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"I'm sorry.I didn't know she wasn't a zombie."He said rubbing the back of his neck.The old grandpa had just knocked the out of Hyoyeon from SNSD.Luckily Suho has the arm strength of a peanut.Peanuts don't have arms.Think about it.

"Even if it was a Zombie I don't think that that hit would have killed it."Snickered Jaehyun as Suho shot him a glare.Jaehyun stuck his tongue out immaturely as Suho turned around.They had literally been like this ever since the two met.Yesterday,by the way.

After meeting Exo,we decided to scope out SM at Sunrise the next day.Today that is.I volunteered of course,and Jaehyun is like a dog so of course he came.Suho volunteered to go,but we denied him.Much to our disappointment,he insisted.It wasn't that Suho was necessarily a bad choice,but....he wasn't exactly Zombie apocalypse material.His mom like nature was much to worrisome,not forgetting his height.Lets stop here.You get the idea;Suho had a high chance of being bitten by a dead being.

We were all leaned over Hyoyeons body as Suho tryed to convince us to stay calm.Yeah"Stay calm."Says the guy who was practically ripping his hair out of his scalp

"Yah!"A voice screamed and my eyes attentively darted towards the noise.A silhouette,clearly alive,made its way down the hall towards us.Suho and Jaehyun looked at each other as we heard a gun being cocked.My breath hitched as they aimed their gun.

"Wait!"I yelled."We are humans!"We all stood up with out hands in the air.It was 5 In the morning,so all we saw was the slight sunshine graze against the persons face.They still had the gun up,and put their hand back on the trigger.How many times was I going to close my eyes expecting death?Many times obviously.

"Wait,Its Suho!"Another voice hushed out from behind the gun man.The gunman whispered something back,and put down the gun.As the came closer we could definitely identify their faces.Mouth ajar,I couldn't suppress the surprise on my face.Jaehyun and Suho were no different.Suho looked relieved,but scared at the same time.

"Changmin,Yunho?"Suho gaped at the two men who looked like they had been through as much as we had.Yunho was wearing a white t-shirt hoodie and jeans,both were covered in blood.Changmin was in a suit,and even though it was black,I could tell that there was red liquid on there as well.A gruesomely horrid smell flooded my nostrils,and I almost upchucked my non existent breakfast.Did we smell like dead donkey,too?I hope not.

"Suho?What are you doing with these people?They could be physcopaths or cannibals.Especially the boy."Yunho questioned nodding towards me and asshat.I glared defensively and clucked my tongue.These people?These people saved your dongsaengs life you attractive peices of dung.

"Yah,I think you have it mistakened."Jaehyun spoke up."She is definitely the fatass that would eat people."He cupped one hand over his mouth and whispered."One time she ate a cake decoration made of plastic."

I yanked his ear and he whimpered in pain."Look,Yunho and Changmin.I assure you we arent canabols,and even if we were I definitely wouldnt eat Suho."Changmin nodded his head in agreement,and Suho let out and audible gasp."We are only here to help.But if you want to be a coup

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Thank you so much!Yes,I wish I could update faster too!Sadly,school and homework makes it difficult.I will try to update soon~Thanks for reading my story^_^
Chapter 5: pleaseeee update sooooon authornim!
i really enjoy ur story so far
its the best zombie apocalypse story i've ever read!
pleaseee hope u update soooon~ authornim fighting! :D
Realmz #3
Chapter 2: Pretty curious with the story line here.
Getting quite good!

I Have a suggestion here... Write more words and please give some space between each paragraph.
Seeing plenty of words so close to each other really don't do me any good XD.
Chapter 2: This is starting out really good ^^
Can't wait to read more.