The Deal

The Sushi Deal

rottenappler: This one's for salexsha13 who's been threatening to punch the living daylights out of me if I don't start making the story for the plot that has been bouncing around my hyperactive mind for weeks. I owe you one. ;)


Sandara's POV

*pant pant

“Oh gaaaaaaaahhhhdd!!!!”

*huff huff

“Just a little bit more…!”


“Oh yeah… almost there”



Oh, stop it. I know exactly what you’re thinking about, you dirty minded person. And no, I am not engaging in things related to the images in your brain. Psshh.

Green minded people, really.

Right now, however, I am doing something as equally tiring as those dirty things you were thinking about a while ago. I am running at full speed with my newly washed hair now plastered to my forehead because of sweat and my legs about to break because of aching.

Park Bom, I swear if I can’t kill you, someone else will. I will pay them to do so.


This all her fault, I swear!! Okay fine, a liiiiiiittle bit was my fault. But she started it! My retarded best friend FORCED me to stay up late at night to watch the newest episodes of season 4 in the Game of Thrones series. (If forced means I suggested we watch it in the first place and even offered to cook homemade popcorn, yes I was FORCED!!!)

And if that wasn’t enough, she just had to make me re-watch (for the 56th time, mind you) the whole season 3. That was her favorite season because that was where her hatest character (and my favorite, shh) died. Oh y’know, the part where King Joffrey was stabbed by a sword on the back and his wife was –

ANYWAY! As I was saying, it is totally her fault. And now I, Sandara Park, am late. I AM LATE!

And not for class. Could you imagine that? ME, would be worried WITH BEING LATE FOR CLASS? My omma would die laughing. She’s always like that. It would always be like this:

Omma: You’re going already?

Me: Durr, mom. It’s already 9. The class starts at 7. I’m already two hours late. -.-

Omma: O.O

Me: ????

Omma: O.O


Omma: O.O

Me: Mom, seriously, I AM LATE. I’m off, bye!

Omma: (strangles me to death hugs me) DARRAA!! Omma is so proud of you! My little baby is changing!

Me: O.O

Omma: You’re actually worried being two hours late! Before, you would arrive at school when the last period was finishi-

Me: (leaves)


So.. you get the idea. What I’m worried about is an entirely different thing. Because…..



*embarrassed coughing

Which means, it’s the claiming of our VIP Customer raffle ticket rewards! I’ve been the most frequent customer of Omedeto for how many years now, to the point where they allow me to go to their kitchen and sometimes serving a few free drinks on the house. Too bad I can only afford the Gunkanmaki. Siiiiiiiiiiiiigh……

The Gunkanmaki is the cheapest sushi they serve at Omedeto. Though Gunkanmaki is more than satisfactory for my infinitely hungry tummy, I have always wanted to eat the Premium Nigirizushi. Gaahd, even the mere sound of its name makes me salivate.

 There are times though, like my payday at my part time job, where I can afford the Temakizushi Special . This also yummy sushi is the 3rd most expensive sushi at Omedeto’s and the most expensive I can afford when I am at my richest.


BUT! The more you visit Omedeto’s, the more raffle entries you have. Since I’m one of their most frequent customers (to the point where I even have a VIP card, kekeke), I have more raffle entries than most customers. By some miracle, my name was drawn at the anniversary raffle last week.  Which means I can get free sushi for every day at 6 am for a month, starting at the claiming day, which is today. And the best part is……..


Ordinary mortals cannot fathom how awesome that is. Like, hello? TEMAKIZUSHI, everyone? For free? EVERYDAY?

GAAAAAAAH. And this why I want to strangle Bom. The claiming was supposed to start at 6. I don’t even wanna look at my watch in fear that I’ll realize how late I already am. This is a once in a life time opportunity, and I AM GOING TO MISS IT?


HELL to the freaking NO.


A wide grin was starting to make its way to my face when I could start to see the first few Japnese characters that make up Omedeto Japanese Restaurant’s neon sign. I doubled up my pace, bumped into the store’s front door, and opened it. I was sweating and smelly, but I don’t care. I’m am going to claim my goddamn sushi.


I turned the knob and was surprised to see the store empty. Panic started to overwhelm me when I saw the people at the table next to the bar. There was a single man wearing a suit at the table, and a bunch of scary looking bodyguards stationed around him. At the surface of the table was a cluster of papers which I automatically assumed were claiming contracts.


Sitting in front of the man was a high school girl, whose face I couldn’t see because her back was facing me. The man in the suit shook his head regretfully, like he was sorry for girl and couldn’t do anything about her situation. The girl got up and turned around, and I saw that she was actually quite pretty.


