The Other Guy

The Sushi Deal

Lately,all the comments tell me to do is update. :'D 

Give feedback pretty pretty pretty pleeeeaaaaaaaaaaassssse? With Jiyong on top? :P




I went back to the classroom feeling confused. Why the hell did I agree to the deal? Wasn’t my original plan supposed to be to ignore and avoid him until he gets tired of chasing me around to be his so called lover? So why did I agree? Gah. I clutched my head in my hands.

Bom slid into the seat in front of me. ‘Saw you talking to Mr.86 earlier? What was that about?” she said with a wink.

What?  ‘Mr. 86? Who’s that?’ Bom rolled her eyes. ‘Seriously,Dara. You’ve been here for 3 years and you still don’tknow what’s going on around here. Mr. 86 is our university king’s title. He’s called that because he’s rejects an average of 86 confessions this year alone. Last year it was 188. ‘ She said.


Ugh. That guy? 86 confessions? The hell? Proves how deceiving looks can be.


“He just asked me something about the lecture. Nothing important.” I said, nonchalantly. If she finds out about the lover thing…

“Liar. First of all, why would the smartest and hottest guy in school ask my idiot best friend something about related to academics? Plainly unbelievable.  Second, that was waaay too long a conversation for it to be just about a lecture.” She said. Woaaah. Scary. Wait. This isn’t good.

“You were spying on me? I mean,on us?”

“Yup, me and a bunch of other people. Kwon Jiyong is like a god around here. Anything he does or says, people will go to watch. That’s why I want you to be careful. Kwon jiyong’s fangirls are crazy. They target girls who dare confess to him because they believe he belongs to everyone.”  Wow. Talk about obsessed.

“Then they have nothing to worry about. I didn’t confess.’ I said simply.

“Well, they don’t know that. And from where I was looking, your discussion kinda looked intimate. I don’t know if his fangirls were okay with that.” She said, looking worried.I just shrugged.

The professor walked in then, and our discussion stopped.

I yawned. That lecture was soooo boring I thought I was gonna drop dead in the middle of it. I was doodling while waiting for the next professor when someone called my name.

“Yaaah, Park! You’re being called!” A classmate said.

I walked over to the dor to see some girl I didn’t recognize. “Umm, who are you?” I asked. She turned and said, “Follow me.” I looked a Bom and saw her biting her lip and giving a concerned look. I gave her a thumbs up and followed the girl.

She lead me all the way to the back of the school gym, near the gardens. There were a group of girls waiting there. Uh-oh…

“Umm, what is this all about?” I asked. She continued walkingandI continued follwong her until we reached the group. She turned then shoved me into the wall. Ow!my shoulder vibrated in pain.That hurt,damnit!

“Hey! What the hell is your problem?” I shouted.

“Problem?”, she chuckled.”Missy, it’s not us who has a problem. What the hell were you thinking, speaking to the King like that?”

What the hell? King? This is about the Sushi Bastard again?

“He just talked to me! Why the hell is that such a big issue around here!?” I half-screamed, half-sighed. Seriously, these girls were starting to get on my nerves. I looked up and sighed loudly. When I looked up I saw a figure by the windows. I squinted. It was the Sushi Bastard himself. He was leaning by the windows with his arm on the window and his chin on his other arm. It was a bored, lazy pose.Damn him. He was the reason for all this and head the guts to just observe quietly from above!?

I was pushed again.”Yaah! We’re talking to you!” I pushed her back.

“I don’t pay attention to scum like you. King? Mr.86? Belongs to us? Don’t make me laugh. He’s not all that great, once you get to know him. He’s a erted, conceited, arrogant, bastard! He uses people for his own benefit, and doesn’t care if they get hurt because of him. And it just makes me pity all of you for liking him. I’m sure you don’t even know what part of him you like except his looks! You guys just put him in a pedestal to gaze at and admire, when in reality he’s not that great. And hurting people who just TALK to him? Pathetic. It makes me sick. All of you make me sick.” I said loudly, to make sure he could hear it. I turned and made a move to walk away when someone grabbed my arm.

“You !” That was the last thing I heard when they started attacking. They were grabbing my hair, pulling at my clothes, slapping me all over. It hurt. It hurt a lot. And all I could see when I looked above at the window was no one. That bastard. He just left me here. Being attacked by his fangirls. Just when I finally thought there may be something good about him, he proves me wrong.

“HEY! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?” I heard a shout.

The girls immediately stopped attacking me. I was crouching on the ground, bruises all over, my clothes torn apart. I looked up and saw an unfamiliar guy walking towards to where I was. He said, “Are you all right?” He took off his coat and draped it over me. It helped cover my torn clothes.

He turned to the girls.”What are you people? Ganging over a person like this? Beating her up? Because she talked to someone you supposedly like? Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves? I could report all this to the professors, and you all could be expelled. Get out of here. You’re disgusting.”

