

“How may I help you sir?” The lady in the front desk greeted.

“I’m Kim Minseok. The owner is my mom’s sister and I’d like one of your specials.” Xiumin wiggled his eye brows at the lady as she led me towards the door that says “Employees only” only to see stairs. He was kind of scared that Luhan was right all along. That his parents were really criminals in the first place.

“Call for assistance” Xiumin Whispered at Kyungsoo.

“I’m kind of getting a bit excited so, I need the bathroom.” He excused himself and called for backup.

“roger. We’ll be there in 10.” The person behind the radio responded. Kyungsoo opened the door only to be welcomed by ladies half .

“Xiumin I’ll kill you right after this!!!” he mentally cursed his partner after being dragged by him to this kind of place. It reeks of alcohol and sweat.

“So what do you want to do?” The lady with blonde hair asked.

“H-How about we play… Charades?” Kyungsoo tries his hardest so they won’t touch him somewhere he doesn’t like.

“Is this your first? Well, I’m really glad that I’d be your first and-“ She was cut off by a loud kick on the door and a loud,

“This is the police and you are all under arrest!”

“Wha- you?” The lady in front of Kyungsoo stuttered as he held his badge out.

“yup and you are under arrest.” Kyungsoo covered her in blanket before placing handcuffs on her hands.

“So Luhan was right huh? I never thought of him like that.” Xiumin said as he smiled looking at the ground.

“What are you smiling about?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Nothing. Just, letting all of this craziness sink into my brain. I don’t know who to believe now. Luhan might be right for killing bad people but… he still doesn’t have the right to do so.” Xiumin said.

“Look on the bright side. He burdens all the guilt so that this place will be free from illegal things. Just let him go for now. Capture him when he finds his next kill.” Kyungsoo said. Xiumin let out a huge sigh before agreeing. They went back to their apartment only to be greeted by a messy couch, glasses shattered on the ground, broken chairs and light bulbs broken with a note lying on the table.

stop investigating Director Gu’s death. I’ll kill you both if you won’t stop.”

Xiumin crumples the paper and throws it away.

“Gu Do Young. You are going to pay for this.”

“Hyung. I’m going to buy dinner again.” Chen shouted but Luhan was fast enough to jump in front of him, stopping him from grabbing the door knob.

“Stay here and give me the list. You’re more secure behind the computers than on actual situations.” Luhan grabbed the piece of paper before storming out of the house towards his car.

Luhan had his guard up since he knows that Xiumin will come after him at any time of the day after he told him the truth about his parents and the people he kills. He parked in front of the supermarket and grabbed a can of peppermint, since bringing a gun inside is not possible. He checked his wallet before going inside the supermarket.


“I’m really not good at this.” He thought to himself as he pushed an empty cart, staring at different kinds of meat, but still looks the same for him, debating himself to whether or not pick one then go. He gave up and called Chen instead.

“yah. You only placed two packs of pork belly in here. I don’t know what brand you always buy. How many milk would I buy? And why won’t you buy fish sometimes? It’s healthy.” Luhan kept on complaining about Chen’s incomplete grocery list as the younger laughed at his hyung for not understanding how to do grocery shopping. Since this is Luhan’s first time to do grocery shopping, it took a lot of time for him to finish buying all they need for this week’s dinner. Luhan immediately paid for all the items he took and went back to his car only to be greeted by someone he expects to see today. Xiumin.

“well, you finally appeared eh? What brings you here?” Luhan said as he opened the back seat of his car and placed all the food he bought. Xiumin, along with Kyungsoo, just stared at him trying to figure out what would he do next. Will he attack them? Will he kill them? Will he run away and have his escape again?

“So what do you guys want?” Luhan asked leaning on his car waiting for either of them to speak.

“Well, we’re just here to tell you that you are right about my parents. I love them, yes, but I want to thank you for telling this to me.” Xiumin said. Something’s not right in here.. Wonder what it is. Luhan said to himself.

“Why don’t we have dinner together? You, your brother, me and Kyungsoo. You look well prepared.” Xiumin said  but Luhan still doubted him.

“Well, me and my brother rarely accepts visitors and for all I know, you’re just playing dirty tricks on me again so you could capture me right then and there. So I have to decline.” Luhan opened his car to drive away from the two but Xiumin stopped his car door from closing.

“We won’t. No radio, no cell phones, no guns. See?” Both Xumin and Kyungsoo took their coats off and shook it, placed their hands on their pockets to dig out everything in it. They were clearly unarmed and could only rely on their physical strength when needed.

“Fine. I’ll just call my brother to prepare everything.” Luhan took his earphone once again and called his dongsaeng who’s patiently waiting for him at home.

“Chen. We have visitors. Could you prepare everything at our place?... yeah… okay… thanks. Bye.” Luhan said. Xiumin climbed up to the front seat while Kyungsoo remained on the back as Luhan drove to “their Place”.  It’s their old summer house which they only use for emergencies, like Chen’s get together parties with his friends in college or if a Client wants to meet up with the brothers.

