
“So this is your real house?” Kyungsoo said when they both arrived. Chen had fetched them a while ago while Luhan increased the number of CCTV cameras around their house and some traps in case another ambush came.

“How are you doing?” Luhan asked Xiumin who had his arm wrapped with bandage.

“It’s not my dominant hand so it’s fine.” Xiumin assured him with a sincere smile before they went inside Chen’s room. Chen was really excited of their arrival and showing them his room made his head bigger than before since he gets to show off his skills. They told them that the computers in Chen’s room were the other source of Director Gu’s CCTV in his office. It was till there when they noticed Do Young in one of Chen’s monitor talking to one of the guards yesterday.

“Where are they?” Do young asked.

“They… They have escaped.” After hearing that, Do Young punched him on the face and kicked him right after that.

“What am I paying you all for? Huh?! It was a hundred against two!”

“They were four actually boss.” He interrupted but that didn’t do him good. He was kicked on the face by the angry Gu Do young.

“That doesn’t change the fact that you were at the advantage since you have an army! Now get out and search for them! And bring me their dead bodies. I want Junmyeon’s sons and the two inspectors as soon as possible!” Do Young shouted as the guy from last night struggled to run away before he could be punched or kicked again.


“we need a plan. We have to kill that bastard.” Luhan said.

“hyung. In this case we really need the police’s help.” Chen suggested but Luhan just laughed.

“Are you kidding? We don’t need the police. Killing him will stop his evil doings.” Luhan argued.

“What good does that do hyung? You’re going to kill him but someone will inherit the business and the drug business will still go on. If we are on the Police’s side, rest assured that they will do everything to stop the business.” Chen explained. Xiumin and Kyungsoo agreed but Luhan was too stubborn to agree.

“What if the police finds out who we are? I’m fine if they imprison me, or even sentence me to death but I promised appa and eomma that I’ll take care of you and being imprisoned right after this means I broke my promise to them.” Luhan explained but Chen didn’t give up. He still wants them to get the police involved.

“But hyung! We don’t have a choice We need them to-“ He was cut off by Luhan’s glare and choose to stay quiet.

“We don’t need them and it’s final. I already agreed of them being here.” Luhan said and was about to go when Xiumin blocked his way, ready to say what he wanted to say.

“Since we’re here, we might as well share our ideas to what we think is best. As for the police, I’ll take care of them. Chen's in charge of the CCTV cameras, security lasers and other stuff he’s good at. Just like what you did to Director Gu, make it as if he committed suicide. You’re good at that Luhan." He explained before pulling his own hair out of frustration.

"UGH! I can’t believe I’m helping you planning this sort of crime.” Xiumin said. Luhan just smirked and listened to Xiumin’s plans all the way till the end.


“Armors, grenades, bombs, tasers and tranquilizers. All in here. Just get what you need. We’ll head out at closing time. Less workers, less problem.” Luhan said as he adjusted Chen’s bullet proof vest. Xiumin on the other hand was staring at Luhan the whole time, not knowing why can’t he take his eyes of the guy that killed his parents.

“You like him don’t you?” Kyungsoo whispered all of a sudden that gave a fright at the older while making sure he has everything he needed in his bag.

“psh. No. How can you say that.” Xiumin snorted at the younger.

“Because that’s how Jongin looked at me when he first fell in love with me.” Kyungsoo said. Xiumin turned his back against Kyungsoo avoiding the words he said. He placed bullets on his magazine and clumsily dropped everything on the floor. He cursed himself mentally as he picked everything up before noticing a familiar figure helping him picking the bullets from the floor. Luhan stared at him and smiled before standing up. It wasn’t just a smile; it was a sincere and honest smile. He was stunned for a moment before forcing himself to stand up and continue doing what he was doing.

“Be careful.” Luhan said before running towards Chen who was busy checking some updates on his monitor.

“I think you still haven’t noticed but you do like the guy. You’re just forcing yourself not to believe what your heart is telling you.” Kyungsoo was somehow worried about his hyung. Since Xiumin is not the type of guy to just fall in love with someone he just met, not to mention a bandit he spend most of his time to capture.

