

“Sir. The Virus increased its speed in infiltrating our system. In no less than an hour, our system will shut down. We need-“ Director Gu suddenly slammed his fist on his table causing everything on top of it to fall down.

“Then do everything you can to capture that Hacker right now!” He shouted. He dialled his number to call for HIM, since it’s an emergency, and ask for help but all of a sudden…


The screen went black.


“S-sir. W-we lost everything.. W-we..” His secretary fell down on his knees and cried. He was shaking non-stop thinking about all the things that could happen to him when this company will shut down.. his mother, his Children and his wife.

“What am I going to do? Wha-“ Director Gu suddenly tapped him on his shoulders, smiling.

He was smiling at his poor secretary while pointing at the screen in front of them.


“Virus Destroyed.”


He couldn’t contain his happiness and jumped up to hug his boss. Director Gu might be a little disturbed by his secretary’s action but, he was well aware of the situation.

His deepest and darkest secret was nearly exposed because of that Virus today and he might’ve been killed by his own employees if so. He needed everyone on his side. He wanted more power so rule a nation or even the world.


“Yeoboseyo? Yes. This is Director Gu. I’d like to have a chat with HIM today. Will he be available, maybe for lunch at my office? ... That’d be great … Thank you … I’ll see him in a bit.” Director Gu pressed end and went with his numerous guards on his office all the way to the 50th floor of his Company.


*Lunch Came


A young looking guy walked through the glass doors with his sunglasses resting on the bridge of his nose while all eyes were on him, especially the ladies. They would squeal and giggle when this young man looked and smirk at them.

“I am going to enjoy this.” He said to himself and went to the front desk right away.

“G-good day to you sir.. Y-you have an appointment?” The lady in the front desk stuttered as she tries her best not to let her emotions show, since it’s work time.

“I’m here for an appointment with Director Gu.” The young guy smiled and removed his sunglasses revealing his handsome face that made the ladies around gasp and squeal a bit louder.

“Y-you must be-“The young guy leaned a closer to the lady, nose almost touching each other as he looked at her eye and smirked. The lady could feel his warm and minty breath as he said his name.


“I-I’ll accompany you to his office.” She said as she walked out of her post to the elevator while Luhan walked behind her. She was walking awkwardly and Luhan, being the playboy he was, placed his hands around her waist and whispered,

“Be careful not to trip.” And with that, the lady gave in to his addicting appeal by depending more of her weight to Luhan while they were going up.

“I-I’m really sorry for this but, we have to check if you brought weapons. W-well.. it is s-strictly not allowed to all Director Gu’s visitors so if you don’t mind-“ She was cut off by the sound of a belt being taken off and saw Luhan raising his hands up revealing a bit of his abs and V-line which made the lady gulp hard.

The securities scanned him from top to toe and found nothing. Luhan placed his belt back looking at the red faced lady in front of him.

“Wanna hang out after this?” He asked showing off his popular smirk once again before entering Director Gu’s office.

“o-okay.” The lady said staring at Luhan even though the double doors were closed in front of her.

“Director Gu! How are you doing?” Luhan shook hands with the director as they sat down comfortably at the big couch in his office.

“So, what do you want to talk about Director Gu?” Luhan asked.

“Oh. Stop calling me Director Gu. It sounds like I’m an old geezer well in fact, I’m just 29. Just call me Jaesun.” Director Gu said as he placed his hand over Luhan’s that were resting on his lap.

“Well, Jaesun what do you need me for?” Luhan sweetly smiled at him knowing the man’s weakness, his attraction for guys like Luhan.

“well, I just want to ask a bit of help from you. There’s this Virus that infiltrated my system. It was destroyed eventually but, I really think that hacker would do it again. Since you’re a hacker yourself, I want you to put up that high standard Anti-Virus you have invented some time ago to my system to avoid any kind of virus to enter again. I know only few people knows about your invention and I guarantee you that no one will ever know about this invention. My lips are sealed.” Director Gu said.


“Actually, you are the only person to know about my invention.” Luhan said as he smirked at the Director, which is by his actions.

“well in that case, I must be very special then.” The director said as he was about to kiss Luhan when all of a sudden,

Knock, knock, knock

“Lunch is served” A feminine voice suddenly spoke behind the double doors before a number of dishes were brought right in front of us. It took them a while to set everything up before Director Gu requested to lock the doors for some “Privacy.”

“You know, I really love Honey Filled Rice cakes.” Director Gu said as he seductively ate one and purposely squeezing it tight leaving a small amount of honey on the corner of his lip which Luhan wiped with a table napkin.

“I believe you’ll love it even more.” Luhan said as he took another Rice cake, placed it in his mouth and slowly placed it on Director Gu’s mouth without touching it and pulled away.

*Cough Cough

“Water?” Luhan offered. Director Gu nodded and drank all of it but, it didn’t stop his choking. He felt like he could puke all of his insides and his eyes were dilating.

“Now, I can actually tell you why you’re the only person who knows about my invention.” Luhan said as Director Gu held his hand out.

“Because I killed every single person who knows about this and now that you’re slowly drifting away from earth, there are no more people in this world that knows about my invention.”  Luhan patted his head before leaving the place.

“Wha- what did you do.. to me?” Director Gu gave everything to mouth those words making Luhan turn around again.