The girl, their leader maybe, turned to the man and said. ’Tch. So annoying. Let’s go, girls. These pieces of aren’t worth our attention anymore.” With one disgusted glance at us, they left.


I looked at the mystery man who helped me. He had black hair, adorable almond shaped eyes, and a defined jaw. He looked boyish and cute at the same time. Mature but naughty. It was a strange mix, but it worked on him.

“Can you stand up, Miss Park?” His voice was sweet but boyish too. Wait, how did he know my name? I’ll ask him later.

“Yeah, I think I can.” I flinched. The bruises hurt more than I thought. I tried standing up while he supported my arms and back, but I fell down again because of my injured leg. “Be careful!” he said.

”This won’t do. I’ll carry you to the infirmary.” He scooped the back of my knees with one arm and carried part of my shoulders with the other. With that position, I had to cling my arms around his neck to avoid falling. I blushed. This position… it’s too intimate! He was carrying me princess style.

“U-uhm, mister, I think I’ll be fine walking instead…” I said.He shook his head. ”Uh-uh. You are injured, Miss Park. Let me carry you.” He started walking. “Wait, how do you  know my name?” I asked. He stopped walking. I looked to where he was looking at and froze. It was Jiyong. The cause of all this.

He looked… I don’t know. Worried? A little bit.. angry? I don’t know. I don’t care.

“That girl. You can put her down now. She can walk just fine.” His face looked bored, and he had his hands in his pockets, but his voice sounded pissed off.

“You. You’re actually the reason for all this, aren’t you? I don’t think you have any right to ask someone who was hurt because of you to walk alone. A bit irresponsible of you, don’t you think? Next time, get your fangirls in line.” Mystery boy said.

No doubt about it. Jiyong was definitely angry. “You don’t have an idea what you’re talking about. That girl belongs to me. She’s mine. So I’d advise you to shut the up before you annoy me further.” He said. He turned to me. ”Sushi girl. Come with me.”

He expected me to follow him after what happened? After he called me his? Like I was a stupid property to be owned? Like hell I will. ‘I don’t think so.’  I clung to my savior’s neck tighter. ‘I’d appreciate it if you could take me to the infirmary, mister.’

He smiled at me, and carried me all the way, leaving Jiyong there dumbfounded.




 “Are you alright now?” the guy who saved me asked. I was in the infirmary,resting. The doctor had to go out for a meeting but gave applied ointments and bandages on my bruises. She asked me what happened to me to have this many injuries, and mister savior was almost about to tell her what happened with the fangirls, when I beat him to it and told the school doctor that I got into a minor accident outside. She scolded me a little, and mister savior sent me a look like he had no idea why I wouldn’t tell her the truth.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said. “What’s your name? I never got to hear it.”

He smiled. “My name’s Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you. “ Damn, he really is handsome. Plus that dimpled smile. Wew.

Wait. Jeon Jungkook?

“Aren’t you that transferee that was allowed to skip a year because you’re smart?” I’ve only heard the rumors, but I never thought I’d get to meet him in person. Ever since he transferred, people have been comparing him to Jiyong in terms of brains and looks. No wonder Jiyong’s fangirls backed away immediately. They must have felt threatened.

“It’s true I transferred recently, and I was allowed to go straight as a junior and skipped my sophomore year, but I think the genius part is a bit an exaggeration.” He gave a shy smile. Damn, that dimple is so cute.

“But wait”, I asked.”How did you know my name?” He called me Miss Park without me telling him.

“Ahh”, he scratched the back of his head with a shy smile. He bit his lip and said, ”you’re actually the reason why I transferred into this school, Park Sandara-sshi.”







Jungkooookiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee. :")




By the way, I sincerely apologize for my short chapters guys.  I have a hard time making long ones. :(

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 6: It’s been 3 year but I’m still hoping you’ll update this story.
Chapter 6: authornim,pls starting to love dis story..cnt wait to read more chaps...fighting!
applerkang #3
Chapter 6: Wut? How can you not update this story authornim? TT_TT it's so good. Please don't give this up.
Nyane88 #4
Chapter 6: Authornimmmmm you've got to update this often...its soooooooooooo gooooodddddd!!!!! I had to actually control myself from giggling like a retard Hehe ^^
Please palli update juseyo authornim
Chapter 6: Omo please tell me you're still alive and just hybernating under a rock....couse if you've been abducted by an allien I'll surely die.... Please stop procrastinating and update juseyo
bumweh #6
Chapter 6: Waaah more update juseyo...
salexsha13 #7
Chapter 5: Next chapter palli juseyoooo
heiress #8
Chapter 6: Make Jiyong ubeeeeer jealous!!!
cottonmouth95 #9
Chapter 6: I soooo love you now author!!^_^
cottonmouth95 #10
Chapter 6: Jungkooooooookie!!!! Kyaaaaah!! While reading i thought the guy would be Tabi, Taeyang or Hae but Jung-effin-kook!! Wtf?! I'm so happy!!! Spitting rainbows!!