DAY 2:Open the gates

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"You cant just leave."Jaehyun reasoned as she marched her way to the jeep.

"Uh,Yeah.I can."Jia tossed her bag into the jeep and rolled her eyes.Jaehyun was arguing with her,and telling her to stay here instead of leaving like she planned to do.

"What about our promise?"Suho challenged;His teeth gritted together in anger and betrayal."I dont care if you leave or not Jia.But I will not let my brothers down,because you gave us false hope."Jia was slightly stunned by Suho's sudden outburst.He didnt stop there though."I dont know much about surviving an apocalypse,but I can tell one thing.You will get nowhere if you cant be a good leader.And you."He spat."You are anything but a good leader."

Exo,Hyoyeon,Yura,and Changmin had all gathered in the parking lot.Jia could feel the thousands of eyes on her,and she didnt have to look to see the fear in each of the peoples eyes.She remembered her promise with Suho,but she was more afraid that the promise would get them all killed.None of them had been brought up to fight like her and Jaehyun,excluding a couple.These people were like any normal people,the only difference being their social status.Jia was afraid of exactly what Suho had said.Not being a good leader.TVXQ's comments had only set the ticking bomb off.

"Look."Changmin interfered."I know that you probably think you cant handle this.That we would be better of by ourselves,but just listen for a little while.We are humans just like you.Look around."He pleaded."We are humans living in a period where humans may not exist anymore.Even if you get us killed,you are the only one we have.We only have each other."

Jia looked into the 15sets of eyes staring back at her.Everyone had a very expecting look on their faces,and she knew she couldnt let them down.This time she meant it.She would prove to Suho that she was a good leader,even if it killed her.

"Fine."Jia vowed."I will get you guys to safety even if it kills me,and Jaehyun."She mused to get on the boys nerves.Chuckling at his loud gasp she continued."This time I mean it."

They all cheered wildly and Jia felt a couple pair of arms wrap around her.

"Hey you guys."She sputtered as her cheeks flushed 50 shades of red."This isnt funny you are going to kill me.Aish,I hate hugs."

"Yah,Shutup."Jaehyun flicked her forehead."You cant be so negative."

Pushing her way through the hugs she found a near dumpster,and stood on top of it as to get everyones attention.The mutters of the 15 dissappeared as she gave an earpiercing whistle.Some of them rubbed their ears in annoyance and looked up at Jia.As soon as she knew everyones attention was set on her she began speaking

"Okay,"She breathed before continuing."As you all may know,the world is going through some rough times right now."Nods of agreement fluttered through out the groups."Im sure everyones main concern is staying alive right now.Suho,Jaehyun,and I composed a plan last night to get to safety.Apparently,the military should have evacuated everything yesterday,yet obviously forgot a couple people.I know this might sound crazy,but I Dont think we should go the military's evacuation center."

"What?"Suho questioned."Yesterday you said we should.Besides If we find the center we could get answers,and find our families."He reasoned gaining much support from the rest.Jia knew that this was going to be a sensitive topic to argue about.

"I know that."Jia started."But think about it.Withing a couple days it will  be over run by the walking dead.Seriously,there is thousands of people at that evacuation center.Do you think it would be smart to go there,and get eaten?"

"But we want to know where our family is at!"Kai burst out in frustration.He couldnt get any contact with his sister.His Noona had just opened a Cafe,and he was worried that whatever virus this was had gotten to her area."I couldnt live with myself if my family died."He solemnly muttered.

Jia could hear everyone in the group jeer in agreement and she knew she was going to lose this battle no matter what she did.Of course she wanted to find her family(Even if they didnt want her to),but she knew that taking that chance was like playing russian roulette.Letting out

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Thank you so much!Yes,I wish I could update faster too!Sadly,school and homework makes it difficult.I will try to update soon~Thanks for reading my story^_^
Chapter 5: pleaseeee update sooooon authornim!
i really enjoy ur story so far
its the best zombie apocalypse story i've ever read!
pleaseee hope u update soooon~ authornim fighting! :D
Realmz #3
Chapter 2: Pretty curious with the story line here.
Getting quite good!

I Have a suggestion here... Write more words and please give some space between each paragraph.
Seeing plenty of words so close to each other really don't do me any good XD.
Chapter 2: This is starting out really good ^^
Can't wait to read more.