“well, There’s an amount of Cyanide in that Rice cake, enough to kill a person. The good thing is, it was supposed to take atleast twenty minutes till you suffer when you ate one.. Bad thing is.. You ate two.”


*Before Luhan entered the Hotel*

Chen was dressed up as the new intern and pretended to be an upcoming culinary student as one of the Hotel’s Scholars. He was assigned to make the other meals for the CEO and his guest later. The only dish he wasn’t going to make are the rice cakes. The moment the other chef went to get other ingredients, he hurriedly injected hydrogen cyanide on every rice cake that was prepared and hid the syringe before finishing his cooking. After a while, he excused himself, took his intern clothes off and threw it on the real intern, whom he beat up just a while ago, and ran towards the Van where Luhan was.

“I placed it on the rice cakes so don’t eat it and here. Put this on his pocket.” Chen said as he placed the syringe on his boxer’s pocket and went inside.


Luhan placed the syringe on Director Gu’s pocket and double checked the place before leaving.

“Luhan to ChenChen.. Are you there?” Luhan placed his mini earphone on his right ear before teasing his younger brother on the other side.

“yah. Who’re you calling Chen Chen? Anyway, No one has suspected you so far. I took care of the CCTV Cameras around his office and showed that you two were just eating and laughing. Though..”  Chen trailed off stopping Luhan from walking.

“What? Are there guards looking for me?” Luhan whispered, putting his sunglasses on.

“no.. It’s just that.. It’s kind of gross seeing you making out with an old geezer. Sheesh Hyung.” Chen said. Luhan walked normally again, mentally slapping his dongsaeng for making him worry over nothing.

“Babo. I told you, I’d do everything to get out alive.” Luhan said before entering the elevator.

“okay. Guards are suspecting you now. They’re currently budging the door open and 3..2..1.. They’re coming for you.” Chen said.  Luhan does his signature smirk as the door opened on the 30th floor revealing a number of armed guards ready to beat him up.

Luhan took a step back before jumping above them. He kicked the first guard he saw when he landed and took his gun from him, hitting each of their foot so they can’t run after him.

Killing unnecessary people is just a waste of time for Luhan. He only kills people who need to be killed. In other circumstances, he just consider it as an accident if he ever did kill unnecessary people.

“Four..five..six.. seven! Seven more guards are about to shoot you at 6 o’clock.” Chen said as Luhan turned around making the guy he was choking at the moment as his Human shield before shooting those guards who ambushed him.

“More guards are coming at you from the emergency Exit. Second Elevator seems to be clear. Go inside and press 42.” Chen instructed as the second elevator opened, revealing the lady from the front desk a while ago.

“Hey there y.” He flirted before the doors closed. After a rising to a couple of floors, the elevators stopped.

“.” The lady cursed.

Luhan swore mentally not expecting this to happen. While thinking of a plan to get out of there, he stared at the shaking human beside him rolling his eyes at her for being as overdramatic on something as simple as this. The lady looked really scared at the moment but..

Who cares? Luhan mentally frowned before a bright Idea popped into his head as he grabbed her and kissed her hungrily. She was too shocked to process everything and easily gave in to the guy in front of him.

“How about we do something while we wait?” Luhan said as the lady nodded. She started taking all of her clothes off right after that.

“Really hyung? How many make out sessions do you want me to see huh?” Chen rolled his eyes but Luhan just laughed at him.

“Anyway, there’s an emergency exit right above you and I took care of the cameras.” Chen said

“I know.” Luhan whispered softly enough so the lady won’t hear him talking to himself. After a while, the lady turned to Luhan and kissed him again.

“aggressive are we?” Luhan said as the lady turned her back from Luhan. She bent her body to a perfect 90 degree while holding onto the walls of the Elevator as Luhan grabbed her waist really tight.

“Come on hyung! I’m not going to see you doing that.. thing on her!!” Chen complained.

“I need you to be strong okay?” Luhan whispered as the lady nodded repeatedly.

“okay. 1..2..3” Luhan took a big step on the lady’s back and jumped up, smashing the elevator roof to have his great escape.

“Till next time.” He said before sprinting from wall to wall until he reached 42nd Floor and forced the door open.

“Now in any second, the Elevators will start functioning again. There’s a balcony on your right and I’m right under it. Now go!” Chen said as Luhan smiled before running towards the balcony and jumped off of it. He pulled the thread causing his parachute to open and landed safely above Chen’s Van. He opened the Roof window of his car as Luhan took his clothes off and tossed it behind.

“Next time you make out while doing a mission, I’ll really lure more guards towards you.” Chen said.

“I know you won’t” Luhan said as he sat in the front seat while enjoying a couple of songs playing on the radio as Chen drove home safely from those crazy guards.

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bora_xiuhan #1
Chapter 6: It is 2021 and I just came here. Loving every thing about this fic.
Chapter 6: This is so oook good! I really liked this story
Sequel, pleeeeeaase~
XxAngieexX #3
Soooo will there be an epilogue????
Chapter 6: waaaahhh... will there be an epilogue where xiuhan will meet again? please
MinRi8 #5
Chapter 6: Omg I really like this! So many action and fighting scenes woahh. Sequel please *.*