Her face was sad and dejected as she made her way to the door. . Was she here to claim her coupon reward too and was too, and was too late? I checked my watch.

10:22 am.

No, no, no. NO. This is not happening. I am not leaving this restaurant without a TEMAKIZUSHI Package in my hand. If I do, a certain girl by the name of Park Bom will be removed from Korea’s population and will be six feet under the ground. I am not kidding.


I rushed to the guy, who was about to stand up and was fixing the papers on the table. I am going to convince this guy, damn it! And he is going to give me my sushi or else I will use my lethal aegyo attacks! And by lethal I mean it will lethally kill him in minutes when he witnesses my disgusting attempts to look cute. Sandara Park and aegyo? Not a good combination.

“Ahjussi! Wait!”

Ahjussi? So wrong. The guy turned around and I saw that he was anything but. He was GORGEOUS. He had blond hair, which should have made him look totally gay, but had the opposite effect. Shaped eyebrows, dark brown eyes, a long nose and a prominent jaw. Damn. And is that a tattoo on his hand? Double damn.

Aigoo!!! Dara, focus on the prize. The sushi is the prize, not this delectable fine piece of male in front of you. Salivate on the tuna, and not on handsome blond stranger.

He raised his eyebrows.

“Err... Mister, please choose me!” I bowed 90 degrees. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Sandara Park does not have any dignity when it comes to sushi.

“Excuse me?” Handsome blond stranger’s voice was curious.

“I beg you! I really want this!!”

“Really?” The guy’s smirk was taunting, his eyes amused. He looked… cocky.

Uh-oh. Handsome blond stranger is a jerk.

“Yes! I’m sorry I was late, but please if you would just allow me this one time, I promise I will fulfill my end of the bargain properly!” I replied, pertaining to the picking up of my sushi on time every day.

That was what I thought I was talking about, but for some reason, I had this feeling everything would go wrong sometime very soon. But still, I continued on.

“I would really appreciate it if you made me an exception from all the other people who went here.

The guy was still smirking in a manner that was VERY irritating. Okay, not that irritating. It was actually very y. I was just irritated that I FOUND it y. Arrgh. Stupid handsome guy is stupid. His arms were crossed across his chest and his weight was resting on one leg. His smirk and his laid back posture screamed that this whole thing was a bad, bad idea. But me being the idiot that I am, chose to go on.

“Do you really want this?” He asked. He was still smirking. Grrrrr. It was like he knew something I didn’t and that unsettled me very much.

“Yes.” I replied immediately, suddenly aware of the fact that I was going to be late (AGAIN) for school. I need to hurry.

He turned to one of the bodyguards behind him. “Go get our young lady a stack of Nigirizushi.”

I couldn’t even care about his young lady comment because of my shock. PREMIUM NIGIRI!?!? But I though the raffle I draw only applied for TEMAKIZUSHI?

“Err.. Premium Tuna? I think you must be mistaken. I’m only a Temaki Sushi raffle winner.” Sure, I would willingly give my right arm for a month’s worth of Nigiri Sushi, but I would never take something that wasn’t mine. That just wasn’t me.

“Don’t worry. Omedeto Japanese Restaurant has decided to give you our Premium Nigiri Special instead of the original Temaki package, as our token of appreciation for your loyalty and devotion to our restaurant. If you sign this contract, please.” He gestured to the 7 pages of paper stapled together with some official looking words. I skipped the first six pages and immediately signed the last page, where an underline and the word partner below it was located.

Partner? Wasn’t is supposed to be “recipient”, or”winner “or something?


“Don’t you want to read it first?” He was amused. And smirking. Still smirking. Grr.

“No need.” I casually replied. I don’t need to read it. I get free sushi for a month, what’s so hard to understand about that? Besides, I’m running late.

I looked at my watch once more to check the time. Well, actually, to get away from the scrutinizing gaze of the man in front of me. He was staring at me intently, not like he was checking me out or something, but more like he was analyzing me. God, what was taking my sushi so long? I looked at him again and saw that he was STILL looking at me. SMIRK.STILL.THERE. Grr. Looked at my watch again, and anywhere else but him.




“My name is Kwon Jiyong, by the way.” He suddenly said.

“Why would I need to know your name?” Oops, that came out harsher than I intended. BLAME IT ON THE SMIRK, EVERYBODY.

“I have a feeling you will be using it sometime soon.” Okay, that was mysterious. I coughed.

“Sandara Park. Anyway, why isn’t the manager here?” I asked, to change topic.

