

“Famous Married couple, Soo Jinwook and Soo Hana, just arrived in Seoul from America bringing with them official papers of their Divorce. The said couple were having bad times together for the past six months after Soo Jinwook learned that his wife was having an affair with leading actor Yoo Jiseong. Also because of it, Hana’s custody with her daughters were removed from her and now, their twins are under Jinwook’s safe hands.

That’s it for today! This is-“

“Do you know where Soo Jinwook might be now?” Xiumin asked when they were about to return to their office. Kyungsoo took out his phone and searched for a certain stadium and showed it to Xiumin, who was still driving.

“He will be at this stadium for some awards night later at 7. Why? Fan of him?” Kyungsoo joked which caused him a hard smack on the head from Xiumin.

“Babo. I think Luhan will be there.” Xiumin said trying to plan the things they should do for later. This might be the time where he’ll finally catch Luhan, the man who killed thousands of business men for money, the man who’s conscience died because of the many people he killed, the man who killed his parents three years ago.


“Abeoji! Eomoni!” Xiumin yelled in front of their burning house while being restricted by a pair of strong hands, stopping him from going inside.

“Abeoji! Eomeoni! Save them! Please! They’re still there!” Xiumin shouted once again but the police officer in front of him just shouted behind his megaphone saying,

“Release the couple at once or we’ll infiltrate the place.” He said. Xiumin mentally blamed himself for not training hard to knock down this guy behind him, for not being fast enough to run towards his house to save his parents, for being a burden to everyone in here, for being the weak and dumb son of his parents.

“Please release-“ The police officer was interrupted with a loud..


“ABEOJI! EOMEONI!” Xiumin shouted and kicked the guy behind him and ran as fast as he could towards their burning house.

“Abeoji! Eomeoni! Where are you?” Xiumin continued to shout despite the smoke entering his throat that made him cough a lot. A lot of burned wood would fall above but it didn’t stop him from finding his parents.

“Abeo-“ He stopped shouting the moment he saw blood flowing on the floor from his parents’ room.

“No.. it can’t be..” He hurriedly went to his parents’ room only to see his mother and father… dead… lying on the floor.

“A-“ He wanted to shout and cry but the smoke that came inside his lungs stopped him from doing so. He fell down on his knees, still coughing, and felt a gun being pointed at him.

“I won’t kill you since you’re not part of the deal. Be grateful that I spared your life instead of ending it.” The man came closer and grabbed Xiumin’s face.

“Hope you won’t forget me. The name’s Luhan.” And with that, he jumped out of the window followed by a loud roar from a certain vehicle.

“Luhan.. *cough I’ll kill you.” Xiumin said and passed out only to wake up at a hospital. He soon knew about his parents’ death and told himself that he’ll take revenge for what that Luhan did. He’ll make sure Luhan will suffer the same death his parents had.

“I will kill you Luhan”


“ACHOOO!” Luhan sneezed while they were on their way to their next mission.

“Someone’s talking about me.” Luhan said as he placed his rifle on a guitar case.

“You really believe in that?” Chen asked flicking his hyung’s forehead.

“yah! Who gave you the permission to do that? Anyway, make sure to park on that cliff near the stadium so I could have a great shot on Soo Jinwook’s Head.” Luhan said as Chen smiled at him, nodding.

“Are you really sure he’s going to be here?” Kyungsoo adjusted his really tight bowtie, and scratching his itchy stomach due to the borrowed suit.

“I’m positive he’ll be here. Soo Hana is Natural Oil Company’s Heiress. She has the money to pay Luhan to kill her husband so she can have custody for her children. I don’t know how would she do that but I know she’ll do anything for her daughters. Stay alert and start looking.” Xiumin said as they started walking around the place.


“You spotted him hyung?” Chen asked as he does his part in computing for the right angle and the amount of people that could get involved in this mission.

“eeeeeeeeeeehh… gotcha. Victim, locked.” Luhan said as he followed where Jinwook is going to.

“okay at the count of three, you go shoot him. 1..2..3!” Chen shouted as Luhan pulled the trigger and, Bull’s eye! Jinwook is down and they’re both ready to go.

“Move! Before anyone can-“ Before Chen could start the engine, a gun was already pointed at his head from a person outside.

“I finally caught you.. Luhan.” Luhan smirked before facing the guy pointing a gun at him.

“Xiumin. It has been three years huh? You’ve grown up so well.” Luhan said dropping all of his hand guns as Xiumin and Kyungsoo entered their car telling them to drive all the way to the police station and admit their sins for killing number of people for years.

“Well, I wish I could take us there but look, armed men are in the way pointing guns at us.” Chen said. Armed men started to surround them and forced them to go out.

“Did you bring back up? Coward.” Xiumin spat at Luhan who’s still having that same smirk on his face.

“Sorry but.. I don’t know them.” Luhan said as he looked at Chen trying to count to three so they could escape the area right away.

“1..2..3!” Luhan Mentally counted as they both jumped upward causing their legs to reach for the heads of the person behind them and kicked them forward causing them to bump into Kyungsoo and Xiumin, which also helped them to free themselves.

They took the guns from those two men they first attacked and shot each of the armed guys’ leg so they won’t be able to walk or run.

“hurry!” Chen signalled as Luhan took a seat in the back. Chen looked at Xiumin and Kyungsoo, who are obviously the cause of this ambush since Chen knew that they were Do young’s men, and told them to come with them.

“What the hell Chen?!” Luhan spat but Chen Ignored him and drove off the minute Xiumin and Kyungsoo went in.

“Get off the car when we arrive to the streets.” Luhan pointed two guns at them knowing their guns were left at the cliff a while ago.

“Hyung!” Chen objected but Luhan was serious. He glared at the younger and told him to shut up.

“Get out.” Luhan literally pushed the two of them after arriving at the streets.

“Hyung! You didn’t have to do that!” Chen said as he kept on driving.

“How many times have I told you to not let your emotions control you. If you pity them, they’ll abuse you.”

“Well I’m not like you Hyung!” Chen shouted and stopped the car out of nowhere.

“You can leave them if you want to but that’s not me. They didn’t do anything wrong to be killed hyung. They’re innocent.” Chen said.

“But they nearly killed you. Killed me.” And with that, Chen became quiet and just continued driving in a normal speed all the way to their home.

“It’s just that… I’m the only person alive here on earth that you can trust and you’re the only person I could trust too. Just please don’t ever risk anything to save people who tries to kill you ever again.” Luhan said and pulled a lever behind his seat so he could lie down on his back.

“Sorry Hyung.” 

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bora_xiuhan #1
Chapter 6: It is 2021 and I just came here. Loving every thing about this fic.
Chapter 6: This is so oook good! I really liked this story
Sequel, pleeeeeaase~
XxAngieexX #3
Soooo will there be an epilogue????
Chapter 6: waaaahhh... will there be an epilogue where xiuhan will meet again? please
MinRi8 #5
Chapter 6: Omg I really like this! So many action and fighting scenes woahh. Sequel please *.*