

Hotel de Grande’s CEO, Gu Jaesun, was said to be murdered but there are no leads that he is. Highly concentrated Hydrogen Cyanide was founded on some of his food which was the cause of his death. As of now, Investigators and detectives are solving the big puzzle that the murderer left. What is his reason behind all these? Why did S/he poison the CEO? Is it because of power? Fame? Or Money?


“Oh please! Like I care about his damn money. I’d be richer than that ert.” Luhan groaned as he turned the Television off. He went to Chen’s room, which is filled with loads and loads of Monitors, to see what was happening at the hotel.

“Yah! Knock before you barge in!” Chen said with a raised voice before receiving a hard smack on the head from his Hyung.

“I’m still older. So what’s going on there?” Luhan asked as they looked at the center screen, which focuses on the table he and the director were eating.

“So far, they have no lead to who and where you are but, that Front desk girl might be a problem since you uhhhm.” Chen trailed off thinking of the right word to fit his sentence.

“Don’t worry. I just called heron our way home crying, telling her that he is the love of my life. Him being gone horrified me and I made a mistake blah bla blah.. I told her that I’d end my life if she will be angry at me for doing that to her. In the end, she forgave me so I can live happily ever after.” Luhan explained while Chen was making puke sounds after it.

“You’re horrible hyung.” Chen said still looking at the screen for some further observations.

“Chen. Could you zoom in to him?” Luhan said pointing at a certain person on the screen.

“What about him?” Chen asked.

“Can’t you see? Everyone’s investigating on the area we expect them to. That guy on the other hand, is investigating all of the CCTV Cameras around the room.” Luhan explained.

“He still won’t figure it out since this is the cleanest mission we’ve ever done.” Chen said but Luhan wasn’t paying much attention to him.

“Can you zoom in to their faces?” Luhan asked as Chen did his magic and detected both of their faces. The other one was pretty familiar to Luhan but the short one is a stranger.

“The one with the Black coat that does the most work is-“

“Xiumin. I know him. I killed his parents three years ago. His parents owns an underground ion business that’s a SPA on the outside and I think he doesn’t know all about it.” Luhan said.

“Oh yeah. I remember that. Well, it’s kind of natural for him to be involved in cases you too are involved in. He wants to take you down hyung. You should be afraid of the mighty Xiumin and his revenge!” Chen said receiving another smack from his hyung.

“Don’t make fun of him. He lost his parents like we did.” Luhan became serious all of a sudden which made the younger one feel guilty.


“Luhan. No matter what happens, don’t get out of your room, understand? You have to protect your dongsaeng okay? I know you can do it. You’re a big boy now. Also, when I shout “Yunxing”, you have to jump on that window and meet uncle Zhang okay? Always remember that I and your father love you both so much. Cover your ears.” Their eomma said as she kissed Luhan and Chen’s forhead before locking the door and heading out.

Luhan was still 12 while Chen was 9 when this tragedy happened to their family. Luhan did everything he can to never let anything happen to his dongsaeng because he fully understood what will happen if his eomma will shout “Yunxing”. He fully understood that their eomma and appa won’t make it to them and they need to escape.

A series of gun shots, groans and shouts were making Chen cry the whole time. He tried to cry silently but it was difficult for him to breathe. Luhan grabbed a small paper bag so Chen could stop hyperventilating and could breathe well. He let him cry loud from time to time since everything was loud and it didn’t really matter if they make a noise.

They were both covering their ears when all of a sudden, it went quiet. The shouts were gone, gun shots were gone and everything became quiet until..

“y-yunxing.” With that, tears began to flow like river from Luhan’s eyes to his cheeks. He felt like he can’t move, like his feet were paralyzed. He just stared at the door ready to see their eomma and appa enter their room to save them but no. It wasn’t opened by them. It was opened by three big men smirking at them like they were their dinner for tonight. Luhan hid Chen behind him as he threw everything his hand could reach on to the three men but failed and was punched by one of them. Luhan flew on the at the edge of their room and was unable to move. He saw one of the men choking his dongsaeng and wanted to kick him so he could let go of Chen when all of a sudden..


“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” The guy that was strangling Chen was shot on his leg by someone behind Luhan.

“u-uncle Zhang?” Luhan said as he killed the other two men while Chen was crawling towards them. His uncle Zhang gave the gun to Luhan so he could kill the beast that murdered his parents and hurt his beloved dongsaeng.


cried Luhan's gun as he pulled the trigger without a second thought and stood up with a smirk on his face.

"Never thought killing would be this fun." He said to himself nearly laughed at the feeling he got when he felt the pressure which the gun emitted when he pulled the trigger.

“Let’s go.” Their Uncle said as he carried Chen who passed out after crawling back to them. Luhan saw the lifeless person he killed and fear suddenly rose within him causing him to puke as he smelled blood from the men that were shot dead in front of him. Their uncle Zhang was strong enough to carry the both of them down to his car and took care of them until the day he died.

After killing that person, Luhan promised to himself to never let Chen kill anyone ever. With every satisfaction Luhan felt, comes great fear deep within him and he doesn’t want Chen to feel like this. He doesn’t want to let Chen’s hands get dirty. He doesn’t want Chen to experience the awful things he experienced himself.


