The Explanation

The Sushi Deal

First off, I really really don’t know how to apologize enough for being so late. I promised to update frequently and now it’s been more than a year since I last uploaded a chapter. I am soooo sorry guys.

But! The good news is I’m back from my hiatus, and not that busy anymore.  I shall try to post as frequently as I can this time. I will also try to update my other story, Idol Online. Look forward to it and please continue to read and subscribe. :)


The girl in the mirror was scary. Like, really scary. She had bags under her eyes, she had bedhead, her pajamas were rumpled, and she still had dried saliva sticking to the side of .


But who cares about the girl in the mirror? I AM LATE. AGAIN. Why can’t I ever go to school early like a decent human being for once? Gaaaah.  Just then, a text arrived.

Sushi Bastard: Where are you? Almost everyone is at school already.

I tossed my phone on my bead and went to the bathroom to take a bath. Grr. Just a week after meeting him and I’m already submissive.  Gaaaaaaah.

While I was taking a bath, I thought about all sorts of things. Like how he has been texting and bugging me to move into his stupid mansion already (the heck? This is how girls get -­_-) and my shock when I found out he was actually still college student. Well, he looked young, but he carried this some sort of authority that made him seem like a geezer. I refused a million times about his moving in offer, but I think I won’t be able to refuse any longer. That bastard is reeeeaaaaally persuasive when he wants something. And what he wants is me to move in. No idea WHY. Although I still don’t really understand how I’m supposed to act as his wife, all I know is that I am the proud owner of a lot of stacks of sushi. Premium Sushi. Mwahahahahaha.

After taking a bath, I went back to get my phone to see if I had new messages. I did. A lot.


Sushi Bastard: What the hell is taking you so long?

Sushi Bastard:  Did you run away? You ran away, didn’t you?

Sushi Bastard: Hey Sushi Duck. Where are you?


HA. I felt a little smug, seeing that he was worrying. Serves him right. But a frown appeared in my forehead when I read his latest message.


Sushi Bastard: I need this. I really do.


His tone worried me a little bit. I dressed up, combed my hair, packed my things and went to school. I wasn’t actually worried about being late because Bom’s the monitor, and she told me beforehand that the professor wouldn’t be attending class today. So I still had time. But still, the bastard’s message worried me. Why does he need this so much?



When I reached the school’s premises, I texted Jiyong.


Me: Yaah, where are you? At the school gates already.

A while later, his text arrived.

Sushi Bastard: Canteen. We have a free period. Shouldn’t you be in class?

Gaaaah. The bastard knows my schedule.

Me: Hav  a free period too. Prof not here.

Sushi Bastard: Good. Need to talk to you.

Me: Where?

Sushi Bastard: Behind the old school fountain.


Something was a little strange about the way he texted. It wasn’t the usual flirty Jiyong. Not that I’m complaining, but… it was weird.

I went to the old school fountain and spotted him there, sitting. He saw me as I approached. Something was really weird. He wasn’t smiling or teasing me.


‘Hey. So what did you wanna talk about?’

‘Just so you forgot, you’re still binded by a contract. SO legally, you’re still my wife.’ He said, emotionless.

Grr. How could I even forget?

‘Yes, yeobo.’ I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

He didn’t even react. ‘That’s why I need you to move in. The mansion is the only place where we can act as lovers.  That’s where the stage is. I can’t pretend to be lovey-dovey with you here in school.’

I was confused.  ‘Why?’

He shot me an irritated glance. ‘Because it will stir up rumors, because it will shock the majority that I’m dating a girl like you, because it’s bothersome, because they’ll want to see more from us than what we’re willing to show. Enough reasons for you?’ He rolled his eyes.

BASTARD. ‘ Yaah! Who do you think is granting you a favor here!?’

‘This isn’t a favor, Sushi Duck. You have no choice.’

‘What is with that stupid nickname!? How am I even remotely close to a duck?’

‘Your mouth pouts  like a duck’s beak when you get mad. It’s irritatingly adorable. See? You’re doing it now. ’ He chuckled. I instantly stopped pouting.

‘Back to the topic. Why are we not allowed to pretend like lovers at school? Not that I want to or anything, but it’s just a little strange why you don’t want to be seen together at school but it’s okay when we’re at your home. And why me, anyway? Why not go bother a prettier, more submissive, better girl?’ I half-screamed. It was exasperating!

He looked at me for a moment. ‘Because of this.’ And he kissed me.

Fast. Lighting fast. Speedy. Just a peck on the lips.



‘To prove a point.’ He calmly said.

‘That wasn’t a point, bastard! That was a k-k-kiss!’

‘Yeah, it was. That was the point.’

Inhale. Exhale. Keep yourself calm, Park. Talk to this demon properly.

‘Explain.’ I said. I was at my limit.

He sighed. ‘I don’t like you. I don’t find you pretty, beautiful, or alluring. Interesting, maybe, but not to the point where I’d do something like trap you with a contract and bribe you with sushi. I could use any girl I wanted, and I know it’s shocking I chose a nobody like you.’

I know I asked for it. I know I wanted the truth. But it still stung. His words still hurt.

‘But.’ He continued, ‘That’s exactly the point. You see, I’m… allergic to girls.’

My eyes went as wide as saucers. O.O

‘Yeah, I am. I can’t stand touching them, seeing them, hearing them talk, laugh, or do anything, They annoy the living daylight outta me. But the worst thing is, I can’t touch them. I pretend to be a flirt so people don’t see that I have a problem with girls. That’s why my dad wants me to marry a girl and be lovey-dovey in my house. Because he thinks that I won’t be worthy enough to inherit his company if I can’t interact with women. After all, someone who can’t even talk to women isn’t fit to run a company that targets men and women alike.’

My eyebrows rose. He still hasn’t answered my question.

‘So why me?’ I asked.

‘Because surprisingly enough, I don’t despise you. I find you annoying, true, but I don’t dislike or fear being touched by you. That’s why I kissed you in Omedeto. Because I found you interesting, and I kissed you to see if my body would feel disgust or fear If I kissed you. And I didn’t. That’s why I need you to be my partner. Because you’re the only female I’m not allergic to.’


Soo... this isn't really a chap. It'smore ofa filler chapter. For explanation purposes. :)


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 6: It’s been 3 year but I’m still hoping you’ll update this story.
Chapter 6: authornim,pls starting to love dis story..cnt wait to read more chaps...fighting!
applerkang #3
Chapter 6: Wut? How can you not update this story authornim? TT_TT it's so good. Please don't give this up.
Nyane88 #4
Chapter 6: Authornimmmmm you've got to update this often...its soooooooooooo gooooodddddd!!!!! I had to actually control myself from giggling like a retard Hehe ^^
Please palli update juseyo authornim
Chapter 6: Omo please tell me you're still alive and just hybernating under a rock....couse if you've been abducted by an allien I'll surely die.... Please stop procrastinating and update juseyo
bumweh #6
Chapter 6: Waaah more update juseyo...
salexsha13 #7
Chapter 5: Next chapter palli juseyoooo
heiress #8
Chapter 6: Make Jiyong ubeeeeer jealous!!!
cottonmouth95 #9
Chapter 6: I soooo love you now author!!^_^
cottonmouth95 #10
Chapter 6: Jungkooooooookie!!!! Kyaaaaah!! While reading i thought the guy would be Tabi, Taeyang or Hae but Jung-effin-kook!! Wtf?! I'm so happy!!! Spitting rainbows!!