“I don’t know Kyungsoo-ah. It’s just that… I never knew this side of him before and it brought me to him the moment I knew him too well.” Xiumin confessed which made the younger smile.

“Be sure to let him know. Regrets eat you alive.” Kyungsoo managed to give him a piece of advice and followed Luhan right after. Xiumin on the other hand stayed as far away from Luhan so unnecessary feelings won’t be a problem to him.

Being attracted to someone simply means losing yourself to that person you’re attracted to, that’s what Xiumin believes and he doesn’t like losing at all, not to anyone, especially not to Luhan.


A while ago, while Kyungsoo and Xiumin were talking with each other, the brothers were also busy talking about something else other than their plan to infiltrate Hotel De Grande tonight.

“So uhhm… You really okay with Xiumin hyung to tag along with us?” Chen opened up.

“Yeah. I’m fine with it. I trust them… this much.” Luhan pressed his thumb to his index finger really hard making the younger laugh at him.

“Well at least you trust a bit.” Chen’s face softened, which Luhan noticed, and couldn’t help but wonder what it was about.

“Do you by any chance like…” Luhan trailed off making his dongsaeng a bit nervous before saying his name.

“Kyungsoo?” He expected Chen’s eyes to widen and to be shy about it but the younger just laughed at his hyung telling him he got the wrong answer.

“I do like someone but, it’s not Kyungsoo.” Chen said. Luhan’s eyes widened, his jaw dropped and was unable to speak the moment he knew who Chen liked.

“I like… Xiumin hyung. I hope you’re not one of those people who does everything to ruin someone’s relationship just because they don’t approve of their relationship. I’ll tell him as soon as possible and if he likes me back… I’ll… I’ll-“ Chen was interrupted by Luhan’s hands cupped on his face.

“This will be our last kill. We will stop accepting contracts after this and just live a normal life. If Xiumin feels the same way, then I won’t stop you.” Luhan smiled at his dongsaeng right after that. Chen couldn’t believe what he just saw. He saw the smile that he Luhan used to have before his parents died. A sincere and honest smile… well sort of.

“Maybe this attraction of mine towards Xiumin is not really that important. What’s more important is Chen’s happiness. If Chen’s happy, then I’m happy as well.” Luhan said to himself before he noticed Kyungsoo coming their way. Luhan took a quick look at Xiumin who was busying himself with the guns in front of him.

“I hope you’ll make my brother happy.” Luhan thought to himself before going to his room and prepare for tonight’s most awaited battle.

Time: 11:59 pm

“Okay we’ll stick to the plan and when we’re all done with Do Young, you call the cops for his illegal activities.” Luhan said. They decided to take the passageway underground to stay unnoticed before they start taking each of the guards down.

“I have shut down every security devices they had around the building. I have erased your presence to all CCTV Cameras around the hotel and the guards are not aware of your presence still. There are four guards at every end of the alley and the Tasers must be fired at the same time to avoid unnecessary screams. All in all there are 20 guards around you. Make sure you don’t alarm any of them.” Chen instructed as Luhan gave signal to Kyungsoo and Xiumin who were both ready to take down the guards all around.

“1..2..3!” The wires flew from their Tasers and landed on the first four guards at the same time, catching them as the fell on the floor. They tied the guard’s hands and feet, tied a blindfold on each of their eyes and taped their mouths. They done this to other guards near them without fail and went further towards Do Young’s room.

“Hey. Luhan. Uhhhm.. I have to tell you something but keep going. I don’t mind.” Xiumin suddenly blurted out.

“Go on.” Luhan said not minding what he was going to say.

“uhhhm.. You see I-uhh.. How do I put this… At first I loathed you, like a lot without even knowing the reason behind all of this.. but after that… When I started knowing more about you… bit by bit… and when-“ Xiumin’s words were all over the place causing Luhan to stop walking around. He looked at him straight in the eye so he could tell him directly the things he wants to say.

“Say it.” Luhan said.

“I.. I think I’m falling for you.” Xiumin’s words echoed through Luhan’s head. He couldn’t believe what this bun faced man in front of him just said.

“I said I-“ Xiumin was cut off by a number of lights dancing around, looking for something, or rather someone.