“Hello? Earth to Luhan hyung? What are we gonna do about them?” Chen asked waving his hand in front of Luhan’s face.

“We’ll deal with them later. I’ll take a bath first.” With that, Luhan closed the door as Chen does a bit of research from the two cops they found a bit… interesting.


In the meanwhile…

“Who are you two?” Some random guard shouted at Xiumin while he was examining the CCTV in the middle of the ceiling.

“Well, I’m Kim Minseok and I’m examining this CCTV. According to my observation, it is linked to another source other than the ones you have here. We need to have this checked and-“ Before he could continue, a number of high ranked police officer started to laugh at him.

“Let us solve this issue ourselves. Beginners like you should just stick on picking up proofs and passing it to us. So, move aside.” The taller guy said. Xiumin was about to grapple him, since he was once a champion in all sorts of worldwide competition in several Martial Arts Contests, until he takes back everything he said but Kyungsoo stopped him.

“Just let him be hyung. He’s not worth it. Let’s just ask for a copy of all the CCTV Recordings they had during the incident.” Kyungsoo said calming Xiumin down as they continued their Investigation.

“Hyung. Isn’t this..” Kyungsoo trailed off before showing the footage to Xiumin.

“Him again?!” Xiumin shouted the moment he saw who was behind all this AGAIN.

“who again?” A staff from the recording room went to their side the moment he heard Xiumin’s angry voice.

“It’s Luhan. He’s obviously the murderer but he seems to have back up plans so he could escape from it easily. It was rather a clean murder for him, leaving no proof that it was him but, why did the director called for him?” Xiumin tried to ask no one in particular until a lady behind him said,

“Oh. He’s Director’s Boyfriend. It’s kind of pitiful hearing his sad voice after losing someone he love and-“ Xiumin grabbed the lady’s shoulders rather forcedly saying,

“He called you? When? What’s his number? Can you call him again?” Xiumin asked before the lady brought her phone out and searched for Luhan’s number.

“He called me this morning.” She said.


The number you have dialled is either unattended or out of coverage area, please try your call later..


“Damn!” He gave the phone back to her.

“So?” Kyungsoo asked.

“he might’ve used a prepaid phone and threw it away right after.” Xiumin said and went back to the CCTV Recordings.


After hours and hours of examining the footage, a police officer came down and told Xiumin and Kyungsoo that the investigation was closed right away. They said that Gu Jaesun commited suicide by placing cyanide on his own rice cake since a syringe having cyanide particles left inside was found inside Gu Jaesun’s pocket.

“Are you serious?! This is Luhan’s doing. Do you even know who he is? He’s a murderer and has killed many people. Are you planning to let him kill any more innocent people than he already did?” Xiumin was beginning to become impatient about this.

“That’s an order. So you better stop meddling with other people’s business and carry on with your next case.” The police officer went out leaving a frustrated Xiumin behind.

“no. I’m not going to let this slide.” He said as he took the copies of the footage and went up to the 50th floor with Kyungsoo to look for more clues.

“Do you really want to do this? I just think that we should really listen to him you know? We might get killed in here.” Kyungsoo said but was only ignored by Xiumin as he stepped out of the elevator when they reached the said floor.

“Go look for something on the table, I’ll look in here.” Xiumin ordered as they made sure they would scan the entire room safely. Xiumin knew that the cameras were not functioning since they took his advice and searched for the other source, which they didn’t find, and decided to just cut it off.

“aha! Found something. Look, almost wiped finger print. Luhan might’ve thought he left this without leaving anything behind.” Xiumin said as he took out his finger print detector and saved it for further observations later.

“I will get you now Luhan.” Xiumin said and heard footsteps coming near.

“Wha-what do we do?” Kyungsoo panicked but Xiumin remained calm. Being the brains at the moment, Xiumin told Kyungsoo his great plan..


With that, they choose to hide underneath the director’s ginormous desk.

“I thought I heard someone talking in here.” Some familiar voice spoke.

“why? You afraid of your brother’s ghost? Atleast he died before you even killed him. I mean, he sells drugs better than you do. He even pays his employees lesser than the minimum wage without them knowing until now. Your brother is such a tease.” Another voice said.

“and now he’s gone, his top secret business will be mine.” The first person said.

“but, I saw that new Inspector was really persistent on this Luhan guy. Do you really think he’s the one who killed your brother?” The other guy said.

“Well, I may or may not have hired him to kill my brother.” The first guy said as he walked out of the door and followed by the other person who closed the door behind them.

“So… Gu Do Young was behind all this?” Xiumin said to himself while Kyungsoo dragged him out of the place.

“Let’s get the hell out of here before they see us!” Kyungsoo panicked and literally dragged Xiumin towards the Elevator. But what they didn’t know was… Do Young didn’t left his brother’s office right after he went out.

“my my my.. what a stubborn inspector.” He said to himself.

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bora_xiuhan #1
Chapter 6: It is 2021 and I just came here. Loving every thing about this fic.
Chapter 6: This is so oook good! I really liked this story
Sequel, pleeeeeaase~
XxAngieexX #3
Soooo will there be an epilogue????
Chapter 6: waaaahhh... will there be an epilogue where xiuhan will meet again? please
MinRi8 #5
Chapter 6: Omg I really like this! So many action and fighting scenes woahh. Sequel please *.*