His latest airport fashion


Author's POV:

"Let's go. Mr. Jang is waiting for us. Can you manage yourself out here? Crowds, you know." Yoona being blunt.

"S-s-su-su-sure-re su-re. Ye-s, I ca-a-an." Kai stuttered. Nailed it. He thought. 

"A-are you alright?" Yoona said as she glanced to him. "You sounds like.... sick." She said as she raised her eyebrow.

"Aniyo mi-miss Yoo---" Someone's cut his words.

"Miss Im. Just Miss Im." Yoona cuts his sentence then she smiled to Kai, making his cheeks flustered into red... no! Even more red.

"I mean, Miss Im. Aniyo, I-i'm fine." Oh god. What's wrong with me? Kai thought as he mentally facepalmed himself.

"You're nervous. Why? Ah... erhm. Never mind, let's just go." Yoona said then the two began walking to the exit, side by side.

"Lead the way." Kai said.


Meanwhile Kai, while walking:

Expectation: The first impression with the must be perfect.
Reality: Oh damn! This girl.... Jjinja. Did I turned her off? Andwae. 


Kai thought to himself, as he facepalmed again. Thank God, Yoona didn't saw him because she is backfacing Kai. If Yoona saw Kai his 'weird' actions, she'll be assume that he is crazy.


"Ugh..." Yoona stopped her tracks while she saw the view outside with full of random people. "Crowds."

"Wait, hold on. Did you just say your car.... at the parking lot? What are we gonna do?" Kai's eyes went wide as he turned his head to Yoona. While Yoona is looking around inside, she saw some janitors with broom on their hands. Managing to go outside easily away from the crowds. 


Then one janitor came in the picture, handing an autograph book walking towards to Kai. "Hello." He bowed 90 degrees infront of the celebrity-slash-model

"Ah.. hello." Kai said as he bowed 90 degrees. "May I help you?" Kai said as he smiled.

"You must be Kai right? Oh~ my daughter is really a big fan of you."

"Ah... Kamsahamnida~"

"You are really good-looking." The janitor said with his smile plastered on his face. "Uh.. Would you mind if you sign here?" The janitor said as he showed the empty page of an autograph book.

"Oh no, I wouldn't mind." Kai said then the janitor handed over the pen to Kai. "What's her name?"

"Eunji." The man simply said.

"Ahh... Eunji. How old is she?"

"18 years old."

"Ah... She must be pretty." Kai said as he signed on paper.



Yoona glanced back to Kai then she saw the scene. She examined the janitor from head-to-toe then back to Kai. They just almost the same height. Wait, I have an idea. She thought. "Ah... ahjussi."

"Mi-miss?" Said the janitor who is just got his autograph book back.

"Is there any shortcuts or some easy access to the parking lot? Uhm.. we can't just walked to the exit. I'm just preventing him away from the stampede." Yoona said to the janitor as she patted Kai's shoulder. You really? Taking care of me? Kai thought to himself.

"Uhm.. do you see that fire exit behind?" The two turned around over their shoulders then they nodded. "That's our easiest access to parking lot. But, I went there just now. It was crowded. You can't just squish yourself through that way."



"Lightbulb." Yoona snapped her fingers.


"I have an idea." 

"Kai-ssi, how about you two change clothes?"

"Janitor's uniform!? No way."



"Yeah way!"


"Thank you, thank you for the jacket." The janitor said while outside the restroom. The two men just exhanged clothes. His signature black jacket with white shirt wore by a janitor, then Kai... well, a janitor's uniform. Then there's Yoona, trying to control her laugh after she saw Kai's 'latest airport fashion.'

"No problem. That's all yours." Kai smiled to him, seeing the middle-aged man happy. "You can give that to your daughter. I wouldn't mind." Kai still grinned from ear-to-ear.


"Thank you. And as for you guys, I know you guys need help. Well, sure!"

"What are we gonna do?" Kai said.

"We can go to that easiest access to the parking lot. First, ahjussi can go there and he'll quite pretend like Kai. Then wait for the fangirls to chase him and after that, the whole parking lot will be cleaned from the crowd. Then we can go on. Ahjussi, be careful." Yoona said her idea then to her last words, she sounds with full of concern.

"I'll be fine. And what if my boss see me in unproper uniform? Don't worry, I know that and I still have an extra unifrom. It'll be not in the pain in my ." He smiled. "Trust me. I can go there safe. Maybe I have to go to janitor's room."

"Sorry if we troubled you too." The YoonKai said it unison, they both shocked then they looked at each other. 

"It's okay. When someone needs help, I'm in!"


The trio went now on their plan. First, ahjussi went to the door, stepped outside then began walking. He seems walking very fast then suddenly.





He heard the screamed then he began running as fast as he can until he reached the janitor's room then he removed the jacket then went inside.






Meanwhile, after the signal, Kai grabbed Yoona's hand then step outside to the parking lot then began running. "We don't need to run because you are in uniform." Yoona said while catching her breath.

"Oh you're right~" YoonKai slowly stop running then but Kai still didn't let go of her hand.

"Hyah?" Yoona looked at her hand then she felt her cheeks become hot. His hand is warm... and soft. She thought.

"Where's the car?" 

"That black one." Yoona raised her chin to the black car at the corner then they headed over. Yoona went now to the driver's seat while Kai is sat beside her. Yoona pulled the engine then they drove away. While getting out of the airport, YoonKai saw ahjussi just went out from the janitor's room then waving goodbye then the two, waved back. Thanks to this guy.



While on the way to InStyle Inc:


"Thanks." Kai said as he glanced to the left, seeing Yoona is driving.

"Don't mention it." Yoona said then she just smiled. "Mr. Jang said I have to take care of you and lead you here. Just doing my obligations, duties, responsibilities. Well, you know. You can't manage there by yourself without me. Or maybe Mr. Choi can do that also but that scene seems chaotic."

"You are seems smart. Maybe seongsaengnim likes you because of you being determined. I can see that." Wait, I'm not stuttering anymore? Hallelujah. Kai thought as he grinned.

"Is Mr. Jang really your seongsaengnim?"

"Yeah~ My professor in Media and Arts."

"Oh~ so your early activity was photography, right?"

"You're right."


Then a silence filled inside the car.



"By the way, nice outfit." Yoona chuckled while driving. Kai heard it then he began looked his dress by himself. "Maybe the August issue theme will be the janitor's outfit. Do you think it'll be good in Summer?"



Author's note: Hi~ I'm back! Hope you liked this update!! Hahaha~ Leave a comment and upvote is highly appreciated. Janitor is just so kind right? Ahjussi is the hero of the day!


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Chapter 10: More YoonKai moments please.. and maybe LaYoon? XD
Yellangskie #2
Chapter 10: Keep it up,!
M0re update author,plz.
I really l0ve your st0ry,:-D
Chapter 10: i think yoona have reason why he dont like boy ??? hehe nevermine author as long as you update is good for us gambateh !!!
123456 #4
Chapter 4: Loving itttt keep it up
Chapter 9: Yoona will meet luhan soon yeahhh luyoon
Chapter 9: Thanks for updating.
Chapter 6: Love it yeahhhthx for updating author
Chapter 6: Love it yeahhhthx for updating author
yoongie_exo #9
Chapter 5: I like it :)
Chapter 5: I like your story <3
pleaseeeee ..update soon ^-^