
Where were you?


I woke up and checked my phone, still laying on my bed. There's a text message. I clicked on it and it flashed on my screen.

'Get ready! I'll come fetch you at 10am sharp. See you later, beautiful. :) ' - Unknown number

Eventhough it was an unknown number, I knew who it was.

Jung Daehyun. I quickly replied, 'Okay. See you.' I smiled and just stared at the word 'beautiful'. I felt touched at how he's showing his romantic side bit by bit. It's nice, honestly. And I love it, I can't lie. Just as I was about to fall into a deeper trance, I couldn't help but to think of how he got my number but without even thinking hard, I knew where he got it from. My mother. Who else.

I quickly showered and got ready. It's been a long time since I last dressed up for a date and the feeling felt good. And since this is like my last few dates as a single lady, I really wanted to dress up even more since I'm going to get married soon. Well, I still do need to dress up after getting married but you know, it's like the last few dates before being officially husband and wife, so cherish this moment yeah. I felt happy at the thought of getting married with Daehyun suddenly, and I couldn't wait. I know I know, I was protesting really badly on day one but come on, I couldn't resist how manly and romantic Daehyun is. He's a really nice guy.


I was ready at 9.50am so I went down to the kitchen and saw mum and dad having breakfast. The moment I saw dad, I realised that it's been a few days since I last saw him. The last time I saw him was like on the day I first met Daehyun and when I was still protesting.

"Good morning, mum, dad." I greeted as I kissed both of them on the cheeks.

"Morning, sweetie." Mum said, "You look great!"

"Where are you going so early in the morning?" Dad asked as I smiled sheepishly. "Daehyun?" He questioned and I nodded quickly. "It's good to see you finally obeying again." He joked.

"Dad, not funny." I grabbed a toast and popped it in my mouth. "Besides, he seems like a nice guy."

"HE DEFINITELY IS!" Both my mum and dad exclaimed, making me laugh at their reactions. Suddenly, a honk was heard from outside and I knew who it was.

"Have fun, darling." Mum said as I kissed both of them again before bidding goodbye.

I walked outside and Daehyun stepped out from his car.


He dresses so simple but yet he still looks as stunning as ever and I have never felt so lucky before.

"You look gorgeous." Daehyun said as he opened the car door for me. "Thanks. You look handsome as well."

Both of us then headed off. We arrived at a beautiful park after twenty minutes of driving.

"Wow, I've never been here before." I said as I stretched out my hands while waiting for Daehyun to lock his car. "Really?" He pressed on a button on his car key and turned towards me. I nodded and smiled.

"Well then I'm glad to have brought you here on our first official date." He blushed. "Date?" I raised an eyebrow, "But I didn't agree that this is a date." I joked causing him to glare at me. "Come on, don't do this to me, Jaehee." He frowned as I chuckled at his cute reaction. Both of us started walking slowly into the park, enjoying the cool breeze. Daehyun slowly reached out and gently interlocked his fingers with mine. I blushed.

"Jaehee-ah... I have something to tell you. It's bothering me." Daehyun said once he held my hands and firmly locking it together with his as he slid his other hand in his jean's pockets.

"What is it?" I asked, peeking over at him. "It's about my brother." He suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong with him?" I started to get worried just by looking at Daehyun's cramp expressions.

"He's in the hospital now and I really hope he'll recover soon just in time before our wedding." He shared. "Your brother is in the hospital?" I questioned and he nodded. "What a coincidence! I have a friend who is currently at the hospital too."

His eyes widden, "Chincha? What a small world." He exclaimed. "Anyway," I voiced out, "Don't worry about your brother alright. Have faith in him and you must always motivate him so that he'll feel better and by the time you even know it, he'll be as fine as ever! Just don't be sad and down like this, alright? It pains me to see you like this, Daehyun. Can you give me a smile, please?" I looked at him and before I knew it, he smiled warmly at me.

"Jaehee-ah... Thanks for your encouragement. I knew I can count on you." He blushed. "No problem, don't mention it. Besides, a wife should always make her husband feel better right?" I wriggled my eyebrow.

"Whoa!" Daehyun stopped in his tracks, making me stop as well since our hands were stuck together. "What is it?" I exclaimed curiously.

"You just said husband and wife, like literally." He chuckled. "Why? Is anything wrong with that?" I frowned, not seeing the reason why he pointed that out.

"Nothing's wrong but it's just that we're not even married yet." He laughed, making me blushed out in embarassment.