“oi! We’re closed. Go back to your-“ The three of them turned around to see five guards coming after them.

“uhhhm… we were just looking for our girlfriend’s earring.” Kyungsoo blurted out. Good thing it’s dark and they weren’t able to see how they looked.

“Well, hurry and go back. You should do that tomorrow.” One of the guards said and walked away. When the five of them turned their backs around, number of wires from Kyungsoo, Xiumin and Luhan’s Tasers came springing towards them, causing them to pass out.

“yah. Why didn’t you tell us about five other guards here?” Luhan whispered at his little brother.

“My bad.” Xiumin and Kyungsoo laughed but Luhan wasn’t as amused as them.

“hyung! Some guard saw those 20 guards on the storage room. They’re currently on the move. The elevator on the right seems empty. Luhan hyung, go above it and you know what to do. Kyungsoo, Xiumin hyung, use the stairs and meet up with Luhan hyung on the on the 5th floor.” Chen instructed. Luhan ran towards the empty elevator and did what Chen asked him to. He planted bombs on each elevator rope and waited until all the elevators were filled with numbers of guards before hiding and pressed the red button he was holding causing those bombs to explode and the elevators to fall down, killing every guard who was in there. He sprinted from wall to wall until he reached the 5th floor. He forced the doors to open and met up with Kyungsoo and Xiumin.

“You okay?” Xiumin asked. It was obvious that he was worried sick of Luhan but still tries his best to not let it show.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” Luhan said.

They ran from stair to stair, occasionally knocking some guards down, shooting their legs and tasing them if necessary. It was a bit handful for them since, guards were twice as big as them but they still managed to come across them.

“Yah! Bombs are planted behind those doors. Don’t enter there.” Chen warned which they avoided and went on the other entrance instead.

“uhhmm… I think I’m in trouble hyung.” Chen said which stopped Luhan from running towards Do Young’s room.

“Chen? Chen! Wait! I’ll be there. Take this, It’s hydrogen cyanide. Inject it to him and place the empty syringe on his hand.” Luhan threw the syringe of Hydrogen Cyanide to Xiumin before jumping off of the balcony. He used his wing suit to slowly land down. He saw Chen fighting his off against, more or less, 50 guards.

Luhan landed beside Chen as he shot each one of them on the leg before grabbing Chen by the arm and dragged him inside the hotel. Since the elevator wasn’t working anymore, they went for the stairs and climbed up to Do Young’s room expecting him to be dead but no, He was alive. He was holding and pointing the syringe of Hydrogen cyanide on Xiumin who was being restricted by two muscle men behind him. Kyungsoo on the other hand was on the other side of Do Young.

“I’ve been expecting you tonight.” Do Young said as he injected the hydrogen cyanide on Xiumin’s arm. The men behind him literally threw Xiumin and Kyungsoo at the brothers. They tried to run away but was too late since his guards already loaded their machine guns aiming at them, though the distance between them and Do young were a bit far.

“Do Young.” Xiumin said, weakly but still dared to smile before pressing something in his pocket and there goes his room, shattered to pieces. Xiumin and Luhan managed to shoot his bodyguard’s hands and feet and swiftly, Chen and Kyungsoo managed to kick the machine guns out of their reach. They grabbed it and went back to Xiumin, who stood up straight like nothing happened, and to Luhan. Chen and Kyungsoo were a bit surprised at his sudden movement which made Luhan laugh.

“I gave him the fake syringe. I kind of predicted this to happen.” Luhan took out the real syringe and injected it to Do young’s throat which instantly took his life.

“I was really scared right there.” Chen said while putting his hand on his chest.

“So, uhhhm… We already called for the cops and they’re going to be here in 10. We’ll meet you later. We’re still not done.” Xiumin said, looking straight to Luhan’s eyes before turning on their backs to wait for the police to come.

“Wait.” Chen shouted, making Kyungsoo and Xiumin to stop.

“I-I have something to tell you.” Chen hurriedly ran towards Xiumin. He looked at Kyungsoo, pleading him to take Luhan away from here for a moment. Kyungsoo followed, leading Luhan towards the balcony.

