kneeling in front of the two tombstones that stood side by side. Luhan awkwardly sat on the bench beside Minseok and whispered,

"I'm sorry...I never knew." 

"Why are you apologizing?" He dusted the stones and blew on it. He chuckled, and sat down on the ground cross legged, facing Luhan.

"Umma. Appa. This is Luhan. Luhan, my parents." Luhan bowed from his spot, making Minseok giggle. 

"I've only brought Lay here before," Minseok started, "We visit every month."

"I'm honoured. I guess I'll be coming along every month then," smiled Luhan. 

"Hear that umma and appa? A new addition," chirped Minseok, "It'll be more fun." 

Luhan watched Minseok dust the shiny cemented stones, fully immersed in cleaning the engraved names. Minseok got up and went to the back to clean the gate, forcing Luhan to just sit and wait for him. 

"Mr. Kim. Mrs. Kim. It's been quite an awkward first meeting," Luhan got up, and sat down where Minseok was previously on the floor beside the tombstones, "But I hope we have many more. I hope that your son and I become good friends. You've raised him well." 

He stopped talking, feeling every bit more awkward, but feeling a sense of relief at the same time. Everything started to make sense about Minseok. The reason why he was wealthy, living on his own, independent, and mature. 'Loving parents, free, and strong willed.' The words were engraved on the bottom of the stones, linked together by angels' wings. Luhan ran his fingers across the words and stopped at the end of the sentence, where the initials KMS were engraved. Luhan realized that it was Minseok who quoted it. 

"You know, when I first met Minseok, I kept making a fool of myself," he laughed, and turned around to Minseok who was busy cleaning the outside of the monastery, "But I've been getting more comfortable around all of my friends, mostly Minseok. I'm still clumsy though." 

Luhan found himself talking away, reliving stories of everything that happened in the past few days to him, (leaving out the traumatic breaking and entering experience) making conversation to Minseok's parents who in return, did not say a word back, but offered Luhan comfort. Minutes have gone by, and Luhan continued to talk, until his phone vibrated in his pocket. He sighed, leaving off at the part where Sehun took care of him when he was drunk at the very first party he had attended. He smiled at the thought before pulling out his phone, expecting a text from him anyway. 

"You and your perfect little friends disgust me. You're all the same, and I pity you all." Luhan frowned down at his phone. He stood up slowly, and hopped over to the bench. He reread the text and checked for the number. 'Blocked.' 

"Who is this?" Luhan texted back. He cautiously looked around, and met eyes with Minseok, who gave him a reassuring smile. Luhan smiled back, forcefully, looking back at his phone that vibrated again. 

"Oh, you wouldn't take interest in who I am." Luhan didn't know how to reply. Maybe one of the guys are just trying to joke around. He contemplated whether or not to just ignore the message or block it, but before he could, it vibrated once more.

"Run, Luhan. While you still can. They are nothing but trouble." The text sent twisting pain in Luhan's stomach. He couldn't find the strength to move his fingers to answer, but the message did not need one, it was a warning. 

"So." Minseok came in, dusting his hands, startling Luhan who dropped his phone on the cold cement ground. 

Both boys leaned in to grab the phone, but Luhan bent over fast, before Minseok could reach it. Minseok watched Luhan stuff the phone in his pocket, and limp towards him to sit in front of the tombstones. He looked up to Minseok, held both his hands and pull him down beside him. A light red colour began to form on Minseok's cheeks, as the two boys held hands for the first time, in front of his parents. 

"What did my parents say about me? Did they embarrass me?" Minseok leaned over to the the tombstone and rest his head there. 

Luhan massaged the palms of Minseok's soft hands and chuckled. "Oh, they said a lot. I have a lot against you already."

Minseok hit Luhan jokingly and squeezed his hands, before pulling him beside him, so that they sat side by side, in front of his parents. Luhan placed his head on Minseok's shoulder, and they found eachother's hands, and slowly intertwined their fingers together. Minseok showed no sign of restraint, and Luhan was sure that his motives were beginning to show. Though he was unsure of his own feelings, he did know that he had feelings for Minseok. Be it, a crush or simply admiration, it was different with him. He buried his head deeper into Minseok's shoulder, the sweet aroma of his cologne filling his nose, and Minseok found his head ontop of his. 

"What were your parents like?" Luhan asked, his eyes still closed. 

"I guess they were just like me. Simple, quiet, free willed." 

"I wish I met them when they were still- sorry, I meant-"

"I know what you mean," Minseok lifted his head off of Luhan's, and nudged him softly, "I wish I got to know them better." 

Luhan sat up, and faced Minseok with a questioning look. Minseok looked down at their hands that were interlocked, and he ran his thumb over the veins that caved out his skin. 

"They passed when I was seven. I was very close to them and they were all I had left. So until then, I was alone. Until Lay came around and I found myself a brother in him, and the rest of the group became my family." Minseok explained. Luhan held his hand tighter, shakiness starting to form in his voice.

"My parents..they taught me a lot. I just wish they were here, physically, to watch me grow up," Minseok sighed and leaned forward with his free hand to touch the tombstones, "But, one thing they taught me is to enjoy life. It really is too short to worry about anything." 

Luhan nodded in agreement, "I'm sure they're proud of the person you've become, Minseok." He faced the tombstones, and smiled at the engraved names, in admiration.