“We’re here.” Luhan parked in front of the cozy looking house while Xiumin examined the place and memorized the streets and road signs so he could track him when needed in the future.

“Please. Make yourself at home while Chen cooks his specialty.” Luhan handed the bags full of grocery items to his dongsaeng. Chen bowed at their visitors, rather uncomfortably, before disappearing from the living room.

“Do you mind? I’m a er for cooking and I want to help your brother in the kitchen.” Kyungsoo said, obviously not holding back his fondness in cooking. Luhan nodded as he went to the kitchen and had a little talk with Chen. Since Luhan trained Chen enough to defend himself and fight against other people by means of fist, he believes that his dongsaeng could escape successfully when Kyungsoo tries anything to capture him.

 “Don’t worry. Kyungsoo won’t try to use your brother as hostage. Just, think of this as a friendly dinner. No work involved.” Xiumin cleared up but Luhan was too stubborn to just trust the guy.

“fine. Well, if you could just turn that recorder off then I’ll consider this as a friendly dinner.” Luhan caught Xiumin recording the entire conversation, which is enough to prove that they can’t be trusted.

“I’m just messing around. Look, no tape.” Xiumin opened the tape recorder and found nothing in it.

“Look. I’ll just cut to the chase and say what I wanted to say. I’m both thankful and angry at you. I’m thankful that you told me about my parents’ secret business. I never thought they were that kind of people. I’m angry at you because you didn’t let the police do their work. You should’ve just reported them not kill them. Let the authorities do the punishment.” Xiumin became impatient of their little game and lost it the minute he placed his empty tape recorder back to his coat.

“And they were my parents. No matter what they do, legal or illegal, they’re still my parents and I love them.” Xiumin’s voice become weaker and weaker with every word he says.

“I know how it feels to lose your parents since I lost mine  when I was 12 and Chen was 9.” Luhan didn’t know what made him tell his past to the last person he would likely to open up with. It just came out of his mouth the moment he saw a vulnerable Xiumin in front of him.

Xiumin’s eyes widened when he heard what Luhan just told him and wanted to know more about the guy, since they both lost their parents.

“if you don’t mind, How did they die?” Xiumin asked slowly so he won’t sound like he’s interrogating the guy for job related purposes.

“They were secret agents working for the government. They killed many people doing illegal stuff, like I do, and one night… we were ambushed. They were murdered in our house while I and Chen managed to escape. That was also the time where I first held a gun and killed a person.” Luhan managed to smirk despite the pain and hurt he felt while telling Xiumin all about his past.

“Then you wanted to become like your parents? Is that it?” Xiumin asked but Luhan just chuckled a bit before answering.

“I wanted to be like them. Killing businessmen with illegal businesses but. I never wanted to work for the government. They didn’t give a damn about my parents’ death. They just gave us money and went on with their lives. I really wanted to kill our governor till now but, I can’t find a reason why. Yes, I hate him but… that’s not enough to kill someone.. unless he’s doing something illegal then I could. Even without anyone’s contract.” Luhan said. Xiumin was taken aback by his confession. He didn’t expect Luhan to have such life. He felt like… He wanted to help him, like he wanted to give him another chance to renew his life.

“Why don’t you join us?” Xiumin blurted out which made Luhan look at him with a strange look. He was not glaring, nor teasing. He was just, staring… blankly.

“What did you say?” Luhan asked.

“I mean, you can become an asset and-“ Xiumin was cut off by Luhan’s strange gaze towards him. Luhan slowly went closer and closer.

“I would never work for the government even if it’s the last thing I’ll do.” Luhan smirked as he pulled away before Xiumin could calm down. His heart was beating fast, not in a nervous kind of way but, in an… attraction kind of way.

“no! no! What am I thinking?!” Xiumin shook his head before clearing his throat and sat up straight.

“You seem… flustered. You okay?” Luhan teasingly asked as Xiumin didn’t look at him but pretended to be comfortable with the couch.

“Nothing. It’s just your couch seems comfy and-“ He was cut off by Luhan whose face was an inch away from his when he looked his way.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Xiumin asked neither breaking eye contact with him nor moving an inch away from him. Something tells him not to look away as his heart was rapidly beating in his chest.

“I can feel your heart’s beating fast.” Luhan whispered that made Xiumin’s face red.

“Do you by any chance find me… Attractive?” Luhan whispered. Xiumin stood up and was about to go to the kitchen when Chen saw his adorable flustered face.

“Dinner’s ready.” Chen said looking at his Hyung who stood up and smiled at him before going to the dining room.

For some reason Luhan and Xiumin didn’t know, Kyungsoo and Chen were getting along. They talked about things that were foreign to the half fifty men in front of them and even forgot about their existence.

“So when did you two started getting along?” Luhan blurted out while they were in the middle of talking about kimchi spaghetti or something.

“Oh. He’s a great cook. You should try tasting his kimchi spaghetti.” Chen placed a spoonful of it to Luhan’s plate.