"Aigoo... I didn't realise. I'm sorry. What I meant was, future husband and future wife." I blushed even more and slapped my forehead.

Daehyun chuckled even more at my reaction, "It's good to see you accepting the facts now, Jaehee." I blushed out even more.

"Stop it." I slapped his shoulder but he was just chuckling away, obviously enjoying seeing me embarassed. Pfft.

We walked for almost half an hour and my legs started to feel tired so we decided to sit down at a bench, away from passerbys. We looked up at the sky and talked about the clouds and how they looked like what and so on.

"Oh! That one looks like a dog!" I exclaimed. "No! It's more like a cat!" Daehyun argued. "Oh oh! That one beside it looks like a horse!" "No, it's more of a giraffe." Daehyun protested. "OH OH OH! That ones a crocodile!"

"Are you sure, Jaehee? Look properly." Daehyun teased.

"IT DOES! Doesn't it?" I frowned, causing Daehyun to laugh. "No it doesn't. Now your imagination is just running wild." He chuckled.

"You wanna know what does that cloud on the right looks like?" He pointed to a further cloud. "What?" I stared at the cloud, trying to figure out what it looks like.

"It looks like you. Beautiful." He whispered in my ear. I blushed. "NO IT DOESN'T! Now, your imagination is the wild one!" I laughed.

"Look at the cloud beside it now." He said as I turned to look at it. "Now that cloud looks like me running after you. And have you heard of that song?" Daehyun paused and turned to look at me while he held out to hold onto my hand, "Cause baby running after you is like chasing the clouds ~ " He sung.

I laughed out loud, slapping his hand which were on top of mine, "OH MY GOD! Don't you ever go One-Direction on me!" I laughed so hard till tears builded up in my eyes.

Daehyun laughed as well, "I'm just trying to be romantic, that's all." He blushed. "Am I doing a bad job at it?" He immediately frowned.

"You don't have to try hard, you're doing it perfectly already." I blushed even more as Daehyun smiled, looking into my eyes.

"You know, everytime I talk to you, it's as if I've known you for very long. I feel my heart skip a beat everytime I talk to you and my heart would run even faster when you look me in the eyes." He said soothingly. "Wait," I interrupted. "Are you going Jonas-Brothers on me now?" I chuckled as he glared at me.

"Don't interrupt me! I was coming to the good part!" He frowned. "Okay sorry sorry! Go ahead."

"Anyway, back to the topic." He glared at me once more before continuing, "You don't know how lucky I feel when I always think about our wedding together, Jaehee. I can't believe that I'm going to marry this lady who is beautiful both inside out. She's one of a kind. I know that we just met and we don't really know everything about each other but my heart tells me that you're the one. You're the only one for me, Jaehee, and you don't know how happy I am."

I smiled and apparently blushed, "That's so sweet, Daehyun. Now I'm having diabetes." I chuckled and Daehyun sighed.

"Stop making jokes, Jaehee, wrong timing." He then chuckled.

"Daehyun, to tell you the truth, I myself feel that way too. Eventhough we just met, I feel like you're the closest person to me, excluding my parents. You understand me, you take good care of me, you show me that you love having me in your life and most importantly, you show me a new light. You showed me how to love again. I thought I wasn't able to find a nice guy but you proved to me wrong. I found one. And he's really the nicest guy on this whole planet and I'm so lucky to have him by my side. Words can't describe how thankful I am to start a new beginning and a new phase in my life with you, Daehyun."

He smiled. He cupped my cheeks gently. "No silly, you taught me how to love again. It's you. And, I'm the one who is so thankful and lucky to be able to create a new chapter in my life with you." Daehyun looked down at my lips and caressed it with his soft fingers. "Let's love like there's no tomorrow, baby." He slowly made his way to my lips and the next second, I could feel his soft plump lips on mine. He gently kissed my lips as I did the same. My hands automatically curled around his neck as his hands automatically curled around my waist. I pulled his neck closer to deepen the kiss.

Never have I felt this way before. What am I feeling right now? It's called perfection.

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Chapter 8: i hope himchan realizes that he has to let jahee go
sarahsohn77 #2
Chapter 7: Ugh so cute but I don't want dae and himchan to end up fighting later :( can himchan just remember hahha
Chapter 7: thats so beautiful \(^O^)/
sapphire11 #4
Chapter 7: omo...sweet...but what about channie?? i hope jahee can tell him the truth so that things will no be complicated for daedae and jahee....
Chapter 4: whos that guy who texted her?!
Chapter 3: i love this story its so cute ^_^