"What else did they teach you?" He asked, immersed in the conversation, longing for Minseok to hold his hand just a little bit longer. He looked Luhan's eyes and smiled, shyly looking away, facing the stones in front of them instead. 

"Love. They said that love will come and go, and that it'll never ever be perfect, like they show in movies. But, you can try to make it good while it lasts," Minseok pursed his lips, "It takes time. That's the secret."

The words that escaped Minseok's mouth were like music that created harmony in Luhan's ears. The way he grinned as he spoke, shyly breaking eye contact, and the way his voice rose as he got deeper into conversation. Luhan was focused on him, how every part of his face and his body moved to the way he spoke. 'He really is perfect.'


"Luhan!" Jongdae jumped out of his seat and gave him a friendly hug. 

Minseok trailed behind him, holding stacks of books in his arms. Jongdae helped Luhan sit down at their table in the library, and Joonmyeon got up to help Minseok. Kris and Tao were at the end of the table, smiling at Minseok as he joined them, but shooting a cold glare at Luhan who was receiving boasts of attention from the boys. Lay was napping, his headphones in his ears and Minseok sat beside him, giving him a back hug that woke him. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were on the opposite side of the table, Baekhyun reading a book, while Chanyeol was taking selcas of them. Kyungsoo and Jongin joined Joonmyeon who was going to tutor Luhan for what he missed the day before. Jongdae clung onto his boyfriend's arm as he opened up the textbooks and started to prepare papers to study. 
Luhan moved around his seat, trying to relax the straining pain that was still hurting on his waist. 

"Are you sure you're okay? You didn't have to come back today." Jongin took Luhan's crutches and stood them up against the table. 

"I'm okay, I can tolerate the pain." Luhan heard a scoff that echoed in the hall, that belonged to Kris who stared him down. He scratched his head softly, embarrassed, yet again. 

"Good," Joonmyeon chirped, glancing over at Kris, "You didn't miss a lot. I'll be tutoring you, since I've already done all of this before." 

"That's because my boyfriend is intelligent." Chen pecked Joonmyeon's cheeks, and let go of his arm and walked over to Tao and Kris. 

"Where's Sehun?" Luhan asked quietly to Jongin, watching Joonmyeon get up from his seat to chase after his boyfriend with a back hug.

"He's out. He didn't say where, but he'll be here soon." 

Joonmyeon and Luhan began to discuss the lessons he had missed, Kyungsoo and Jongin also listening along. 

An hour had gone by, and most of the boys were asleep, except for Joonmyeon and Luhan who continued to review. While doing practise questions, Joonmyeon lay his head on the piles of books on the table and dozed off. Luhan quietly scanned the corner of the room where they were all scattered, all of the boys, in their own worlds, but the afternoon sun still peeking out of the library's windows. His phone began to vibrate, and Luhan gasped, slightly shocked as he was immersed in the quiet. 

"Ah, you're just like the rest of them. Run."

Luhan scanned the room, dropping his pencil on the glassed table, the sound, echoing in the quiet library. He didn't want to wake anyone, Kris would probably only for it, so he threw the phone down on his books and stood up from his seat. I need a break. He grabbed his crutches, and turned around to explore the rest of the library.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!" Luhan screamed in shock as Sehun was walking towards them, a few feet away from him, shocked just the same. Sehun almost tripped, causing all some bubble tea that he was balancing on his arms to spill.

"Why are you yelling hyung?" Sehun hissed, running over to the table. He set the trays of bubble tea down and helped Luhan relax and sit back down. The boys began to wake up one by one, Luhan's screeching yell being the siren. 

"What the hell now Luhan?" Kris asked groggily, sitting up from his seat, stretching. 

"I'm sorry, Sehun just shocked me." Luhan lied, frustrated. Sehun pat his head and began to distribute the bubble tea he had brought with him. Luhan grabbed the phone from the table and it vibrated again. All the boys' attention were on the bubble tea, so he snuck the phone underneath the table and opened up the message, his heart, beating so hard that he could feel it through his shirt. 

"You all disgust me. I already told you to run, but you just don't listen. Just you wait. It's too late now." 

This was supposed to be a longer chapter, but I made the next one that I'm writing even longer. How was the xiuhan feels? I'll be writing more detailed otp scenes when the story goes deeper. 

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4suremel #1
Hunhan...is the best. ... :p ... >. < ♥
graceeyi #2
Chapter 11: Wohaaa my lay :////
Chapter 10: Hunhan. :3
Chapter 9: so confused, who does he really like ?
I hope it won't be like that manga : boy Z falls in love with gril x but acidentally confesses to girl y and starts liking her. Then there is a whole drama about who he truly loves. Because of a misunderstanding, Z goes and dates y. X confesses to Z, Z is happy because the girl he liked from the start loves him since the first time they saw each other but yet, he chooses to stay with y, leaving X heart broken.
X tries to move on and leaves :'(
Years after X comes back and Z falls again for her. X still loves Z but there is still y in Z life.
I want a xiuhan ending :(
Who should Minseok end up with if not luhan ? sehun can have tao.
ceisya #5
Chapter 8: Fighting luhan!
Update soon!
graceeyi #6
Chapter 7: I love the couple! Xiuhan <3 please update !! <3
ceisya #7
Chapter 7: Who is that person??? Why thet person always haunts luhan????
aini_13 #8
Chapter 6: what exactly happen ??? *i don't know* stab?? almost kill?? save in right time?? shadow again ?? ermmm confused.. update soon ^^