DAY 01:Survivors

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Jia clapped her hands together and gave a smile.
"Got it?"She said asking Jaehyun who sat with his head tilted.I took a while for him to process what she said,but when he did he almost died.
"Wait.What!?"He asked incredulously."That is the worst plan ever.You want to get us killed?Why would you want to go into the main floor where it's probably Zombie infested.Aish,and you call me stupid." The boy complained as he ran his hands through his hair.His face was too ing perfect to be out there.                  

Jia scoffed."Correction.I am not going into the main floor,you are.Besides you are going through the air duct.All you have to do is go to the air duct and get to the security room.There should be an emergency package.Grab it.There are guns and weapons in there,too.Those are important."She explained handing him a storage bag."My jeep is out back.It has room and your zuccihini won't help."

"Lamborghini.Its a Lamborghini."Jaehyun complained.Seriously,he thought,that uncultured swine cant even pronounce a car name ;what an idiot.


Rolling her eyes,Jia continued.
"Anyway,the security room has a door that leads to the back.Meet me there."Jia explained.Somehow,she had a feeling he would mess it up,but she was jut going to hope for the best.
"Alright."Jaehyun said with a shrug.Jia nodded her head,and turned back to him.He didnt have a useful weapon with him.He had a handgun,but it made too much noise.Jia sighed,I Guess I should help him.

"Oh,Jaehyun?"She  called making his head pop up.She walked over to her drawer and pulled out a couple guns.Being part of the FBI,she knew a lot about weapons and ofcourse she had some.She wasnt supposed to,but the chief allowed her.Jia handed him a handgun and put the rest in her bag."That one has a silencer.My other silencers are in the jeep.Dont get your self killed,Kay?"Her eye brow rose suggesting to the previous incident.

Jaehyun almost choked on laughter."Pulease.You think I would so easily die?Yeah right.I'll see you at the back."

His mouth was in a confident smirk,and she couldnt help but chuckle.He looked like a 10 year old boy.Hopefully,her mind thought,he will fight better than a ten year old.
Jia opened her door and walked out with Jaehyun.Jaehyun bid his farewells before going into the air vents.Heaving a Sigh Jia walked back to her room.

Her part of the plan was to jump from the her floor down onto the shed in the back.Already on the third floor,she was worried she might break a leg.Strapping on her bags she walked over to Jaehyuns apartment.Opening the door,the old lady's body was still there.Luckily it didn't try to eat her this time.Jia shivered In Rememberance as she shut the door.

Walking over to the window,she looked down.There was no Zombies in the back,but that was because the apartment building was very fenced in.She gave a shaky breath as she opened the window.

"On the count of three-1,2-!"She yelled as she lost her grip on the window.Expecting to feel her bones snap.she closed her eyes.The only thing felt was her in excruciating pain.She totally regretted being put on the third floor now.

"Damn it.Omo~I should have let that stupid idiot do this."She complained picking up her bags.Her Jeep was near  by 
,and Jaehyun should have been finishing up by now.Plopping her bags down on the ground first,Jia jumped down from the shed.

She held a gun close to her just in case as she walked over to her jeep.She glanced towards the security door as she got in the jeep.Aigoo,where is this boy?She thought tapping her fingers on the dashboard.Jia started the jeep and moved closer to the door as she waited.

Suddenly,the doors swung open and Jia's head turned towards it direc

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Thank you so much!Yes,I wish I could update faster too!Sadly,school and homework makes it difficult.I will try to update soon~Thanks for reading my story^_^
Chapter 5: pleaseeee update sooooon authornim!
i really enjoy ur story so far
its the best zombie apocalypse story i've ever read!
pleaseee hope u update soooon~ authornim fighting! :D
Realmz #3
Chapter 2: Pretty curious with the story line here.
Getting quite good!

I Have a suggestion here... Write more words and please give some space between each paragraph.
Seeing plenty of words so close to each other really don't do me any good XD.
Chapter 2: This is starting out really good ^^
Can't wait to read more.