“For all I know, it’s poisoned so they could capture us right here right now.” Luhan said ignoring the kimchi from his plate and ate the dish his brother made.

“hyung! I was with Kyungsoo the whole time. you don’t have to be so mean. I’m really sorry for what he said. He’s just grumpy and all.” Chen apologized to their visitors but his eyes stayed when he saw Xiumin smiling, telling him it was fine. His heart skipped a beat when he saw the honest smile Xiumin gave him when he apologized. It was one of those smiles that his hyung once had before their parents died. Till then, he wasn’t able to smile like that anymore.

“So how about-“ Kyungsoo was cut off when Luhan covered his mouth with his hand after hearing the sound of dried leaves cracking  somewhere which startled everyone. Luhan stared at Chen, who got the message before the two inspectors could.

“Let’s call it a night. Let’s go to bed.” Luhan said as he pointed them to go upstairs. Xiumin and Kyungsoo were able to get the message and turned the lights off. They went to a single room and waited for something to happen.

“move.” They heard someone whisper from the outside. Luhan ran towards the closet and filled empty handguns wih enough amm  to take down atleast a hundred people. He gave Chen, Xiumin and Kyungsoo two hand guns each and took the last two for him. He took a couple of smoke and flash bombs for distraction.

“here.” He gave each of them a gas mask and opened the first smoke bomb he got and quietly rolled it downstairs.

“They noticed! Go!” one of the infiltrators shouted as the four of them started shooting them by the leg or by the arm.

“Chen! Don’t kill one of them okay?!” Luhan shouted which shocked Xiumin for a second before shooting at the armed men downstairs.

“Did he just tell his brother not to kill one of them?” He thought to himself before following them to the back door.

“Hurry and get to the car!” Luhan shouted.

“I think they’re a lot more than what we think hyung.” Chen said as Luhan turned around to see more of them surrounding the house.

“damn! Here. Throw these at them and run towards the car.” Luhan gave them grenades and flash bombs to distract those men who are still not aware of their presence.

“1..2..3!” Luhan shouted as they quietly rolled grenades towards the men outside and ran towards the car when the bombs started exploding.

“Chen!” Luhan shouted and wasn’t able to pull Chen when he saw one of the injured men shot him.

Luhan opened his eyes and looked if Chen was alright but he was on the floor. Luhan shot the man by the arm and looked around to see Chen lying on the hood of the car with Xiumin on top of him.

“Hyung! Hyung! Are you okay?” Chen shook Xiumin who was shot on the arm.

“Let’s go to the hospital now!” Chen hurriedly assisted the wounded Xiumin at the back seat while no one was occupying the front seat.

“Can someone please load their gun and start shooting at those guys at the back?” Luhan ordered. Chen looked at his hyung who was a bit pissed for no reason.

“Chen could dodge that! Why does he have to be a hero and take the bullet? Why can’t we just get the hell out of here uninjured?” Luhan cursed mentally as he checked for some car crazily following them.

“Damn! Why are they still following us! Chen! Aim for the tires!” Luhan said and Chen followed. Chen was a keen striker. He could strike an apple on top of a person’s head flawlessly that’s why Luhan was confident that they could escape the place successfully.

“Hyung. I think we lost them.” Chen said. Luhan sped up to the nearest hospital and told Kyungsoo to take him to the emergency room.

“We’ll be on our way since… you know… our situation.” Chen said as he looked at Xiumin’s face.

“I understand. Now go, before someone could see you.” Kyungsoo said.

“Everything will be alright.” Chen assured his wounded hyung who did nothing but stare at him.

“Thanks by the way.” Chen said. Xiumin smiled at him, reaching for his hand before they could even enter the hospital.

“This is nothing. I’m glad you’re safe.” Xiumin said. A nurse suddenly noticed his bleeding arm and called for medics right away.

“We’ll see you soon.” Chen said before running back to Luhan, who was a bit grumpy.

“What’s wrong?” Chen asked his hyung who was speeding up the moment Chen got in.

“You saw their patches? The uniform? Do they look familiar to you?” Luhan asked. Chen wasn’t able to answer and is thinking about it but he got nothing.

“Their patches and uniforms are the same as those guys who killed eomma and appa.” Luhan said that shocked the hell out of Chen.

“but… I knew who they work for. I saw some of them while we were signing a contract to kill Director Gu.” Chen said. Luhan immediately stopped the car and looked at his bewildered brother.

“They were… Gu Do Young’s men hyung.” Luhan’s grip on the steering wheel became tighter and started the engine to go back to their real home.

“You’ll pay for this… Gu Do Young.” Luhan said gritting his teeth.

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bora_xiuhan #1
Chapter 6: It is 2021 and I just came here. Loving every thing about this fic.
Chapter 6: This is so oook good! I really liked this story
Sequel, pleeeeeaase~
XxAngieexX #3
Soooo will there be an epilogue????
Chapter 6: waaaahhh... will there be an epilogue where xiuhan will meet again? please
MinRi8 #5
Chapter 6: Omg I really like this! So many action and fighting scenes woahh. Sequel please *.*