“I’m his cousin. And the actual owner of this place. I funded this restaurant. He just manages it.”  He leaned back on his seat and crossed his legs, and rested his arms behind his head. Yes, it’s official. I am changing his title from Handsome Blond Stranger to Cocky Blond Stranger. Or Handsome Cocky Blond Stranger. Whatever.

“Why isn’t he the one monitoring the raffle transactions?”

“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” He said. At that exact moment, Cocky Blond Stranger’s bodyguard came in with a stack of Premium Nigirisushi, with the manager beside him.


I was clasping my hands together with stars in my eyes and saliva dripping from my mouth when the manager’s voice snapped me from my sushi heaven trance.

“Sandara – shi? Why are you still here?” Hyung Don ahjussi, the manager, said.

Huh? I was starting to get confused. All I want is to grab my sushi and get the hell out of here.

Cocky Blond Stranger stood up from his seat and adjusted his necktie. “Let’s go boys. I have a feeling things will start to get messy in a while. He left the contract on the table and went towards me.

And kissed me on the cheek.

Let’s review that particular sentence again, shall we?



“See you tomorrow, babe.” He winked and strode out of the restaurant, his bodyguards tailing behind him.

I hastily looked at Hyung Don ahjussi. “What just happened?” I asked, still holding my warm cheek.

“Dara-ssi, what are you still doing here?” He asked me. Is this a prank or something?

I rolled my eyes. “I got my raffle sushi, what else?” I gestured to my delicious Premium Tuna stack that I was holding.

‘What are you talking about? The claiming ended 4 hours ago. It started at 6.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” I had a sudden sinking feeling of panic as I waited for him to continue.

“Did you, by any chance, sign Jiyong’s contract?” He asked. I just nodded, unable to say anything.

“Did you perhaps… just sign it without reading it?” I blushed. That was enough of an answer. Hyung Don ahjussi just sighed. He took the contract from its place on the table and handed it to me. “Read it. “

I took the wretched paper from him and started reading. Blood drained from my face with every passing page I finished reading, while Hyung Don looked at me with sympathy.

I didn’t sign a freaking Sushi deal. I signed that bastard’s stupid contract.

A contract where it indicates that:

  1. I need to pretend to be his girlfriend and woman for a span of 5 months.
  2. His dad is some big shot CEO of an equally big shot company.
  3. He wants to be the heir of the company, but his father apparently wants to test his son if he is a human being capable of owning a company not because of greed, but because of leadership and responsibility and all that.
  4. His GENUIS (sarcasm overload here) father plans on testing if he can prove that he is not just some greedy heartless bastard and is capable of love.
  5. He gets a friggin’ company and I get anything I want that he can afford (where in my case, is sushi)
  6. And we must act like lovers while inside his wretched mansion, but must never ever develop personal attraction towards the other party.

I was fooled. Man, I was fooled good. That jerk made a good decision of running away while I didn’t know the whole truth. Because I swear, if he was here, I would have gotten the nearest knife in the kitchen and sliced him to pieces.

I am officially adding the name “Kwon Jiyong” to the list of my to-kill-people, along with “Park Bom”.

I was fooled. I need to pretend to be the woman of some jerk whose name is the only thing I know about him. I haven’t gotten my proper 8 hours of sleep. I haven’t eaten breakfast. And I’m late for school.

But at least I have a stack of Premium Nigirizushi in my hand.

Yeah, my life is great.

Subscribe if you like this story, comment if you want to say anything or if you have a question. I'll answer them as soon as I can. ^_^

Thank you. 












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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 6: It’s been 3 year but I’m still hoping you’ll update this story.
Chapter 6: authornim,pls starting to love dis story..cnt wait to read more chaps...fighting!
applerkang #3
Chapter 6: Wut? How can you not update this story authornim? TT_TT it's so good. Please don't give this up.
Nyane88 #4
Chapter 6: Authornimmmmm you've got to update this often...its soooooooooooo gooooodddddd!!!!! I had to actually control myself from giggling like a retard Hehe ^^
Please palli update juseyo authornim
Chapter 6: Omo please tell me you're still alive and just hybernating under a rock....couse if you've been abducted by an allien I'll surely die.... Please stop procrastinating and update juseyo
bumweh #6
Chapter 6: Waaah more update juseyo...
salexsha13 #7
Chapter 5: Next chapter palli juseyoooo
heiress #8
Chapter 6: Make Jiyong ubeeeeer jealous!!!
cottonmouth95 #9
Chapter 6: I soooo love you now author!!^_^
cottonmouth95 #10
Chapter 6: Jungkooooooookie!!!! Kyaaaaah!! While reading i thought the guy would be Tabi, Taeyang or Hae but Jung-effin-kook!! Wtf?! I'm so happy!!! Spitting rainbows!!