“X-xiumin hyung.. I have something to tell and I know we don’t have enough time right now so, I’ll be straightforward…” Chen gulped before continuing.

“Xiumin hyung… I-I like you. I don’t know when, where and how but… All I know is that… I like you.” Chen confessed. Xiumin was rather shocked about what the younger have just said.

“I-I.. I don’t know what to say… uhhhm.. Chen-ah… I-“ Chen smiled and gave him a kiss on the older’s forehead. Chen’s eyes were teary the moment he retracted his lips from Xiumin’s forehead.

“I know that you love Luhan hyung and I know how he feels about that as well. I just want him to tell it to you personally but now, I’m just glad that I was able to tell this to you. To love, to confess and to be rejected for the first time… It felt great but painful at the same time.” Chen said as tears falls down from his eyes while smiling.

“Chen-ah… I’m really sorry.” Xiumin said.

“I’ll be going then.” Chen said before walking towards the balcony.

“They’re here.” Kyungsoo said before reporting to the Chief police officer everything that happened, except the Luhan part though.


“So, you told him?” Luhan asked.

“Yeah. He rejected me.” Chen was smiling but tears were still running down from his face.

“Well, we all have to feel like that at some point of our lives, I guess.” Luhan tried his best to comfort his dongsaeng but it wasn’t really helping him at all.

“Well, I’m not good at this and you know it. Just cry the whole night, eat tons of chocolates and get over it. We’ll be moving to London tomorrow so make sure to say your goodbyes tonight when we meet with them.” Luhan said. Chen didn’t answer since he’s too hurt to do so.


“Yeoboseyo?” Luhan answered his prepaid phone.

“We’re here at the meeting place.” He heard Xiumin’s voice and took a turn to head to where he is right now.

“Chen, we’re meeting Xiumin again. Be ready.” Luhan warned before he saw him nodding back at him.

Time: 4:05 am

“We’ll be right here then.” Kyungsoo once again excused himself and this time, dragging Chen with him.

“uhhmm.. About what you said earlier..” Luhan started off, not knowing how to convey his feelings towards the other.

“yes?” Xiumin waited patiently for his answer.

“I, too, have feelings for you. I also like you… but,” Luhan trailed off knowing that the smile on Xiumin’s face begins to fade.

“but?” Xiumin repeated feeling water rise up to his eyes.

“but, we can’t. No matter how you see it, we’re total opposites. You’re the good guy, I’m the bad guy. You’re the hero, I’m the bandit. You chase, I run. You seek justice, I always cause disruption. You and I, we’re not meant for each other. I-“ Xiumin grabbed Luhan’s neck and pressed his lips against the taller guy. It was neither a forced kiss nor a hard one. It was soft, sweet and short. Xiumin pulled away smiling at him.

“If this is about your brother-“ Luhan placed his index finger on top of Xiumin’s lips.

“This isn’t about me trying to pity my brother. This is me thinking about the big gap between me and you, the big reason why we shouldn’t be together. For now, at least.” Luhan said. This gave a spark on Xiumin’s eyes.

“you mean…” Xiumin was out of words to say.

“If we’re really meant to be, then destiny will find its way to lead us back together. For now, me and my brother will do everything we can to live a simple life. We will move to another country, away from all this and maybe soon, we’ll come back eventually. You can wait for me if you want but if you’re sick and tired of waiting, don’t hesitate to go and move on from me.” Luhan said as he kissed Xiumin’s forehead and smiled.

“For now all I could say is, I also fell in love with you.” And with that, Luhan, with his dongsaeng, left place and went on with the path they choose to go.

“I will surely wait for your return.” Xiumin said to himself.




I hope you all enjoyed that! hihi! I'll be editing this..... next time so please bear with my grammar in the meantime.. :D 


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bora_xiuhan #1
Chapter 6: It is 2021 and I just came here. Loving every thing about this fic.
Chapter 6: This is so oook good! I really liked this story
Sequel, pleeeeeaase~
XxAngieexX #3
Soooo will there be an epilogue????
Chapter 6: waaaahhh... will there be an epilogue where xiuhan will meet again? please
MinRi8 #5
Chapter 6: Omg I really like this! So many action and fighting scenes woahh. Sequel please *.*